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Statistics tell the story of the 2002 Wal-Mart Kids All American
Fishing Derbies
December 26, 202 - KETCHUM, Okla. Who ever said that statistics were
dry didn't know about the world's largest kids fishing program,
the Wal-Mart Kids All American Fishing Derbies. Godon Holland
shares the 2002 stats from the ponds of play for 250,000 young
anglers ages 5 to 16 participating in the over 1,500 individual
events held nationwide.
5,392,800 Worms used. For the sixteenth
year in a row, worms beat minnows 4 to 1 as the kids' favorite
bait. Placed end to end along Interstate 45, the worms would
stretch all the way from Dallas to Houston, 250 miles.
25,534 Miles of monofilament fishing line
used by the young anglers. That's enough to stretch from New
York City to Los Angeles. Nine times.Thousands Fish caught, including
bluegills, catfish and bass. Tugs on the line? Whose counting?
1,111,854 More than a million hot dogs
were consumed (and washed down with 56,175 gallons of soda) by
hungry kids and adults. The unsung heroes of the derbies are
the parents and adult volunteers who organize and manage the
half-day events, according to Gordon Holland, whose Hooked on
Fishing International produces the popular fishing derbies.
937,500 Snapshots taken. Priceless.
Holland estimates that all the records
will be broken in 2003 and his
organization is already seeking out more adult volunteer organizations
and agencies to put on new events. The organization enjoys support
from state fish and game departments, parks and recreation departments,
chambers of commerce, YMCAs, fishing clubs, scouting groups,
and civic and service clubs. Local and regional chapters and
other groups can sign up for the
2003 derby program at the Hooked On Fishing web site,
Sponsors, in addition to Wal-Mart in 2002
were Bar-S Foods Co., Berkley
PowerBait, Dubble Bubble Bubble Gum, Eagle Claw, EverStart Batteries,, Fujifilm U.S.A., Kellogg's, Laker Fishing Tackle
Strike King Lure Co., Berkley Trilene and Zebco.
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