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New survey reveals continuing trend
September 22, 2006 - HARRISONBURG, Va. -- As
the 35th annual National Hunting and Fishing Day approaches on
Sept. 23, a new nationwide survey of Americans 18 years old and
older shows that a strong majority of Americans support hunting
and fishing. The nationwide survey, conducted by Responsive Management
of Harrisonburg, Va., found that support for hunting and fishing
has remained strong over the past decade with approximately three
out of four Americans approving of legal hunting and more than
nine out of 10 approving of recreational fishing.
"We have been seeing public support for hunting
increase in several states over the past decade where we had
data, but this is the first nationwide study where we could verify
that public support has increased nationwide," says Mark
Damian Duda, executive director of Responsive Management.
In 1995, 73 percent of Americans approved of hunting
while in 2006, 78 percent approved of hunting. Support for fishing
nationwide remains very high, with 93.3 percent of Americans
approving. The results of this survey reflect the opinions of
a random telephone survey of 813 adult Americans conducted from
Aug. 31 through Sept. 9. The sampling error is 3.44 percentage
Steve Williams, current president of the Wildlife
Management Institute and former director of the U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service and secretary of the Kansas Department of Wildlife
and Parks, notes that "Sportsmen are essential to wildlife
protection and management. Game management programs, which are
funded by sportsmen's dollars, have restored numerous wildlife
species, such as wild turkey, wood ducks, white-tailed deer,
beaver, pronghorn antelope, and Canada geese. In addition, sportsmen's
dollars have purchased and managed millions of acres of fish
and wildlife habitat."
For more information and the complete survey, visit
Responsive Management's website.
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