After you've had your morning cup of coffee, head out and give the fish their Java. This is the newest scent from Kick'n Bass
You've seen coffee scent added to many baits over the past few years, now you can add the scent to any of your baits
Formulated from pure natural fish-oils and natural coffee flavors, this scent has a heavy odor and strike stimulants to provoke a feeding frenzy in all freshwater gamefish.
This is also a great way to mask and cover human and other scents.
We can send up to seven bottles in a package. Shipping will be reduced to $7.95. We mail smaller orders first class. If you order one, shipping will be reduced to $5.95. If you order two, shipping will be reduced to $6.95.
Check out the other formulas
Bass | Catfish | Crappie | Java | Saltwater | Shrimp | Trout
| Walleye