Wapsi Mini Marabou

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 737 S. Washington #6 ~ Wichita, KS 67211 ~ (316) 265-5551

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Wapsi Mini Marabou

This smaller marabou comes from chickens and is also known as chickabout. Idea for smaller flies and jigs. Avaiable in nine colors.


About shipping - Maribou is light weight and we try to save our customer money on shipping. If Maribou is the only thing you order, you will see a discount on your shipping when we process your order. The shopping cart determines shipping by dollar value of the order so the shipping will be more than what you will pay when we process your order.

Need a color we don't stock? We will be glad to special order for you.
Just give us a call at 316-265-5551.

Mini Marabou


MM001 White

MM006 Yellow

MM047 Brown

MM056 Red

MM089 Olive

MM092 Purple

MM100 Black

MM505 Fl. Fire Orange

MM509 Fl. Chartreuse

Input quantity for every item you would like then click add to cart
* Note about shipping *
We reduce shipping on lightweight items. The shopping cart adds shipping based on total of your order. If we are able to ship for less, we will discount your shipping.

We always work to ship at the lowest cost for our customers

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737 S. Washington #6 - Wichita, KS 67211 - Phone (316) 265-5551 - Fax (316) 265-6668
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