Sudden Impact Catfish Fiber Bait

Brand new and smokin hot is the only way to describe the new SUDDEN IMPACT fiber bait from Team Catfish and it's for sale at Zeiner's Angler Supply in our store or online.
This new bait will revolutionize the manufactured bait industry. You can just use a treble hook to hold it on, or you can easily dip a bait holder like a DEAD RED dip tube or mini FURRY THaNG into the SUDDEN IMPACT for great results.
The Team Catfish DEAD RED Blood Spray. When your cut bait looses all of its blood and scent, just reel it in and give it a few squirts of our all purpose catfish attractant. This liquid looks like and feels just like blood plus it is loaded with natural attractants and fish oils.
Sometimes our customers ask us how to thicken punch bait. When punch bait gets hot, it will sometimes get soft and the fibers don't hold as well. If cooling the bait doesn't help, you can thicken it by adding fiber to it.
Click here to see how to add fiber to punch bait
Team Catfish has discontinued the 24 oz and gallon size Sudden Impact. Still available in the 12 oz tub.
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Dip Baits | Fiber Bait | Dip Tubes | Dead Red Spray | Mini Furry Thang
Hooks | Sinkers, Slides, Bumpers | Glow Wrapz | Floating Fish Grip
Tug-O-War Braided Line | Tug-O-War Monofilament Line
Team Catfish Gear | Reel
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