Team Catfish has come up with a secret formula for their catfish dip bait. The secret dip bait is being called Secret-7 Premium Catfishing Dip Bait and it's for sale at Zeiner's in our store or on line.
The Team Catfish, Secret 7, catfish dip bait is available in two different sizes. The first comes in a small tub with approx 1 pound of bait. The second one comes in a large tub with approx 4 pounds of bait in it. Order your Secret Seven Dip Bait here.
The Team Catfish crew has released a new bait. Brand new and smokin hot is the only way to describe the new SUDDEN IMPACT fiber bait from Team Catfish....
This new bait will revolutionize the manufactured bait industry. You can just use a treble hook to hold it on, or you can easily dip a bait holder like a DEAD RED dip tube or mini FURRY THaNG into the SUDDEN IMPACT for great results. Order your Sudden Impact Fiber Enriched Catfish Bait here.
Hey all you cut bait fishermen, we have got a great new product for you! The Team Catfish DEAD RED Blood Spray. When your cut bait looses all of its blood and scent, just reel it in and give it a few squirts of our all purpose catfish attractant. This liquid looks like and feels just like blood plus it is loaded with natural attractants and fish oils.
(TIP)Squirt iDEAD RED on, or mix it in with all your frozen baits......and bring them back to life! A little DEAD RED Blood Spray goes a long way! Super Concentrated,
Whoop it on um! Order your Dead Red Blood Spray here.
Starting out with the Team Catfish EZ Load Dip bait tube. The dip bait tube is available in a few different packaging styles. The Team Catfish EZ LOAD Dip Bait Tubes are the best there is. These dip tubes are super soft with 3 large vent/loading holes in them. The 3 large holes make these tubes very easy to load with dip bait. All of the special colors attract catfish and make them hammer the EZ LOAD tubes with force. Order your Secret Seven Dip Bait Tubes here.
The Team Catfish FURRY THaNG Dip Bait Holders are the ticket. They are made with loop after loop of bait holding ability. These babies are bait hogs, they don't like to let go of your dipbait! Just poke these in our SECRET-7 Dip Bait, cast it out, and hang on to your pole! These rigs are made with the original Looper material that has been wacking catfish for many years. Also the FURRY THaNG rigs include our very own DEAD RED TITAN treble hooks or J Hook, needle sharp and strong. Order your Secret Seven Mini Furry Thang here.
Team Catfish also has some great hooks for serious catfisherman. There are five different styles available. They are the Jackhammer, Double Action, Mighty Wide, Super Circle, and Super J Catfish Hooks. The JACKHAMMER is easy to use, needle sharp and super srtong, they allow you to set the hook anyway you want. The DOUBLE ACTION works 2 ways, Set the hook with a long sweep of the rod or let the fish bury the pole and hook themselves. The pattern on the Mighty WIDE Hook from Team Catfish is absolutely perfect for big baits and big cats. Super Circle Hooks are designed to conquer any super size catfish that you might be fishing for. Super J Hooks are designed to conquer any super size catfish that you might be fishing for. Order your Secret Seven Hooks here.
Catfish anglers rejoice! Finally, a drift fishing or snagless sinker designed with you in mind. The Team Catfish SMOOTH OPERATOR sinkers are built in 3 great sizes, 1 oz, 1.5 oz. and 2 oz. We have tested these sinkers in places where no sinker should go, they work! We have built them with a super slick slide on the top to run your line through, so all those soft bites will be detcted making hook up's easier. The flexible design creeps and crawls over just about anything! Order your Secret Seven Sinkers here. When you go to the sinkers you will also see Team Catfish's Sinker Slidez and Bumperz Sinker Stops.
sneekATTACK Sinker Slidez are the handiest little catfishing gizmos you can find anywhere. Imagine being able to change sinker sizes or take the sinkers off your poles whenever you want to without cutting your line! We have the solution and its a real time saver. It'd be the one and only sneekATTACK sinker slide. These great products also allow you to fish a slip sinker rig with a super slick slide that your line travels through. Guess What? Mr. Whiskers will never feel your line traveling through the slide untill you whack him in the jaw. These are a must have for all catfish anglers. A favorite product of Team Catfish. Order your Secret Seven Sinker Sliders here.
The Team Catfish SINKER BUMPERS are just one of those great products that will work for everyone at anytime. We started looking very closely at all those hard plastic beads and heavy lead sinkers that come crashing down on top of our swivels, resulting in damage to our lines and knots.
We searched everywhere…..We couldn’t find a good durable solution…….So we built one……..
The ultimate line and knot protector is the Team Catfish SINKER BUMPER. This is the only soft rubber knot and line protector designed to be used with heavy lead sinkers. The SINKER BUMPER will bounce lead sinkers right off the knot! If you are looking in the ultimate in line and knot protection, throw those HARD plastic beads away, and get yourself some insurance! GET SOME SINKER BUMPERS!!!
Order your Secret Seven Sinker Bumperz here.
Introducing the Team Catfish GLOW-WRAPZ. The greatest night fishing glow product ever. Just wrap the GLOW-WRAPZ around your pole and let them glow. An amazing new glow technology allows the GLOW-WRAPZ to glow for 10 hours or more. To keep them shining like a diamond, a 5 second quick charge with a flashlight is the answer. You can also custom cut the GLOW-WRAPZ to fit anything you want to shine at night! Place the GLOW-WRAPZ on your pole from the tip to 2 ft. back for the best performance.
No more bugs and lights...........
No more "one time use" glow sticks, Team Catfish's GLOW-WRAPZ keep working night after night.
You get 3 GLOW-WRAPZ per pack = 2.99 Order your Team Catfish Glow Wrapz here.
Are you looking for a great new fish handling product developed to save your fingers from those catfish’s mouths? You have to try an awesome new product called THE FLOATING FISH GRIP (HD). It snaps on their jaws and won’t let go until you do. It’s a great product for kids and other anglers that aren't sure how to hold a catfish. Works great when releasing or taking pictures of your next big catfish! Order your Floating Fish Grip here.
Team Catfish Gold Ring Fishing Reels

Team Catfish fans have been asking for a reel that will do the job on catfish. One that would fit most situations on lakes and rivers. Team Catfish heard their pleas and now have the reel for them.
Team Catfish pros field tested this reel and found they could cast further while the felt the smooth power of this incredible new catfishing reel.
Order your reel here.
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