Do-It Jigging Spoon

 737 S. Washington #6 ~ Wichita, KS 67211 ~ (316) 265-5551

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Jigging Spoon

Capture the attention of certain speciesnotably the Striped Bass. Cleverly designed with one flat side and one tapered "keel-shaped" side for a wiggling action irresistible to fish. This "heavy-weight" can reach the bottom of deep water. Add an in-line swivel and you have a most effective retriever. On a fast uptake the lure will have an extreme wiggling, spinning action simulating a frightened minnow to generate a vicious strike.

Way to read the pull down is as follows:
1st four #'s followed by * is the model #, then the rest is the # of cavities the mold has and what size that cavity is in oz.


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