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Free family fishing clinics slated throughout summer
“Give a kid a fish and feed him for a day.”
The second half of that saying goes something like, “Teach a kid to fish and feed him for life.” The old adage explains in just a few words what so many anglers already know — that fishing is a lifelong hobby and practical skill, but also that fishing can become a foundation for both memories and appreciation for the natural world.
Through the Wildlife Department’s Aquatic Resources Education Program (AREP), kids and adults can choose from courses held near urban areas throughout the state this summer to learn about fishing and try their own hand at catching a fish.
Oklahoma has thousands of miles of shoreline along its many lakes, rivers, streams and ponds, and many of them are close to urban areas and open to the public for angling. The AREP program is designed to help people get a start in the sport so they can take advantage of the many fishing opportunities available to them.
According to Damon Springer, aquatic education coordinator for the Wildlife Department, the free clinics will benefit families trying to learn about the sport as well as those looking for easy and affordable opportunities to spend time with family.
The Aquatic Resource Education Program will hold classes through August, many of which will be held at the Wildlife Department’s Arcadia Conservation Education Area in Edmond or the Zebco Pond in Tulsa. Others will be held at local ponds in Oklahoma City and in Jenks. A full course listing is available on the Wildlife Department’s Web site at wildlifedepartment.com. Pre-registration for each course is required and can be done by calling the phone number listed with each course.
The Aquatic Resources Education Program is the Department's means to promote the sport of fishing and aquatic resource awareness as well as a way to give youth, regardless of family situation, an opportunity to learn about Oklahoma's aquatic environments and how to fish.
Developed in 1988, the program's objectives are to increase the understanding, appreciation, and awareness of Oklahoma's aquatic resources; facilitate the learning of angling skills, outdoor ethics, and sport fishing opportunities in the state; enhance urban fishing opportunities; develop adult fishing clinics and provide information on specialized fishing techniques.
These events — usually lasting a few hours — present information on such topics as fish identification, knot-tying, fish cleaning and cooking, fishing tackle selection and use, water safety, outdoor ethics and more.
Most clinics, including Lake Arcadia family fishing clinics, include fishing at a nearby pond or lake.
According to Springer, the fishing clinics will benefit youth as well as play an important role of the future of Oklahoma’s outdoor heritage.
For more information about the Aquatic Resources Education Program, log on to the Department’s Web site at wildlifedepartment.com.
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