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Fishing Tales
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Kids' Fishing Tales. You may email them
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The Kansas Angler / 737 S. Washington #6 / Wichita KS 67211
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June 26, 2014 - Leavenworth Area Farm Pond - My name is Callie Seber, I will be 8 years old on July 1. I live in Leavenworth, KS. I fish with my dad. I use minnows and worms. I like fishing because I’m with my dad.
I collect rocks and shells. My pole is purple and I have one that is green. Sometimes I stick my feet in the water. We look for crawldads, That’s what we do. We catch crappie and catfish.
This is my fish story, attached is my photo of a crappie I caught at a farm pond.
April 14, 2010 - Sedgwick County Park - My son and I have been making fishing a favorite past time since he was 3yrs of age. His first pole was a scoobydoo start kit. His first catch was a little sun perch out of a little creek right down the street from where we used to live. My son is now 16yrs old, and fishing is still one of his greatest passions. Who would of known that just a casual thing could turn out to be something he loves to do so much.
This past weekend (As we have been doing now for the past 2 weekends) we went to Sedgwick County Lake and he caught the biggest fish he has ever caught yet. I can tell you that when he was reeling it in, I was sitting on the bank enjoying the cool breeze and the fact that he was shouting MOM, MOM wasn't quite registering, until I took a look at the tip of his pole bent in half. I dropped everything and went running. At first I thought he had a turtle on the line, until I saw the back fin of this huge fish....he was so excited when he was able to see what was on the end of his line. It tooks us a good 5 to 10 minutes to reel him in to the shore. My son couldn't really pick the fish up good so he took off his shirt while I held the pole.
Once he had a good grip of the fish, I took this picture of his big catch.....we were going to take the fish up to the local bait shop but they were closed, so we showed his big catch off to a couple of people that were there at the lake and then we released it back into the water, so that some other lucky fisherman could have the joy of having this beauty on the end of their line. I have to tell you, that as a mother who has been taking her son fishing for all of these years, I am so glad that I got the opportunity to be there for his biggest catch yet. I hope and pray that I get to experience the joy and excitement of his next big catch. This would make his day, to see this picture posted on Kansas Anglers Website. I also included his first catch of the season 2010 and the first fish he caught of the day, before the whopper that is featured here. Thanks, and Happy Fishing!!!!!
April 10, 2010 - Nottingham, United Kingdom - I am a 15 year old boy and live in Nottingham, United Kingdom. I go fishing for carp nearly all the time and once i hooked into a 10lb carp on a floating bread and dog biscuit mix. I was playing it for about 20 minutes and then it snapped me and i lost my controller float. I came back the next week and found the fish dead at the end of the lake. I was sad that a well growing fish and the lakes 6th largest fish was dead but all in all i got my float back.
August 1, 2007
my fishing
i was doing a bit of float fishing when the bigest carp came
up to the surface and swallowed my bread i hooked into it but
it would just not come in about 30 mins had past and i eventualy
got it over my net then it decided to go for another swim thiis
time with my net and my new $ 300 pole then it stoped in the
middle of the pond so i had to strip down and go and get it
this was ritten by Aaron Crooks.
p.s it was my birth day
April 13, 2005 from Tennessee
- I was fishing in a farm pond with a weightless walkingworm,
and had already caught a few nice ones. I made a cast it a bunch
of brush and started to work it and about 15 sec. after it hit
the water a 5-pounder nailed it, as I was realing it in the reel
handle came of and I had to get it in by pulling the line with
my hands, its not the biggest bass i've ever caught but it sure
was the funnest.
January 24, 2004 -about
a week ago i was fishing at this pond in front of my memas it
was raining and the first cast i did I caut a4 pound bass that
little thing
my cousin with was with me ran up the feild to get a buket so
while i was wating i casted out agian gust for the heack of it
and then. boooooom! 9 pound bass 35in long at this pond has never
been fishing there for 6 years My name is Michael i live
in goldsboro caut in benson.
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September 19, 2003 -
My Fish
By Bobby Montgomery
My story is short but my fish is not.
I fish in the rain, I fish when it is hot.
I learned how to fish when I was a tot.
Will I ever quit fishing? I assure you, NOT!
Here is my favorite fish to catch!
March 29 , 2003 - My
name is Justin and I just wanted to tell you my fishing last
week I went fishing with my father at webster lake,they told
us when we got up there that the wipper were not bittng at all
but I really like fishing for wipper I started buy flipping a
few jigs and nothing was happing so I figered that well maybe
they were write so I decited to see if I could cach me somthing
on the bottem like a big cat so I hooked a big pice of shad on
my hook that I found laying inn the water flung it out there
sat there about maybe 5 min and ***BANG***went my pole took me
about 10 mins to get that big fish in you could only eemagen
how excited I was to see that it was a wipper it waighed in at
26lbs 9oz ***WOW was that fun.after that we sat there and cought
fish all day wipper, cats,bull head,croppie well I hope you enjoy
my story as much as I did chaching them.my e-mail is ksbandit69x2@yahoo.com
see ya next time going fishing.
good luck,
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October 1, 2002 - hi i love to go fishing
with my dad he is realy cool last time got two bass and got two
dollars.Well i realy like your site and i will come back to it
September 20, 2002 - Once I went fishing
in my Aunt and Uncle's creek and my Uncle have been living there
for years and he went fishing for hours at that creek each day
and he caught nothing. When I went there we were fishing for
about a hour I just about to quit then suddenly I got a bite!
I knew it was big but I did not know what kind It was. I was
reeling it in for about 2 minutes it finally came out of the
I showed it to my uncle. he said it was a Bass. It was about
20 inches long. After I took it to their house my uncle taught
me how to fillet a fish. Yuk! It was also pregnant.
July 5, 2001 - On May 29 1999, I was eight
years old, fishing for bass when a 9lb. 02z catfish hit a gray
ps. It put up a good fight. It took 5 minutes to
get it in.
Cale Renollet
Nov. 11, 2000 - Submitted by Max "Brains"
from Tucson, AZ - I love to fish. At one time I went with
my class at school to Silverbell Lake. That lake stinks: fish
are scarce and rarely ever bite. I went home without a minnow
to show for my troubles.
I kept trying in Silverbell with no success. Then,
I went to Ried Park without a bite, but I just knew that place
had something special. Then one day, using a one inch long lipless
crankbait, I felt a tug. I thought it was just a weed that I
hooked, but I set the hook any way. I felt a constant resistance,
and I thought it was a weed, but when I saw that flash just as
the fish got to my feet, you can imagine how joyous I was! I
had hauled up a six inch green sunfish, my first fish.
A couple of casts later, using the same lure, in
the same area, yielded another green sunfish of five inches.
Not bad: my first and second fish on the same day!
I'm 14 right now, I caught these fish when I was
TIP: When fishing for bluegill, try to find a steep,
rocky area near the shoreline, or try vegitation. Dip a little
power wiggler in there for exciting results.
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May 5, 2000 - Submitted by Jaime Buzzard, Hot
Springs, Arkansas - Once upon a time there was this little
boy named Jaime and he lived in Arkansas. He was five and a half.
My birthday is on September 14 and I live in Arkansas, I used
to live in Kansas. And I like to go fishing so much, but when
it's cold you can't catch fish because they're too slow, but
when it's hot sometimes you can catch 'em so watch out cuz you
never know when they're going to bite. One time when I was like
about four I went fishing with my Nanny Debbie and Papa Jim and
Papa Jim kissed the fish but I didn't because I was afraid it
would bite me. We were in our boat, and there were more boats.
You gotta go to the deep part to catch a really big fish and
maybe even a whale! Even a shark!
July 29, 1999 -
Hi how are you? I live in Bowmanville,Ontario and I am 13
years old and
my name is brandon and I love to go fishing. My family and I
have our
own ponds. In three of our ponds we have large mouth bass, then
another one of our ponds we have rainbow trout. In the last pond
we have
Koi which are a combination of carp and goldfish and get about
half the
size of a normal carp.
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The Kansas Angler wants your
fish tales
Do you have a favorite story about fishing? Maybe
you have more than one. How about sharing with other kids? If
you're still too young to write and send it to The Kansas Angler,
ask you parents or someone to help you.
Be sure to include your name so we can show who
sent the story, Stories may be as long or short as you want to
make it. If you have a photograph of yourself, send it along
and we will put it with your story. If you have a photo that
goes with your story, send it also.
If you have some photographs of you and fish you
caught, send them along also for the photo gallery page.
You may email your
stories and photographs to us or mail them to The Kansas Angler,
P.O. Box 357, Cottonwood Falls, KS 66845. You may also drop them
off at Zeiner's Angler Supply, 737 S. Washington #6, Wichita KS 67211
or at Cottonwood Mercantile, 328 Broadway, Cottonwood Falls,
KS 66845.
Call (620) 273-8100 for more information.
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