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Hooked On Fishing International Announces Web Site Upgrades
To Help Match Young Anglers To Nearby Fishing Opportunities
KETCHUM, OK - April 19, 2002 - Hooked on Fishing International
announced a newly-designed web site - www.kids-fishing.com --
to go
with its expanded series of Wal-Mart Kids All-American Fishing
Among the new features of the web site is a "Derby Locator"
which HOFI says will match up young anglers with approximately
events. "We're growing so fast we had to find a way to match
kids with
events, and the Derby Locator is our matchmaker," said Gordon
executive director. "Simply go to the website and enter
your zip code and
the Derby Locator will search the database of derbies and list
the nearest
event, location, the name of the contact person and his or her
phone number," said Holland.
Most of the derbies will be held during National Fishing and
Boating Week June 1-9. Young anglers will gather at fishing
venues across the country, usually in the morning, and with help
from their
parents and adult volunteers, participate in casting and fishing
activities. The half-day events are usually followed by food
and beverage
for the kids.
Another feature of the revamped web site, Holland said, allows
participants to locate the nearest Wal-Mart store. Wal-Mart,
Inc. is the title sponsor of the popular series in all 50 states.
HOFI puts
on the youth fishing derbies with the financial and product help
of its
corporate sponsors. Some sponsors put on special events within
the derby
format, said Holland. For example, Southwest Airlines sponsors
the "I Caught a
Fish" contest. If a contestant catches a fish of any size
it qualifies the
young angler for a drawing for four round-trip tickets anywhere
Airlines flies.
The Fujifilm "Big Fish" Contest is for anglers age
16 and under.
The largest fish by weight caught at each derby, with photo
and application submitted, becomes eligible for state level
competition. The big fish winner from each state receives a
Fujifilm Quick-Snap 2-Pack. From all the state winners, a
national Freshwater Champion and a national Saltwater
Champion are chosen, with each receiving a $500 savings bond
and a Fujifilm "Gift Basket."
In the Frito-Lay/Pepsi/Zebco Casting Contest, participants
simply cast at targets with rods and reels provided by
Zebco. Local prizes vary but every local winner will receive
an award certificate and a reel and rod combo from Zebco.
All participants regardless of casting skills are eligible to
the nationwide drawing for a fantastic stock car-styled
Go-Kart provided by Frito-Lay and Pepsi.
Now in its 16th year, Hooked on Fishing International
produces the events with on-site support from local adult
volunteers, many from organizations such as state fish and game
departments, the U.S. Forest Service, parks and recreation
departments, chambers of commerce, YMCAs, Optimists, Lions,
Kiwanis, and Elks.
In addition to title sponsor Wal-Mart Stores, Inc., additional
sponsors include Bar-S Foods, Berkley PowerBait, Dubble Bubble
Bubble Gum, Eagle Claw, EverStart Batteries, FishingWorld.com,
Frito-Lay, Fujifilm U.S.A., Jadico (Laker), Kellogg's, Pepsi,
Pradco Outdoor Brands (Heddon/Rebel), Strike King Lure Co.,
Southwest Airlines, Trilene, and Zebco.
Adult groups interested in organizing a local derby in 2003
can get
information from the HOFI web site - www.kids-fishing.com,
or by requesting information via email at
info@kids-fishing.com, or by writing Hooked On Fishing
International, P O Box 660, Ketchum, OK 74349.
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Kid's Derby sponsored by Olathe Bass Club
For many of the 475 kids who came to the 19th Annual
Olathe Little Kid's
Fishing Derby, it was the day they had been waiting for since
year's event.
The Derby was open to kids 13 and under and adults 60 and
above in the senior division. The Olathe Bass Club, Olathe
Sportsman's Club, Olathe Clockwinders Optimists Club, Olathe
Chamber of Commerce, and the City of Olathe sponsored the annual
event. The kids all received commemorative T-shirts and
goodie-bags when
they registered and 40 plus trophies were awarded following the
two hour
First thru seventh places were given to the winners in
little boys, little girls, big boys, and big girls along with
fish and smallest fish. In addition to the trophies, about
fifty rod and
reel sets, tackle boxes, stuffed animals, and other gifts, all
by various organizations and individuals were given out in a
drawing. Forty-two area sponsors donated $150 or more to
make the event
a huge success. These groups were listed on the back of
Following the fishing, a lunch was served with the food
donated by Dillons, chips by Guy's Foods and beverages by Pepsi. Heavy
rain in the area the night before the derby definitely contributed
the lower than expected turnout according to Derby President
Winners in the fishing derby were determined by total length
of all fish
caught. The First Place winners in each category were:
0 to 7: Felicia Carlson 24 fish, 126 total inches
8 to 13: Brittany Pembleton 12 fish, 68.5 inches
0 to 7: Brandon Raley 21 fish, 98.25 inches
8 to 13: Jake Regintz 31 fish, 142 inches
Senior: Elden Mehl 7 fish, 93.25 inches
Longest Fish: Paige Gibson, 26.0 inch carp
Shortest Fish: Laura Cates, 1.5 inch green sunfish
Thanks to Matt King, Brad Burns and Nic Cook for helping with
the set-up
and fish measuring. Wayne Philipp is the President-Elect
of the Board of
Directors of the Fishing Derby. His wife Patsy and son Norm
also helped
with measuring and photos.
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