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Current Blue-Green Algae
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Reports for Wichita Area Lakes
State reports
last checked March 19, 2021 at 7:10 p.m.
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from Kansas Anglers for reports from Cheney
Your safety is our priority. In KDWPT facilities where foot traffic is allowed, please practice social distancing and observe all safety precautions put in place by staff. Thank you.
For the latest information on KDWPT facilities and services, visit https://ksoutdoors.com/KDWPT-COVID-19-Updates.
For the latest information on COVID-19, visit http://www.kdheks.gov/coronavirus/index.htm.
a Map?
Last Updated: 2/12/2021
Fishing Newsletter |
All KDWPT fisheries districts are offering a fishing newsletter that can be sent out to all that want it. The newsletters are aimed at keeping anglers informed about fishing opportunities and information in their areas of interest. The first few editions of the Cheney Fisheries District have been completed and are ready for distribution. |
Zebra Mussels |
Zebra mussels can be found attached to rocks lakewide. Zebra mussel veligers are too small to be seen with the unaided eye and they can be found in boat livewells, minnow buckets, boat bilges, water toys, and anything else that is capable of holding even a small amount of water. Be sure to drain all equipment before leaving the lake to avoid moving veligers to other waters. THIS INCLUDES MINNOW BUCKETS, BOAT LIVEWELLS, AND BILGES!!!
Click HERE to learn how to prevent the spread of zebra mussels. |
White Bass and Wiper |
Poor to Fair |
Up to 27" |
Try using flukes, jigs, or spoons near deeper water. |
Walleye |
Poor to Fair |
Up to 25" |
Try using jigs, blade baits, or minnows near drop offs and deeper water. |
Crappie |
Fair |
Up to 17" |
Try using jigs or minnows 20-30ft deep. |
Blue Catfish |
Poor to Fair |
Up to 30 lbs |
Fish with live bait or cut bait near drop offs and deeper water. |
Channel Catfish |
Poor |
Up to 20lbs |
Try fishing cut bait or stink bait near river channels and drop offs. |
White Perch |
Poor to Fair |
Up to 12" |
White perch are being caught using similar methods for Wipers and White bass. Most White Perch are 5"-8".
White perch cannot be used as live bait, but they do make good cut bait. For tips on identifying a white perch from a white bass, wiper or striped bass click HERE.
All white perch in your possession must be dead. It is illegal to posses live white perch. |
Be cautious if going out on the ice! Some coves may have sufficient ice but the main lake was still open on 2/10/2020!
KDWPT facilities are open to the public. Please practice social distancing and observe all safety precautions put in place by staff. Thank you.
For the latest information on the COVID-19 virus, visit http://www.kdheks.gov/coronavirus/index.htm .
*The previous Blue Green Algae watch has been LIFTED by the KDHE.* |
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Last Updated: 3/14/2021
Species |
Rating |
Size |
Baits, Method & Location |
Zebra Mussels |
Zebra mussels have been discovered in Council Grove Reservoir.
Zebra mussel veligers (larval zebra mussels) are too small to be seen with the unaided eye and they can be found in boat livewells, minnow buckets, boat bilges, water toys and anything else that is capable of holding even a small amount of water.
Be sure to drain all equipment before leaving the lake to avoid moving veligers to other waters. THIS INCLUDES MINNOW BUCKETS AND BOAT LIVEWELLS AND BILGES!!!
CLEAN DRAIN & DRY Every Lake, Every Time!
Click HERE to learn how to prevent the spread of zebra mussels. |
New Video
Underwater in Kansas: An Angler's Dream |
Large natural concentrations of black crappie, white crappie, and bluegill with channel catfish and walleye captured on video in a Kansas reservoir.
See the video at https://youtu.be/2GMXXdcsj3g . |
Channel Catfish |
Fair |
near wind blown flats and creek channel ledges on cut bait and worms |
Saugeye |
Fair/Good |
near dam and gravel/rock points on jigs and worms |
White Bass |
Fair |
along deep rock points and ledges on spinners and jigs |
Wiper |
Slow/Fair |
a few in with white bass |
Crappie |
Fair/Good |
10-20 ft deep on minnows and jigs near points, brush, and ledges
Creel limit 20/day |
General Comments |
Outlet fishing is slow/fair for catfish, white bass, and saugeye
Click HERE for water level information. |
- Need
a Map? - Last Updated: 3/16/2021
Species |
Rating |
Size |
Baits, Method & Location |
Zebra Mussels |
Zebra mussel veligers (larval zebra mussels) are too small to be seen with the unaided eye and they can be found in boat livewells, minnow buckets, boat bilges, water toys and anything else that is capable of holding even a small amount of water.
Be sure to drain all equipment before leaving the lake to avoid moving veligers to other waters. THIS INCLUDES MINNOW BUCKETS AND BOAT LIVEWELLS AND BILGES!!!
CLEAN DRAIN & DRY Every Lake, Every Time!
Click HERE to learn how to prevent the spread of zebra mussels. REMEMBER!! Zebra Mussels are also present in the Trout Area below the dam!! |
Wiper |
Be sure to properly ID your catch as there is there is an 21-inch minimum length limit and 2/day creel limit on wiper.. Click HERE for tips on identifying wipers. |
White bass |
Wipers can be caught along with white bass so it is important to properly identify your catch before putting it on a stringer. Click HERE for tips on identifying wipers. |
White Perch |
Click HERE for info on properly identifying white perch. |
Crappie |
Fair to Good |
up to 14 inch |
20/day creel limit effective January 1, 2018.
Crappie are being caught in standing timber and brush piles in water 15 to 18 deep. Jigs or minnows working well. High numbers of fish aren't currently being caught, but the fish that are being caught are quality crappie with some fish approaching and exceeding 15 inches. |
Catfish |
Fair |
up to 37 inches |
There is a 25 to 35 inch protective slot limit on blue catfish and a 5/day creel with no more than 2 blue catfish over 35 inches.
A blue catfish tagging project in underway at El Dorado. Please see the information below in the General Comments section for all the details!
Blue catfish under 25 inches are being caught near timbered channels on fresh cut bait such as shad or sunfish. |
Walleye |
Few reports this week |
Rainbow Trout |
Very Good! |
up to 20 inch |
Trout Season opened on November 1.
Trout were last stocked today Tuesday March 16.
Previous stockings include March 3, February 23 and February 4. If you've been waiting for "the right time" to try Kansas trout fishing, that time is NOW!!
Trout stream is ICE FREE.
Popular baits are Trout PowerBait, small spoons, jigs, spinners, cheese, small minnows, worms, or flies.
For more information on the KDWPT Trout Program click HERE. |
General Comments |
Normal Pool, releasing 5 CFS. Click Here for the most up to date lake level information.
ZEBRA MUSSEL & WHITE PERCH WARNING! El Dorado Reservoir and the Walnut River below the reservoir contain zebra mussels and white perch. Take zebra mussel control precautions when leaving the lake, Trout Area, and Stilling Basin. For information on Zebra Mussels click Here.
Blue Catfish Tagging Project Underway at El Dorado
Blue catfish – native to major river basins in eastern Kansas – can reach massive sizes. Kansas’ current state record was caught from the Missouri River, weighing in at more than 100 pounds. As blue catfish populations become established in Kansas’ largest reservoirs, popularity of this species among anglers also continues to grow. One such growing fishery can be found in El Dorado Reservoir.
While many anglers might associate El Dorado Reservoir with monster walleye, hard-fighting wipers, or slab crappie, blue catfish are developing a following in the 8,000-acre impoundment. Blue catfish were introduced into El Dorado Reservoir in 2004 to establish an additional predatory fish population and to provide anglers with a new sport fishing opportunity. Annual stockings occurred for six years, creating a population that first exhibited natural recruitment in 2009. As the population grew, it became apparent that the fishery would benefit from harvest of smaller fish. In 2016, KDWPT implemented a 25- to 35-inch protected slot length limit, five fish daily creel limit, and a maximum of two fish over 35 inches.
As with any new regulation, data is needed to gauge effectiveness. To collect this data, KDWPT Fisheries biologists are tagging up to 2,000 blue catfish in El Dorado Reservoir. Tags will appear as a small yellow vinyl tube beneath the fish’s dorsal fin. Each tag will display an ID number unique to that fish and a phone number to call to report the catch, (620) 342-0658. Biologists hope to gain information about the area’s blue catfish population size, entrainment through the dam, and the fish’s susceptibility to harvest.
Success of this project is dependent on anglers reporting the tagged fish they capture. Information needed during the call will be the length of the fish, date, tag number, and whether the fish was kept or released. Anglers who report their tagged catch will receive an award as compensation for their participation.
Anglers should note that tagged blue catfish that are not legal for harvest must be returned to the water immediately after recording the tag information. If the tagged catfish is legal for harvest, anglers may keep or release the fish. Because part of this study is to evaluate harvest patterns, biologists encourage anglers not to let the presence of a tag influence their decision to keep or release the fish.
If you find a tagged blue catfish on the end of your line this summer, please take the time to call it in. Data collected from these fish are invaluable to fisheries biologists and will only improve angling success in the future. |
a Map? - Last Updated: 11/6/2020
Species |
Rating |
Size |
Baits, Method & Location |
Walleye |
A 21-inch minimum length limit on walleye became effective at Marion Reservoir on January 1, 2020. |
Zebra Mussels |
Zebra mussels can be found attached to rocks lakewide. Zebra mussel veligers are too small to be seen with the unaided eye and they can be found in boat livewells, minnow buckets, boat bilges, water toys and anything else that is capable of holding even a small amount of water. Be sure to drain all equipment before leaving the lake to avoid moving veligers to other waters. THIS INCLUDES MINNOW BUCKETS, BOAT LIVEWELLS AND BILGES! |
Channel Cat |
Fair to Good |
Up to 10 lbs |
Drifting fresh cut bait along windy shorelines. Also nightcrawlers or prepared baits where the wind is blowing in. Also cut bait or prepared baits in the river. |
White Crappie |
Fair |
up to 12 inches |
20/day creel limit
Jigs or minnows on brush in 14 to 20 feet of water. |
Walleye |
Fair |
up to 26 inch |
21 inch minimum length limit became effective on walleye January 1, 2020.
Jig and larger minnows near brush or other structure and ledges. A few fish still being caught on trolled large sized crank baits. |
White Bass |
Fair to Good |
up to 15 inch |
Main lake ledges in 10 to 12 ft of water or windblown shorelines and points on the windier days. Lipless crank baits or jig and plastic have been productive. Both ends of the dam have produced fish this week. Lots of 9 to 12 inch fish being caught at Broken Bridge. |
Wiper |
Fair to Good |
18 to 24 inches |
4 inch flukes on jig heads casted towards shallow points and fished out to 14 to 18 feet deep. Wipers are also hitting crankbaits slow trolled in 14 to 18 feet of water. |
Coordinates for habitat cubes |
4 cubes N38 22.450’ W 097 04.669’
4 cubes N38 22.455’ W 097 04.664’
4 cubes N38 22.426’ W 097 04.694’
3 cubes N38 22.757’ W 097.05.227’
3 cubes N38 22.763’ W 097 05.211’
3 cubes N38 23.407’ W 097 05.460’
2 cubes N38 23.467’ W 097 05.384’
2 cubes N38 23.478’ W 097 05.399’
4 cubes N38 23.481’ W 097 05.408’ |
Coordinates for brushpiles and cubes. |
The first 3 coordinates are for one large brushpile. |
Coordinates mark areas with multiple habitat structures in the area. |
N 38 21.907' W 097 05.562'
N 38 21.912' W 097.05.560'
N 38 21.920' W 097.05.557'
N 38 22.425' W 097 04.697'
N 38 22.767' W 097 05.208'
N 38 22.757' W 097 05.227'
N 38 23.250' W 097 05.491'
N 38 23.357' W 097 05.470' |
Coordinates for brushpiles |
Near shore brushpile placements fishable from shore in Cottonwood Cove. |
N 38 23.438' W 097 05.398'
N 38 23.436' W 097 05.404'
N 38 23.428' W 097 05.402'
N 38 23.426' W 097 05.405'
N 38 23.499' W 097 05.393'
N 38 23.489' W 097 05.399'
N 38 23.480' W 097 05.401'
N 38 23.472' W 097 05.398' |
Coordinates for brushpiles constructed March 2018 |
N 38 24.459' W 097 06.907'
N 38 24.450' W 097 06.975'
N 38 22.685' W 097 06.279'
N 38 22.680' W 097 06.279'
N 38 22.216' W 097 06.065' |
Coordinates for historical habitat sites that had brush added to them in March 2018. |
N 38 21.911' W 097 05.569'
N 38 22.426' W 097 04.702'
N 38 22.776' W 097 05.220' |
Coordinates for new brushpiles constructed April 2019 |
N 38 23.464' W 097 05.412'
N 38 23.149' W 097 05.476'
N 38 23.169' W 097 05.516' |
General Comments |
1.3 feet below Normal Pool, releasing 3 CFS |
Last Updated: 5/3/2017
Species |
Rating |
Size |
Baits, Method, & Location |
Crappie |
Poor |
6" to 10" |
Fish with small minnows and jigs around brush. There are a few nice crappie in the lake although most are fairly small. |
Bluegill |
Poor |
Worms under a bobber or very small jigs. |
Channel Catfish |
Fair |
2-6 lbs. |
Fish with cut bait, stink bait, or chicken livers lakewide. |
Largemouth Bass |
Fair |
12" to 20" |
Fish shallow brush with Texas rigged softbait, jigs, and spinnerbaits. The water here is typically murky so try darker colored lures (black & blue, dark purple, green pumpkin). |
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a Map? -
Last Updated: 11/6/2020
Species |
Rating |
Size |
Baits, Method & Location |
Fishing Newsletter |
We have created a fishing newsletter that can be sent out to all that want it. This newsletter is for fishing information for the El Dorado District (Sumner, Cowley, Butler, Chase, & Marion counties) only. To subscribe, click HERE . |
Channel Catfish |
Fair to Good |
Creel limit 2/day Length Limit 15-inches
Fish areas where the wind is blowing in. Worms, stink baits, or fresh cut baits are all good selections. |
Largemouth Bass |
Fair to Good |
up to 17 inch |
Large plastics, spinnerbaits, and crankbaits are all good bait selections this week. Jerk baits are also picking up some fish. |
Crappie |
Fair |
up to 8 inch |
The majority of the crappie in the lake are small and the crappie population density needs to be reduced. Take those smaller crappie home (as long as you don't exceed the 50/day creel limit!) as they won't get much bigger in Butler if you throw them back. Overpopulation of the crappie has created slow growth rates so don't feel bad about taking home a nice bucket of smallish crappie...you'll be doing the lake a favor! |
Bluegill |
Fair |
Up to 7 inches |
Worm and bobber near brushy cover and rocks. |
Last Updated: 11/6/2020
Species |
Rating |
Size |
Baits, Method & Location |
Zebra Mussels Have Been Discovered in Chase State Fishing Lake. |
Chase SFL is an ANS designated water. Read the news release HERE.
Zebra mussel veligers (larval zebra mussels) are too small to be seen with the unaided eye and they can be found in boat livewells, minnow buckets, boat bilges, and anything else that is capable of holding even a small amount of water.
Be sure to drain all equipment before leaving the lake to avoid moving veligers to other waters. THIS INCLUDES MINNOW BUCKETS AND BOAT LIVEWELLS AND BILGES!!!
CLEAN DRAIN & DRY Every Lake, Every Time!
Click HERE to learn how to prevent the spread of zebra mussels. |
Channel Catfish |
Fair |
up to 5 lbs |
Harvest regulations include a 15-inch minimum length limit and 5/day creel limit.
Deeper water mid-day and shallow points and shorelines after dark. Fresh cut bait, worms, and stink bait are all good summer bait choices. Feeders are done for the season. |
Largemouth Bass |
Fair |
up to 17 inch |
There is a 13 to 18 inch slot limit on Largemouth Bass in effect at the lake.
Crank baits and fluke style plastics in 4 to 7 feet of water. |
Saugeye |
Fair |
up to 18 inch |
Flukes or crank baits along windy shorelines. |
Spotted Bass |
Fair |
up to 14 inch |
Jig and plastics along the dam and off the rock points. |
Bluegill |
Good |
up to 6 inch |
Hard to beat a small piece of worm fished under a small float near weeds, brush, or rock. |
Crappie |
Fair |
up to 11 inch |
Jig and minnow fished along the dam and off the points in water 12 to 15 deep. |
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a Map? -
Last Updated: 11/6/2020
Species |
Rating |
Size |
Baits, Method & Location |
Bluegill |
Good |
up to 8 inch |
Small jigs or a bobber and live bait are good choices. Fishing near the brushpiles has provided some good panfish action. |
Channel Catfish |
Fair |
up to 18 inch |
15-inch minimum length limit 5/day creel limit
Stink baits, worms, and fresh cut bait off the piers and points. |
Largemouth Bass |
Fair |
up to 16 inch |
Bass activity has been FAIR recently at Cowley. Plastics and medium sized crankbaits are a good choice. Fish are being caught along the rocky points and shorelines and also in the brushpiles. |
Redear Sunfish |
Fair |
up to 11 inch |
Same as bluegill |
General Comments |
Roughly 38 new brushpiles were added to Cowley this winter. You can find the locations HERE, just zoom in on the map to see Cowley SFL. |
Last Updated: 12/11/2020
Species |
Rating |
Size |
Baits, Method & Location |
Channel catfish |
Poor to Fair |
Up to 28" |
Try using cut bait or stink bait on the windy side of the lake. |
Largemouth Bass |
Poor |
Up to 4lbs |
Fish near structure and rocks with soft plastics, crank baits, spinner baits. |
Northern Pike |
Poor |
Up to 35" |
Try using large spinning baits or live sunfish. |
Crappie |
Poor to Fair |
Up to 14" |
Use minnows under a bobber, or small jigs near structure. |
General Comments |
KDWPT facilities are open to the public. Please practice social distancing and observe all safety precautions put in place by staff. Thank you.
For the latest information on the COVID-19 virus, visit http://www.kdheks.gov/coronavirus/index.htm . |
Last Updated: 8/14/2020
Species |
Rating |
Size |
Baits, Method & Location |
Channel catfish |
Fair |
1 - 5 lbs. |
Fair. Catfishing is fair right now in the mornings, evenings, and throughout the night. Try stink bait and liver. |
Crappie |
Poor |
8-13" |
Poor. The crappie bite is slow along with warm temperatures. Try using 1/16 oz. jigs with pink or chartreuse grubs in 3-10 feet of water near or within brush or pvc cubes. Try live minnows for the most success. |
Largemouth bass |
Fair |
Up to 6 lb. |
Fair. Slow, but in warm water mornings and evenings are best. Try topwater along shoreline vegetation. Also, dragging carolina rigs with 7-inch worms or tubes works well. |
Saugeye |
Poor |
15-26" |
Poor. Only a few Saugeye have been reported. Try dragging chartreuse, white, or pink jigs tipped with an earthworm around points. Remember: the minimum-length limit for Saugeye is 21 inches and only 2 can be kept per day. |
General Comments
Water temperature: 78-82 degrees |
Last Updated: 12/11/2020
Species |
Rating |
Size |
Baits, Method & Location |
Channel catfish |
Poor to Fair |
up to 12lbs |
Try fishing cut bait, worms, or stink bait near deeper holes. |
Crappie |
Fair |
Up to 14" |
Try jigs or minnows near deeper structure. |
Bullhead Catfish |
Fair |
Up to 12" |
Anthony City Lake has a good population of Bullhead Catfish. Bullheads are easy to catch and there is no length or creel limit on Bullheads. Try fishing worms or stink bait near the bottom for best results. |
Largemouth Bass |
Poor |
Up to 5lbs |
Try using plastic worms, jerk-baits, or other slow moving lures near deeper water |
General Comments |
Please practice social distancing and observe all safety precautions put in place by staff. Thank you.
For the latest information on the COVID-19 virus, visit http://www.kdheks.gov/coronavirus/index.htm . |
Last Updated: 5/3/2017
Species |
Rating |
Size |
Baits, Method, & Location |
Crappie |
Poor |
6" to 10" |
Fish with small minnows and jigs around brush. There are a few nice crappie in the lake although most are fairly small. |
Bluegill |
Poor |
Worms under a bobber or very small jigs. |
Channel Catfish |
Fair |
2-6 lbs. |
Fish with cut bait, stink bait, or chicken livers lakewide. |
Largemouth Bass |
Fair |
12" to 20" |
Fish shallow brush with Texas rigged softbait, jigs, and spinnerbaits. The water here is typically murky so try darker colored lures (black & blue, dark purple, green pumpkin). |
ANTHONY CITY LAKE - Last Updated: 3/23/2016
Species |
Rating |
Size |
Baits, Method & Location |
Largemouth bass |
Fair |
Largemouth bass fishing should be picking up in the later part of April or early May as we reach warmer water temperatures. Bass can be caught on large spinning lures, or rubber worms. |
Channel catfish |
Fair |
Channel Catfish will start biting soon, and are best caught on prepared catfish baits or prepared cutbait. |
Bluegill |
Fair |
Bluegill will start preparing for spawning in mid-april and will bite on any small lure or a piece of worm fished under a bobber. |
General Comments |
The lake is full and was restocked in the fall of 2013 with largemouth bass, bluegill, and channel catfish fingerlings. These fish will need a year or two to grow into catchable-sized individuals. Other species such as crappie may be considered for stocking after a few years; however, until the bass population is established in the lake, crappie have a high likelihood of overpopulating.
Local fishing reports depend on information from local anglers themselves. To provide fishing information on this lake or any in the Wichita area, please email Jessica. |
Last Updated: 10/21/2015
Species |
Rating |
Size |
Baits, Method & Location |
Largemouth bass |
Fair |
No recent reports. |
Channel catfish |
Fair |
No recent reports. |
Bluegill |
Fair |
No recent reports. |
General Comments |
The lake is full and was restocked in the fall of 2013 with largemouth bass, bluegill, and channel catfish fingerlings. These fish will need a year or two to grow into catchable-sized individuals. Other species such as crappie may be considered for stocking after a few years; however, until the bass population is established in the lake, crappie have a high likelihood of overpopulating.
Local fishing reports depend on information from local anglers themselves. To provide fishing information on this lake or any in the Wichita area, please email Jessica. |
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a Map? -
Last Updated: 3/14/2021
Species |
Rating |
Size |
Baits, Method & Location |
Zebra Mussel |
Zebra mussels have been discovered in Council Grove City Lake. Click HERE for more information. |
New Video
Underwater in Kansas: An Angler's Dream |
Large natural concentrations of black crappie, white crappie, and bluegill with channel catfish and walleye captured on video in a Kansas reservoir.
See the video at https://youtu.be/2GMXXdcsj3g . |
Bluegill |
Slow/Fair |
near gravel banks and vegetation on small jigs and worms |
Crappie |
Fair |
10 ft deep near ledges on jigs and minnows |
Channel catfish |
Fair |
near windy flats and flooded brush on cut bait and worms |
Black bass |
Slow/Fair |
on jigs, spinnerbaits, or crankbaits 5-15ft deep near docks, points, and brush |
Walleye |
Fair |
along dam and deeper points/banks on jigs and spoons |
White bass |
Slow/Fair |
along dam and points on spinners and jigs |
General Comments |
The City of Council Grove requires Aquatic Nuisance Species certification of anglers and boaters at Council Grove City Lake. Go to ANS Certification to obtain the certificate. You must have this certificate in your possession while fishing and/or boating at Council Grove City Lake. |
a Map? -
Last Updated: 12/11/2020
Species |
Rating |
Size |
Baits, Method & Location |
Channel Catfish |
Poor to Fair |
up to 22" |
Try fishing cut bait, worms, or stink bait near deeper water. |
Crappie |
Poor to Fair |
up to 14" |
Try a jig and minnow fished near deeper structure. |
Largemouth Bass |
Poor |
up to 20" |
Try fishing soft plastics, jerk-baits, or other slow moving lures. |
Saugeye |
Poor to Fair |
up to 25" |
Fish with jigs, large crank baits, or minnows near the bottom. |
General Comments |
Please practice social distancing and observe all safety precautions put in place by staff. Thank you.
For the latest information on the COVID-19 virus, visit http://www.kdheks.gov/coronavirus/index.htm . |
HARVEY CO. LAKE WEST - Last Updated: 6/9/2016
Species |
Rating |
Size |
Baits, Method & Location |
Bluegill |
Excellent |
up to 1/2lb |
Bluegill will be excellent throughout June and into July as the fish spawn. The best baits are small spinning lures (white, chartreuse) or a small piece of worm fished under a bobber near the rocky shorelines. Bluegill on a fly rod are a really nice opportunity at West Lake. |
Largemouth Bass |
Fair |
Up to 18 inches |
Largemouth bass are moving into the shoreline areas, and can be caught lakewide. They are most active beginning this month and throughout the summer. Large spinning lures are best during windy days, while dark colored worm rigs and creature baits are effective around structure. |
White Crappie |
Good |
8-12 inches |
After a few years of small crappie, the population is showing some real promise this year. Crappie bite best on jigs near brush, especially on the west side of the lake. |
Channel Catfish |
Good |
1 lb plus |
Channel Catfish are stocked periodically throughout the year at West Lake, and will provide plenty of catfishing for anglers in 2016. |
General Comments |
Last Updated: 6/9/2016
Species |
Rating |
Size |
Baits, Method & Location |
Channel Catfish |
Good |
1-3 lbs. |
Catfish will be stocked 3/16, 4/29, 5/27, 7/7 and 9/8 |
Largemouth bass |
Fair |
Up to 3 lbs. |
There are a few bass in the pond, usually caught on live bait and lures. |
General Comments |
White perch are present in Carey Park Fishing Pond. White perch are a nuisance species that are illegal to possess alive and SHOULD NOT be transported to other waters for any reason. |
Last Updated: 6/9/2016
Species |
Rating |
Size |
Baits, Method & Location |
Rainbow trout |
N/A |
10 to 18-inches |
The next trout stocking will occur in November, 2016. Trout season ends April 15. |
Channel catfish |
Good |
1-5 lb |
Catfish will be stocked 3/16, 4/29, 5/27, 7/7 and 9/8 . |
Bluegill |
Good |
Up to 8" |
Near the bank and around structure on night-crawlers. |
Last Updated: 11/6/2020
Species |
Rating |
Size |
Baits, Method & Location |
Channel Catfish |
Good |
up to 8 lbs |
The catfish bite has been good recently. Productive baits have been worms, stink baits, and fresh cut bait. Windblown points and shorelines have been the best. |
Crappie |
20/day creel limit
Few reports on crappie this week |
Largemouth Bass |
Fair |
up to 18 inches |
13 inch to 18 inch slot limit 5 fish per day creel limit. Please harvest largemouth bass under 13 inches to improve effectiveness of this slot limit! |
Saugeye |
Fair |
up to 24 inches |
Bluegill |
White Bass |
Fair |
up to 15 inches |
Chasing shad early and late in the day. Shad imitating crank baits or plastics on jig heads fished in surfacing schools. |
Wiper |
Fair |
up to 23 inches |
Same as white bass |
General Comments |
Boat and bait inspections are MANDATORY at Marion County Lake to prevent the spread of Zebra Mussels and other Aquatic Nuisance Species. Protect our waters... don't forget to CLEAN, DRAIN, and DRY! |
Last Updated: 11/6/2020
Species |
Rating |
Size |
Baits, Method & Location |
Channel Catfish |
Good |
up to 6lbs |
Fresh cut shad or stink baits on windy shorelines and points. |
Wiper |
Slow |
There hasn't been much wiper activity this week. |
Crappie |
Fair |
up to 12 inch |
Jigs or minnows close to brush and cover. |
Saugeye |
Fair to Good |
up to 25 inch |
Rocky shorelines, dams, and windy shorelines are all good locations. Jerk baits, crank baits, and medium sized fluke styled plastics are good lure choices. |
Last Updated: 11/6/2020
Species |
Rating |
Size |
Baits, Method & Location |
Channel Catfish |
Fair |
up to 3 lbs |
Livers or stinkbait along windy shorelines |
Crappie |
Fair |
up to 11 inches |
Minnows or jigs close to standing timber or other cover |
Largemouth Bass |
Fair |
up to 16 inches |
Larger soft plastics like flukes or medium to large sized jerk baits |
Saugeye |
No recent saugeye reports available |
Map? -
Last Updated: 11/6/2020
Species |
Rating |
Size |
Baits, Method, and Location |
Zebra Mussels |
Zebra mussels were verified in Winfield City Lake in December 2006. Lake users should follow recommended control practices found HERE .
Be sure to drain all equipment before leaving the lake to avoid moving veligers to other waters. THIS INCLUDES MINNOW BUCKETS AND BOAT LIVEWELLS AND BILGES!!! |
Crappie |
Fair |
Up to 12+ inches |
12 to 18 feet deep near standing timber or along breaks. |
Channel catfish |
Fair |
up to 4 lbs |
Stink bait or cut cut bait on shallow wind blown points and shorelines. |
Black bass |
Fair |
up to 17" inch |
Not too many reports available this week. |
White bass |
Fair |
up to 14 inch |
Open water areas where the wind is blowing. Points and ledges and the old road are good spots to check. |
Wiper |
Fair |
up to 24 inch |
Same as white bass |
Walleye |
Slow |
up to 22 inches |
Walleye minimum length limit 18 inches.
Trolling larger crankbaits in the upper end is a good fall tactic at Winfield. |
General Comments |
The City of Winfield requires additional permits for anglers using the lake. Stop in to the lake office before fishing at the lake. |
Area Lakes
State Reports
Kansas Region
1 NW | Region 2 NE | Region 3 SW | Region 4 SCen | Region 5 SE
Other States Arkansas
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| Missouri | Nebraska
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Angler Reports
Kansas | Arkansas | Colorado | Iowa
| Missouri | Nebraska
| Oklahoma | Texas