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Secret Seven Dip Bait
Sudden Impact Fiber Bait
Dead Red Blood Spray
Dip Bait Tubes
Mini Furry Thang
Sinkers, Slides, Bumpers
Glow Wrapz
Floating Fish Grip
Tug-O-War Braided Line
Tug-O-War Mono Line
Team Catfish Gear
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Dead Red Blood Spray

Hey all you cut bait fishermen, we have got a great new product for you! The Team Catfish DEAD RED Blood Spray. When your cut bait looses all of its blood and scent, just reel it in and give it a few squirts of our all purpose catfish attractant. This liquid looks like and feels just like blood plus it is loaded with natural attractants and fish oils.
(TIP)Squirt DEAD RED on, or mix it in with all your frozen baits......and bring them back to life! A little DEAD RED Blood Spray goes a long way! Super Concentrated,
Whoop it on 'um!
Back to Catfishing
Back to Team Catfish Secret Seven
Dip Baits | Fiber Bait | Dip Tubes | Dead Red Spray | Mini Furry Thang
Hooks | Sinkers, Slides, Bumpers | Glow Wrapz | Floating Fish Grip
Tug-O-War Braided Line | Tug-O-War Monofilament Line
Team Catfish Gear | Reel
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