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Wildlife and Parks Commission to meet Oct. 15 in Sedan
Fishing regulations, spring turkey seasons top agenda
PRATT — On Oct. 15, the Kansas Wildlife and Parks Commission will conduct a public meeting and hearing at the VFW, 610 Walnut in Sedan. The meeting's afternoon session will begin at 1:30 p.m. and recess at 5 p.m. The evening public hearing will begin at 7 p.m. The public is invited to attend all sessions of the meeting.
Discussion items scheduled for the afternoon session include the following:
- Americorps program;
- Law Enforcement Division training programs;
- hunting and angling access programs;
- fall turkey season;
- wind energy update; and
- state of lesser prairie chicken.
The commission will recess at 5 p.m., then reconvene at the same location at 7 p.m., beginning with proposals for future regulation that include the following workshop items:
- big game series 115-4 series permanent regulations;
- deer 115 series regulations; and
- Elk and Deer Commissioner permits
After the workshop session, the commission will conduct a public hearing for approval of regulations on the following topics:
- KAR 115-25-6 — turkey spring season, bag limit, permits, and game tags;
- KAR 115-2-1 —fees for Spring Turkey permits;
- KAR 115-2-3a — cabin camping permit fees;
- KAR 115-7-1 —legal fishing equipment, methods of taking, and other provisions;
- KAR 115-7-3 —taking of bait fish or minnows;
- KAR 115-7-10 —special fishing provisions;
- KAR 115-8-6 — fish bait, and seining;
- KAR 115-25-14 — fishing creel limit, size limit, possession limit, and open season;
- El Dorado White Perch Control Plan; and
- KAR 115-20-7 —legal dove hunting equipment, taking methods, and possession.
Time will be set aside in both the afternoon and evening sessions for public comment on topics that are not on the agenda. If necessary, the commission will recess on Aug. 6 and reconvene Aug. 7 to complete any unfinished business.
If notified in advance, the department will have an interpreter available for the hearing impaired. To request an interpreter, phone the Kansas Commission For the Deaf and Hard of Hearing at 1-800-432-0698. Any individual with a disability may request other accommodations by contacting the commission secretary at 620-672-5911.
The next commission meeting is scheduled for Cheyenne Bottoms Visitors Center, near Great Bend, on Jan. 7, 2010.
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