Missouri Fishing Report
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October 1, 2020 - Truman - Osage Bluff Marina - Fishing Report from Osage Bluff Marina 10/1/20
What a great day for the First of October. Hopefully the rest of the month will be the same. This will be my last fishing report as of Sunday Oct 4th I will be retiring. My bucket list has gotten so full that I'm going to have to get started on it. I would like to thank all the folks that have helped me out with these fishing reports over the years. There are to many to name but with out your input I couldn't have done it. Thank You. And to all the folks I have met in the last 37 years its been a great ride. Thank You.
LAKE LEVEL: 704.31
WATER TEMP: 71 deg.
WATER CLARITY: Clear to lightly stained.
CRAPPIE: The crappie fishing is the same as last week. It looks like some fish could be starting to move to the points of the creeks with the water temp dropping. Brush piles fished with minnows on the points has been producing some fish. 15' to 18' seems to be the best depth. There has also been some fish caught on the flats in 15' on minnows. Tree rows fished with minnows down about 10' has been working. The bluff points are also holding some fish in 20' + water with fish down 12' to 15'.
BASS: The buzz bait bite is working in the backs of the creeks in 4' to 6' of water.along the ditches. A big bladed spinner bait will also work in the way backs. Look for shad to find the most productive areas. Crank baits on the points are also working. 6' to 8' of water with medium runners. Secondary points fished with creature baits around lay downs are also good.
WHITES & HYBRIDS: The white bass fishing is starting to heat up. Under water ridges in 13' to 15' are holding fish. Jigging spoons are working the best here. There are still fish surfacing chasing shad in the evenings. There has been several nice hybrids caught. Sassy shad on a 1/2 oz. head has been the best bait. With the water temp starting to fall it's time to start checking the wind blown main lake pockets.with Rooster Tails. Remember you can't fish to shallow. Look for pockets with the shad flipping. This is the time of the year it gets fun.
CATFISH: There are lots of big blues being caught now. The fall jug fishing has started. Cut bait is the best. 15' to 20' with baits set 8' to 10' has been vary productive. It's time to start setting jugs going back in the creek channels. Fish the breaks off the end of the flats next to the channel. Trot lines set on the points going in the creeks are also good.Cut shad or perch are best in 15' to 20' of water.down 8' to 10'.
WALLEYE: The best walleye fishing is still trolling Flicker Shad on the humps. 10' to 12' seems the best depth. Saddles along the edge of the humps in 15' to 18' fished with crawler rigs or spoons will also work.
If we can help you out here at Osage Bluff you can reach the marina at 660-438-2939 or Osage bluff Motet at 660-438-2891. There is lots of good fall fishing to come so come enjoy it with us here at Osage Bluff Marina.
Instead of till next week I'll leave you with
See you on the water
June 18, 2020 - Truman - Osage Bluff Marina - Fishing Report from Osage Bluff Marina 6/18/20
What a beautiful week. This is the weather we have been waiting for all spring. No rain and warm temps and the fish biting, I just don't think it can get any better than that. The COE has been running water every day and the lake is dropping nicely so with the good current flow the fish are staying very active. I think all the fish have pretty much moved to their summer patterns so they are getting easier to find.
We are about two weeks away from the 4th of July holiday and are getting excited about all the activities that go on. We will be doing fireworks on Fri July 3rd here at the marina. If you have never been here for it you need to come it is the best show on the lake. Jason and his crew do a fantastic job so put it on your calendar.
WATER TEMP: 79 deg
WATER CLARITY: Clear to stained.
CRAPPIE: The crappie have moved to their summer pattern now and we are still seeing numbers of big fish come in. Lot's of 13" to 14" fish are showing up. With the lack of fishing pressure last year during the flood these fish have come on strong. Tree rows on the flats seem to be the best bite now in 17' to 20' of water and the fish holding about 8' down. Minnows are working the best here. The bluffs are holding fish in 25'+ down about 15' with cedars working the best. Spider rigging the creek channels has also produced some nice fish out of 20' of water with baits down about 12'.
BASS: The top water action is still good on bass in the early mornings. Buzz baits are working in the backs of the coves in 3' to 5' on the timbered flats. Big sinko's fished on the secondary points is another good bite out of 6' to 8' of water. With the little fry starting to show up now around the trees on the flats a big worm dropped through the fry is another good bite. Square bills on the points in 4' to 6' is also working.
WHITES & HYBRIDS: With the water flow through the dam the white bass fishing is good. Most of the humps are holding fish now. Look for humps in 15' of water and use jigging spoons. Trolling deep running crank baits is also working here, The road bed on the north end of KK Island has been good for whites. The hybrids have been a little slow so far this year. There has been a few good fish caught off the Pommie flats on live bait but the problem now is finding big shad to fish with. I talked to a couple fellas that used perch and did ok on them.
CATFISH: The cat fishing is great right now. Rod and reel fishing is good all over the lake. Drift fishing on the flats with about any kind of bait you can think of will catch cat fish. Cut bait and hot dogs seem the best. Jugs in 15' to 20' with baits set about 8' has been producing some big blues. Trot lines along the edge of flats in 12' to 15' of water with cut bait is also good. I've been sinking my lines in the middle with the best fish coming from the hooks 2' off the bottom.
WALLEYE: There has been a few nice walleye come in this week. Trolling deep running flicker shad crank baits over the humps has been productive. Crawler rigs are also starting to work on the saddles next to the humps. With the water clearing up I look for the walleye fishing to take off.
That's it for this week. Come on down and enjoy so great fishing at Osage Bluff Marina 660-438-2939 or if you are looking for a place to stay contact Osage Bluff Motel at 660-438-2891.
Till next week
June 11, 2020 - Truman - Osage Bluff Marina - Fishing Report from Osage Bluff Marina 6/11/20
And more rain. The good thing is we didn't get as much as areas around us but another 2" was more than we needed right now. The COE has been doing a good job of running water so at least we aren't flooded this year. The lake is up about 8' which is not a bad level and with the flow through the dam it keeps the fish active. The lake had some color to it for the last couple days but it is starting to clear now. The water in our area is looking good for fishing. With that the weatherman is forecasting no rain for the rest of the week and some great temps so it looks like a good time to get out and enjoy mother nature.
LAKE LEVEL: 714.45
WATER TEMP: 75 deg.
WATER CLARITY: Stained to dirty up the rivers.
CRAPPIE: The brush piles on the points have been working the best this week. 20' of water seems to be the best with the fish holding at about 15'. Cedars on the flats are also holding some nice crappie with 20' being the depth and fish holding at about 8'. Minnows are the best right now. There has been a good number of fish come off the bridge pillars this week. 30' of water down about 20' with minnows. Bluff banks in 30' of water close to points is another good area when fished with minnows down about 15'. We are still seeing nice sized crappie come in from all areas of the lake.
BASS: Lots of bass are being caught now. Spinner baits in the grass are producing lots of bites. Secondary points in the creeks fished with square bills is also working. 3' to 5' of water seems the best. There is good top water action going on in the backs of the creeks on buzz baits. The bass bite here on Truman has been exceptional this spring.
WHITES & HYBRIDS: Lots of whites are being caught around KK Island. Spoons seem to work the best but a black and chartreuse crappie jig on a 1/8 oz head has also picked up a lot of fish. The road bed on the North end has been very productive along with the Pommie flats. There were a few nice hybrids caught off the flats on sassy shad on a 1/2 oz head. There were also some hybrids caught on live bait on the flats.
CATFISH: Lots of catfish are coming in now. It doesn't matter how you are fishing for them be it rod and reel, jugs or trot lines they are hitting. Jugs seem to be the best in about 15' of water with cut bait set about 8'. I set lines this week along the edge of flats in 15' to 20' with baits set about 15' which was very productive, had several big fish. I used all perch, I'm having a tough time finding shad now. With the water temp rising I'm hoping the shad will get easier to find.
WALLEYE: The walleye report was slow this week. I don't know if the water color was to dirty or they just didn't want to bite but with the water temp going up and water going through the dam making good currant I look for this bite to start up reel soon.
We have a couple stalls left for the 4th of July holiday so if you need one you can contact us at Osage Bluff Marina 660-438-2329 or for rooms at the motel you can reach them at Osage Bluff Motel 660-438-2891.
Till next week
June 4, 2020 - Truman - Osage Bluff Marina - Fishing Report from Osage Bluff Marina 6/4/20
We had a pretty good thunder storm push through the lakes area last night. Lots of rain and a really good fire works show.. Rite now there is lots of water coming in the creeks and has dirtied up the backs of the creeks. I'm guessing it will take a couple days for this to clear out. The good news is the main lake is still in good shape and for now that in where most of the action is. The lake is on a good rise now and the COE is running a good flow through the dam so there is lots of current which always makes the fish more active. The weather person is calling for a great weekend with no rain and warm temps so what better time to come to Truman and enjoy some good fishing.
WATER TEMP: 72 deg.
CRAPPIE: The crappie are on the summer pattern now and starting to feed back up after the spawn. With all the weather and water conditions we had during the spawn I think it will be as good as last years spawn during the flood that's just me thinking. Right now the brush piles are good. Look in 20' of water right on top the piles with minnows. Drift fishing in the creeks along the edge of the channels is also good with minnows.The bluffs are holding fish in 20' to 25' of water down 12' to 15'. Minnows and jigs are working here.
BASS: With the full moon on Fri. I look for the bass to be spawning hard. This spring here on Truman the bass have been doing extremely well with lots of good sized fish being caught. Last years flood and the lack of fishing pressure has really helped this years fishing. 45 deg banks in the creeks are good when fished with Sinko's, lizards and brush hogs. 3' to 5' seems to be the best depth. Square bills on the secondary point are also good. With the rise we are having the top water bite should get hot in the wet weather branches and backs of the creeks.
WHITES & HYBRIDS: The white bass are turned on now with the water conditions we have. With the COE running water everyday the humps in 15' to 20' are producing lots of whites on jigging spoons and jigs. Also road beds are starting to put out some fish. There were a few nice hybrids taken last week either trolling deep running crank baits or throwing sassy shad. Live bait worked fairly well on the Pommie Flats for some nice hybrids.
CATFISH: As always the cat fishing is hot here on Truman. Jug and rod and reel fishing on the flats is producing some good blues. Cut bait and perch are the best baits for blues. Trot lines are good in 15' to 20' along the bluff banks with live bait set about 12' for flat head. Also points with a good current break are working for blues.
WALLEYE: The walleye fishing slowed down a little last weekend. There were a few fish caught around KK Island trolling deep running crank baits. It's getting time to get the crawler rigs out and start hitting the humps in 12' to 15' of water. Jigging spoons in the saddles after the sun gets high is another thing to look at.
We still have a few stalls left for the July 4th weekend so if you are interested you can contact us at Osage Bluff Marina 660-438-2939 or for rooms the motel at 660-438-2891. It's only a month away and I'm sure they will fill up fast. That's it for this week.
Till next week
May 28, 2020 - Truman - Osage Bluff Marina - Fishing Report from Osage Bluff Marina 5/28/20
Our first holiday has passed and I think this was the first Memorial Day I can remember that we didn't have some kind of weather event. It was a perfect weekend with lots of folks around. My feelings are that things went well with social distancing and all the other regulations we have going now. A big thank you to everyone for that.
Even with all the rain we have been having the lake is in good shape and the fish have been cooperating fairly well. The water temp is running a little cool for this time of the year but that just prolonged the spawn a little longer. The water clarity clears up a little more every day and is really looking good. I fished a couple areas this week that it was clear, not used to that this year. The COE has been dumping water about every day and at this rate we should be close to normal by mid June with no more big rain storms. The good thing is that with the current flow going through the dam it should keep the fish active for a while.
LAKE LEVEL: 709.01
WATER TEMP: 71 deg.
WATER CLARITY: Clear to stained.
CRAPPIE: Believe it or not there are still a few fish on the banks. Now granted not all fish spawn at the same time but it just seems this year they are going longer than normal and with the lake holding like it is it looks like a good one. There were lots of crappie brought in last week from about every pattern you can think of. The brush piles seemed to be the best in 15' to 20' of water with minnows. Piles closer to the points were the best. The bluff banks in 25' of water fished with minnows down 15' were also good. I even heard of some fish coming off the bridge pillars out of 25' of water on minnows.
BASS: The bass fishing is as good as I've seen it in a good while. Both large mouth and Kentucky's are hitting now. Lots of fish are up on the banks spawning. Beavers, baby brush hogs and lizards are working in 2' to 4' of water on 45 deg transition banks. Square billed crank baits are also working. Pockets in the creeks seem the best. The top water bite is also good using buzz baits and Zara spooks. Lay downs in the backs of the creeks have been producing some good fish.
WHITES & HYBRIDS: There are lots of white bass coming in along with a few good hybrids. Jigging spoons on the humps in 15' to 20' of water was the best for whites and trolling deep diving crank baits for the hybrids was a good producer. These were the first good hybrids I have heard of on the lake this season. The KK Island and the Fairfield area were a couple of the hot spots.
CATFISH: The cat fishing is very good now. Jugs, rod and reel and trot lines are all good. There were several fish over the slot brought in this last weekend. Cut bait on the flats in 15' of water seemed to be one of the better bets. I ran some lines on the flats on the insides of the main lake points with small perch and did well on blues.I set the lines in 15' to 17' with the best producing bats at about 10'. The wind was as such that I couldn't get a flat head line in this week.
WALLEYE: Good news we did see a good number of walleye come in this week. It seems the road bed on KK started. Trolling flicker shad was the ticket foe catching nice walleye. The early morning bit and the evening bite were the best. With the water temp at 71 deg the humps on the south end of the island should also get going.
After last weekend we are starting to book up on stalls for the 4th of July weekend so if you need one you can contact us at Osage Bluff Marina 660-438-2939 or for rooms at Osage Bluff Motel 660-438- 2891. That's it for this week.
Till next week
May 21, 2020 - Truman - Osage Bluff Marina - Fishing Report from Osage Bluff Marina 5/21/20
And the rains came. Another 4" of rain hit the lakes area this week but we are really in good shape. The COE has been running water every day so the lake is staying at a good level. The water clarity is a little messed up in areas but it is starting to clear up. With the floods of last year killing off the vegetation on the banks when ever it rains it pushes mud in. This is usually a surface mud so it dissipates rather quickly. Every where I went this week the water was vary fishable and with the water flow going through the dam making good current the fish should continue to bite.
With the holiday this weekend we are looking for a busy weekend. Please remember social distancing when on the grounds.
LAKE LEVEL: 708.64
WATER TEMP: 63 deg.
CRAPPIE: The crappie are moving to the summer pattern now. Brush piles in 15' to 20' has been the best bite this week. Minnows are working the best down about 8'. The bluff banks are also holding fish in 20' of water down 12' to 15' in the cedars with minnows working the best. I have had a few reports of crappie out there that are still spawning and lots of reports of fish with eggs in them so it might not hurt to check the spawn banks in the afternoons for bedding fish.
BASS: The bass fishing remains good here on Truman.We still have lots of bedding fish. 3' to 5' of water on 45 deg chunk rock. Sinko's and lizards are working. Secondary points in the creeks in 5' to 8' of water with a jig and frog is also working. The top water bite in the creeks is also on with buzz baits and spooks. With all the rain there is lots of food being washed in and the bass are liking this especially where there is a wet weather ditch coming in.
WHITES & HYBRIDS: The whites are hitting on the humps on jigging spoons. 15' to 18' humps seem the best. There has also been fish caught trolling flicker shad and rooster tails. I'm not seeing any hybrids to speak of come in but they can't be to far away.
CATFISH: Right now you can catch catfish any way you want. Rod and reel, jugs and lines are all working. The best areas I found this week were on the edge of a flat next to a creek channel. 13' to 15' seemed to be the best depth with baits set about 6'. Cut bait has been working well and I used some gold fish that also worked for flat heads.
WALLEYE: No report.
If you are in need of boat stalls you can contact us at Osage Bluff Marina 660-438-2939 or for rooms at Osage Bluff Motel 660-438-2891. With the holiday upon us please be safe on the water and the highway.
Till next week
May 14, 2020 - Truman - Osage Bluff Marina - Fishing Report from Osage Bluff Marina 5/15/20
Here we are in the middle of May and it feels like the first part of April. There has been more than enough rain and wind but from what the weatherman is saying it looks like we are in for some great weather the rest of this week and next week. It looks like the holiday weekend is going to be fantastic.
The fishing here on Truman is still good with some fish going off the beds and some coming on. The lake has been up and down with the rain but is still in great shape. The COE has been running water everyday which is putting a good current on the points keeping the fish active. There has been some run off in the backs of the creeks making them a little dingy but the water is still fish able.
LAKE LEVEL: 709.02
WATER TEMP: 62 deg
CRAPPIE: The crappie have pretty well finished up spawning. There are fish starting to show up on the brush piles in 15' to 18' of water. Minnows seem to be working the best at 10' to 12' down. The bluff banks are also ho,ding fish in 25' of water 15' down around the cedars. Farther up the Osage there are some fish moving to the tree rows in there typical summer pattern. Long poling there trees in 15' of water down about 7' with minnows is working.
BASS: There are lots of bass bedding now. Look for 45 deg. banks in the coves in 3' to 5' of water. Shaky heads and lizards are working here. Sinko's fished weightless are also working. There is still a spinner bait bite in the backs of the creeks in 3' to 5' of water in the feeder creeks. With the water warming up the top water bite is picking up. Buzz baits and spooks fished around the points is producing some nice fish.
WHITES & HYBRIDS: We are starting to see some whites show up on the humps. 1/2 oz. spoons seem to be the best in 15' to 17' of water. you will have to sort through the little ones to get to the big ones but there are some good ones out there.
CATFISH: Truman is doing its thing producing lots of good cats again. This week the blues and flat heads have been doing great. Jugs on the flats in 15' of water seems to be the best with baits set about 8'. Cut bait seems to be working the best. Main lake points with a good current break in 15' of water has been the best for flats. Small perch worked the best for us. The fish seemed to feed the best at about 8' on lines.
WALLEYE: No report but I would start checking the humps on the south end of KK Island. Trolling flicker shad would be my choice.
We still have a few stalls we can rent for the holiday weekend so if you are in need you can contact us at Osage Bluff Marina 660-438-2939 and for rooms at Osage Bluff Motel 660-438-2891. We are doing social distancing here at the marina so please respect each other on the docks..
Till next week
May 7, 2020 - Truman - Osage Bluff Marina - Osage Bluff Marina Fishing Report 5/7/20
Another beautiful week in the Ozarks. It makes it a lot easier to say that when the fish are biting. Even with the weather changers we have had this week the fish are holding in there. With the floods of last year and the lack of fishing pressure the quality of fish this year is greatly improved. I've seen more big fish this spring than I saw all year last year.
LAKE LEVEL: 710.93
WATER TEMP: 61 deg
CRAPPIE: There are still fish up on the banks in our area. The afternoon bite finds these fish in 1' to 3' of water. Early in the day it seems they back off in 5' to 8'. Road runners and minnows seem to be working the best. We have been grafing lots of fish in the 12' to 15' range and I'm hoping these are fish still coming in to spawn. Small pee gravel pockets seem to be working the best be it on main lake or in the creeks.
BASS: The bass fishing is good here on Truman. Spinner baits back in the creeks in 1' to 3' of water is producing some good fish. With all the rains the feeder creeks are still pushing lots of feed in and the bass are enjoying it. Secondary points fished with Sinko's or shakey heads with a big grub in 3' to 5' are holding some nice females wanting to spawn.
WHITES: No report.
CATFISH: Lots of cats hitting now. The jug and trot line fishing is hot. It seems no matter which way you are fishing if you are in 10' of water you will probably catch fish. We have been baiting with perch and gold fish and doing well but I have talked to folks using liver, hearts and cut shad that are doing good as well. The edge of the flats close to the channel edge has been productive along with current breaks off the points.
WALLEYE: No report.
That's it for this week. We still have a couple yearly stalls left to rent so if you are looking you can contact us at Osage Bluff Marina 660-438-2939. The motel is taking reservations now and can be reached at Osage Bluff Motel 660-438-2939.
Till next week
April 30, 2020 - Truman - Osage Bluff Marina - Fishing Report from Osage Bluff Marina 4/30/20
Lots of rain and cool weather the last few days has slowed the fishing a little. The lake has been on a rise but from what I can tell it may level out today. The fish are sill spawning so the fish cleaning stations are still busy. On the down side the mushrooms ave slowed up, I hope we will have a few more pop up this week. The weather forecast looks good for the weekend so it might be a good time to do your social distancing on the lake.
LAKE LEVEL: 711.38
WATER TEMP: 60 deg.
CRAPPIE: The crappie in our area are still spawning. They are in 1' to 6' of water in the pockets in the creeks. Jigs or minnows are working. I have had the best luck using rod runners. We did have a couple spawned out females but from what I can see there are a lot more fish coming to the banks everyday. This year we are seeing lots of big fish come in.
BASS: The bass fishing is good here on Truman. Secondary points in the creeks are hot. Shakey heads and sinko's are working in 3' to 6' of water. Spinner baits are working in the back ends of the creeks in 3' of water. Square billed crank baits are also working on the points in3' to 5' of water.
WHITES: No report.
CATFISH: Jugs are working well on the flats in 8' to 10' of water with cut bait working the best. Trot lines off the points set in 10' to 15' with baits set about 8' are producing some good fish. Here again cut bait is the best. Work the current breaks foe the better fish.
WALLEYE: No report.
With the stay at home order going away next week we are taking reservations for boat stalls and motel rooms. For stalls you can call Osage Bluff Marina at 660-438-2939 and for rooms Osage Bluff Motel at 660-438-2891.We are looking forward to getting things back to normal and having some great fishing this summer.
Till next week
April 23, 2020 - Truman - Osage Bluff Marina - Fishing Report from Osage Bluff Marina
Just a short report with all the news you want to here.
We are open.
WATER TEMP: 63 deg.
CRAPPIE: THE SPAWN IS ON !!!!!!!!!! 1’ to 4’ of water. Pockets in the creeks. Jigs’
More to come
April 3, 2020 - Truman - Osage Bluff Marina - Fishing Report from Osage Bluff Marina 4/3/20
It would be a lot nicer if I could just do a fishing report instead of trying to do updates as to what is going on around the lake with the concerns everyone has in regards to the virus. I have been in contact with the Benton County Health Dept. in regards to how and what we have to do here at the marina and motel. We are operational and abiding by all the guidelines. The motel is open and the rule is no more than 10 people in one place and they have to stay 6’ apart. The marina is the same with no more than 10 people in the store at one time and staying 6’ apart. To me these are vary simple adjustments to spend some quality time in the outdoors and on the water.
Today the weather did a big turn on us for the worst starting at 55 deg. and falling to 34 deg. for a low tonight. Sat is to remain cool in the mid 50’s and warming on Sunday to the mid 60’s and even warmer next week. To me it looks like everything is going to break loose next week. The lake is still 10’ high but the COE has been dumping lots of water and its started to drop pretty good. It does have some color to it but it’s still fishable. Temps are all over the place but there has been some high 50’s in the backs of the creeks. There are lots of fish on the pre spawn pattern depending where you are on the lake.
There has been lots of red mushrooms found this week along with some grays. The May apples are popping all over and some of the red buds are beautiful. If the weather person is rite I’m thinking we should start seeing some morels pop next week and I hope that’s not wishful thinking. Turkey season opens on the 20th and from the way it sounds at day break it should be good. Lots of gobbling going on now.
LAKE LEVEL: 716.37
WATER TEMP: 54 deg.
WATER CLARITY: Heavy stain.
CRAPPIE: Look back in the creeks on the original bank line. 12’ of water in the trees along the channels with either a jig or minnow will work. The fish are up and down all day so start on the bottom and slowly raise the bait until you find the right depth. On bright sunny days you can find them all the way back in 6’ of water in the flooded bock brush holding rite on the bottom. Move the baits real slow.
BASS: Bass fishing has been slow. Rogues on main lake points in the cedars down about 6’ will work. You have to move the bait at a snails pace to get a hit. I did here of a few fish being taken on spinner baits in the backs of the flooded creeks in 6’ of water on warm days. Here again you have to move the baits slow.
WHITES: No report.
CATFISH: Jugs in the feeder creeks seem to be the best now. Points close to the channel bends in about 12’
of water baited with cut bait is producing some nice blues. Trot lines baited with cut bait off main lake points on the current breaks are also working in 15’ of water for blues.
WALLEYE: No report.
Hopefully next week will paint a much brighter picture. We do have a few seasonal stalls left and we are taking reservations for the holidays. You can contact us at Osage Bluff Marina 660-438-2939. You can do room reservations at Osage Bluff Motel at 660-438-2891. We are running limited hours yet so if you are coming down call before you come to get updates. If you need something at the marina, fuel, minnows or whatever there is a number posted on the door just give it a call and someone will be rite there.
Please be safe and abide by the rules and maybe this virus will die out and we can get back to normal.
Till next week
March 21, 2020 - Truman - Osage Bluff Marina - Fishing Report from Osage Bluff Marina 3/22/20
I am writing this report to give you a little insight on what is going on around the lake. It won’t be a fishing report which I hope to do next week but hopefully it will give you an idea of what is going on. We are going to open the marina on Fri 3/27 with limited hours. The motel will be open but the restaurant will open at a later date. With the COVID 19 virus that is in the country we have received guide lines how things are to be cleaned and sanitized and these have all been done. Not knowing what other government guide lines will be brought forth in the next few days and weeks we will try to start the season in accordance with what ever needs to be done. The best advise I can give you is to call before you come and we will update you with what is going on. The phone number hehe at Osage Bluff is 660-438-2939.
I was in contact with the COE this week and they informed me that the COE campgrounds are closed. It is my understanding that the private campgrounds are open. The COE boat ramps are open but the restrooms are all closed.
The lake level is at 713.5 and rising from the heave rains we received over the last week. The water clarity is stained and the water temp is 47 deg. Even with the lake on the rise it is good shape. With the amount of snow and moisture we had this winter the big muse is we are hoping for lots of mushrooms this spring. In reading a report from the conservation department on our spring turkey season they are telling us numbers of 2 ½ year old bird are down this year due to bad hatches a couple years back. We have been seeing a few birds and there is a little gobbling going on at day break.
We do have a few yearly stalls left to rent and are taking reservations for weekend stalls. You can reach us at Osage Bluff Marina 660-438-2939
Reservations for the motel can be made at 660-438-2891.
October 17, 2019 - Truman - Osage Bluff Marina - Fishing Report from Osage Bluff Marina 10//17/19
Just a short report this week as it will be the last one for this year. I would like to thank all the folks that I talk to each week to get information on the other ends of the lake. We don't share the exact spots but the patterns sure do help, THANK YOU. And a big thank you to all the folks that visited Osage Bluff this year. With all the record flooding we had this year it made for a short season but we still caught a lot of fish and had a lot of fun.
The leaves are starting to turn on the lake and it looks like this year will be fantastic. We are seeing lots of deer moving and have seen a few bucks chasing does. It seems a little early to me but mother nature has her own way of doing things. The lake has been dropping nicely with the COE running water about everyday. There is a lot of stained water out there but there is plenty of fishable water. The upper arms are all dirty but as you get closer to the dam the better it gets.
WATER TEMP: 65 deg.
WATER CLARITY: Stained to dirty.
CRAPPIE: Brush piles are the best in our area off the main lake points in 15' to 18' of water. Either minnows or jigs are working here. Main lake bluff points are also producing crappie now in 18' to 25' of water in the cedars. Down15' with minnows working the best here. The bridge pillars are also good.
BASS: Spinner baits in the backs of the coves on the points are good in 4' of water. Top water in the backs is also working, look for the coves with the wind blowing in. Square bills and a jig and frog are working on the secondary points in 6' to 8' of water.
WHITES & HYBRIDS: Same as last week with fish moving up on the wind blown flat points. 1' to 3' of water fished with Rooster Tails is the best. If you are catching small fish keep moving to the next point as the fish in each school seem to run the same size.
CATFISH: Jugs on the flats in 15' to 20' of water with baits set about 15' using cut bait has been good this week. Look for flats close to main lake points. Trot lines are doing well off secondary points in the bigger creeks on the end of flat points in 20' of water with cut bait set 12' to 15' down.
WALLEYE: No report.
Well that's it for this year. The marina will be open until the end of the month. You can contact them at Osage Bluff Marina 660-438-2939 or the motel at 660-438 2891.
Till next year
October 10, 2019 - Truman - Osage Bluff Marina - Fishing Report from Osage Bluff Marina 10/10/19
After taking a look at the weather for the weekend I think we can assume that fall has arrived. I do look forward to this time of the year with everything that goes with it. Lots of good fall fishing, deer and turkey hunting the wonderful fall colors really make this a special time. In my travels this week I have noticed that the trees are defiantly starting to turn. And this morning driving in I saw a buck following a couple does across the road so with that at least in my world I'm saying fall is here. The weatherman is saying we are going to see our temps drop into the 30's this weekend so that means it's time for me to head for the tree stand.
Another note for fall is please remember to winterize all the outdoor equipment. Gas treatment in all the fuel tanks, anti freeze in the pumps and live wells and change the lower unit grease and maybe a new impeller in the water pump. All these things will make for a much happier spring.
WATER TEMP: 71 deg.
CRAPPIE: As last week the magic depth seems to be 15'. The brush piles on the points seem to be the most productive in our area. With the water temp starting to drop it looks like the fish are starting to think about moving to the coves for their winter feed up. Either jigs or minnows are working when fished right on top the brush. The bluff points are also working in 20' to 25' of water with the fish holding about 12'. The bridge pillars are always good this time of the year but you will have to sort through the smaller fish.
BASS: The secondary points in the creeks have been good this week. A jig and frog fished in 4' to 6' of water along lay downs will work. One of my favorites is pitching a lizard in the same area just like in the spring. On over cast days top water along the edge of the creek channels in 12' to 15' in the tree tops will catch some quality fish. Zara Spooks and buzz baits are the top two picks in my book.
WHITES and HYBRIDS: There has been a good bite on the main lake flat points and pockets. Look for areas where the wind is blowing in. 1' to 3' is the best with rooster tails being the best bait. The big thing to remember is you can't fish to shallow. There has been some spoon fish on the humps at KK Island in 12' to 15' of water also. The COE is running water through the dam so this bite shouls hang on for a while.
CATFISH: There has been lots of nice blues caught this week. Jugs and trot lines fished in 15' to 20' on the edge of the flats with baits set about 10' have been the most productive. Flats inside the main lake point of a major creek are very good. Cut bait is working the best. With the water temp starting to fall I look for these fish to start following the creek channels to the back of the creeks. The water temp is still a little warm for that but with the cool down we have coming in it could start moving some of the fish.
WALLEYE: No report this week.
When coming to the lake this time of the year you might want to call the marinas and check their hours as with it getting light later and dark earlier some of the hours have been shortened. You can contact us at Osage Bluff Marina 660438-2939 and the motel at 660-438-2891.
Till the next time
October 3, 2019 - Truman - Osage Bluff Marina - Fishing Report from Osage Bluff Marina 10/3/19
With the nice little rain shower we had last week ( 4") the lake has come up a little but from what I can see it looks like the COE caught up with it yesterday and it has started to drop a little. If there is a good side to it that would be they are still running water through the dam keeping the fish in feeding mode. The down side is that the rain dirtied up the water in a lot of areas. The best thing if coming to the lake this week is to call and check on water color. Around the marina here the water is in good shape. Pommie is settling out nicely but there is still some dirty water coming in the back of Little Pom. The Osage has a lot of color to it along with the upper Grand.
I have been noticing that the trees are starting to get lighter now with a little more yellow and some red starting to show. With all the moisture we have had this summer it should be one of the prettiest falls we have had in a while. I have been seeing more turkeys out and about now and lots of deer. Fall turkey season opened the 1st. so it's time to start getting out and enjoying mother nature. We are still waiting for a break in the temp to get out and do some bow hunting but when its 90 deg its really hard to sit in a tree. I guess that means we will have to fish for a couple more weeks.
WATER TEMP: 76 deg.
CRAPPIE: With the off colored water the crappie fishing has been a little off this week. The best thing right now is to find the cleanest water you can and fish it. As I mentioned earlier the water in Pom is not that bad. The tree rows on the f;lats in 10' - 15' of water are working with cedars being the best. The bridge pillars are also working but you have to sort through some little fish. Brush piles off the main lake points in 20' have also produced some fish this week. The best piles seem to be in 16' to 20' of water. Minnows are by far out producing jigs right now.
BASS: Points are the best pattern going now with secondary points doing a little better than main lake. The first two secondaries inside the mouth of a creek are the best.. Square bills in Tenn. shad color and a jig and frog in 6' to 8' has been good. Timbered flats 1/2 way back in the creeks in 4' to 6' of water are holding some top water fish with buzz baits working early and late and on cloudy days.
WHITES & HYBRIDS: The whites have started to pull up on the main lake flat points. Last weekend we saw several limits of nice fish come in. Look for flat points next to small pockets with the wind blowing in. Rooster Tails are working the best in 1' to 3' of water and remember you can't fish to shallow. There are also some spoon fish on the humps in 15' of water. KK and O-3 are worth stopping at.
CATFISH: The cat fishing here on Truman is good. Lines set along the edge of creek channels inside the bigger creeks are producing some nice blues.. 15' to 20' has been the best depth with baits set 5' to 10' down. Jugs on the flats set as shallow as 8' are also good. Either cut or live bait is working and for me I prefer live. With this cooler weather coming in I look for the water temp to start dropping and an going to run some flat head lines along the bluffs. 20' to 25' of water with live perch set deep. Will let you know.
That's it for this week. You can contact us here at Osage Bluff Marina at 660-438-2939 or Osage Bluff Motel at 660-438-2891.
Till next week
September 26, 2019 - Truman - Osage Bluff Marina - Fishing Report from Osage Bluff Marina 9/26/19
For the end of Sept. someone forgot to tell the weatherman that fall is here. I looked up the weekend forecast and they are saying mid 80's for the highs, I'm really looking for the mid 60's but I guess we will take what we get. I have noticed a few of the trees are starting to turn, mostly walnut and sycamore but it is putting a little color in the woods. There has been a hail of acorns again this week so the deer and turkey are having lots of groceries to pick through. I am not seeing much rut activity yet with the deer but it can't be that far away.
As far as the lake goes it is in real good shape and the COE is still running a good flow of water through the dam. I didn't think that the lake would get back to normal pool until November but the way it looks now it might make it in Oct. barring no torrential fall rains. The water clarity is perfect for fishing and we have been getting enough wing to start blowing the bait fish up on the shallow flats so it looks like some good fall fishing is right around the corner.
WATER TEMP: 76 deg.
WATER CLARITY: Light stain.
CRAPPIE: The crappie fishing this week has been a little sporadic this week. If you find the right few trees you can make a short day of it if not it takes forever. Isolated trees on flat points seem to be the best around here. You can find fish as shallow as 8' and as deep as 18'. Cedars seem to work the best but this changes by the day. Minnows and jigs are both working. The bridge pillars are also holding fish just as they have done all summer. The pattern is still catch a couple and move to the next pillar and then back to where you started. The bluff points are also starting to hold some fish. 20' of water down about 15' close to the points..It almost acts like these fish as starting to stage on the points to start moving in the creeks.
BASS: The bass fishing remains the same as it was last week. With the conditions we have on the lake points seem to be the answer. Either secondary or main lake are producing now. Square bill crank baits in 6' to 8' of water has been a good bait and as the day warms up a jig and frog in the root wads will pick up fish. look for points with a good current break going across. Top water on the flats in the creeks on cloudy days is also working. 4' - 8' seems the best. Also tree rows along the edge of the creek channels have some suspended fish in them. Either a sinko or a do nothing worm will work here. Don't be afraid to drop a jig all the way down in the root wads in 10' to 15'.
WHITES & HYBRIDS: Its getting time to start checking the wind blown flat points and small main lake pocket for whites. Rooster Tails and 1/4 oz spoons skipped across the top of the water will work here. Remember when these fish get up here you can't fish to shallow. There has been some whites hanging around the Pommie flats so if your in that area you might want to stop and check it out along with the hump at KK Island.
WALLEYE: The walleye have been a little slow this week. The only thing that is constant is that 14' of water has been the magic number. Crawler rigs and deep runners have been the best of the best. The humps are working but it seems more towards the middle of the day. Hopefully they will pick up this week.
CATFISH: The cat fish here on Truman are about the same as last week with the fish wanting to move a little deeper. The edge of the creek channels in 15' to 17' of water with baits set 6'- 8'. Trot lines have been a little more productive. Either channel swings or close to points are the best. Hopefully we will get some cooler weather in and they will start moving back in the creeks.
That's it for this week so come on down to Osage Bluff Marina 660-438-2939 and get started on some good fall fishing. Need a place to stay Osage Bluff Motel 660-438-2891.
Till next week.
September 19, 2019 - Truman - Osage Bluff Marina - Fishing Report from Osage Bluff Marina 9/19/19
It looks like the weather person is going to be good to us this weekend. Finally a break in the warm temps and a little chance of rain coming in. It's only a 50/50 chance so I'm not going to get real excited about that but the temp dropping to the 70's next week definitely got my attention. That should start dropping the water temp and get the fish in the fall feed up mode. The COE is still running good water flow through the dam and believe it or not the lake is getting closer to normal level. It might even cool down enough to check out those new tree stands. As far as the deer hunting goes we have tons of acorns falling now in the lakes area and the deer are hitting them hard.
LAKE LEVEL: 710.65
WATER CLARITY: Light stain.
WATER TEMP: 80 deg.
CRAPPIE: The crappie fishing continues to improve here on Truman..With the lake being down to 5' above normal pool the brush piles are in a perfect depth for the fish to stack up on. The best piles are off the main lake points in 15' to 20' of water with the fish holding right on top the brush. A jig tipped with a minnow seems to be working the best. The tree rows on the flats are all pretty much out now and the fish are holding on them about 7' down. The problem is that there are so many little bass holding on them its hard to get a bait to them. 15' to 18' seems to be the best depth. There has been a good bite on the bridge pillars this week with minnows working the best. The crap[pie on the pillars seem to float up an down depending on the time of day so you just have to experiment on the depth.
BASS: The bass fishing is the same as last week with points being the best pattern. Main lake and secondaries are both productive. 6' to 10' of water seems the best. Square bill crank baits and a jig and frog are working the best. The most productive points are the ones with a good current break and close to a channel. The top water bite continues to be good early and late on the timbered flats with buzz baits and Pop R's.
WHITES & HYBRIDS: The whites are on most of the normal spots now. 1/2 oz jigging spoons are working the best. The humps in 15' are the most productive in out area. KK Island is holding a good number of fish. There has been some top water action on Big Pommie with Rooster Tails working the best on these fish. The hybrids seem to be running the river channels under the big pods of shad. Where the end of a flat hits the channel has been productive when fished with live bait or a deep running crank bait.
CATFISH: The blues are going strong just like they have been all summer. Jugs baited with either cut or live bait are both working. Best depth seems to be 12' to 20' with baits set about 8'. Trot lines along the bluffs in front of the small pockets are very good. 12' to 15' with baits set at about 8' has produced lots of blues both over and under the slot. Cut bait has been the best on lines.
WALLEYE: The walleye have slowed up a little but the fish being caught are good sized fish. Now that the humps and points have reached a level to their liking I think these fish are getting ready to turn on. Trolling deep running crank baits has been the best with the Flicker Shad working very well.
That's it for this week. If you need a stall or room for some good fall fishing you can reach us at Osage Bluff Marina 660-438-2939 or the motel at 660-438-2891. So with that come on down and enjoy some good fishing with us here on Truman Lake.
Till next week
September 12, 2019 - Truman - Osage Bluff Marina - Fishing Report from Osage Bluff Marina 9/12/19
It's getting that time of the year when things are really going to start happening in the lakes area. We are about 1/2 way through September which means it won't be but a little bit and the fish are going to start their winter feed up. The weatherperson is calling for a little rain over night Fri. then clearing out for the weekend making great for fishing. Archery season is opening up Sunday Sept.15 so lets hope for a little cooler weather to come in. There are tones of acorns falling now so the deer have plenty of good feed on the ground. As I have mentioned before I think the deer herd around the lakes area is way up this year. I have seen lots of fawns all summer in my travels along with some nice bucks. And then there is the other thing the dreaded fall mushroom. With all the moisture we had this summer they should be everywhere.
LAKE LEVEL: 715.22
WATER TEMP: 79 deg.
WATER CLARITY: Light stain to heavy stain in the upper ends.
CRAPPIE: There is a good crappie bite on Truman now. Cedars on the flats in 15' to 17' of water has been producing good fish down about 10' on minnows. Tree rows across the mouths of the coves are holding fish. These fish have been as shallow as 8' and as deep as 20'. It seems like there holding depth is about 7'. On bright sunny days the bridge pillars are holding fish but you have to weed through the little guys.
BASS: The bass are about the same as they have been for the last couple weeks. Secondary points in the creeks in about 10' of water is the # 1 pattern. 7 1/2" worms and square bills are the top baits.Big trees on creek channel bends are starting to hold suspended fish. A do nothing worm fished about 6' down in the tree tops will net some nice fish but here again you have to weed through the little guys.
WHITES & HYBRIDS: KK Island seems to be the hot spot for whites. The humps on the South end are holding some nice whites. Evening are the best with 1/2 oz spoons in 12' to 16' of water. I did have a good report on whites up on the Pommie flats this week. There has also been some fish surfacing there with Rooster Tails working the best. You also might want to check the humps in the Fairfield area.
CATFISH: The cats are the same as last week. Jugs on the flats in 10' to 15' of water with baits set about 8', Cut bait is the best. Trot lines set along the bluff banks close to channel swings in 15' + with baits set about 8' is producing good blues. Rod and reel fishing on the flats around KK Island is good when fished with cut bait or crawlers.
WALLEYE: Check all the humps in 15' of water with deep running crank baits. Also the saddles next to the humps with a spoon or a crawler rig in 15' of water. With cooler weather around the corner and a good current flow through the dam I am looking for the walleye to turn on.
With the good fall weather on the way its a great time to come to Osage Bluff Marina for some super fall fishing. If we can help you with anything you can contact us at Osage Bluff Marina 660-438-2939 or the Motel at 660-438-2891.
Till next week
September 5, 2019 - Truman - Osage Bluff Marina - Fishing Report from Osage Bluff Marina 9/5/19
What a holiday! If anyone didn't have a good time last weekend I just don't know what to say. The fireworks display that Jason put on was as good as any July 4th display that I have seen. The weather was perfect it was actually cool out, kind of strange for Labor Day. Anyway I would like to thank all the folks that showed up and for all the donations for the fireworks fund for next July 4th. THANK YOU.
As far as this week goes it has been a picture perfect week. The weather has been super and the lake is still on a slow rise but I think the COE may catch it either today or tomorrow. Every place I fished this week the water clarity was good. Now if you run up the rivers you will find a little dirty water but around here it is very good for fishing.They are still running about 30000 cfs through the dam making lots of current and keeping the fish active. There is bait fish on the surface just about every where so most of the old hot spots are productive..
Archery season for deer opens in about 10 days and I think everyone I have talked to has a story about a big buck they have seen already this year. In my travels around the lake I to have seen a good one or two also but I am also seeing lots of deer, many more than in the past few years so it looks like it could be a good season. Just a reminder to check the regulations real close in the county you are hunting in because there has been several changes made by the conservation dept. from limits to transporting so check extra close.
WATER TEMP: 79 deg.
WATER CLARITY: Clear to heavy stain.
CRAPPIE: The crappie are kind of hit and miss right now. If you hit them it doesn't take long to get a limit but if you miss its a all day hunt. I have talked to several people doing well on the crappie this week and most of them are fishing cedars on the flats in 12' - 15' of water with minnows. There is also some fish on the bridge pillars but they are getting a little bait shy. You can catch 3 or 4 fish then you will have to move to the next pillar, you can go back a little later and pick up a couple more where you started.
BASS: The bass fishing on Truman continues to be good. As last week secondary points are the best now. 5' to 8' of water fished with either a jig and frog or a 7 1/2" worm. Top water on the timbered flats is still working early and late with buzz baits and Pop R's doing the best.
WHITES & HYBRIDS: There has been lots of whites and a few hybrids come off KK Island this week. Spoons are working the best in about 20' of water. I'm pretty sure that with the current flow that's going through the dam all or the haunts are holding some fish.
CATFISH: The cat fishing here is real good. Jugs and trot lines are producing some big fish. Jugs fished on the flats in 15' of water with cut bait set about 8' has produced lots of blues. Trot lines along the bluff pockets in 15' with either cut bait or live perch set 6' to 8' is good. Current breaks on main lake points are also holding fish in about 15' of water.
WALLEYE: With all the boat traffic last weekend the walleye fishing was a little slow. Trolling deep running crank baits over the humps on the South end of KK Island is where I would start now and either switch to a spoon or crawler rig later is the day. Everything is there to hold the walleye being lots of bait fish, current and the water is at about the right depth.
We here at Osage Bluff are gearing up for some great fall fishing so if you need a boat stall you can contact us at 660-438-2939, or for rooms at Osage Bluff Motel t 660-438-2891. Get ready the good fall fishing is going to be here before we know it.
Till next week
August 29, 2019 - Truman - Osage Bluff Marina - Fishing Report from Osage Bluff Marina 8/29/19
What a beautiful week. The weather has been perfect here at the lake all week and the weather person is saying it is supposed to hold through the weekend. The holiday is upon us and we are planning for lots of fun things this weekend. Don't forget the fireworks display this Sat. night, Jason and the crew always do an outstanding job so you sure don't want to miss this.
The COE is still running water and the lake is on a slow fall. They have been running about 30,000 cfs through the dam which puts a good current flow on the lake and keeps the fishing good. This week almost all species of fish have been doing good. The lake is down to the level where most forms of structure are in a fish able range. The humps and brush piles are starting to pick up as well as the creek channels and tree rows. With all that it loks like we are in for some good fishing on Truman Lake this fall.
WATER TEMP: 80 deg.
WATER CLARITY: Clear to lightly stained.
CRAPPIE: We are seeing some real nice crappie come in. The tree rows are starting to to pick up..Your looking for 17' of water fishing down about 8' with minnows. Brush piles in 20' of water are also holding fish with the fish holding rite on top of the brush, with the best depth being about 10'-12'.
BASS: The bass bite here on Truman is good now. It is still pretty much point fishing with the secondaries out producing the main lake. Jig and frog and 7" worms seem the best but had a couple reports of mid range crank baits catching some nice fish. The tree rows along the creek channel edges in about 10' to 12' was also productive for suspended fish at about 4'. Crank baits worked the best here.
WHITES & HYBRIDS: The whites and hybrids have been doing good this week.Now most of the humps are holding fish. Spoons seem to be working the best for the whites. Rooster tails and 4" sassy shad are the best for the hybrids. With the amount of bait fish on top the hybrids have been suspending a lot. It is getting to the time of year where these fish should start going shallow and run the flat points.
CATFISH: The jug fishing for catfish has been real good this week . Flats in 15'- 20' fished with cut bait down about 8' has been producing blues of all sizes. Trot lines off the bluff banks in 20' has also been good.with cut bait set about 10'. Rod and reel fishing off the North end of KK Island has also been good with night crawlers in 6' to 8' of water.
WALLEYE: The walleye bite slowed down a little this week. I'm not sure if it is because of the water clarity around the island or there is so many bait fish out there. The humps on the South end of the island should get going soon.
That's it for this week. I hope everyone has a fun and safe holiday. If your in the area stop on by Osage Bluff Marina and check us out.
Till next week
August 22, 2019 - Truman - Osage Bluff Marina - Fishing Report from Osage Bluff Marina 8/22/19
We had some pretty good storms roll through our area last night. Lots of thunder and lightning and about 2.5" of rain. Not that the rain will hurt anything but sure makes for a wet morning on the lake. The lake is still dropping and is in very good shape. Lots more trees showing making it easier to find the tree rows that have been hidden all summer. With the flood this summer I am seeing more fry than I think I ever have so I'm guessing the spawn was fantastic. With the lack of fishing pressure the lake had this summer it is hard to imagine what it is going to be like next year. Even the fish that are being caught now seem bigger and thicker than in the past. More signs of good things to come.
The holiday is about a week a way and there is going to be lots of fun things going on around Osage Bluff. The water temp is still perfect for fishing and water sports along with what I can see as a cool front in the long range forecast making it a perfect weekend,and to add on just a little bit more a fire works display on Aug.31st. at
8 pm that you surely won't want to miss.
WATER CLARITY: Clear to lightly stained.
WATER TEMP: 83 deg.
CRAPPIE: The crappie fishing on Truman continues to improve every week. The water depth has gotten to their comfort zone making it easier to find the structure they like this time of the year. Tree rows on the edge of the flats are starting to produce some good fish. 20' of water fished with minnows down about 10' has been producing some big fish and nice limits. It depends on the day if they are holding in the cedars or hardwoods. Some of the brush piles are getting to the depth that the crappie are liking also. Piles in 20' off the points are working the best with fish holding right on top the piles.
BASS: The best bite on the bass are still the points. Big worms and creature baits fished on the secondary points in 6' to 10' of water is good. Normally this time of the year I like to go to the backs of the creek channels and fish shallow running crank baits for suspended fish or a jig and frog for fish holding in the root systems but so far they haven't got there but should be close, just saying. Early and late there has been a top water bite on the flat timbered points towards the backs of the creeks. Buzz baits and Pop R's seem to work the best here.
WHITES & HYBRIDS: The white bass fishing is good right now. Most of the normal places that hold these fish are producing big whites. 15' to 20' of water seems the best with fish holding from 8' to the bottom. 1/2 oz. spoons are working along with Rooster Tails for suspended fish. Also a 3" grub on a 1/4 oz. head has been picking up fish. There are some hybrids being caught and the ones that are coming in are good sized but the action is not as fast as the whites. Morning and evening seems the best on the hybrids.
CATFISH: We are seeing lots of good cat fish come in. Jugs seem to be the best when baited with cut bait. It seems if you find a flat with 15' to 20' of water and set baits 5' to 8' you will catch fish. Trot lines are also working on the flats in the creek mouths with baits set about 8'. Look for the flats close to the creek channels.
WALLEYE: We saw a few nice walleye come in last weekend. Crawler rigs on bottom bouncers seemed to work the best in the shallows around KK Island. The Flicker shad was also productive when trolled over the humps. 12' to 15' seemed to be the magic number.
With the holiday coming get your boat stall reservations in at Osage Bluff by calling 660-438-2939 or room reservations at 660-438-2891. We are about out of stalls so if you need one now would be the time.
Till next week
August 15, 2019 - Truman - Osage Bluff Marina - Fishing Report from Osage Bluff Marina 8/15/19
Looking at the weather for the weekend it looks perfect for spending some time on the lake. Cooler mornings and not real hot during the day and the COE still running water makes for some super fishing conditions. The lake is 10' high which to me is where I like it for about any type of fishing. At this level most of the normal haunts are turning on.. We are also about 30 days away from bow season not that I'm counting but it looks like we have a good deer herd around the lake.
The holiday is about 2 weeks away and we are getting ready for that. Due to the high water over the July 4th. holiday we are going to celebrate both with some big bangs so you might want to plan ahead for the fun. We would like to extend a big thank you to the Warsaw Leathernecks Detach 1254 for the large donation for the festivities.
WATER TEMP: 84 deg.
WATER CLARITY: Clear to lightly stained.
CRAPPIE: The crappie bite here on Truman continues to improve. With the water continuing to drop the tree rows on the end of the flats are starting to produce some good fish. 20' of water seems to be the best with fish holding about 12'. Minnows or jigs are working. There are also fish still holding on some of the secondary points in 15' to 18' down about 10'.The brush piles have been a little slow around here but with another foot or two of water drop they should start up just in time for some good fall fishing.
BASS: Points are the name of the game when it comes to catching bass now. The jig and frog has been the most productive this week. The fish seem to be holding on the original bank line. The top water bite on the timbered flats is also producing some fish. 6' to 8' seems the best and there has to be bait fish working the top. Buzz baits and Pop R's are the best baits.
WHITES & HYBRIDS: The hybrids are still a little slow but the fish that are coming in are good sized. The white bass bite has been very good this week. KK Island has had both spoon fish and surfacing fish around it. The humps on the south end of the island are at a depth that the fish are holding on top of them. 20' of water has been the best depth. The surfacing fish haven't been staying up long but when they go back down they stay in the area and can be picked up with a spoon.
CATFISH: Jugs are doing great here on Truman for blues. It seems that most of the flats are holding fish. There has been several fish over the slot this week along with lots of fish in the slot being caught. 20' of water with cut bait set 8' - 10'. Might want to start checking the humps. Rod and reel fishing around KK has also been productive this week. Trot lines are working on the flats close to the river channel bends.
WALLEYE: We saw some nice walleye come in last weekend. KK Island produced some good sized fish on crawler rigs and trolling Flicker Shad. 15' range seemed to work the best.
With 2 weeks left before the holiday if you need a stall we have a few left here at Osage Bluff Marina you can call for reservations at 660-438-2939. And for rooms at the motel 660-438-2891.
Till next week
August 8, 2019 - Truman - Osage Bluff Marina - Fishing Report from Osage Bluff Marina 8/8/19
What a great week in the Ozarks, we had just enough rain here to settle the dust and for August the temps have been vary tolerable. With the state fair starting this week it seems like it is almost to cool. Well lets just hope that this weather holds for a while. The water here on Truman continues to drop and it is just about to where we should see a big improvement in the fishing. There is more cover appearing everyday and with the lake on a continuous drop the humps and brush piles will start being fishable real soon.
A continued word of caution with the lake where it is at its time to stay in the channels when running. Some or the tree tops are getting to be lower unit height. As far as drift goes I am not seeing any at all and the water clarity is perfect for fishing. With the extra traffic in the area and the good deer herd we have keep a tight grip on the wheel, this morning coming into the marina I saw 9 deer and they were defiantly not afraid of vehicles.
LAKE LEVEL: 719.2.
WATER TEMP: 83 deg.
WATER CLARITY: Clear to lightly stained.
CRAPPIE: It seems everyday we see more crappie come in. The secondary points are still holding crappie in 18' to 25' of water with fish holding 10' to 12' down. Minnows seem to be working the best. The tree rows on the flats are starting to show up more each day and there are fish holding on them down about 10'. Some of these tree rows are still in 25'+ water but the fish are holding rite on top of them. Cedars seem to be working the best. There has also been a few fish come off the bridge pillars with minnows being the best bait.
BASS: The bass fishing is about the same as last week with some nice large mouth coming off the secondary points. When fishing the points the current flow around the point is the key factor if there is fish on that point or not. Big worms and creature baits are working the best here in 8' to 12' of water. With the amount of shad schools on top the top water bite on the timbered flats in the early am. has been good. Buzz baits and Pop R's has been very productive.
WHITES & HYBRIDS: The hybrid fishing has slowed down a little this week but the white bass have picked up. The KK Island area has produced some real nice whites on spoons this week. There has been shad just about everywhere around the island and the whites are staying right with them. There has also been some surfacing fish in the evenings. I look for the humps to start just any day now with the lake level where its at. Also some of the old road beds should start holding some nice whites.
CATFISH: The cat fishing here on Truman remains good. Jugs seem to be working the best for blues with several fish over the slot being caught. Flats in 20' of water fished with cut bait down about 10' will keep you busy. Trot lines set on channel bends off the edge of the flats are also working. 20'-25' of water with baits set 8' to 10' using cut bait has produced some nice fish this week. Fishing the current off these bends is the key to catching better fish.
WALLEYE: Not to much to report on the walleye this week. The bite has gotten a little slow. It's getting close to working crawler rigs on the humps along with spoons. Trolling a deep running crank bait should also produce around KK Island.
We have a holiday coming up in the not to distant future so if you are in need of a boat stall you might want to get one reserved at Osage Bluff Marina 660-438-2939. Sounds like we are going to have some big things going on over the holiday that you don't want to miss. Rooms are available at Osage Bluff Motel at 660-438-2891.
Till next week
August 1, 2019 - Truman - Osage Bluff Marina - Fishing Report from Osage Bluff Marina 8/1/19
It seems hard to believe that its August already but when you loose a month of the summer due to high water it makes for a short season. The good thing is the water is still dropping and the lake is in great shape so we should be in for some fantastic fall fishing. The lake is getting to the level that more of the boat ramps should be opening maybe by the weekend. We have been fortunate here at Osage Bluff to keep our ramp open during the flood but if coming to the lake you might want to call and check on the status of ramps in the area you want to boat in. A word of caution is advised when boating that with the lake dropping some of the trees are starting to show so its time to start running in the channels again.
Archery season opens in 45 days so its getting time to get the old stick and string out and get those muscles back in shape. I have been seeing lots of deer moving at sun up and sun down so extra caution when driving in the lakes area is a must. I have had several emails from the DNR in regards to regulation changes this year so you might want to check these out for the county you hunt.
WATER TEMP: 84 deg.
WATER CLARITY: Clear to lightly stained.
CRAPPIE: The crappie fishing remains the same as last week. Secondary points seem to be working the best in 18'- 20' of water down about 10' with minnows. You have to hit several points but when you hit an area with fish there seems to be good numbers there. Drifting the creek channels either spider rigging or just drift fishing with a long pole is also producing some fish. 25' of water down 12' with minnows seems the most productive. As the lake continues to drop the tree rows on the flats will get easier to fish and should produce some big fish as they haven't been fished most of the summer.
BASS: Secondary points are still the best now with a jig and frog. Look in 8'-12' of water. There is a top water bite on the flats in the creeks early and late where the big pods of shad are hanging on the surface. Pop R's and buzz baits seem to be working the best. Some of the trees along the edges of the shallower humps are holding some suspended fish. A do nothing worm or a jig will work in these areas.
WHITES & HYBRIDS: The hybrids have slowed down a little this week. They are still holding in all their normal places but with so many shad schooling in those areas its hard to get a fish to chase a bait. Evening seem the best when either trolling a deep running crank bait or throwing a 4" sassy shad on a 1/2 oz head.
CATFISH: As normal the cat fishing here on Truman is good. Jugs have been working well this week in 8'-12' of water Cut bait fished on the flats set 5' to 8' is producing all different sizes of blues big and small. Rod and reel drift fishing is starting to come on in the same areas. Trot lines along the edge of the flats close to the channels is also working with cut bait set about 8' in 20' of water. Remember when running lines or jugs to check them often so as not to loose any fish with the warm water conditions.
WALLEYE: We saw lots of walleye come in last weekend. Trolling Flicker Shad and using crawler rigs around KK Island and in the dam area was very productive. With the water continuing to drop I look for this bite to continue into the fall.
That's the report for this week. We are taking reservations for boat stalls at Osage Bluff at 660-438-2939 or for motel rooms at 660-438-2891. We have a holiday coming up at the end of the month and are planning some big events with more to come on this later so don't miss the fun.
Till next week
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