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Kansas Fishing Records
and License Information
Last Updated September 30, 2019
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Want to know how big of a fish you need
to catch to break the Kansas state record?
Check out these records and good luck.
Bass, Largemouth
Tyson Hallam, Scammon
11.80 lbs.. - 28 1/2"
May 3, 2008 - Private Pit Lake, Cherokee County
Rod & reel with jig & pig
Bass, Smallmouth
Frank Evans Jr., Salina
6.88 lbs. - 21 1/2 inches
April 4, 2010 - Milford Reservoir
Rod and reel with jerk bait
Bass, Spotted (Kentucky)
Clarence E. McCarter, Wichita
4 lbs., 7 oz. - 18 1/2 inches
April 16, 1977 - Marion County Lake
Fly rod with medium popper
Bass, Striped
Paul Bahr, Ellsworth
44 lbs. - 44 inches
May 14, 2010 - Wilson Reservoir
Rod & Reel with live shad
Bass, Warmouth
Vivian A. Bradley, Pittsburg
1 lb., 1.76 oz. - 10 1/2"
April 30, 1988 - Mined Land Wildlife Area 7
Rod and reel with worms
Bass, White
Marvin Gray, Peculiar, Missouri
5 lbs., 10.72 oz. - 20 3/8"
April 11, 2002 - River above John Redmond Res.
Rod and reel with Road Runner
Robert Jefferies, Modoc
2 lbs., 5 oz. - 11"
May 26, 1962 - Farm Pond, Scott County
Rod and reel with worms
Buffalo, Bigmouth
Trey Patterson, Cheney
62.5 lbs., 45.75"
June 8, 2019 - Cheney Reservoir
Rod and reel with Rat-L-Trap
Buffalo, Smallmouth
Scott Butler, Lawrence
51 lbs. - 41"
May 2, 1979 - Farm Pond, Douglas County
Rod and reel
Carp, Common
Phil McAmis, Hutchinson
47 lbs., 1.6 oz. - 40 1/4"
June 10, 1997 - Carey Park (Hutchinson)
Rod and reel with corn
Carp, Big Head
Richard Cook, Elsmore
58 lbs., 8 oz. - 46"
May 11, 2002 - Neosho River
Carp, Grass
Kenneth Mosby, Jr., Kansas City MO
77.75 lbs. - 45.75"
September 30, 2012 - Atchison State Fishing Lake
Rod & Reel with cricket
Catfish, Blue
Robert Stanley, Olathe
102.8 lbs. - 56.75"
August 11, 2012 - Missouri River
Rod and reel with cut bait
Catfish, Bullhead
David Tremain, Havana
7 lbs., 5.4 oz. - 24 1/2"
May 15, 1985 - Farm Pond, Montgomery Co.
Rod and reel with crayfish
Catfish, Channel
Rick Barnow - Humbolt
36 lbs., 8 oz. -
June 3, 2003 - Mined Land Wildlife Area
Rod and reel with fish entrails
Catfish, Flathead
Ken Paulie, Caney
123 lbs. - 61"
May 14, 1998 - Elk City Reservoir
Rod and reel with jig and minnow
Crappie, Black
Hazel Fey, Toronto
4 lbs., 10 oz. - 22"
Oct. 21, 1957 - Woodson State Fishing Lake
Rod and reel with live minnow
Crappie, White
Frank Miller, Eureka
4 lbs. 1/4 oz. - 17 1/2"
March 30, 1964 - Farm Pond, Greenwood Co.
Rod and reel with live minnow
Bill Hull, Blue Rapids
31.5 lbs. - 40 1/8"
September 2, 2008 - Blue River, Riley County
Trotline with crawfish
Eel, American
Ralph B. Westerman, Manhattan
4.44 lbs. - 35 1/4"
June 23, 1987 - Kansas River
Rod and reel with green worm
Gar, Longnose
Ray Schroeder, Topeka
31 lbs., 8 oz - unknown length
May 21, 1974 - Perry Reservoir
Rod and reel with yellow beetle
Gar, Shortnose
Kevin Dishong
9.64 lbs. - 35 1/2"
July 1, 2017 - Delaware River above Perry Lake
Bow Fishing
Gar, Spotted
Charles Harbert, Arma
7 lbs., 12 oz. - 33 1/2"
May 13, 1983 - Chetopa Dam, Chetopa
Bow and arrow
Mike Augustine, Junction City
2 lbs., 4 oz. - 17 3/4"
June 19, 1980 - Milford Reservoir
Rod and reel with Vibrotail
Clinton Boldridge, Riley,KS
144 lbs. - 54 1/4 inches
May 5, 2004 - Atchinson Co. Pond
Rod & reel
Perch, Yellow
Walker Trimble, Burlington
1.06 lbs. - 14"
May 7, 2000 - Coffey County Farm Pond
Rod and reel with worm
Pike, Northern
Mr./Mrs. H.A. Bowman, Manhattan
24 lbs., 12 oz. - 44"
August 28, 1971 - Council Grove Reservoir
Rod and reel with silver spoon
Larry Fox, Scott City
1.69 lbs. - 11 3/4"
July 4, 1995 - Finney Wildlife Area (Garden City)
Rod and reel with jig
Jimmy Barnes, Kansas City
4.80 lbs. - 23.75"
November 29, 1996 - Melvern Reservoir
Rod and reel with jig and minnow
Raymond Wait, Norton
9.81 lbs., - 28.5"
Mar. 13, 1997 - Sebelius Reservoir (Norton)
Rod and reel with lure
Shovelnose Sturgeon
Edwin P. Hood, Mankato
5 lbs., 3.68 oz - 35 1/2"
July 4, 1999 - Lovewell Reservoir
Trotline with nightcrawler
Sunfish, Green
Fae Vaupel, Russell
2 lbs., 5.76 oz. - 11 1/2"
Sept. 26, 1982 - Farm Pond
Rod and reel with grasshopper
Sunfish, Hybrid (Green/Bluegill)
Ron Fountain, Paola
2.65 lbs. - 13 3/8"
May 17, 1999 - Farm Pond
Rod & Reel w/#3 Mepps
Trout, Brown
Walter Sharp, Abilene
4.62 lbs. - 21.5"
March 38, 2018- Kanopolis Reservoir Seep Stream
Rod & reel with Berkley Fat Floating Trout Worm
Trout, Rainbow
Josh McCullough, Spring Hill, KS
15.72 lbs. - 28.5"
February 23, 2014 - Kill Creek Park Lake
Rod and reel with Berkly Gulp Corn
Dustin Ritter, Hoisington
13 lbs., 2.56 oz. - 29"
April 17, 1996 - Wilson Reservoir
Rod and reel with Rapala
James M. Moore, Fort Riley, KS
25 lbs. - 33 1/2"
August 8, 2010- Perry (outlet)
Rod and reel with Zara Spook
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