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Early migratory bird seasons top evening
public hearing agenda
June 22, 2006 - SCOTT CITY -- The public is invited
to attend a meeting of the Kansas Wildlife and Parks Commission
Thursday, June 29, at the William Carpenter 4-H Building in Scott
City. The afternoon session will begin at 1:30 p.m.; the evening
public hearing begins at 7 p.m.
The afternoon session will begin with department
reports on 2006 legislation affecting the department, fiscal
years 2006 and 2007 budgets, fiscal year 2008 capital improvement
projects, and a status report on the planned Kansas Wetlands
Education Center at Cheyenne Bottoms Wildlife Area. The session
will also include discussion on the following topics:
a report from the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service;
status of the department's Deer Task Force, which is developing
recommendations for future deer permitting and management;
preliminary recommendations for the 2007 spring turkey season;
a review of the status of lesser prairie chickens in Kansas;
an update on the sale of commission big game permits;
a report on Hispanic hunter education efforts in southwest Kansas;
status of the Landowner Incentive Program and playa lakes conservation
efforts in western Kansas;
state park motor vehicle fees, which will reflect adjustments
to half-price in 2007 due to action by the 2006 Kansas Legislature;
the Archery in the Schools program, which is being implemented
on a pilot basis; and
a summary of the department's stream monitoring program.
The afternoon session will recess at 5 p.m., and
the commission will reconvene at 7 p.m. at the same location.
The commission will hear a report on efforts by the Kansas State
Historical Society and the department to develop interpretive
facilities for the El Cuartelejo ruins in Scott State Park. The
commission will then conduct a workshop session, in preparation
for potential future regulatory action, on the following topics:
changes in fishing regulations in 2007, including establishing
length and creel limits by regulation instead of Secretary's
Orders, implementation of a fishing tournament registration and
tournament Bass Pass, modification of trout permit requirements,
and development of a paddlefish snagging permit;
2006 late migratory bird seasons; and
development of a regulation establishing caging standards for
exotic animals and minimum qualifications for registered animal
handlers, in response to a law passed by the 2006 Kansas Legislature
controlling the possession of those animals.
The evening session will also include a public
hearing to establish 2006 early migratory bird seasons and to
establishing duck zone boundaries for the years 2006 through
2010. Department recommendations for early migratory bird seasons
include the following:
Rail (Sora and Virginia): Sept. 1 through Nov. 9, with bag and
possession limits of 25 and 25, respectively;
Snipe: Sept. 1 through Dec. 16, with bag and possession limits
of 8 and 16, respectively;
Woodcock: Oct. 14 through Nov. 27, with bag and possession limits
of 3 and 6, respectively;
High Plains Teal: Sept. 16 24, or Sept. 9 24, or
Sept. 16 23 (depending on total days allowed by U. S. Fish
and Wildlife Service), with bag and possession limits of 4 and
8, respectively;
Low Plains Teal: Sept. 16 24 or Sept. 9 24 (depending
on total days allowed by U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service), with
bag and possession limits of 4 and 8, respectively; and
September Canada Goose: Sept. 16 25, with bag and possession
limits of 3 and 6, respectively.
The area open for September goose hunting is proposed
to be expanded from past years, and to include all of Kansas
east of U. S. 183 and north of K-96.
The public hearing will also include a recommendation
to maintain the current duck hunting zones, with minor boundary
modifications (one to move a small area southwest of Great Bend
from the Early Zone to the Late Zone in order to provide late
hunting opportunity on the Arkansas River, and one to move a
small area east of Dodge City from the Late Zone to the Early
Zone to better match the season with waterfowl use of several
playas located in that area).
If necessary, the Commission will recess on June
29, to reconvene June 30 at 9 a.m. at the same location to complete
its business. Time will be made available in all sessions to
allow public comment on topics which are not on the agenda.
If notified in advance, the department will have
an interpreter available for the hearing impaired. To request
an interpreter, call the Kansas Commission of Deaf and Hard of
Hearing at 1-800-432-0698. Any individual with a disability may
request other accommodations by contacting the Commission Secretary
at 620-672-5911.
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