Our customers are happy to hear
that Danny King's Punch Bait is back
After not being made for a while, Danny King's catfish punch bait is back in business and better than ever. They have returned to the original formula that made this bait such a popular bait in the past. This bait is manufactured to Danny's specifications and is hand cooked and hand packed. They are now producing four varieties of bait: Blood, Garlic, and Original. All four are available in more than one size container for your convenience..
This bait will stay on your treble hook (we recommend a #4 or #6) without the use of a sponge or screw or dip bait worm. Just punch the hook to the bottom of the container using a "push stick" or a twig and pull it out using the line. All the bait you need will be on the hook. No need to touch the bait with your hands!
The baits are available in three sizes - 12 oz - $6.99, 24 oz - $9.99 and 7 1/2 pounds $32.99.
Original Punch Bait - This is the bait that started it all in the 60s. Our customers have asked for this bait for years when they are going catfishing. It will produce results in most any conditions.
Blooded Punch Bait - This "flavor" is the favorite of many of our customers as well as the cafish they are after. The blood stimulates the feeding impulses and makes for a sense of attack on a natural prey.
Garlic Punch Bait - Are you fishing an area with standing grasses? The garlic scent makes for a natural attractant in those areas.
Looking for Gizzard Bait?- The original Danny King has discontinued their Gizzard formula. We do however carry the Suki Bait from Danny King himself. You can find it - Click Here.
Sometimes our customers ask us how to thicken punch bait. When punch bait gets hot, it will sometimes get soft and the fibers don't hold as well. If cooling the bait doesn't help, you can thicken it by adding fiber to it.
Click here to see how to add fiber to punch bait
* Note about shipping *
The bait is a heavy item in relation to the value so the shipping may be adjusted to cover actual freight charges if you are very far from us. We always compare USPS vs. UPS/FedEx to find the lowest cost for the customer. If you have a UPS/FedEx recognized business address, shipping to it will save you money on shipments with them ($3.00 on average).
Order Danny King's Punch Bait here
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* Note about shipping *
The bait is a heavy item in relation to the value so the shipping may be adjusted to cover actual freight charges. We always compare USPS vs. UPS/FedEx to find the lowest cost for the customer. If you have a UPS/FedEx recognized business address, shipping to it will save you money on shipments with them ($3.00 on average).
Danny L. King is the "Father" of the "Original" Catfish Punch Bait. Danny made and marketed the first punch bait in June of 1966. In 1991, after many years of experimenting with different ingredients, he and his wife Ruth decided to take the bait to the general public. It has proven over and over again that it will catch catfish, large and small in all types of water, from Texas to Illinois and all in between. Ruth King, Danny's wife, was the person responsible for traveling and pushing to get the punch bait to the general public. She convinced Danny to talk with fishermen about how to fish and use the bait properly. Danny King's Catfish Punch Bait is the #1 bait sold in lots of states and was rated #1 catfish bait by Microsoft for 2004 in number of hits per day on their website.
Danny King and his team fished the ACATS Tournaments Trails and qualified four times for the Classic. They won the Classic in 2002, 2003, 2004 and hold the honor of being the first place team three years in a row. Danny and his team took 5th place in the 2005 Classic, took third place in the Anglers of the Year for 2003, and won Angler of the Year for 2004 and 2005. Danny also won the prestigious Bucket Award (equal to "Most Valuable Player Award"). King and team won 1st place and biggest fish at the Bass Pro Big Catfish Quest hosted on Lake Texoma Texas in 2006 and 2007. His team won 1st place on Lake Whitney Texas, 2nd place on Toledo Bend Texas and Hugo Lake Oklahoma, and 3rd place on Lake Ray Hubbard Texas, which were all ACATS tournaments. Danny and his team placed 2nd for Anglers of the Year in 2006.
With the decline of his wife's health, Danny had to cut back on his aggressive schedule of seminars and tournaments. Beginning in 2012 Danny has returned to providing "how to" seminars at Boat and Tackle shows in Texas, Oklahoma, and Arkansas. His years of experience coupled with his exceptional bait has once again made him a "show" favorite. In addition, he is providing the quality assurance on all of the bait now produced under his name. He is ensuring the bait is as good or better than it has been and that any problems from the past are resolved and not repeated. He stands behind every jar produced at our new Texas location. If it doesn't say "TEXAS", it's not the tried and true Danny King's formula.