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February 23, 2021 - Ice Fishing -
Little slow this year on the ice but here's one wiper I caught last Sunday
August 4, 2020 - Cheney Reservoir - I was fishing “MARK’S” honey hole about 9am on Aug. 14th when a white boat 300 Hp motor believe it said “search water” pulled up into my trollIng spot I’ve been fishing for 20 minutes, , within 50 feet, spot lock and fish. RIGHT WHERE I WAS TROLLING. Has fisherman ethics gone out the window. They look to be in late 20’s possibly 30’s. Come on MAN, GET RESPECT !!!! I CAUGHT 2 WIPERS AND LEFT. Left tat day with 2 wipers, 10 perch,3 whites and piss off attitude. Did meet 2 boats having good time taking littles ones out fishing. BLESS THEM
August 4, 2020 - Walnut River Augusta - Shortly before 2 o’clock in the morning on the July 26 I caught a 68 pound flat head out of the Walnut river on the schoney dam in Augusta Kansas
 June 4, 2020 - Greenwood County - The Legendary Rufus was no match for Ms. Deborah George on May 29, 2020. Rufus was caught in greenwood county on a private lake. Rufus was 24 1/4” weighing in at 8.8lbs on a top water green and white bait.
We took his pic, then back in the water He went to be caught again next year.
 June 4, 2020 - Cheney - Wife and I went to Cheney this afternoon June 4th. She caught two walleye, one 21 inch, one little smaller and one real nice crappie. I caught zero, just held the walleye for her picture released all. Mark & Kim
May 31, 2020 - Cheney - May 30th very windy after 3 hours only caught a few one nice crappie 14 in took a picture and put it back in the grow a little bigger Mark
February 24, 2020 - Cheney - Looking forward to more of these Cheney Wipers this season. Hoping my wife and I can catch some 25" wipers to get our Master Kansas Award. Should be good year.
September 8, 2019 - Marion - I took a break from Cheney. Spent 2.5 hrs. And hit my old hot spots. Came up with 16, 17" Wipers. Action was fast but lasted for a few hours. Cheney by far has Wipers twice the size and more numbers. Was nice to hit Marion. Enjoyible trip. Mark.
July 27, 2019 - Cheney - Went out from 9 am 12:30pm July 26 fished all over. Found the walleye in 3 to 5 ft. of water on edge of slop. Caught 19" walleye, 15" walleye. Some nice wipers and whites. Lake has gone down to around 2' above flood stage so fishing is better. Look forward to next trip out!

June 12, 2019 - Cheney - June 11, 2019. Fishing is excellent 19 total up to 9 lb all wipers. launching boat extremely difficult.
 May 10, 2019 - Cheney - Went down late April 3 in the afternoon 1 wiper 21 in, one walleye 20 in, release both - good start for the year
94 Harley
April 10, 2019 - Cheney - My wife and me went out yesterday to Cheney, trolled around by the dam, saw a few walleye rolling. No catch. Water temp 59. Thinking the crappie will be starting to spawn in the next 10 days if the weather stays steady. Can't wait.
Vince and Cindy Serrioz
April 9, 2019 - Cheney - Will be heading out this morning to Cheney to see what we can catch. Water temp perfect for spawing walleye. Will send in fish catch report we hope!
Vince and Cindy Serrioz
August 22, 2012 - Cheney - Aug. 21, 2018. Afternoon trip with a North wind. Fished for 2 hours total of 17 nice Wiper we'll over 21 ins. A huge school of shad showed up and the bite was on for only an hour then the shad and the fish moved on. Mark.
July 23, 2012 -Kanopolis - July 22nd – Finally able to fish kanopolis. First trip dead battery would not start at all. 2nd trip a broken impellor kept me off the lake. This is the result july 22nd. 24” 4 and a half pound channel. Hooked up like a snag. Ron
July 17, 2018 - Cheney - July 16, 2018. Went out at 2:30 pm witch is unusual for me too hot. Surface water temp up to 89 degrees. Could not find much. Had to search deep and found them in 20'. Then the bite was awesome. Constant action for 2 hours. Big wipers all over 21 in. A lot of big pearch. 25 total. Had to get off lake. Too hot. Premium Electronics/ GPS a must. Mark.
July 2, 2018 - Cheney - 20 total cleaned what we could legally all wipers caught well over 21 in phenomenal day. All of the 4th of July crowd can have the lake now. Mark.
June 23, 2018 - Cheney - Caught a few wipers, one legal five and a half pounds.
June 13, 2018 - Cheney - June 12, 2018. Generally don't go out in the afternoon but tried it anyway 32 in 2 hours and 15 minutes 3 keeper walleye the rest really nice wipers.
June 11, 2018 - Tuttle Creek - I returned home from a fishing trip to Venice , La on Sunday June 3rd. In most cases the fishing has slowed down and the crappie and other spawns are over. The water is now warm and the great fishing of Mar, Apr and May are done.
I had promised a couple good friends that I would take them fishing, told them that catching a lot fish is probably not going to happen but we have a cool morning tomorrow so let's just give it a try. Arrived at the ramp on Tuttle Creek Lake at 5:30 am. I headed to a road bed that I've been fishing since 1980. I planned on just checking it out to make sure the channels were not spawning. When we arrived at the spot I knew we were in for some heavy action.
The gar had spawned in May this year due to a cold spring and for the first time that I'm aware of the gar were spawning again and were they spawning (hundreds) were on the road bed. The two guys I took fishing are no different than you reading this story. They never in their 60 years of fishing could ever imagine catching so many fish in a 4 hour time period. To make a long story short I took all my friends fishing until it ended on Friday morning . We had 5 days of the best fishing in America. I will tell you and they would tell you that memories last forever. For the 5 days of remarkable fishing, we averaged 77 fish a day, 4 to 11 lbs. all channels. As a full time fisherman I would have a hard time believing this story. Just planned on catching a few fish with my friends but due to good luck we made history.
Every lake in Kansas has a large population of gar. Take the time to explore your lake and find where there spawning. Normal time is 65 to 67 degree water temp. They start following each other around 2 days prior to spawning. Water depth 1 to 2 foot. Use worms or leeches with bobber. If I was younger I could of caught 125 fish each day buy this sort of fishing is work and those days are gone.
June 11, 2018 - Cheney - Not quite classified as a phenomenal day but pretty close no walleye today all big wipers up to 9 lb my clicker said in the forties for a total today. Mark
June 9, 2018 - Cheney - To Ron - Thanks Ron. Interesting from Ks. Fish and Game. I might be off on the year of 1999/2001 on the Walleye catches then. But that era was unbelievable on Walleye caught. Some thought during this year class could be the best lake nation wide on Walleye. Not sure on that. But, when you could go out constantly and ether troll or drift with nightcrawers and get your limit within an hour and a half just about any were on Cheney and that was the case that’s phenomenal. I remember coming in to the boat ramp after my limit caught at 7:30, 8am. and other boaters just now launching asking me what are you doing calling it a day and laughing telling them “I got my limit of Walleye already”. Those days are over. And, don’t forget when they used to stock Stripers at Cheney. Man, those days are over also. Mark.
 June 9, 2018 - Glen Elder- These are from June 2nd. I tried on the northside where everyone else was and didn’t have much luck. Eventually wound up trolling at the dam and ended up with these.

The larger cat was nearly 4 lbs and it was a double with the 4 lb drum at the same time – TALK ABOUT A FUN TIME!
The crappie were about 12 inches long
Ron K
June 8, 2018 - Cheney - To Mark
This might explain why it’s been two years since your last keeper. However, there are big fish out there. Last year at the Kansas Walleye Assoc. fish tourney the large fish of the day was the large fish for the year. At close to 7lbs. they caught off of refuge point.
Here is what the fish and game people say about cheney. Enjoy.
Cheney Reservoir 2018 Outlook: Fewer Walleye and Wiper, More Keepers The results from 2017 fall test netting at Cheney Reservoir showed that numbers are down for both Walleye and Wiper, but the size structure of both populations had increased over the previous year. Walleye averaged 1.7 fish per net, which is a 60% decrease from 2016 and the lowest average since standardized sampling began in 2012. Fortunately for anglers, most of the Walleye sampled in 2017 measured 17-21 inches, and should provide improved opportunities to harvest a Walleye as these fish continue to grow over the course of 2018. Wiper averaged 7.4 fish per net in 2017, which is a 44% decrease from 2016, but near the 5-year average. Most of the Wipers sampled were in the 17-23 inch range. Anglers can expect good to excellent Wiper fishing again in 2018. Although Wiper numbers will be lower than 2017, the average size should be higher.
Ron k.
I’ll share some pics from Glen Elder from the June 2nd. later
June 7, 2018 - Cheney - Cheney fishing report from 5/8/18. Caught one 16" walleye on a 9' hump with jig and worm. Caught 8 whites and one nice 22" wiper in 9' of water.
Vince and Cindy Serrioz
June 5, 2018 - Cheney - This is my very first keeper walleye at Cheney in 2 years back in 1999 2001 you could go out to Cheney and catch your limit within an hour and a half limit was 18 in back then. Currently fishing is excellent. Mark
 May 16, 2018 - Cheney - Four walleye all 18in a number of small wipers white bass and perch today pretty good day for a Northeast wind water is clear fish are starting to Bunch up along with bait fish Lake conditions looking good
 April 25, 2018 - Cheney - Eight total. Big white bass, big wipers. Whites up to 17". Wipers up to 9 lbs.
March 2, 2018 - Milford and Tuttle Creek - First, this is not only a story about numbers BUT about a life that many individuals could only dream about. Can you imagine for most of your adult life being able to fish anytime you want? Not as a guide, not as a commercial fisherman, but as a choice of getting up any given day and going fishing for your own personal pleasure. I lived that life!
This story begins a long time ago, but I want to share this experience with you about my past fifteen years. I was self-employed almost my entire life. I’ve always been a numbers person by keeping track of every dime I spend each year. These qualities lead to my successes by having a number of businesses in Manhattan by dealing in real estate and by buying and selling stocks and bonds. This is still a part of my daily life by keeping track of numbers.
When it comes to fishing, I am no different. I keep a daily track of number of fish caught; their size, weight, and type of bait; outside temperature, water temperature, wind, barometric pressure, and time of day. All the above will make a great day or a bad day at the fishing hole. Fishing is complicated, and one will never figure out why they bite one day and not the next. Every day and year is
different. Click here to read complete story.
January 10, 2018 - Canada trip interest - Looking for other 2 person to team up with my adult son and me for a Canadian outpost fishing trip, hopefully Grass River Lodge in Manito around June 18th. We know the lakes and several spots from past trips. Owners are pushing for parties of 4 or more. If interested, call 316/617-8162. Also on previous post. Plueger president reel and Ugly stick will work fine. MH
November 17, 2017 - Question - Any suggestions and a place to purchase a good quality that works well while fishing around $100. If you do, let us know by emailing kansasangler@sbcglobal.net and we will post it here.
 September 7, 2017 - Cheney - Another great day at Cheney, a little cooler. Got seven really nice wipers, 22 1/2 inches was largest. Most were 18 to 20 inches. My wife caught a nice 22" wiper. Got seven white bass, no walleye today. Fished for 3 1/2 hours from 9:30 until about 1:00.
Vince Serrioz
August 24, 2017 - Cheney - Had great time last week as got into 12 nice wipers, four walleye and a seven pound channel cat in 4 1/2 - 6 Ft of water trolling deep diving chartreuse and orange lures. Trolling at 2.8 mph. Biggest was 27" and smallest wast 22". Fun, fun! On drop offs, chasing shad.
Vince Serrioz
August 19, 2017 - Cheney - Hey 94 Harley. Unless it’s proprietary, we could sure use some help locating the fish. My old spots are not producing using the 3-way rig and cranks that have been productive in the past. Thanks.
 August 10, 2017 - Cheney - Went down today August 10th caught fish from 3 to 5:30 nonstop averaging out 3.7 - 4.5 lb none were legal and one walleye 18 inches thanks for looking
94 Harley
 July 31, 2017 - Cheney - Went down Sunday afternoon. Got there at two. Fished for 2 hours. This spot has been hot for almost a month. This was one of eight. 94 Harley
July 19, 2017 - Cheney - This is just a few of the fish that were caught at Cheney in the last few weeks
94 Harley
July 13, 2017 - Cheney - July 13, 2017. Early morning bite. Off the lake at 10 am. 43 caught. Half nice wipers over 21 in. Others pearch. This nice young man and his bud were bank fishing next to the fish cleaning station. They helped me bag my fish after I cleaned them. A big help. Yes, there are largemouth in the lake. Mark.
 June 21, 2017 - Cheney - Jim, I go once or twice each week and will send you updates, went out yesterday from 8am to 12pm . Caught 9 walleye, all under 21, most 18". Also caught several whites and wipers, nothing large. Trolling in 5 to 3 ft of water with the wind on points and underwater humps in shallow water. Trolling with walleye lures that go 8 to 9 ft deep at 2.8 mph. Really bouncing bottom. So far in three around 32 walleye no keepers, the odds are now with us for a keeper!
Vince Serrioz
 June 20, 2017 - Cheney - June 20, 2017.Tuesday. 15 caught today. Early morning bite. Off the lake by 10 am. Several small Walleye. Wiper we big. Thought I'd add picture of my Cabo, Mex. Sea of Cortez trip. 54" Rostertail fish. Took 45 min. to land. Replc mount ordered. Mark.
June 15, 2017 - Cheney - Caught 11 walleye today in 3 1/2 ft of water trolling at Cheney. Trolling at 2.9 mph with walleye lures. No keepers, most were 18 to 20 ". Also lots of whites and wipers in the same area. Last week caught 9 walleye, no keepers but lots of fun. Drop offs from 3 ft produced lots of fish
May 1, 2017 -Wolf Creek - 4/28/17 Wolf Creek - We started the morning in the hot water outlet and caught 25 white bass and a wiper on roadrunners with white curly tails. Then we moved to the rocks in 7’ of water and caught 24 smallmouth, 3 crappie and 2 channel cats all on tube jigs. Color didn’t seem to matter. Largest smallmouth was 20”, the crappie were 15”.
Come back later for more photographs from Shawn's Wolf Creek success.
 April 24, 2017 - Cheney - Fight the wind, Fight the fish.
Saturday the 22nd I went fishing with my son out at Cheney. We were trying for some post spawn walleye. No luck – just a 10” white bass who went back in to grow up a little bigger. I decided to go out on Monday before the winds got too bad. Nope they were already blowing at 20mph at 6am. Still no luck on the walleye, but I decided to take one last troll west to east along the dam before heading home, when my pole doubled over like it was snagged on something. I tossed the boat in reverse and pulled in my other line so I could concentrate on getting my lure free from the snag, wait, it has a head shake! Whoop Whoop. I got to use my fish scale for the 1st time in two seasons. This baby was just over 8lbs. And fought like a mule. Weighed him & took my pics and let him back in to grow bigger.
March 21, 2017 - Comment - This was told to be a young wiper by a wildlife officer. It is a hybrid white perch. Has no tongue patch. Lines are wrong,back fin come up with front. He said tongue patch was just starting to develope . Young can see tongue patch even in fingerlings. Not good he could give false tickets. Thanks you Darrell.
 November 28, 2016 - Sedgwick County Pond - November 28th 2016 Sedgwick County pond fishing had a great day fishing today these were close to 7 pounds.
  September 5, 2016 - Tuttle - Not sure if this is the right place for my fish catch but here she is.
I was fishing at the Tuttle spillway on Friday night with Perch and Bluegill (floating) as always at 18ft and I tied into this guy around 2330. A 45 minute fight hell it took 30 before I even got to see him and another 15 because as soon as I got him topside down he would go taken line again. It was my second largest weighing in at 62lb my my largest flathead was 66lb.
August 30, 2016 - Marion - I was on Marion about 7:15 this morning. Started trolling about mid lake on the West side. I ended up catching 19 wipers. Most came out of 13 to 18 feet. I was using the old school 3 way rig. Can’t go wrong with that set up when trolling for wipers. I had a black-chrome Hot and Tot, and a white swim bait with a red tail. My biggest was right at 20 inches, the rest were wanting to be bigger so all were released. Water temp was 79 to 81 with very light South winds. Fishing slowed way down about 11am with just about no wind at all. Good day on the lake. Randy
August 15, 2016 - Marion - August 15, 2016. Fishing been good last several weeks. Today found large Wipers deep. Then seen two area's of top water action with bird action. Those area's produce smaller Wipers casting into them. This action was awesome. Did come up with a keeper Walleye. Total on my clicker was 53. Tired after this trip. If i had company on the boat catches would have been much higher as most cast each time fish on. Mark.
July 28, 2016 - Fishing trip out of state - My younger brothers treated me to a trip to Voyageurs National Park (United States National Park in northern Minnesota near the town of International Falls) for my 60th birthday this past week. The trip started out with a 45 minute delay out of Wichita for a mechanical issue in the cargo hold, resulting in all luggage being removed. Made it to O’hare on time, but that flight was at 1st delayed an hour and then it was cancelled all together. After scrambling a little bit I got an afternoon flight and met up with my brother in the Twin Cities, We ate supper with my sister and sister in law and we hit hit the road. We got to our 1st night stay and in bed about midnight ( my day started at 2:30am) at 3am one of the hotel workers was cleaning the microwave and set the fire alarm off for the whole hotel. Things are looking brighter in the morning when the hotel knocked 50 bucks off our bill. Now on to the fishing, We hired a guide and did a short 3 hour evening and caught some real short walleye but, we netted a 14 inch and a 19 inch smallmouth bass. I don’t have those pics yet. The best and the worse is yet to come.
On Monday we did a full day trip with a guide and he got us into about 80 walleye or so and most were skillet size, but they were returned. Tuesday we did a half day trip with the same guide and the weather had turned. No clouds, no wind. Caught four skillet size walleye again and released. Wednesday was the return home day but we still got a guide to take us out in the morning. The slots for the lake we were on were from 19 inches to 26 inches for Walleye. In 4 hours of fishing we caught over 20 that were in the slot and 7 that came home to fry.
  The attached pictures are myself with the walleye research hat logging in with a 22” eye. My brother Randy has a 23” being netted. And the long fish of the day belongs to my other brother, his was a 24. Bucket list item can be checked off. ( I think I’ll put it on the list again just for good measure.) We fished Namakan Lake Sunday night and all day Monday. Kabetogama on Tuesday and on Wednesday we were on Rainey Lake. I’d recommend Dominic at northern limits guiding, He was the one that got us on the big fish.
July 21, 2016 - Cheney - July 21st- Started at 8:30 trolling by 9:00- caught first walleye by 10:30-- was up to 10 walleye & 2 nice whites- and can’t go without telling the bad with the good- had 4 big drum, not proud but just telling all, plus don’t know how many white perch but all in all good day for me. Only took a couple pics cuz I was so busy! All fish were released. No legal walleye. But fun!!!!
94 Harley
July 5, 2016 - Sherwood Lake - (Submitted May 4 but missed in posting)
Landed this 16" black crappie, weighted out to be 3 lbs
June 14, 2016 - El Dorado - My brother and I put on the water at 6:30 am. We trolled crankbaits over rocky bottoms from 9 – 16 fow. We caught around 20 walleye from 10” up to 22” (3 keepers, a 21”and 2 22”) and a few wipers. Off the water by 2:30 pm.
Shawn Hurt
June 1, 2016 - Cheney - May 31, 2016 Tuesday afternoon. (a day after memorial day). Waited for all the rain to let up. While driving to lake i was shaking my head as i seen numerous American flags waving to the South on the way to the lake. (North wind). Kept telling myself its not going to be any good. Got to lake at noon and tried numerous spots with no luck. After 1.5 hours with no fish i went to idea number two. Casting in some prime spots using the tolling motor. That was the ticket. Sold action for 2 hours. Bunch of large Whites, few nice Wipers/perch, four 18" Walleye. A great day. Thought i was going to be a big zero today. I was going to use my clicker counter but action was so fierce no time to click. Around 40 caught. Mark.
P.S. last fall at Marion Lake was some of the most awesome Wiper fishing i've experienced ever. Lasted till early Nov.
May 26, 2016 - Melvern - 71 lb flat 49 1/2 " melvern lake Kansas - Brant Mckissick

May 19, 2016 - Cheney - Here are some pics of our success off of Wichita Point with #5 shad colored jointed shad raps, trolling real slow in fact one of them came while we were drifting while fighting another.
The wetness doesn’t seem so bad when the fish are biting! The largest we caught was 20 inches and lost one that promised to be a keeper, but somehow he got free. The others ranged from 10 to 19 inches. We caught about 10 or so in 4 hours.
May 11, 2016 - Cheney - I had decided on Tuesday to go out before the wind change on Wednesday morning and try my luck for some Walleye. I got out to the Cheney at about 8 and was trolling by 8:30 or so. I was disappointed with the weatherman, the wind had already changed and was coming out of the East-Northeast at a real good clip. I got a nice sized perch south of Wichita point and got my 1stWalleye of the year just west of Wichita point it was a 16 incher and back in the water it went. I went over to Sailboat cove and got a white bass and a 17 inch Wiper. I got tired of fighting the wind and called it a day at about 11:30. Sorry no pictures, cell phone wasn’t handy.
May 8, 2016 - Marion - Tried Marion yesterday, in the afternoon and caught numerous white bass and a few small wipers. I ended up catching approximately ten walleye and every one of them were short. I spoke to several other fisherman and they told me the same thing, everything was short.
May 4, 2016 - Wichita Area Pond - Hey ya’ll!
Went to the local pond around 12 on Saturday – left at 3 after catching 45 fish. Mostly crappie, with a 4 lb channel and a 2 lb bass. Kept the best 10 for supper
May 4, 2016 - Sherwood - landed this 16" black crappie, weighted out to be 3 lbs
May 1, 2016 - Cheney With the wind and all I thought the lake would be quite empty, coming over the hill to the state park marina area, much to my dismay the ramp was full of trucks and trailers at 7am. I went ahead and launched and went to troll south of refuge point. Caught a couple of white bass and a small catfish there trolling with jointed shad rap. Went up to walleye island and trolled up there nothing – I then did a couple of drifts with 1/4oz jig and nightcrawler and caught 3 drum the largest about 18 inches or so. I went back to trolling and caught a couple more white’s and I thought I had my walleye on the last fish of the day. But, it was about a 20 inch Wiper caught on a fire tiger jointed shad rap. I’d have pictures but my cell phone ran out of power. Then the wind changed directions and nothing. The ramp parking lot was empty at 5:30 when I came in to go home. It’s hard work fishing on your own when the wind is blowing like it was. But, it was fun to be on the lake again and catching fish.
April 25 , 2016 - Cheney 4-22-16 Sunny 79 degrees NW wind
Beautiful day on the water Friday. There were quite a few boats on the lake and everyone was moving around a lot. I trolled the main lake points or the dam using crank baits and crawler harnesses on planer boards.
(1) 21" walleye
(1) white perch
(2) wiper 10" & 14"
(1) 8" crappie
April 24 , 2016 -Brown County Lake - Two weeks ago caught 4 bass on Brown CO lake plastic worm north end of the lake. This weekend 3 on a jig & pig on the dam side and one crapie on a crank bait middle of the lake.
April 20, 2016 - El Dorado Question = Any suggestions on finding the fish on Friday? Been out on the dam fishing for Walleye using jig & crawler. Caught a Smallie and many Drum. Found out the leech is the best bait. Caught an 18''-er throwing a suspending jerkbait. What is the water temperature and are the Crappie on the banks?
April 17, 2016 - McPherson and Marion - We went to Mcpherson first and trolled and did some drifting. It was hard to control the drift with the way the wind was blowing. We ended up with 1 catfish, about 18 inches. We packed up and went over to marion and trolled the dam and I missed a couple of bites but my brother hauled in a short wiper. So he added a fish to his species caught list. Called it a day at about 7pm. We were late for supper. My wife, God bless her soul, kept the meal hot for us.
April 14, 2016 - Marion Question - My brother is coming down to fish with me this weekend. He’s coming in from the twin cities, My plan is to head over to Marion and do some trolling along the dam targeting walleye and white bass/wipers. Later though I was going to try for some catfish. I don’t know Marion that well, can someone tell me if I should look for the Cats up the creeks and river or should I focus on the points or drift the flats. You guys input would be greatly appreciated. And thanks in advance.
September 10, 2015 - Marion - I enjoyed a beautiful sunrise with fog in the background. Fishing has been excellent at this lake. Lots of top water action. Top water action is one of the most exciting types of fishing to experience for me. Mark.
August 6, 2015 - Marion - Been kind of turning to this lake lately to fish. Big Whites and nice Wipers 18" being caught in large numbers. Caught my longest Walleye ever, 27". Body was thin and small. It might have been on his last year living. "watch for the birds you will find the fish". Today was a workout. By myself with constant action. Mark.
August 3, 2015 -Cheney- Cheney August 1st, 2015 Saturday
 Lots of boats on the lake and those fishing seemed to be moving around
a lot. The lake is loaded with shad (2-3") for the fish to eat and the
fish I caught were very healthy and fat.
Really warm day but consistent wind out of the south. Trolled most of
the north side (points/flats) using crawler harnesses and crank baits.
No luck jigging worms or using fresh shad on bottom.
Half dozen white perch
2 decent wipers
3 drum (one really nice one)
1 walleye 25.5" 5.75 lbs
1 Dr. Pepper can
July 27, 2015 -Marion - July 27, 2015 Monday morning. Wanted a change of pace from Cheney for a change. Storms to the N.W. of lake causing a North wind. Not good. This is the third Monday in a roll i've been met with a north wind in the mornings. Nothing till the winds shifted to the South about 1.5 hours after i showed up at 6:30am. Found two locations with lots of shad with Big White's feeding and a ton of small 13" Wipers. Around 40 caught total. Cleaned 30. Some caught trolling and some jigging. Wish Marion lake had a fish cleaning station. Cleaned my catch at the lake with my portable table i brought with me. Before i left the waters i was on top a huge school of shad and fish. Could have stayed and continued to catch but was getting hot. A boat close by eyeing me with two young anglers on board with there dad's. I motioned them over and chatted with them and positioned them on top of my school and i had enough and called it quits. Nice seeing those boys with there Dad's.
July 26, 2015 - Pottawatamie State Lake #2 - I caught this LM bass this morning about 9AM off a topwater Jitterbug along the weeds in the northeastern cove fishing from shore. Thanks.
 July 26, 2015 - Shawnee State Fishing Lake - My report is for last Saturday July 18th and yesterday July 25th I have caught a total of seven LM bass on topwater poppers and jitterbugs. I caught two on the 18th and five on the 25th all caught along the east banks, and all were caught between 9AM to 3PM. Most were between a half pound to a pound and a quarter, but my two largest fish were 1.67 and 1.76 pounds. Also, I have been fishing from shore so they tend to be fairly shallow. I have attached a couple photos of the 2 largest caught those days. Thanks for your site as it is very informative! Keep up the good work!
-Ryan Salliotte
July 16, 2015 - Cheney Question Answer - Ty,
There are several places to find walleye at Cheney. A lot of humps, drops and flats that they are located at different times of year. M&M point is a great place to catch some really nice Walleye, it is riddled with flats and humps. Going down to walleye island is also a really good place to search for them.
July 13, 2015 - Cheney Question - Hey guys,
I am new to the area and I am wondering where you typically find walleye at Cheney. I don't need gps coordinates or anything (unless you want to give them up) but just general areas and/or techniques. I have been on Cheney a few times and had no luck.
July 7, 2015 - Cheney - July 06, 2015 Monday morning. Started at 6:45 am. and only found fish in one spot. Four Walleye 23" up to 26" caught. Two Keeper Wipers caught along with several big Whites. A dozen nice perch caught. I noticed several areas of top water action and slowly and quietly approached but then they were gone. Not too many boats out today. Off the lake by 9:30 am. Mark.
July 3, 2015 - Marion - Reported by Mike Cook, Four Lake Guides - Marion was still way high because they can't release water because everything downstream is still flooded. I chose Marion because of the holiday weekend. I figured the lake would be less crowded than Cheney or El Dorado and I was right. The parks are also posted with a blue algea warning which kept a lot of pleasure boaters at other lakes.
Okay back to fishing. We trolled some of my favorite spots for whites with not a bump. Even tried up in the river for a bit. Same results. So after wasting a couple of hours it was time to change species. Catfish of course. The first anchored spot we caught one and missed one. But that was enough to let me know where the fish were going to be on this day. The second spot we really got into them. Jim caught three before Gary could get a rod to bend. Boy was I busy for awhile. When we finally left that spot we had two sacks of channel cats pushing the scales to about 60 pounds with the biggest a real brusier going about 12 pounds. We tried several more spots catching small pound or little larger maybe but not adding any more to the fish already in the bags.
By 2:00 we had enough of the July weather to call it a day even though with the cloud cover and the breeze from the north and then from the east it was a very pleasant day. We will try again on another day for the wipers and white bass.
June 26, 2015 - Cheney Question - do you use down rigger in cheney and if you do what setup do you used, like a three way rig
June 24, 2015 - Cheney - Wipers are on fire at Cheney. 33 on Monday caught. Nice ones. Going out Thurs. with my papa and a friend. Might send in a report then with some Pic's.
June 13, 2015 - Cheney - Reported by Mike Cook, Four Lake Guides - Cheney is higher than it has been in quite a while. We have been catching a lot of fish and big ones in the past five or six weeks. Im talking about channel cats 20 pounds plus on Secret 7. Thats right, big fish on cheese bait. So don't believe the myth that you can't catch big fish on dip bait. I've been doing it for 30 years.
Back to the fishing trip. Started at eight in the morning. Big front came through and really was just past being right on top of us. Temperature drop of 20 degrees, thunder storms and inch and a half of rain. Pre-spawn fish. Started in the creeks figuring the fish would be taking advantage of the new water. Strike one! On to the willow trees. Strike two! On to the big timber. Strike three! Not only three strikes but not a single bite, nothing, nada! I'm beyond getting a little nervous. They are like par for the course. I told them I didn't play golf.
Long boat ride up to the river and we catch our first fish. A little pound and a half little fella but our first one. The second one came pretty quick and the third was the biggest that Scott had ever caught in his life. A solid 15 pound plus pig! We caught nine fish from noon till two then nothing again. Strange day! We cried mercy at four and called it a day. They were a lot happier with the day than I was. It was a successful ending of a rough day and we all had a lot of fun in between and I guess that's all that matters.
June 13, 2015 -McPherson County State Lake - My son and I spent about 3 and half hours fishing from shore on 6/13 in the afternoon. We had a blast. Most notable was my son sweeping the lake. ( caught all species ) Crappie, redear, saugeye, catfish and largemouth bass all on Canadian night crawler. Me, I caught about 10-13 ( I lost count, to tell the truth.) Channels. My mistake was not having a ruler with me. We did catch one that we knew exceeded the length limit a couple of others were iffey so we tossed those back. The cat was hammering chicken liver and the stink bait that mike cook uses.
June 5, 2015 - Wellington - Caught at Wellington on perch. 6/4/15 35 pounds.
June 5, 2015 - Near Madison - Fished on watershed lakes near Madison, Kansas from April 24 - 27. Weather windy &'water dirty & high. Fishing not good, but managed to catch: 1 - 7lb.; 2 - 5 lb; and about 20 smaller ones. Not a good year. I come from San Diego.
May 13, 2015 - Cheney - May 13, 2015 Weds. Walleye fishing has been excellent with many up to 26" and a lot of them. Best year class on big fish for me at this lake. Wipers hard to find. Here is a picture of a small walleye a good sign of small walleye in the lake for up coming years. White bass continue to look good two year straight now.
April 30, 2015 -Melvern - ~ ~ 
March 25, 2015 - Derby - It's spring and pre-spawn for Crappie. These were caught with a green tube jig in Derby.
March 16, 2015 - Lake Shawnee - My boyfriend Keith Ross caught this Rainbow Trout in Lake Shawnee 2 days ago using a spinner bait. It weighed 6 pounds and was 24 inches long
March 11, 2015 - Response to Looking for good bank fishing near camping for three kids - Depending on the time of year you are thinking about, I would actually recommend Harvey County East. It is a nice small lake, so there isn't a lot of traffic around, if you hit it right, you can sit and catch white bass and crappie for hours on minnows no more than 5 ft off the bank. Then, there are trees in the lake and if you fish around them with minnows or worms, you can usually do pretty good on channel cat. I enjoy taking my kids there, usually starting around this time of year. The action is fun and fast enough that it keeps them busy and happy.
March 9, 2015 - Looking for good bank fishing near camping for three kids - Hi,
I am hoping you can help me determine a location that would provide an exciting fishing opportunity for 3 kids ages 15-10. I don't mind traveling to as far as northern Texas or into Missouri. I guess I would like to keep the distance within 6 hours of Topeka. We have a RV that we would like to bring if you have any suggestions for bank fishing near an RV park.
I realize this may not be the appropriate forum for this question but I am hopeful that you could point me in the right direction for the information. We have tried Roaring River in Missouri several times and without much luck.
I appreciate any assistance you can provide. Thank you. (This person lives in Topeka)
February 13, 2015 - 2014 Season at a Glance - This season was met with more days available to fish. With a new work week in 2014 I had 4 days to choose to fish each week, thus more time on the lake. Found more fish last spring in extremely deep water at Cheney, (bigger Wipers). Fished more in submerged brush in shallow water due to prior years of drought, (smaller Wipers).
Had HUGE success on big White bass this summer into fall. White Perch were increasingly caught this year compared to last season. A bonus 16 Lb. Stripers caught. One area of the lake years ago marked with a way point on GPS that had not held any fish for years made for 3 trips of unbelievable fishing, (Huge Wipers and some monster Walleye). After those 3 trips they were gone. Found 3 new premium spots for big Walleye.
Found no fish chasing shad this late fall to speak of, (strange). Not to say it happened for others. Took several trips to Marion Lake. Dam fishing on foot last spring a bit disappointing. Several other trips in summer with outstanding action on Wipers, (18 to 20”) only. (can’t figure out that lake why they don’t grow bigger, been that way for years.) Several trips this late fall to Coffey Co. Lake, (Wolf Creek). Boy howdy, White bass caught in huge numbers and there BIG. Outstanding Spoonbill fishing in Oklahoma, (Snagging, what a workout, 18 caught up to 60 lbs.). A good Striper trip to Beaver Lake, Arkansas, what a place to live and fish if I could. Life is good as I grow older.
Enjoy video. Later part of June 2014. Bonus, 16 lb. Striper. Total of 32 fish caught this day according to my log. Cheney lake. Mark.
November 23, 2014 - Derby - Cold, wet and miserable weather but the reward was worth the wait. 4lb test, 1/32 shad jig.

November 11, 2014 - Derby - Derby... just because its cold don't let that stop you. 15-inch Crappie on a 1/8 tube jig..
October 17, 2014 - Cheney - October 08, 2014 Weds. morning. Who said fish feed least from the East? Today wind from the East around 13 mph. Very good day today. Watched the Solar eclipse on the moon all the way to the lake. Nice. Fish on almost as soon as i put the down riggers down. Lot of Wipers most over 21". Biggest was 24". Had several times both poles down with doubles on WIpers. Once both poles down and 1 each 12 to 15 lb. Catfish. Total of 19 fish caught. No Walleye. Friend told me Tues. 14 boats at Eastside boat dock. Tues. weather was great. Today i only seen my trailer and one other at boat ramp. Few White bass 15". Threw all back. Fished 7:45am. till 10am. Fished stopped biting for me by 10. Mark.
September 17, 2014 - Cheney - Sept. 17, 2014 Weds. morning. Nice day to fish today. Found a huge school of shad but nothing caught trolling thru it. So, the Electric trolling motor got a work out today. In one spot 100+ perch. All were 6 to 8 inches. Not too big but a blast catching. One of my best days catching these fish. Fish almost each drop. Got so blasted tired left and tried some rocks next to shore in 2' of water that the state put in the water few years ago. These rocks you can see there that close to shore. Electric motor here also and caught about 10 nice fat White bass and a few Wipers 13". Very good day of fishing. On my way in i pulled a boat to boat dock. Few guys not happy with a dead boat. That was OK with me. On my way in anyway. Things should really pick up I'd think in the next few weeks. Water temp. 70 at 7 am. 74 at noon. Mark.
July 29, 2014 - Cheney - July 29, 2014 Tues. morning. Started by vertical jigging for perch. 10 caught in the 8" length. Then went to downrigging and came up with 8 Wipers most today were well over 21". Two nice Walleye. One 26" other 22". Had to work at it today. Fish were tightly grouped feeding on shad. Yesterday could only find perch and that was fun jigging for them. Caught around 20. Mark.
July 24, 2014 - Cheney - July 24, 2014 Thurs. morning. As thought. Surface water temp. back up to around 80. Not back to wearing fish counter out but had a real good day. Total of 18 caught. Cleaned two really nice fat 24" Walleye's. Found shad only two area's and that's were i caught the fish. And the shad were limited in those area's but big fish feeding. Rest of fish were nice Wipers and 4 of those over 21" rest short. All of last week shad ALL over the place. Went to clean Walleye at cleaning station and bunch of shad feeding on my scraps in water. Forecast another cool front coming next week. The color of the Walleye were not pretty. Can't describe but just a flat color. Kind of ugly. But, fat and healthy. The Walleye i catch at Coffey Co. Lake, (wolf creek nuclear power plant) ? Those Walleye are extremely colorfully like you seen on T.V. or a magazine. Strange at Cheney. Nice big fillets. Will cook for dinner. Mark.
July 21, 2014 - Cheney - July 21, 2014 Monday morning. Fishing has taken a nose dive for me. Cool weather last week drop water temp. 3 fish caught all small. Not surprising. Occurred before in years past. Water temp. needs to warm back up and then watch out. Mark.
July 13, 2014 - Cheney - Went to Cheney Saturday evening 7/12, it was late, but I decided to go any way. Instantly started catching wipers. Both big and small. I didn't keep anything, decided to just catch and release. I had a lot of fun catching fish though. Only one sub legal walleye
Went out again for a couple hours on Sunday 7/13 and was still able to find a few fish. Tonight all the legal ones were Walleye. Still caught a bunch of small wipers, white bass and white perch.
Erik Sisk
July 9, 2014 - Cheney - July 09, 2014 Weds. morning. Man i tell ya. Today the weather was extremely nice. NO WIND and a bit cool on the lake. Went directly to the hot spot from Mondays trip and i thought my Lowrance HDS-10 along with me was going to have a heart attack. Screen went completely dark with fish and shad in 20' of water and fish on instantly. Before all hell broke loose looking at the graph my heart started beating like when you see that HUGE buck deer hunting. Yeah, a great feeling. Action lasted 2 hours around 24 caught in those 2 hours. I really cant remember on my clicker counter I"ve been hitting it so blasted enough. About 3 other boats with me. Not sure how they did i was by myself and, well, busy as hell. I must be living right. Off to Beaver Lake next week for Striper fishing. OOOO, all fish were Wipers. Not one Walleye. Wipers were big. Mark.
July 8, 2014 - Cheney - July 07, 2014 Monday morning. Fishing continues to be extremely good for Wipers. Today 29 total caught and the size of the Wipers as it warms up are getting larger. 4 Walleye caught only one keeper. Also, as it warms up i can tell the feeding frenzy is more aggressive. Had to expand my searches today to find the schools. 2.5 hours of searching but when found the actions was awesome. Would enjoy other reports postings at Cheney. Tired of reading my own. Mark
Generally go to Marion Lake at bit this time of the year but action is so good at Cheney now and should get even better in the coming two months. Will try to post U-Tube video someday but my Mac computer is really useless and having difficulty. May not happen.
June 26, 2014 - Cheney - June 25, 2014 Weds. morning. Short report. There are still some straggler Stripers in Cheney and there big. One caught at 16 lbs. Extremely nice what a Bonus to catch. I cleaned it. It would not have survived if thrown back. What an eye opener when it surfaced after a bit of fighting it and drag taken out numerous times. Total of 32 Wipers caught along with a few keeper Walleye and the Striper. I had no one to take a picture of it with me. I did video of my trip with a Go Pro Hero 2. What a sight to go home and watch. Unbelievable H.D. quality on this video device. Only a 3 hour trip Weds. Mark.
 June 11, 2014 - Cheney - June 11, 2014 Weds. morning. Another excellent day for Wipers. Most are 18 to 20" but did manage about 8 above 21". One nice keeper walleye. Total of 29 caught. Many doubles caught. Enjoy the clear water. Most the time it's not this clear. In picture we did not even have time to eat lunch on the boat as seen with apple the the mouth. Awesome fishing going on now. Location location location and depth and good electronics a must. My Lowrance HDS-10, and my Garmin GPS is awesome. Mark.
May 30, 2014 - Cheney - May 27, 2014 Tues. afternoon. Went out on moment’s decision in the afternoon. I have great hours at work with 4 days off each week. That means more fishing time. Hesitant to go with Holiday stragglers on the lake but when I got there at noon not much boat traffic. I was happy to see that. Wind light from all directions. Put Down riggers out in rather deeper water and fish on within a min. Lowrance showing real good concentration of large fish in a large area. So, no need in going into shallower water. Did good. 4 Keeper Walleye caught and 6 to 8, 18” Wipers. Some catches were doubles. No concentration of any shad yet. Tried some premium spot that are shallow but nothing there. That will change. 13 total caught. Off the lake by 3:30pm. Was fighting a fish and heard this jet engine noise above. It ended up being what I call “The sound of freedom”. 36000 feet above me was a KC-135 refueling not one but TWO B-2 stealth bombers. What a awesome site. I stopped reeling and just watched and watched till out of site. A tremendous day of fishing and watching out great nations military at work. Mark.
May 18, 2014 - El Dorado - Made it out to El Dorado for the first time ever with my boat. Went there as a kid with my dad, but it was never a "favorite" lake of his. So with the wind blowing from the SE, I knew Cheney was out of the question. Got to El Dorado, stopped by the Marina, where, they don't sell any bait other than worms and their coolers were pretty empty. Asked if there were any good spots to fish as it was my first time there and was told, "oh, anywhere in a boat". Went out, its definitely a nice clearer lake, but then it started. I got tangled up on tree after tree after tree. I lost more lures in one day at El Dorado than I have in probably 5 years at Cheney and Marion combined. Needless to say, I WILL NOT be going back there anytime soon.
May 10, 2014 - Cheney - I would LOVE to know where everyone is catching all the fish out at Cheney. I have been able to find a nice school of white bass one time, but have yet to be able to find the walleye this year and have never found the Wipers out there.
April 24, 2014 - Derby - 66 outside +59 water temp + green tube jig = 15.5 Crappie
April 21, 2014 - Cheney - April 21, 2014 Monday morning. Fishing was excellent. Pole in for only a few mins. and fish on. The earlier out the better. I started at 6:45 am. By 9:30 slowed down a bunch. Fished till 1 pm. Long day for me. Usually off the lake by 11 am. All fish caught pre spawn action going on. Found quite a bunch of large perch and white bass in 2 to 3 foot of water in submerged growth due to the two year drought. Figured they would be there and it paid off. Used the Ele. motor for that and casted small white grubs. I bet the Walleye will be in that structure soon?? No Walleye caught. Crappie, (HUGE). Many Wipers most right at 21" caught at dam. 57 degree water temp. Water clarity good. Cleaned what i could keep. Two large freezer bags. Not too bad of a trip for first time out at Cheney with boat. Total of 35 caught according to my clicker counter. Mark.
April 15, 2014 - Albino Trout at Zoo Park - Albino Trout we caught at Sedgwick County Park
April 5, 2014 - Derby - Derby, 14 in green tube.
March 21, 2014 - Derby - Derby, white spinner bait 17 in
January 13, 2014 - Coffey County - January 13, 2014. Coffey County Lake. Total of 69 caught in 5 hours. Took 50 nice White bass home to clean. Had two sighings of Big Foot at the Lake. One sighing was on the shore fishing with a cain pole. Other sighing was at the power plant as a security guard walking along the jetties. LOL, just kidding. Mark.
January 12, 2014 - Atchison State Lake - Fished Atchison State Lake today. 12 Jan 14
Lake completely iced in. A lot of soft top slush and standing water but is still safe. Surprisingly the ice is averaging 6 inches throughout lake.
Fished the west end area of the lake. Today was all Crappie bite.
Most fished marked in 15-20 foot of water.
Both produced nice Crappie:
1/8oz Brown Hair jig tipped with minnow
Pink 1/8 oz. jig with glow wiggler.
Fished just off bottom.
January 7, 2014 - Leavenworth State Fishing Lake - The south end of lake was not checked but had open water on 4 January so it is not likely to be safe enough with only a few days of colder weather we had. A lot of stress fractures on ice but it’s safe Ice in North Bay areas measuring between 8-9 inches.
 Picked up a few catfish and Largemouth Bass.
12-16 foot water
1/8oz. Silver jigging spoons tipped with a minnow
January 7, 2014 - Coffey County Lake/Boat Owners - Dec. 27, 2013. Had a nice day at this lake with a total of 14 fish caught in the warm water discharge area. Half were largemouth bass and the other half White bass.
Boat owners or potential boat buyers. I usually don't like to bring up the bad part of owning a boat the expensive of this. But this trip for some reason shocked me a bit. Should not, I've owned boats for years. Maybe due to the 125 miles it took to get to this lake. Most of my lakes i go to are an hour or less to get to. But this trip i used 26 gals. of gas in my newer Ford truck to complete. A day before i left gas was 2.99. The morning i drove up to Q.T. to fill up boat and truck it went up to 3.09. Now as i type this report its up to 3.17 a gal. in the dead of winter. Thank goodness i was able to find a friend out of 6 I asked went with me to split the cost. When a person can put up several hundreds of millions of dollars out of pocket change to build a fabulous new football and sport complex at OSU college in Stillwater Ok. (Mr. Pickinken a oil business man) (thank you Mr. Pickinken, i went to a game a few months a go and it is nice). Or, when the dictator of Libya is killed and he had over $200 Billion in cash in his bank from oil. This is all upsetting. Enough. One year i kept track of the expenditures of my hobby of boat fishing and it was shocking what i spend. Ok, I feel a bit better now expressing my anger. And now, next week i will head back to this lake and fish due to my addiction to fishing. I cant help it. I love to fish.
January 4, 2014 - Leavenworth State Fishing Lake - Ice is solid 6 inches from boat ramp and North Bay areas completely iced in. South end and middle bay areas of lake still had open water. Bite is slow.
January 2, 2014 - Ice on Cheney - Just got back from ice fishing at Cheney(Thursday 5:00 PM). The ice was about 3” to31/2” in the Pretty Prairie road area. Open water on up the lake. My partner and I caught 5 total; four whites and one small wiper. The day was going reasonably well until I walked onto that slushy area on the way back to the truck. I went in to my armpits before I knew what happened! Luckily, I was able to roll out onto solid ice before I got to waterlogged. Very scary experience! So If you are thinking about going out this weekend beware of slushy spots, sometimes it’s not just snow on top of the ice. I found out the hard way!
December 25, 2013 - Ice on Milford? - Any reports on how frozen Milford is since the snows came this last week?
December 24, 2013 - Leavenworth State Fishing Lake - Went today to drill some test holes in the ice on lake. The lake is about 90% ice covered with a few inches of snow.
Test holes drilled just out from boat launch measured 4 inches, with some around 5 inches. Also drilled numerous holes mainly on the east side bay area which is completely iced in and all holes were still at 4 inches of ice. I would avoid the south side main bay area as there is still some open water. Some of the points and middle had some wet areas on top of ice.
Will be fishing it this weekend and will provide a better fish bite report.
November 12, 2013 -Derby Crappie- Nov 10th and 11th Derby. All were caught on blue and green tube jig. 14.5, 15 and a 15.5 whopper!
November 3, 2013 - Sedgwick County Park - Trout caught Monday morning.

October 28, 2013 - Cheney - October 28,2013 Monday morning. Nasty morning. Light fog. Breezy from the South. Millions of sea gulls. Again didn’t really think I’d do well. Tried one side of the lake nothing. Fought the wind to get to the other side of the lake. Lots of birds looking but not diving. Hovering low ready to bust loose at any moment. So, with no birds diving that I could see Went to down rigging which I don’t like to do this time of the year hoping something would bust loose. And it did. At first several really nice fat 18” Wipers. Not much shad showing up but some on a ledge. I kept at it and within an hour things really picked up. Bigger Wipers showed up some up to 8 lbs. all really fat. Then both down rigger went down hard. I was the only one in the boat so back to reeling one in first. But, it took forever. BIG fish on.
Ended up being at 15 lb. Catfish. Reeled the other pole in and another 15 lb. Catfish. Once again really fat fish. Continued to troll and within 10 mins. both poles down again HARD. Do to the wind I had to start the motor back up and drive to the fish. Another 15 lb. Catfish. Went to reel the other pole and nothing. Broke the line. Ended up with 15 Wipers caught along with the Catfish. Released all. Shad seem to be at 10’ depth and a lot of them in deep water. Not being chased by fish for me anyway. Mark.
September 7, 2013 - Marion - Labor Day weekend.
For Walt,
Fishing has been great for white bass and wipers at Marion Reservoir.
Check the flats for white bass and humps by deeper water for wipers. If
the water is calm and it's sunny out, just wait for the frenzy/boils in
the afternoon/early evenings. Water temp has been around 81-84.
I've also been told the walleyes are in 4FOW (feet of water) or less at
August 28, 2013 - El Dorado - Been fishing El Dorado spillway a lot this past week. Not much luck. Has anybody been catching any at Marion. Walt
August 19, 2013 - Cheney - August 19, 2013 Monday. A.M. fishing. Lake flooded but water clarity not bad mid lake. Did't think much would happen today. I was wrong. Been a long time since I've been out to Cheney. Shad schooled up good. I made my adjustments due to lake flooded and did well. Cleaned 2, Wipers 24". One Walleye 21". Caught a dozen Wipers 18". Few more Walleye short. Cleaned fish at fish cleaning station at marina in knee deep water using my boat battery. (tied up to fish cleaning station). Cannot use Eastside boat ramp flooded. Westside boat ramp can use. Wear your shorts. You have to wade in knee deep water to get to boat dock. I really don't see the flood right now effecting fishing. I would have stayed longer but got to go to work second shift. Really a nice day of fishing. Mark.
July 17, 2013 - Wabunsee County Private Lake - Caught this potential record crappie at a private lake near Harveyville, Kansas on 7/17/2013.
Didn't weigh or measure, but by size of lure, estimate to be 15-17.5" depending on final measurement of the lure body length. Won't be verifiable as record crappie, but maybe???
Caught by Ryan Woodman of Topeka, Kansas.
July 13, 2013. El Dorado - Mike
Cook - Four Lake Guides - Saturday July 13, 2013. El Dorado flathead trip with Eric Traffas. The day was overcast with about a 20 mph wind from the southeast. A little to windy to vertical jig fish the trees on the creek channels. Just to dangerous. So we concentrated on the rip rap areas. We jig fished with 1 ounce lead head jigs tipped with 3 inch goldfish and 5 inch black sunfish. The sunfish were a little big for what I like but the goldfish were perfect.
When we started fishing I told Eric to crappie fish. He asked,"crappie fish?" I said just pretend you are crappie fishing. He said ok, understanding what I was wanting him to do. He started with a sunfish and me a goldfish. We fished rip rap areas from 6 to 20 feet deep. Fishing from about 5 or 5:30 until about 7:30 or 8 o'clock. Not a bump.
We headed to a feeding area at 8 so we could set the anchors to fish after dark. I don't move around after dark except to go home. Murphy's law. Whatever will go wrong after dark will and whatever can't go wrong will anyway. So once I set the anchors for flathead, we are there til we quit.
I had asked Eric to bring his flathead rods and reels cuz I am short on my supply of flathead gear due to not having replaced them all since the divorce. That's all I have to say about that as Forrest Gump would say.
So while I was transferring some of my heavier reels to my flathead rods and changing the rigging from dip bait channel cats to livebait flathead stuff, Eric wasted no time in baiting his up and getting them in the water.
Let me tell you a little bit about Eric. He is a fun guy to fish with who loves to catch fish of all species, but particularly the big cats. He fishes with me several times a year and also goes to Virginia and fishes the James River for giant blues. He has caught 60 and 70 pound blues and 2 and 3 pound crappie. So he knows what he is doing with a rod and reel.
Ok. So it didn't take me long and we each had 3 baits in the water. He made himself comfortable in the front deck swivel seat while I ran around getting lights going on the boat along with a couple of Coleman lanterns. Everything was pretty quiet except for the occasional splash made by some predator fish filling its mouth then belly with some unfortunate bait fish.The wind seemed to get stronger as the night got darker. A little backwards from what normally happens, it seems.
Every once in a while one of our baits would get excited and transmit those feelings to us by way of our rod tips. But that was about the only thing keeping me awake. Until my center rod tip showed a little more excitement than normal. Before I could say anything to Eric the rod doubled over hard in the rod holder. I grabbed the rod and struggled to remove it from the rod holder before I could get it out to put a good hookset on the fish. Eric is a big man but I think he ran on air getting to the back of the boat as I passed the rod off to him.
Now we were fishing only a short distance from some trees so we had the drags totally cranked down to stop any fish from getting to them and safety.
Eric was putting everything he had on the rod and the fish was still ripping line off the reel. It lasted a frantic and short 3 or 4 minutes and snap. The leader gave up the fight and Eric never got the fish turned. He looked at me and I said dam. He came back with,"Mike, it was humungus." I couldn't help but giggle just a little.
I looked at my watch. It was 9:55. As we passed the time wandering and weighing that fish that swam off with my tru turn hook, another rod went down but popped right back up. That was at 11:00 o'clock. One fish broke off and one hard bite but no hookup. Not a good night flathead fishing but not a bad one either. At 1:30 we quit.
Eric wants to get that Tru-Turn hook back from what he guesses is an 80 pound fish. Comparing the hookset and pull I felt to the big spoonbill I've caught, I won't argue with him. 40 pound flatheads are the biggest I've got to the boat. Felt a few that I know were a whole lot bigger. But they broke off or swam into trees. I'll add that one to the list.
Mike Cook
July 4, 2012 - Overview - Mike
Cook - Four Lake Guides - Yep, I'm still alive and fishing. 2 1/2 years ago the doctors were saying go in and say your goodbyes to him. Ha, what do they know. I'm still alive and fishing, minus a few toes. The writing juices don't flow as well as they once did, but the fishing fever is as strong as it's ever been. Enough of that. Let's get to the fishing.
Going back to this past spring, the crappie at Fall River and Cheney was super and super size. We had a couple of really good crappie trips at Marion in the early spring at Marion. The channel cats were as reliable as ever at Marion, Fall River and Kaw. Kaw also bave up some really nice blues.
There is only so much time in the day and so many things left to do and undone. El Dorado seemed to fit in that catagory. A half dozen trips there yielded only a few crappie and walleye. I just could not seem to get on them at El Dorado. That is going to change, I know it.
Meanwhile, summer is here. Marion has the blue algea. The water is rising and fish are biting at Cheney. As much as I want to get to Kaw and Fall River, Cheney is closer and dependable. Well, the yard needs mowed and the rental house has a roof leak. One last note. Call me if you have 40 to 80 acres for sale within 30 minutes of the city or you want to go fishing. I gotta get away! God bless and good luck fishing. Happy 4th.
June 26, 2013 - Clinton - Caught June 17, 2013. Pulled this beast in on a trot line baited with a small crawdad. Took 20 minutes to get him tired enough to wrestle into the boat!!
June 15, 2013 - Cheney - Made it out to Cheney Sunday 6/9 despite my family telling me that the fish weren't going to be biting because a front moved through during the night. Didn't have my line in the water for more then 5 minutes when I had a fish on. A nice 25 inch Walleye! I fished for another couple hours catching some small fish here and there, then around 5 I hit a honey hole. 2 poles in the water trolling and everytime I went over that spot both poles doubled over! A lot of doubles, everytime, atleast one pole had a double on it. A couple wiper, a wiper and a walleye, a couple white bass. It was awesome!!! If someone else in my family would have came, we would have been able to come home with 4 walleye instead of just 2. I caught 7 walleye over the 21 inch length limit, came home with 2, and 4 really nice white bass! Couldn't ever seem to find the 21 inch wipers though. All in all a GREAT day at the lake! ERIK
June 9, 2013 - Cheney and Marion - I've been hitting the lakes pretty hard since memorial weekend. Going every night after work that I have a chance. Primarily going to Cheney where I have been landing a lot of fish! I can go out there and catch fish for as long as I want to stay. Unfortunately, I have yet to catch a wiper or walleye of legal limit, most of what I have been catching are in the 18 inch range. There have only been a couple times that I wasn't able to find the fish. Memorial weekend I landed a huge Crappie. 16 inches long and 3 1/2 lbs. A personal best for me and I think it will look great hanging on my wall.
Went to Marion for the first time this year last weekend. Took me forever to find the fish, but once I did the bite was on! Couldn't ever locate the walleye, but found the wiper and white bass and had a good afternoon of catching quite a few of them. Not many keepers again, but still a fun day of catching and releasing. I would have to say this year I have caught more fish all together then I have in probably the last 5 years combined. ERIK
June 6, 2013 - Cheney - June 04, 2013 Tues. Early morning. Have not been out to Cheney since April 20. The bite was on big time. Nothing huge like years past. Caught around 30 Wipers 15 to 18". Many times doubles on each pole. Caught 5 Walleye. Out of all kept one Wiper and Walleye both 23". Caught a ton of White Pearch and all were really good size. Vertical jigged a bit for those. Water Stained big time. Shad showing up already in my hot spots. Between Cheney and Marion Lake spring fishing has been really good so far. Almost went to Marion this morning instead of Cheney. Mark.
June 6, 2013 - Milford - Shane Eustice and Craig Johnson took 3rd place at the Kansas Walleye Tournament at Milford lake this past weekend.
June 3, 2013 - Wellington - Caught 24 pounder Friday night.
May 30, 2013 - El Dorado - Submitted by Shane Eustice of Hook'Em Guide Service - Kansas winds and low water levels are not stopping a great bite on El Dorado Lake. Anglers’ are catching walleye over 8 lbs casting soft baits on the flats or pulling in-line spinners with worms. Wipers and white bass are also being caught on these baits with some wipers weighing up to 6lbs. BE SURE TO IDENTIFY YOUR FISH. Small Mouth Bass are being caught on rocks with finesse baits like the Zinker Z baits by Z-Man Lures. Several Flatheads have been caught on limb lines in the creeks and rivers using goldfish or cut bait. With the recent rains, the channel cats and blue cats should fire up with the moving waters on creeks and rivers. Don’t miss out on this great bite as it can be very fast and fun this time of year. Crappie Spawn is winding down with a few being caught on the lower part of the lake mostly on jig and minnows under a cork. Some post spawn crappie are being caught on the upper end of the lake in the trees. Crappie Pro’s Wasshoppah Bugs are producing nice fish.
Come enjoy a day on the water and take a kid fishing!!
May 17, 2013 - Derby - Went Crappie fishing in Derby, but this is all I caught.
May 13, 2013 - El Dorado - Submitted by Shane Eustice of Hook'Em Guide Service - Fishing has picked up on El Dorado Lake this week as the weather is getting better. Upper end of the lake is producing nice male and female crappie. Water temp in the upper end is around 61 degrees. Look for spawning crappie on rock or in shallow coves. Cork and jig or minnows are producing very well. Walleye on the main lake are now on the flats and they are feeding. Pulling spinners with night crawlers or slow death are producing nice fish with speeds around .8 – 1.2 mph. Crank baits are also catching fish but not as many as the water temp is still around 58 degrees. Flats in the 6-12 FOW are the most active areas at this time. The carps are working the shallow but muddy creeks that have small amount of inflows. Casting corn and letting it drift on top of the moving water is an excellent way to produce catch.
Get your gear ready and take a kid fishing. Now is one of the best times in Kansas to catch fish.
April 30, 2013 - Answer to "Where is this cat catching the crappie?" - To the guy that asked where I’m catching these Crappie.
There are small ponds all over the Wichita area that have Crappie and big ones at that, but when it’s been this cold or your fishing heavily pressured water you need to slow down, light line and small jigs. Fish as if you're ice fishing. But if you don’t have the patience to wait you won’t catch Crapp…..ie.
May 3, 2013 -Derby - Derby. Stinking cold, but with patience it paid off.
May 2, 2013 -Butler County SFL - Went out to Butler County fishing lake for a look Monday.
The recent rains have filled to normal levels. Lots of flooded
Vegetation. Looks like it should be good fishing conditions.
Mark B
April 30, 2013 - Where is this cat catching the crappie? - To the gentleman catching those crappie email me bakiesoupie@hotmail.com
April 29, 2013 - Marion - April 29, 2013. Had a good day walking the dam with my son. Both of us combined caught 20. Some Wipers some White bass. Both females and males. Wipers up to 19". A.M. fishing. Water very clear. We were the only one's bank fishing. Many boats out fishing. Just a beautiful day to be at the lake.
April 27, 2013 - Derby - Derby, cloudy, just before the last cold front. Mark
April 22, 2013 - Cheney - Cheney April 22, 2013. Trolled the dam in the morning and caught 2 like photo shown. Both were female full of eggs. Quite a few fish showing up on the fish finder at the dam. Was able to launch at Eastside boat ramp. 2.2 feet of water for about 150 yards then it gets deeper. I have a Tracker Targa Deep-V boat that does not set in water very deep. Mark.
April 16, 2013 - Milford Blue Cat 2013 - I would like to respond to the large Bluecat caught at Milford last week due to some thoughts about size. First of all I would like to report that since Mar 7th I’ve caught more large fish than any year before. There seems to be many fish between 25 and 35 lbs. There has been some early mornings that I’ve caught 5 to 10 fish over 25 lbs. Fresh shad is a must!. The weather has made it tough fishing this year but has keep water temp down, todays surface water 52 degrees. In 2005 I caught many fish that was over 50 lbs. Seven years later that fish should weigh between 80 and 85 lbs. In 2010 I caught 3 fish over 65 lbs. Three years later that fish should weigh 80 to 85 lbs. In 2012 I caught 2 fish 73 and 78 and those fish should weigh over 80 lbs. My guess is that the upper weight for these fish should be 80 to 90 lbs. You still have to be LUCKY to catch a fish that size. Plus when you get lucky you better be ready to land it. All other poles reeled in, motor up and anchors up and keep him away from the bottom of the boat. Myself I fish to catch big fish! Even with water temp at 40 degrees I use # 6 hooks and tennis ball size bait
April 5, 2013 - Wichita Area Pond - Wichita pond. 65, sunny and windy. Muddy water pitched a. 1/32oz orange tube. Thought I had a snag. Mark
March 31, 2013 - Wichita Area Pond - 14-inch crappie - Sunny, 75, muddy water pitched a .32 oz Orange tube
March 21, 2013 - Wichita Area Pond - 5lb Bass. Local pond. White Roster tail spinner
February 7, 2013 - Wichita Private Lake - Went out bass fishing for a little while this afternoon fishing a bubblegum Senko weightless in five to six foot deep water.
David Johnson
Zeiner's Bass Shop
December 3, 2012 - West and North of Wichita - Sunday December 2nd, 70 degrees, 40 minutes west and north of Wichita. You just don't pass up days like this to get to any lake that still has water in it to dip a line and enjoy the sun. The challenge is to find water with the past drought. But once there an hour of sun, peace and quite, time to reflect, gather your thoughts and 5 bass later your able to tolerate the next few weeks of cold. Smallest was 8 inches, mightiest was 14. Nothing to write home about but I will tell you. Magic bait is the usual 3/8 silver Cicada in knee deep water at a slow rythmic thump thump thump.
Also had a nice visit with the areas management force that I always enjoy and appreciate the work they do to protect and enforce the laws.
November 7, 2012 - Equipment towing shared by a visitor - November 07, 2012. I recently was in the market to replace my older Ford F-150. It had the 5.4 V-8 and did a excellent job pulling my 3000 lb. Walleye boat easily down the interstate at 75 mph. on trips up to 2 hours from home. I spent a 1/2 day or so with the Ford dealer on a 2011 F-150 but could not decide on keeping with the V-8, (5.0) or going with the V-6 EcoBoost, (3.5). I was positive at first staying with the V-8 but i viewed a video at the dealership on the smaller V-6 EcoBoost, (twin turbo) and was sold on this engine able to do the job on horse power and torque pulling my boat. I did no research on this engine just don't have the time prior to by decision. So, i paid the extra $900 Ford charges for this engine and kept my fingers crossed I'd be happy. I've had the pickup for two fishing seasons now. Several trips to Milford Lake, Wilson lake and others which is a distance from my home and it is a awesome truck on what they advertise it to be on performance on towing. Every bit the power of my older V-8 i had. And passing vehicles when needed is no problem with the boat. And the room in the back seat of the Supercrew is huge. Mileage on hi way with boat is a terrible 11 mph. Hi way with no boat a nice 21 mph. I just hope the longevity is there for another 10 years.
October 16, 2012 - General comment - October 16, 2012. As the summer is wrapped up thought I'd share a few tips. This late summer I concentrated on a lake for a few days that I used to fish back in the mid-1990s and kind of stopped going to or just visited a time or two a year. I spent several hours just driving around on a calm morning with my electronics and gps to see what I could find new that I've never came across in past years. I told myself to be patient and it paid off. I located and marked several way points with extreme drop offs or nice ledges that were prime areas to hold bait fish and fish. I did extremely well on catches these two days I was there. This lake in coming years could possibly be my prime lake to fish in years to come. I suppose I'm bringing this up to show that for me anyway it can takes years on a lake to figure it out on the areas that hold or at least prime areas that can hold fish on a lake. Nope, sorry I'm not going to mention which lake for now.
Keep your eye out on the newest model's of Lowrance's HDS units coming out in the next few months. Touch screen units with structure scan built into the unit. Some HDS units are now for sale at some places. These will be in screen sizes of 7", 9", and 12". They're awesome. Yeah, $$$$ pricey.
September 28, 2012 -Ellis City Lake - My friend and I caught 10 little catfish in Ellis City lake on 10/27/12 and threw them back. It was fun but no keepers.
September 8, 2012 -Marion - Saturday. The weather was perfect and had not been able to get to the lake for over a month. Launched and started fishing about 12:30pm. Kind of slow at first, picked 1 or 2 up now and then. Found the fish on Cottonwood point north of the swimming area. For the most part fished the north side of cottonwood and the next point north. It was odd to be fishing with a north wind but, once we found the fish, it worked like normal. (The fish were just on the other side of the points then normal) We left at 6:00 pm with 74 keepers. We had two 19" wipers, one 18 1/2" walleye and the rest were Whites. We threw back two smaller walleye, one was 17 3/4". It was an interesting day, many times we were fighting 3 or 4 fish at a time and the weather was superb. It was not uncommon to have two fish on a pole.
 September 3, 2012 -Herington City Lake - September 3, 2012, Herington Reservoir-8:30am we were trolling in the middle of the reservoir I was using an Ugly Stik Ultra Light using 6lb test line and stink bait. I hooked a 40lb, 38" long flathead. It took me 45 minutes to land it and it pulled us halfway across the lake.
Shannon Harris
Hope, Ks
August 25, 2012 -Emery Park Wichita - Went to Emery Park on 8/23/12 and took my girlfriend around 8:00a.m. and finished the day with 11 largemouth bass total. I usually like to try to show up an hour or two earlier but the top water was still good me. All were arounda pound or two but healthy and a blast to catch. A texas-rigged worm(3"-6") was great also. I like this place and is close to my home and feel this page needs more largemouth reports. Wichita needs more largemouth bass period! LETS PRACTICE CATCH-AND-RELEASE TOO, IT WON'T KILL YOU, PLEASE!!! Ended the day around 12:00p.m., was decent and fun, then again it always is! WHAT'S WITH ALL THE TRASH!? Makes me sick,but plan to try to help alittle and spend a few hours out there with some large trash bags and pick it up some, mainly by the shore and the south end. Name is Xzavier B.
July 31, 2012 -Cheney - July 29, 2012. Thought i'd post a short report. Went out at noon and the bite was awesome on Wipers. Doubles on each pole many times at once. Can't believe the bite was such at 111 degrees on the lake. In the boat was terrible on heat. Surface water temp. at 87. No wind and we jigged a bit for Perch and that also was awesome. Came up with one 22" Walleye jigging. Two guys with me could not believe the catches with all this heat. I don't think i'll be doing that again in the afternoon. When I was in my late twenties I could handle the heat. Not now at 49. We only stayed out 1.5 hour. But it was a blast while we could stand the heat. Mark.
July 28, 2012 -Marion - July 28, 2012, Saturday Morning. Got to the lake about 6:30am. Hit 4 nice white bass just out of Marion cove. Fish do not seem to be schooled real tight. Would troll for 10 minutes without a hit and then have three rods go down at a time. Would troll back through the area and pickup 4 or 5 more and then shut off completely. Trolled a large part of the East side of the lake. Found pockets of fish on most points but no concentrated schools. Left the lake at 12:00 noon with 46 keeper White bass and Wipers and one 20" Walleye.
Royce Holdeman
  July 18, 2012 - Marion - Fished Marion over night, caught 6 channels 4-10 pounds and a bunch of 20-24in whipers. Around 3:30 am caught a nice flat didn't have a scale on me but i guess in between 30-35. Then at 4:15 caught a big one. Didn't have a scale on me so i waited for some boats to show up some nice guy from the Northshore let me borrow his read 49 even on his 50 pound scale the fish was 48 inches long. Flatheads should still be spawning. Fish rear rocks 4-11 feet.
Ian Mattson
July 17, 2012 - Cheney - July 17, 2012 Tues. morning. Walleye was caught in good numbers in 3 to 4 foot of water trolling with Bombers. Caught around 20 and 4 of those at or above 21". Wipers caught once again and the size this time was a bit larger. 20 of those caught and 1/4 of those at or above 21". Wind was from the South at 10 to 15 mph and I'm sure that triggered the Walleye bite today. Too much wind to set on top of any schools of perch and jig. All Walleye caught in one area and no other species caught. Wipers caught in one area and no other species caught. Things looking like it was several years ago before the dirty water showed up and stayed for several years. Mark.
July 14, 2012 - Cheney - I hope I'm wrong about this,but these 100 degree days with no wind to oxygenate the water makes me very worried that we will see a big fish kill at Cheney before the summer is over. It happened a few years ago and conditions are ripe for it to happen again. Lets hope we get a break in the weather soon.
July 13, 2012 - Cheney - Friday July 13, 2012. Fishing has been excellent last two days out. Been hitting the lake at 6am. till 11am. Thurs. caught around 30. Friday was much more productive on quality and quality. Many many times both poles with two fish on each at once drown rigging. Shad are abundantly schooled up and the fish were easy pickens. Friday the wind was up about 10 mph. and the bit was on big time. Then the wind got calm and the bite stopped. By then I had 40 or so caught. Most were Wiper 15- 18". Few right at 21". Two Walleye at 21" caught. Since the wind died down went to another area and found a good size school of Small Wipers and Peach feeding on a large school of shad. Got the Minn Kota Trolling motor out and jigged and the action was non stop. I used ultra light gear with 8 lb. test and it was a blast.
Water is clearing up nicely. BIG improvement from the last two years. Wiper size down from two years ago but an abundant number in the 15-18" range. I thought the Perch population was going down but Friday showed that in error. The school of perch was HUGE. Very enjoyable catching the Perch when everything else had stopped.
Three items from the great success I've had last two days. One, top of the line electronics (a must). Two, precision performance from a G.P.S. Three, Location, location, location. Good luck to all. Mark.
 July 7, 2012 - Cottonwood River - these are fish that mike and larry flores caught in june 2012 the biggest weighing 52lbs...
June 14, 2012 -Marion - June 14, 2012 Thrus. morning. Found schools of 11 to 13" Wipers in 2 to 3' of water. Trolling for them with Bombers. I'd put the pole out and it would not take but mins. and I'd have fish on. I must have caught 50 of them then the wind got too strong. It was constant action. But, they were all kind of on the small size. Caught 4 small 15" Walleye also. Water is extremely clear. Had a good day of fishing. But nothing big enough to take home. Mark.
June 12, 2012 - Cheney - I've been out to cheney 6 times without much luck let alone a keeper ! I think cheney is going downhill fast. Outta drain it and make a 4x4 racing pit.
June 8, 2012 - Cheney - June 08, 2012 Friday. Walleye were biting so so. Caught one keeper at 23". Tried to clean at the fish cleaning station. No electricity so back into the lake. Caught 6 more those were short. Caught one 23" wiper and many short ones. Pearch were caught in good sizes not not numbers. Traveled to many area's of the lake but only one area produced fish. Many boats out on lake fishing for a Friday. Water clarity seams to be improving "a little bit". That's good news.
I really think the water clarity, lack of, is a big issue on my lack of great success past two to three years.
I'm deck out with several Lowrance HDS units. One if them with a 10" screen. I've been working on getting used to my built in G.P.S. and have struggled having success with trying to go back to my way point acutely with precision to my spots. I've gotten with Lowrance Teck support and everything seams to be working per manufactory specifications. It just does not work as well as i would like it to. Before my HDS units I had a Garmin map source gps 162 chart plotter receiver with a built in antenna with a 5.5" screen and just LOVE it on precision performance. I lost that unit in a fire with ALL my way points logged in it. So, i bided on a used on e-bay and got one. This unit is probably 10 to 12 years old and I used this one Friday and worked GREAT on my boat with what i needed. I can see all ready this OLD gps has helped me out on "getting on the spots" with precision. Strange as it sounds with all this high teck and expensive units this older Garmin has got me back into my seat with gps performance i need.
Just a note: These Garmin 162 gps receiver have been discontinued for many years. There are a few on e-bay and they are going for premium prices for being 10 to 12 years old. You think the buyers know something and how well they work? YEAH.
May 22, 2012 -Supper caught at Lake Fegan - They were all 10- 15 lbs. each. Z.Miller (2) Fish D Morris (2) Fish mine were bigger........ Zac !
May 17, 2012 - Hargis Lake - Drove down to Wellington to Hargis Lake yesterday eve, May l6th. Started fishing at 5:00 p.m. Using gold minnows. Was there till 8:20 p.m., and caught one crappie, one flathead (small) and several black bass, largest probably weighed a pound; none of the bass were anywhere near legal size. Fished from the bank in the general area the game warden told me last year where the crappie were usually caught.
May 17, 2012 -Harvey County East - On Monday, May 14th, drove over to Harvey Co East. Started fishing from the bank at 12:00 noon using minnows for bait. Caught nothing until moving to a different spot where I caught one crappie about 3:30 p.m. Later, probably 4:00 p.m. hooked a channel cat . Only fish I saw any sign of.
Not many fishermen around
May 11, 2012 - Cheney - May 10, 2012 Thrus. morning. Fishing was not so good. Cool temps. in the evenings might have slowed it down some. Maybe spawn might be coming to a close. Caught only 6 and they were very small Wipers on the face of the dam trolling. Lowrance HDS/StructureScan showed fewer fish than last week. Tried a few areas on the flats could not get anything to bite. I'd like to get out to Marion and try that a few times this spring. Have heard the bite is on there now. Just cant be in two place at once. Sure wish i was retired to make the best out of fishing. I truly enjoy talking to anglers that are retired and share there stories of fishing. Time is on there side. Mark.
May 7, 2012 -Kanopolis - Went to Kanopolis Lake Sunday and Thursday, had 8 legals Thursday (biggest being 18), and 9 legals Sunday (biggest being 17 1/2). I am a late arriver, so we showed up around 2, caught maybe 1-2 legals, lots of sub-legals, and a few wiper/white bass/drum/catfish from 2-1 hour before dusk, around dusk the bigger fish started showing up, and would fill our live well in the next hour, then put up at dark (though I am sure the fishing continues). Thursday we were slowly trolling with the trolling motor, and Sunday the wind was 23 mph, so it was a drift (could have used a drift sock but don't have one). Both days using berkley grub tells (gulp I believe), with the color combinations of Green, White, Green and White, and White and orange, with orange or green jig heads, tipped with worms. (though last night we caught some big ones just going to one pole and using the jigs only. The white or white/orange combo's worked best, didn't seem to matter on the jig heads. I would caught the bigger fish both times working with only one ultra light 4lb test fluorocarbon so I could really feel the big ones bite. Personally, I would work just one rod like that, because there were several missed fish because we were dealing with other fish, and some bites were missed from working two poles... bigger fish, bite softer too... harder to miss. Hope this helps, still wanting to hear some good reports on Cheney and El Dorado... Email them in and help the crowd. There are plenty of fish to catch.
May 4, 2012 - Cheney - May 04, 2012 Fri. morning. Came up with around 25 today. Most all Wipers all under 21". All were 18 to 20". Caught 2 huge Crappie one small walleye. All pre-spawn Wipers at the face of the dam trolling. Downriggers at exact depth a must in 13 to 16' of water. All fish look very healthy. Sure wish the water would clear up. Mark
April 28, 2012 - Cheney - Went out at 8:30am. Started by drifting a multitude of different jig head/jig/grub assortments with worms. Drifted MM, Wichita, Between the two of them, the refuge, and down across the not so sunken islands. Had 5 combos in the water at any time, tried multitudes of differents depths, caught 3 white bass, 2 white perch, 1 22 inch walleye, 1 sublegal walleye. Also, used many different trolling bates, across many different areas of the lake, proved unsuccessful... I don't know if the change in the weather drove the fish to not bite or what... If anyone has any information let the group know!
April 26, 2012 - Hillsdale - Two back to back weekend trips to Hillsdale yielded 6 Flaties for 230 lbs.
April 25, 2012 - Cheney - Weds. April 25, 2012. Fishing been good. Hit the lake at sunrise but the Wipers did''t start biting till 10am. Trolling face of the dam in 15' of water. Caught 15 Wipers. Half were over 21". One Walleye at 22". Mark.
April 15, 2012 - Burlington - Weds. April 25, 2012. Fishing been good. Hit the lake at sunrise but the Wipers did''t start biting till 10am. Trolling face of the dam in 15' of water. Caught 15 Wipers. Half were over 21". One Walleye at 22". Mark.
April 13, 2012 -Winfield City Lake- 11.3 pound wiper, trolling Winfield Dam with a rattletrap.
Girth was 18.5 inches, 28 inches long.
Randy Hall
April 7, 2012 - Burlington - Recently fished up by Burlington st dam and got these nice walleye and a few wipers also. The walleyes really like the white jigs !
April 3, 2012 - Cheney Question - If a person wanted to try and pick up a bunch of white perch at Cheney, where should they go? KB
March 30, 2012 - Cheney - 7.5 lps 27.5" On Mar 9 trolling along the dam face at Cheney. Around 9 PM
March 19, 2012 - Cheney - Went out yesterday in the evening, some anglers attempting but not much doing. Saw 1 caught, healthy fish but short. Talked to one guy he said he had caught 1 in the morning, but nothing after. I think they are there just not biting yet. I will keep you posted. Good luck!
March 14, 2012 - Cheney - Well I have gone out to Cheney 2 more times looking for the walleye off the dam. Nothing yet... I did have a nice fish on that felt like a walleye but in handing the rod off the one of my little girls the line went slack and it was gone. I will be going later this week/weekend and will continue to keep you all posted. There have been several others out there that looked like they knew what they were doing and nobody was catching anything.
On a side note. What's with all the trash being left out there guys? I mean really it's not that hard to leave with what you came. Better yet pick up a little and leave with more than you came with. Have a little respect for others and the lake would ya. Thanks!
Greg in Derby
March 13, 2012 - Cheney - Tried Cheney (3/10) before dawn towards west end and not one bite or splash. Didn’t see anyone and was only vehicle in west parking lot. MH
March 7, 2012 - Cheney - Went to Cheney a couple more times after my last post looking for the walleye spawn around the dam. No walleye so far... I expect them to be there soon so I will be going every couple days. I will let you guys know when they get going. Greg in Derby
March 6, 2012 -Harvey County East - Drove over to Harvey Co East yesterday and found not much going on. Used worms and minnows and caught one small perch on a worm. Saw only 3-4 others on the lake.
March 1, 2012 - Cheney - I went out to Cheney on 2/29 and it seems the walleye are not around the dam yet. I was there for about 2 hours in the morning and didn't see a thing. I will keep going and let you guys know what I find. Thanks! Greg in Derby
February 28, 2012 -Bass fishing in Ellsworth area - I am mainly a walleye fisherman in south central ks, but I do know that mcpherson and butler are good lakes for largemouth. And If you are looking for smallies then Hillsdale may be a good bet for you. Hope this helps.
February 26, 2012 -Bass fishing in Ellsworth area - hi my names jeff carroll i just moved here from arizone i just moved to ellsworth kansas and i want to get into the bass seen out here so if could help me i would thank you
February 25, 2012 - Answer on Wilson Striper - I'm not the best source of information on Wilson Lake but have been there a few times in the spring to fish for Stripers. I can only fwd. my experience there. May was a good month for me. I'm sure April is a prime month also. We used downriggers in 20-30 feet and did well. Live bait is the best method if you can figure it out. Google fishing guides at this lake and try your luck with them. Don't forget. A new state record Striper in 2011 taken out of this lake. I fish many lakes in South central Kansas. Wilson Lake in North Central Kansas is the most beautiful lake I've every experienced in Kansas both water clarity and overall beauty with the Smoky Hill's surrounding the lake. Watch the wind forecast before a day before you head out. Lodging is available on or next to the lake. Good Luck.
February 22, 2012 -Cheney - 1st Nice Day, fished 2-5pm , no walleye on dam, still early I guess. sse
February 19, 2012 - Dillon's Pond Wichta - Fished Dillons pond(Central & Maize,Wichita)on Saturday. Caught 3 small channels and a bluegill on worms. Had alot of good bites from 1:30pm to 3:15pm. (Courtesy KDWP Public Fishing Reports)
February 19, 2012 - Melvern - We found a lot of schools of shad BUT we just couldn't catch fish around them. We did end up with our limit today but it took six hard hours to catch them. A beautiful day to be on the lake. (Courtesy KDWP Public Fishing Reports)
February 17, 2012 - Melvern - water temp. 37 - Fishing for crapppie is still good - 13 -24 feet deep. Another limit before noon! (Courtesy KDWP Public Fishing Reports)
February 15, 2012 - Question on Wilson Striper - I found this address on the internet and was hoping for some information.
I am interested it going striper fishing at Wilson Lake this spring. I have never fished for stripers.
What is the most productive time? April? May? I was thinking mid-late May since walleye should be good then.
My boat is set up for walleye, lake trout, etc including downriggers. What works well? Crank baits (type), spoons? I assume the fish stay deep and rise morning and evening to feed? What speed range works well for trolling?
Thank you in advance for any information you can provide.
January 18, 2012 - Crappie, walleye and wipers - Hey Angler,
Got a good, solid report for you. They are catching good numbers of crappie and whites/wipers as reported in the Eagle. However, the walleyes are fantastic with limits daily and fish up to 10# being caught. Sure hope you can get this one up so everybody can participate. A boat is also required.
November 8, 2011 - 2011 Bass -

October 3, 2011 - Cheney - October 03, 2011 Morning. What a great day of fishing. Windy, kept on the West side. Had my best day at Cheney today for this year. Caught around 50. You needed no $32K fishing boat. No high dollar fish finder. Hundreds of Sea Gull busting the water chasing shad. It was easy picken. First I trolled thru the gulls and many, many times two fish on each pole at once. Could not see the shad due to the wind. Then I shut off the Verado, (Mercury) and used the Mincoda tolling motor. Did it get a workout due to the wind. I kept following the sea gulls South jigging catching many. It was so cool. Hundreds of sea gulls on a feeding frenzy just 25' above my boat. I followed the gulls for about a mile till i hit the dam. The fish were full of shad. When i took them off the hook my boat got coat of decomposed shad. Two other boats enjoying the same with me. It got to the point were my arms were hurting. Could have kept at it but called it quits at noon. Only thing all the fish were 11 to 16" long. Allmost all were Wipers. Were are all the big fish? Mark.
September 24, 2011 - Cheney - September 23, 2011 Friday morning. Hit the lake at 7am. A nice day for fishing. Caught around 20 fish. Nothing big. Most were Wipers 12" long. A few white bass a few white peach. Never seen any huge schools of shad. Really never seen too many fish on the fish finder. All caught on the West side close to the swimming beach and close to sailboat cove. Just a very nice day of fishing. Wind was light and temps. perfit. Mark.
September 21, 2011 - Walleye event in Meade - Not a report, but wanting to make anglers away of a free event we’re hosting in Meade on Saturday, the 24th:
For you walleye enthusiasts, Ranger Pro Bryan Garrison will be in Meade this Saturday giving demonstrations, talking fall fishing and giving away tickets to the Bart Crow Band show in November. If you're close to Meade this Saturday, be sure and stop by.
More info: http://smokehoss.com/index.php/9-walleyes-bart-crow-a-bbq
Thanks for your time and appreciate the post!
Take care,
J. R. Doney
August 28, 2011-Dillon's Lake Wichita - My name is Tabitha Moore I'm writing to tell you about the fish my husband Clarence Moore caught at the Dillon's lake or pond at Central & Maize. He caught 1.5-2.5 lbs. channel catfish. We noticed you didn't have anything listed under the Dillon's lake so I thought I would send you a quick message. You have a great website, so full of great info...keep up the great work. You will definitely hear from us again. We learned a lot about fishing spots around Wichita that we didn't even know were there. Thanks again.
August 24, 2011 - Cheney - Aug. 23, 2011 Tuesday morning. Found large amout of shad schooled up. Tons of them. Spent a lot time on this area and my success was so so. The Wipers I caught were not fat nor were they huge. They appear to be not feeding much or better yet having difficulty finding shad due to the poor water clarity. Catfish, Wipers, Walleyee were caught in low numbers. Numerous Wipers were snagged. That indicates to me fish not on a feeding frenzy at all. More like the fish just hanging around and not active. Mark.
August 13, 2011 -Cheney - Aug. 12, 2011 Fri. morning. Came up with one 20 lb. Catfish, one 3 lb. Wiper and many 16-18" Wallyee. The water seems to be clearing up just a little.
I upgraged all my fish finders and G.P.S. Boy is it going to take me awhile to get use to using them.
Had a garage/ house fire back in March. Completely melted my boat and ALL of my fishing equipment in garage. Just now getting around to replacing all. Boat owners? Keep up on your boat insurance. I learned a very inportant and valuible lesson from my fire. Mark.
August 11, 2011 - Mined Land Area SEK (Missed these when they were submitted earlier - Caught April 17, Mined Lined Area, Southeast Kansas.
August 8, 2011 - Cheney - Shelly Hopp of Wichita, caught this 221/2 inch walleye while trolling along the Cheney dam August 7th, 2011. It was caught on a Metalic Rainbow Hot-N-Tot.
Mark C. Hopp Sr.
August 8, 2011 - Cheney - Sunday Aug 6th, Lake is finally clearing up nicely. The algae scare has kept the lake very ghostly. I loved it. Fished for a couple of hours in the morning before the Oven Temperature roasted me out.. caught several small to mid sized wipers and some large Perch. It was fun. On the way back to the marina, noticed several dead fish floating.. I investigated and they were all Wipers and Walleye. I counted 22 that had been dead quite awhile. Hot weather makes for stagnant water, low oxygen, and algae kills fish. Sad story. Anyhow, the fish that lived are hungry.
Mike E.
August 3, 2011 -Wellington Lake Questions - Is there anywhere to find lake level at Wellington city lake online? Has anyone been out there recently?
June 24, 2011 - Great article on the Eagle's website about an 80-pound flathead caught and released at El Dorado Reseroir. You can see it by clicking here.
June 24, 2011 - Ninnescah River -
Caught this 15LB Flat head in mid March on the Ninnescah River near Belle Plaine. Was using 3 inch live shad.
Justin Booker
June 24, 2011 - Lake Afton -
Caught this 35LB flat head out of Lake Afton near Wichita on April 2 2011 at 10:45AM on 6inch Crappie caught earlier in the morning.
Justin Booker
  June 3, 2011 - Something to share - Last year was real slow and my fishing activities in the last few years have been few and far between. I caught 1 decent sized cat last year in the Ark down by Oxford. This year I took a family vacation to the Lakes up in Minnesota (Gull lake near Brainerd). I hired a guide and had a great half day of fishing. The pics are (left to right) of me with my first northern, my son and our guide. I caught a very solid 28” walleye and a couple (my 1st ever) 35” Northerns. What a thrill. I’m from n.e. iowa originally and in all my fishing trips with dad on the Mississippi and other waters including Leach lake in Minnesota in the early 70’s I’d never come close except for once to even hooking a Northern. That close one ended with a splash of water in the face.
I know this is for fishing in Kansas but I just had to share the story.
Ron Kinkor
May 18, 2011 - Walnut River near Winfield - My son Caiden age 7 cought this striper on may 3rd in the walnut river in Winfield Ks. This was his first catch for 2011 and his biggest catch ever. He faught the fish for roughly 10+ minutes with a zebco combo using 10lb berkley trilene. So far he is ahead of me this year and says he plans on staying that way but needs a better rod and reel to do it with since he is so big now. I enjoy to see kids getting out and showing their pictures of there catches on kansasangler.com good to see our future is in good angler hands! Sincerely.
Wayne Wilson
  May 15, 2011 - Crappie Pictures -
  2011 kansas crappie pics. Strange year, seemed to be a few days early or a few days late but still caught a few good ones.
April 18, 2011 - Kanapolis - April 15th, 2011 – Kanopolis Res. Went out in the wind Friday around 11am and waded Loders Point. Wind out of the northwest so pretty much protected from the waves. 2nd cast had fish on. 14.5” walleye. Caught a few white bass before catching any more walleye/saugeye. Preceded to fish the east side of the point more than the west side. Found a spot where I eventually caught about 14 more walleye/saugeye. Most were right around the 15” mark I have on my pole, if they were not past the mark I didn’t keep them. Ended up with my limit all over the 15” anywhere from 16” to 19.5” and caught around 15 white bass all caught on 1/4oz. orange head with either chartreuse twister or sassy shad. A buddy came down and he ended up with 3 walleye and 8 white bass. Only saw one other brave soul out fishing the north corner of the dam.
April 17, 2011 - Cheney- Took Madison and Tristan to Cheney on 4/13/11 and let them try to catch a Crappie or anything that would bite on a minnow. Tristan caught this 16+ inch Crappie 5 minutes after we started fishing. we fished for 2 more hours and never got another bite, but catching this one on his homemade cane pole pretty much made his night.
April 11, 2011 - El Dorado - April 9, 2011 - El Dorado April 8 - Eldorado - COLLECTING REVENUE AGAIN STAY CLEAR THE S.S. ARE OUT IN FORCE . . . Fishing is expensive without being harassed on top of it..
April 11, 2011 - Cheney - As I posted a few days ago I have been fishing off the dam at Cheney. I went again on saturday 4/9. Got there about 7:45am after work. I was using yellow and also white twisty tail jigs. I caught between 15-20 walleye and 1 crappie till I left about noon. Seemed like there were going to bite all day but I was starting to get into trouble with the wife so I had to go haha. Anyway, no keepers but close... They were all from 16 - 20 1/2 inches. There was some splashing going on finally but not much. I think i'll have to go back a couple times this week! Good luck!
Greg in Derby
April 10, 2011 - Answer to Looking for cabin rentals near Toronto - Call Hilltop Bait & Café, located on West side of Toronto Dam 620-637-2700. Ask for Jodi. Tell her Steve Steele clued you in
April 9, 2011 - El Dorado - Eldorado – April 8
Nothing on Friday, tried up creeks and along dam.
What has happened to this lake?
Cheney seems to be a much better fishery.
Also Law Enforcement in parks out in full force. Got a $168 ticket for rolling thru a stop sign I didn’t see.
Expensive fishing, Ruined the trip, And seemed very unnecessary for a simple man just fishing.
Won’t go back to Eldorado for a while.
 April 8, 2011 - Mined Lane #30 - We caught two nice rainbow trout at the Mined Land #30 in SE Kansas on Saturday, April 2, 2011. We were drifting down the middle of the lake and used a black and white rooster tail. Here are the photos.
Jill and Richard Longstaff
Wichita, KS
April 7, 2011 - Cheney - Have fished several times in the evening over the last couple of weeks off the dam for walleye. We caught fish each time we went but with no keepers. Most were around 18 inches or so. Have only seen a couple people with keepers but have seen a ton of short males released. Finally on the morning of 4/5 I was able to get a 21 inch male on a jig. Haven't seen any splashing around and that makes me think the spawn hasn't really kicked in yet? Not sure but that's what it seems like to me. Anyway, most the fish we caught were taken on jigs. Good luck!
Greg in Derby
April 4, 2011 - Milford On 4/2/11, caught a master angler gold eye trolling a worm and a 19" wiper trolling a Rapala. Both caught in a bay 15' to 20' water. Fished all day. . . . . Dave Lepan
April 2, 2011 - Cheney - Went out to Cheney today from 1pm to 6pm. Caught a 27inch Walleye and 2 5lb channels using carp cut bait also caught 2 carp both over 5lbs. Was fishing a wind blown bank on the north side.
April 2, 2011 - Wipers in Arkansas River near Ark City - catchin a few nice wipers in the arkansas river here. Jimbo w/ sum nice hogs:)
March 28, 2011 - Looking for cabin rentals near Toronto - Is there anywhere near Toronto reservoir to rent a cabin. I can't find anything on the internet and the KDWP cabins are booked on every weekend I am looking at. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Frank McCurry
Wichita, KS
March 28, 2011 - Cheney - (3/26) Put the boat in at Mr.D’s, wind was chopping up the lake pretty good so I couldn’t troll the dam, I hit a few points trolling deep saw very few fish on the depth finder, the few I saw were directly on the points at about 8 feet. Tried some crappie fishing on some jetties also, but came up empty handed.
March 27, 2011 - Milford - Milford Dam report 3/26 :
Fish are plentiful at the dam currently many anglers only fishing for 1 hr or less and getting limits. Nets were getting put out in the water this weekend. Good luck..
March 24, 2011 - Hillsdale - New report: 3/24
Fish have finally arrived on the dam. Get out and catch a few...Good luck..
March 22, 2011 - Hillsdale - Very few fish witnessed being caught. Nets are out in the water to collect eggs and sperm for future eye harvests.
Just some males and very few females being caught currently. Warm weather did not bring fish up like everyone has been hoping. Still good fishing to be had real soon. Fishing early doesnt seem to be good at all.
March 22, 2011 - Hargis Lake Wellington - Went to Hargis Lake yesterday. Fished from 12:45 p.m. to 2:15 p.m. with minnows. Had no bites. Saw two gentlemen in a boat who said they had caught one crappie and one bass on minnows. There were a number of fishermen around the lake.
March 21, 2011 - Cheney - I fished the dam this morning 3/21 from 5am-8am. Couple other fisherman there. Not much going on still. One 17" male. Hopefully pick up soon if at all.
March 21, 2011 - Cheney - Went out to Cheney lake this (Sunday) evening, I arrived around 6:30. I threw a Black and silver rapala all night, I did a little walking and casted most of the time. Right around sundown the walleye started to hit the surface, one guy next to me caught one right after we showed up (small male) a little after sundown I caught an 18 inch male, I wish I could have shown you the one I was hooked into but it rolled and got off, I hooked that one about 5 minutes after the male, I casted for another 2 hours after that with several different hard lures to no avail. They even stopped hitting the surface like the were originally about one hour after sundown. A few other males were being caught, but not much luck as a whole.
Game wardens were out in full, which I don't mind seeing, but just incentive to throw those sub 21" fish back. They said no one really had caught anything, I figure they all showed up and decided it wasn't right and left. I left a long while after the majority that were there when I got there did. One gentlemen who brought a radio, which allowed me to listen to the KU game, Appreciate that whoever you were. He said that friday night he was out most of the night and while he was packing up he walk trawled the face of the dam back to the parking lot and caught a 7 1/2 female full of eggs. He had on a gold and orange rapala tonight, didn't ask what he had on when he caught that fish.
There was also reports of people catching a mess of nice sized crappie off the fishing jetties on the south side of the dam, Christmas tree cove is what someone told me. I am going to go try that out tomorrow afternoon, then hit the dam again later that night.
Good lucky out there everyone! Leave one huge fish for me please.
March 20, 2011 - Wichita South Lake - Went fishing their mar 19 and 20 caught a total of 3 channel cat a one,three and a five lb all off worms was on north end of lake saw people up at the front of the lake catch some small cat fish as well david middleton
March 16, 2011 - Cheney - The spawn IS NOT on tonight or last night for that matter. 40 or so people out there, only one or two pulled out, sublegal males. I was using rapala's, jigs, rattle traps, and live med shiners. To no avail.... Walk trolled the entire face of the dam and pulled nothing out but moss. There was a gentlemen who was leaving as we pulled up at 7:30. He said he caught two 19 inch males and a white bass wading out on the flats north of the dam. I didn't try it though. IF you all are catching walleye in the next couple days LET IT BE KNOWN PLEASE! :)
March 10, 2011 - Cheney Question - Has the stained water cleared up at Cheney?
March 3, 2011 - Cheney - Hit the dam at about 6:30. Slight west wind and 50 degrees . Probably 15 people on the dam. Castes cranks, rattles, jigs and bombers til 8:45 no bites nor did I see anyone else having any luck. Jiggin was futile due to zebra muscles. You would lose about every other cast. Any deeper diving lure would come up snagged with muscles but never lost a hard lure. I guess a few days early is better then a few days late.
February 22, 2011 -Fall River - My family and I went out to Fall River this past Sunday 02/20/2011 for some crappies on the main lake using good old’ pink’s on the bobber. Due to some gusty south winds caught nothing on the North Rivers and main lake. We moved down to under the bridge in the south dam campsite and ran into some nice size slab crappies. Only fished for about two hours before it got to dark but we caught only a total of 12 crappies 10” – 12” and 4 catfish 2lbs – 5lbs using minnows on a bobber. Good luck and please share your fishing reports.
January 18, 2011 - Ice fishing at Cheney -Have never been Ice fishing, thought it would be fun to try at Cheney. Any help would be appreciated.

December 6, 2010 - Fort Scott Pond - Garret Murphy with his four pound Largemouth Bass caught from a Fort Scott, KS pond December 4, 2010 using a Black and yellow Beetle Spin lure.
December 3, 2010 - Cheney White Perch - I just looked on this site for the first time in a couple of months and read Marks posts about the white perch at Cheney. I also love to eat them and would like nothing better than finding a way to catch them consistently. With (hopefully) ice fishing season coming up, has anyone had any success catching large numbers of them through the ice? I used to catch lots of whites through the ice at Cheney but the Perch have eluded me so far. They either don't hang out in the usual winter locations or they are just not very active in the cold water. Any ideas?-----Bob
November 23, 2010 - Cheney White Perch - Enjoyed your reply. I think it was very early summer when i got into the huge schools of Perch at Cheney, (summer of 2010). Key for me at Cheney is "calm" mornings and of course knowing were the schools are. Very difficult to fish for them on windy days. Hard to keep on top of them using the elel. trolling motor. I remember very well one early summer day. The hard rains had already fell and the lake was rising FAST due to the floods. I think at that time the lake was only 1.5 to 2' high. I located the school of perch on a calm morning and it was a blast. One perch after another. Using two poles in hands, keeping an eye on the fish finder. Caught 50 or so and kept the big ones, (40). Remember cleaning them at the East side fish cleaning station with water up to my knees due to the flood water. It was a very promising spring, early summer at Cheney until that darn flood waters hit and it was pretty much over for the rest of the summer. After that one fishing trip i just described i went back a few days later when Cheney was up 3' and nothing. The schools were GONE. I could not locate them the rest of the summer. Late August fishing picked up some for me but still slow.
Did get a reliable report a few weeks ago the fall netting report at Cheney was VERY good. Just have to wait till that report is released soon. Also, might get a report on why the water was so dirty all summer long at Cheney. Yes, it was dirty. Should have cleared up by August. Mark.
November 22, 2010 - Cheney White Perch - I saw Mark's report on the white perch at the fish fry and I just thought that I would add my $0.02. I am originally from New York and we have lots of white perch in some of our estuaries, including the Hudson River and its tributaries. White perch are a great eating fish! In the Northeast, the perch have natural predators and they grow to a decent size when there is something to keep their population in check. I realize that they were accidentally introduced here and they have become a pest, as non-native species often do. However, they should be really good eating fish in Kansas. I would urge anyone who catches these fish to try them - you wll probably like them. I haven't eaten perch from Kansas lakes, but the fish caught in the Northeast are good.
P.S. I live in NE Kansas, but I made a trip to Cheney a few years ago. I was actually disappointed that I did not catch any perch!
November 19, 2010 - Cheney White Perch - Thought I'd share a story on frying up a bunch of White Perch i caught this past summer. First time frying any up. I had a fish fry at chruch last week and served up some Wiper, Walleye, and White Perch. Everybody enjoyed the taste of the Perch. They could tell the difference due to the fillets were lots smaller on the Perch. Think i fried up about 40 of the Perch along with the other fish. Mark.
October 27, 2010 -Lone Star Lake Question - I recently caught two small flathead catfish (~1/2 lb. and ¾ lb.) while fishing at Lone Star Lake in Douglas County. I have been fishing that lake for years and have never caught a flat head there. Has the lake recently been stocked with them? If not, does anyone know how they got in there? Just curious. Here is what the fish looked like.
October 24, 2010 - Farm Pond - This is Clayce Roland Dow of Shawnee Ks and his "keeper" large mouth caught on a farm pond on 10/22/2010. Submitted by John V. Dow of Leawood, Ks(grandfather)
October 8, 2010 -Walnut River - Cale Cheney (age 9) of Wichita, KS with the catfish him and his dad both caught in the Walnut River in Winfield Kansas. They forgot to weigh it but we are sure it weighed at least 35 pounds.
September 25, 2010 -Wilson BSA Tournament Scheduled for Oct 2. - Thank you very much for those that are attending and support this event. The weather forecast is sunny and 75F, let's cross our fingers that the notorious Wilson wind stays in somewhat check.
I know that many of you consider the number of boats before entering an event. The latest number I have is 7 boats registered for the Bass Division. The mailing just went out two weeks ago so response is just starting to kick in.
When: Saturday, October 2nd 7am - 3pm
Where: Wilson Lake Hell Creek Area (State Park Side) This is the name I have been told it is called although I have heard over versions so if you are unsure which ramp please call me, but I will have signs up starting at hwy. 232
How Much: $125 per team with optional additional $25 per team for the Big Bass side pot. (Individuals welcome as well)
5-fish limit black bass event. Big bass will determine tie breaks as well as Big Bass side pot winner.
Email for ( mstuchli@bsamail.org ) brochure for more info. I look forward to seeing you at this event and thank you once again.
Matt Stuchlik
Coronado Area Council, BSA
Wheatland District Executive
1705 Volga Dr. Apt. C
Hays, KS 67601
September 17, 2010 -Cheney - Sept. 17, 2010 Fri. morning. Only caught one today but it was a big one. 33 lb. Flathead. Took 20 mins. to net it. Barely fit in net. Back into the lake after the picture. Mark.
September 9, 2010 -Milford - My brother and I fished Milford reservoir (with a boat) for the first time on September 7th and 8th. Fishing was excellent for Catfish, White Bass and especially Wipers. Optimum time was early morning and towards evening until dark. We caught nice Blues and Channels on crank baits while fishing for Wipers and talking with other people that were loading on the ramps, they had limits of Catfish as well! The white bass were very active taking live bait as well as artificial bait, (Kastmasters) but it took 20-25 small fish to land a keeper. The Wipers were excellent along the South West shores in 6' to 30' of water and we caught several very nice 3-6 lb. fish on crank baits resembling shad. Very impressed with the lake and all the ramps, bathrooms, fish cleaning stations, Wardens and yes, State Patrolmen! Thanks Kansas!
September 9, 2010 - Sonar Question - Anyone experience this? I have a Lowrance LCX 19 sonar, (fish finder). Its 6 years old or so. Been experiencing when I turn it on the unit, (Cristal's) are upside down. All the readings, water temp. depth are upside down. Then after a few Min's. the problem corrects itself and functions fine. I know I can call Lowrance and be put on hold for awhile and ask them if I can get home in time before they close but just thought I'd put this out there for remarks. I'm afraid one day it's not going to correct itself.
September 1, 2010 - Answer to Fall River Question - At Fall River I fish two ways. Start out trolling in known areas and normally do well. Use Deep diver Bombers, ( 7-9' deep) and put an 1/8 oz. Yellow crappie jig 20-25" above that. At times doubles are caught. When that slows down and if I'm still seeing fish on the sonor i stop trolling and get out the ele. trolling motor and start jigging in same area I troll using twister tails. I tried using kastmasters and they just don't work well jigging.
One year, (10 years ago) trolling i was catching three White Bass at once all most constantly on one pole sometimes two poles at once. One on the Crappie jig and two on the Bomber. In the last 3-4 years that lake, like many in Southcentral,Southeast Ks. have been flooding constantly year after year, yes Cheney too. That has a huge impact on successfully fishing seasons.
The area I'm catching them are mainly up by the face of the dam on two points. One on the East and one on the West side. You just have to go from there and find them. They're rocky bottoms. Have a few other areas marked on the g.p.s. further North and East of the dam were there is a rocky bottom. Most of the time when i catch them as noted in other reports I've posted these are the biggest White Bass I've ever caught in Kansas. 16-17" i don't think they get much bigger than that in Kansas. Numbers are down for me the last 3-4 years. Years passed I've went out and easily caught 30-40 White's in 3 hrs. Almost always at dawn till 11am. Having access to a nice lake view cabin, (parents) is a plus to wake up and on the lake within mins. Not to mention a very relaxing and enjoyable time away from work. Mark.
August 31, 2010 - Fall River Question - Mark, - I’ve only fished for Catfish and Crappie on Fall River Lake. What part of the lake are you catching the whites and with what gear?
August 17, 2010 - Cheney & Fall River - August 26, 2010 Thursday. Been out several times last few weeks at Cheney. Each time 4-6 Wipers most right at 21 up to 23". Hate to say it but this year is probley the worst year ever. All due to the High waters this summer along with water release. Water is still stained due to all this rain this summer. Have not experenced any big schools of Wipers like years past. Went out to Fall River for two days. Around 10 Whites each day. Whites were really big in the 16-17" area. Out of all the lakes I've fished in Kansas Fall River has produced the biggest Whites I've ever seen. Might be one of the best kept secrects for huge White's. Even this lake this year has not produced numbers like years passed. Mark.
August 17, 2010 - Cheney White Perch Question - I was reading Mark post about a "known perch spot" and was wondering of someone could help me out. I have 4 small kids and my buddy has 2. We are wanting to take them to Cheney and let them catch white perch till their little arms fall off. I have fished Cheney a lot so I know the lake but can't usually find the fish. I can only see the depth and noting else so exact spots and methods would be great to know. Thanks for any help!
Greg in Derby
August 16, 2010 - Cheney - August 16, 2010 Monday afternoon. Did kind of good. Came up with one 14 lb. Striper. 6 Wipers all right at 21-22". Three short Walleye. Forgot my ice. Called Marina. There closed on Mondays so threw all back. Had to work at it. Been like this all summer. Went on a Crusie last week. Great weather in the Gulf. 15 degrees cooler than Kansas when i got back. Todays temps. were nice. Mark
July 30, 2010 - Cheney - July 30, 2010 Friday morning. Have not been to the lake for three weeks due to the floods. Started my morning with breakfast at Cracker Barrel with the wife. To work she goes after and to the lake for me. Real slow in the morning. Did come up with two very nice 6 lb. Walleye. Getting ready to leave at noon then the bite got going. The shad started showing up in two of my hot spots. They were not there in the morning. At times each pass fish on. It lasted till 1:30pm. then that was it. Total catch was two 8 lb. catfish. Two 6 lb. Walleye, (nice). Six Wipers, (8.7 lb. biggest). One 6 lb. Striper. One 20 lb. Carp. Don't normally stay out that late. Too hot. Glad i did but man was it hot. Cleaned my legal limit. Stopped into the Marina for a Diet Soda and chat with the gal at the counter then home. Sorry no photo's by myself. This is not a "normal" July/Aug. fishing pattern for me. But, an encouraging trip to what's in store in a few more weeks I hope. Mark.
July 14, 2010 - Response to boat cleaning tip - I have a fiberglass boat and the best thing I have found to get rid of hard water stains and other stains is CLR. My boat is white and I get the brown stains after long periods of use and have used CLR for a few years now and all you need to do is soak the outside of the boat and within an hour all the stains are completely gone and the boat looks like new. Works great and I have seen no problems with the gel coat.
July 11, 2010 - Boat cleaning tip - Thought I'd share a product Ii just used to clean hulls of boats. My boat is 11 years old made out of Alum. and has years of stubborn water stains. It's called "Ahead" and I bought it at Crestview Marine in Wichita. It contains Hydrochloric Acid. I used full strength on a dry towel using rubber gloves. Then you spray it off. It took 'ALL" of my water stains off my hull and used it on my motor and had same results. My boat and motor looks almost brand new. I've been looking for a product for years to get these results. Seems to be safe on my paint and the finish. 1 Quart bottle. Mark.
July 8, 2010 - Cheney - Your report on Cheney shows the latest date Jul 7, 2010 but then it also shows a date of Jul l, 2010 and says the lake is back to normal. However, the Cheney Lake website show for Jul 8th the lake is over 5 feet above normal which means any one going there to boat or fish will find most of the places to be under water. Editor's note - We updated the report Wednesday before the state updated theirs which is what we have on our website. The Cheney report on our website is now the latest. Thanks for alerting us to this.
July 6, 2010 - Cheney - July 06, 2010 Tuesday. Very few boats on the lake at 6:45am. Lake is flooded and dirty. I'd use the Westside boat ramp only to launch anything. Figured big fish would not be biting. I was right. Calm morning. Located Perch area and just fished there for several hours. Jigging with two poles in hand and action was furious. All difference sizes. I kept all the big ones and cleaned them. About 40 of them. Caught total of 50-60. Have not tryed them but herd they are great tasting to eat. Who knows when the lake will be back to normal and the BIG fish back to biting. Several, several weeks. Did catch one 8 lb. catfish and one short Walleye jigging. My wrist is hurting. Very fun to catch. No complaints. Mark.
 June 28, 2010 - Cheney - June 28, 2010 Monday. Fishing has been very good. They have been hard to get to bite. These fish I'm catching are just below ledges not on top which for me are harder to catch trolling. My trolls have to be precise to get them to bite. I think as time goes they will be easier to catch latter part of summer. G.P.S. is a must right now to be precise along with high quality sonor. Caught today 4 Walleye 1 was 28". 4 nice Wipers, all way over 21" and a ton of White Perch. I got tired trying for BIG fish so i went to a know Perch area and they were STACKED. No wind today so it was EASY picken with my Ele. trolling motor. Perch are real nice sized. Used Kastmaters jigging. There were Huge fish on top of them but no takers. Cleaned my catch and seen this fella with two young kids on board getting ready to hit the lake. BOY i wish i could have took those young kids to the Perch spot. Gave him the location of it and wished him the best of luck. These perch if you can find them schooled up would be great for kids. One of my boys is in summer school, (W.S.U.) and the other weights at high school. They were not happy when i told them of my catch today. One of my pictures was from last week. Mark.
June 21, 2010 - Cheney - June 21, 2010 Monday morning. Got the lake very early due to the forecast of high wind in the late afternoon. Wipers are now biting for me and there nice sized one's all over 21". Caught around 6 of those. Caught one nice 12 lb. Striper, (first one at Cheney in a long time). Caught around 8 Walleye all short except for one that was 25". Another Huge blue cat or Catfish could not tell. It weighed in at 28 lbs. I've been hitting this one area each time i go out and allways land one or two huge Catfish. Lake is high but seams to be clear till mid-lake area. Shad starting to show up in schools. Mark.
June 21, 2010 - Glen Elder Reply - KDWP has found out about this issue and are very upset over it. 200 some fish have had their tales cut off and tossed back. Best thing to do is if anyone notices this activity to call wildlife and parks immediately. Everyone needs to realize that us fisherman are the best eyes since KDWP employees have up to 70 ponds and lakes to manage so it's near impossible to simply stake out a body of water all day every day. It's out responsible as ethical outdoorsman wanting a future for the outdoors to report any behavior even if it's simply finding any kind of destruction.
June 12, 2010 - Glen Elder Reply - Sound like Glen Elder Like Cheney has a management problem also with State Park issues. As stated in my earlier report at Cheney no State Park boat docks intalled as of June 4 on two of there MAIN boat ramps. Still an issure with me. I'm sure by NOW there installed. Mark.
June 11, 2010 -Glen Elder - Please obey the "18" length limit at Glen Elder on the walleye population! This applies to everyone and the boneheads cutting the short fish up will be the first to complain on the shortage of fish in the years to follow. Where's our creel clerk and warden while the people are cleaning the shorties in the state park and the public cleaning station as well!!!!!!!!
June 4, 2010 -Cheney - June 04, 2010 Friday. Had a good day. Weather was great. Light South winds. Downrigged all morning. Hit many spots. Walleye population looks real good. Caught around 10. All under 21". Most in the area of 15-18". Once caught two on one pole using the three way swivel. Mother of all catches this morning was one 30 lb. Flathead. One 15 lb. Catfish.
Cannot believe both Eastside and Westside public docks are NOT installed. Here it is June 04. Thank goodness the Cheney Lake Ass. built one years ago and donated it to the park on the Eastside. About the only excellent dept. of fish and game that does a wonderfull job is the fish hatcherys. Just think if anyone from out of state came to launch a boat what they would think. Mark.
June 1, 2010 -Marion - May 31, 2010 - Got to the lake about 3:30pm and fished till dusk, caught a bunch of small white bass in the shallows. Caught three short Walleye out in the deeper water and one 21” Wiper. Had the kids along so let them catch small whites for a while. Ended up catching 41 total but only 15 were worth keeping.
May 28, 2010 -Marion - May 28, 2010 Friday. A.M. fishing. Used worm and jig. Caught 4 Walleye all around 15". Few Small Wipers. Seen one boat on top of them. They did real good. Water real clear. Caught one Walleye trolling. Went to take Huskey Jerk off and some how one of the hooks got me REAL deep in my hand. Thank goodness my son was with me. He held the Walleye while i TRIED to get hook out with Needle nose. Would not come out. Ended up clipping tip of hook and then it came out. Man it hurt. Marion is really a nice lake. Dont make it our there too much. Mark.
May 27, 2010 - El Dorado - The water is about 2 ft high. Muddy /stained most places. No fish caught in reservoir.
They are releasing water. Saw one small flathead caught (3lbs).
Water is lapping up on the sidewalks beneath the dam.
May 17, 2010 - Lyon County SFL - I'm Edward and this is what my first email/fishing report to you. Ill cut to the chase. Fishing at lyon county state fishing lake is amazing so far. Crappie from shore around brush piles are good. Minnows on a bobber work great and small jigs. Bass fishiing is good there as well. Worms , small bluegill fished live, jiggs, spinners all catch bass well. Catfish are just as good, fishing at the feeder with worms brings in 5-15 lb channel catfish. Melvern lake is preety good fishing as well. Drum are plentiful caught at the spillway on live crawdads on the bottom. Walleye are good on road runner, jiggs, and minnows. Catfish are still a little shy, but they will bite on worms at the bottom. All the fish at melvern were caught at the spillway. hope this helps.
Good fishing,
May 11, 2010 -Wichita -........fishing in a local river, caught a 21 lb flat head on perch while tornado sirens were going off....hit bout ten feet off bank with a big black perch, good luck to all.hope to see more catfish reports as the weather warms........Jordan Beard
May 10, 2010 - Cheney Question - Is the 3 way rig still the hot set up on Cheney?
May 6, 2010 - Cheney Catfish from April - 4/5/10 cheney lake. Cut bait on bottom at about 8 feet of water, after sunset. 13.5lbs
May 6, 2010 - Walleye at Milford? - Any new info on Walleye at Milford, had no luck last weekend????
May 5, 2010 - Answer to Glen Elder Question - Anyplace you can find, it's been very crowded, the state
park boat ramps parking lots have been full. The KDWP
website lists fish attractors, fishing adjacent to these should put you in the neighborhood Good luck!!
May 2, 2010 - Melvern - Walleye slow to fair on drop-offs, coves packed like sardines full of boats.
April 30, 2010 - Melvern - Very little fishing going on since last Thursday's rainstorm. Melvern Lake is up 4.5 feet, they opened the gates at the dam to 1500 cfs to bring it down. Mad run on crappie before the rain, but nothing since. Once it starts back up I will shoot you some reports...hopefully.
We opened the bait shop in March and so far things have been going well...minus the rain storms. ha
Clarence Frye
Sundance Bait & Tackle
8145 W 325th St.
Lebo, Kansas 66856
(620) 256-6061
April 29, 2010 - Glen Elder Question - coming to glen elder this weekend. any advice on where to catch some crappies? best techniques? baits?
any white bass/wiper/walleye being caught? any info helpful
April 27, 2010 -North Central - Here's the scoop from Jeff Ensz Smoky Hills Guide Service
Salina,KS Milford:Crappie- fair, creek arm coves 5'-15';
Walleye: moving to the flats, don't be afraid to fish
SHALLOW (less than 5') Whites & Wipers: the dam area
has been the best, but mouths of coves good also.The best
fishing for all species is the outlet.
Glen Elder: Crappie are good in the coves: Wally fair-good
flats and in the coves. North end of the dam is producing
everything and in good numbers. Go out & get it on!! It's
been hard for me to fish anywhere except the Glen
April 19, 2010 -Marion - Marion 4/16/10 - Got to Marion about 3pm. Pretty breezy but we started trolling right out of the ramp headed south and before we knew it the first wiper was on. We trolled the dam, the south side, and pretty much the middle of the lake around the river channel. The channel turned out to be the best. Most of the 7 fish we caught were wipers right around 4lbs. We did get one white bass. The were all caught on trolled rattle traps. Pretty good day!
Derby Greg
April 16, 2010 - Cheney Walleye reply to Mark - In reply to Mark about the 9+ lb walleye, no I will not be mounting that one. I don't know if i'll ever catch one again that big but I just don't think I want to spend that much $ on it. I have the pictures and that's good enough for me for now.
Derby Greg
  April 16, 2010 - Cheney - April 15, 2010 Thursday. Been out twice last two weeks with the boat. No fish. Today finally got them to bite. Found them Southwest corner of dam in front of the boat ramp. Total of 5 Wipers from 8am. to 10am. All were nice 7 lbs. one top at 8.4 lbs. Caught them on humps some in 22' of water. Caught some with the downriggers others with my side pole. All were females full of eggs and real fat. Dragged the bottom a few times and came up with thousands of Zebra Mussels. They're attached to everything. Snagged a 1 oz. sinker and it was loaded with Zebra Mussels. It's terrible. Mark
April 14, 2010 -Cheney - heard of any white bass in the river at cheney yet
  April 14, 2010 - Sedgwick County Park - My son and I have been making fishing a favorite past time since he was 3yrs of age. His first pole was a scoobydoo start kit. His first catch was a little sun perch out of a little creek right down the street from where we used to live. My son is now 16yrs old, and fishing is still one of his greatest passions. Who would of known that just a casual thing could turn out to be something he loves to do so much. This past weekend (As we have been doing now for the past 2 weekends) we went to Sedgwick County Lake and he caught the biggest fish he has ever caught yet. I can tell you that when he was reeling it in, I was sitting on the bank enjoying the cool breeze and the fact that he was shouting MOM, MOM wasn't quite registering, until I took a look at the tip of his pole bent in half. I dropped everything and went running. At first I thought he had a turtle on the line, until I saw the back fin of this huge fish....he was so excited when he was able to see what was on the end of his line. It tooks us a good 5 to 10 minutes to reel him in to the shore. My son couldn't really pick the fish up good so he took off his shirt while I held the pole. Once he had a good grip of the fish, I took this picture of his big catch.....we were going to take the fish up to the local bait shop but they were closed, so we showed his big catch off to a couple of people that were there at the lake and then we released it back into the water, so that some other lucky fisherman could have the joy of having this beauty on the end of their line. I have to tell you, that as a mother who has been taking her son fishing for all of these years, I am so glad that I got the opportunity to be there for his biggest catch yet. I hope and pray that I get to experience the joy and excitement of his next big catch. This would make his day, to see this picture posted on Kansas Anglers Website. I also included his first catch of the season 2010 and the first fish he caught of the day, before the whopper that is featured here. Thanks, and Happy Fishing!!!!!
April 12, 2010 -Toronto - I got a picture sent from Lizard Lips Deli and Cafe at Toronto of a 9.71 white bass. the Fish and Game boys are supposed to check it out today. I think it may be a wiper, it has broken lines on the side of the picture I saw. It it truly a white bass, it will beat the world record by about 3 lbs! You may be able to contact the local F & G guys and see it they've heard anything. smiling steve
 April 7, 2010 - In Wichita city limits and eastern Kansas pond - Having a pretty good year on early pre-spawn bass. Here's 2 bass, one caught in the city limits on a black & blue wedgetail lizard in ony about 2 1/2 feet of water about 2 wks ago, and the most recent from eastern ks pond on 4/3 on a spinnerbait. Hope this streak keeps up! Both released!
April 5, 2010 - Toronto - watched 3 guys cleaning a 5 gal bucket full of 12-14 in crappie on the boat ramp in Mann's Cove Toronto. They said the wind was tough but the fishing was good! Other guys I taked to, said the crappie are moving close into rocks along the bank. smiling steve
March 28, 2010 -Marion, Kanopolis, Council Grove - Jeff Ensz Smoky Hills Guide Service
I sure like those pictures from Cheney, helps me better accept those restrictive creel limits, how many white perch were in their bellies. The WORD: Marion- TOUGH!! Haven't been yet but its what I'm hearing.Kanopolis- Saugeye-fair to good, some wade fisherman doing good Loders. I've been getting em on points SHALLOW!!! They're on the dam to, have not needed to stay and fish in the dark. Whites are good west and in the river. Crappie-Slow. Council Grove: Saugeye and Crappie on the dam, more saugeye.SHALLOW!!!
March 23, 2010 -Wichita Area - Posted by www.kansasbass.blogspot.com - The bass have officially woken up (at least in the Wichita are). I was cranking all week and was catching them pretty good on my neighborhood pond until the front came through. This year, I am reviewing Kansas bass lakes and the many factors that effect bass on the lakes (cover, vegetation, nuisance species, lake history, etc.) in depth. I draw on my own experiences fishing many different tournaments and the experiences of the many veteran kansas bass anglers i have met along the way. My most recent reviews have been on Perry, Big Hill, and El Dorado lake. Enjoy!!
March 21, 2010 - Cheney - March 18, 2010 Thursday. Trolling face of dam from 8am. till 10:30am. 20' from dam. Nothing. Nice Walleye posted at Cheney guys. That 9lber. is HUGE. That beats my biggest of 7.9 lbs. thats on the wall. Are you mounting that one? Mark. |
March 19, 2010 -Cheney - We got to the dam at Cheney about 7pm on 3/18/10. Started throwing rattle traps, jigs, and shad raps. Didn't get a thing till after dark, maybe about 9pm. First got a 22 inch walleye followed by a 20 inch walleye. A few casts later BAM! This 9lb 29 inch walleye just slammed my rapala stick bait. Was a lot of fun! Tons of people on the dam.
 March 14, 2010 -Cheney - Decided to go out to cheney and try the dam. Nothing till around 7:30 Pm Then BAM ! Got this momma on a kastmaster ! Caught 2 others under 20". Went ahead and put her back ! Want to catch her again !!!
 March 7, 2010 - Marion County - caught limit of cats at marion co. on gizzards they are hard to find and are 12 bucks a jar , but they work ,all were nice ones biggest was 12lbs all others 2 -5lbs ...good eatin .....fishin pal jer
March 4, 2010 - Boat question - We have a new boat ramp in Wamego Kansas. I am looking to buy a boat to put on the Kansas River to do some fishing and hunting. Could you recommend a type of boat and size of motor you think would be the best for the river.
Thanks Cameron
February 25, 2010 - Shawnee Mission Lake - Submitted by Southern Streams Fishing Guide Service
Shawnee Mission lake in Lenexa, Ks is open this weekend for trout but over half the lake is still frozen over and the ice is on the best side to fish. With little or no trees.
February 14, 2010 -LaCygne - We caught 2 dozen largemouth in the coves near banks, and points down from the hot water discharge. Nothing over 3 pounds but, plenty to catch. Non-weighted Senkos with a jerkbait presentation. White Bass caught on shallow crankbaits in the same areas. Water temp north of the discharge 55-57 deg.
February 13, 2010 -Ice Fishing - Spend the next few weekends with the family, ice is unsafe and deteriorating fast. It's not worth a dip in the lake.
February 9, 2010 -Ice Fishing - no one is talking about the ice anymore, do we know how much is out there?
February 4, 2010 -Ice Fishing - looks like cold weather is coming back for a week or so, may be able to get some more ice fishing in,does anyone no ice thickness on the lakes , anglers please post your reports here ...thanks good fishin
January 11, 2010 -KDOT East (Wichita) - Fished KDOT East on Saturday morning. We caught 7 good trout and a couple of small perch and crappie. Even pulled a small channel cat out. Ice was about 7 inches thick. Used small jigs and flies. Brought minnows but only caught one trout with them.
January 6, 2010 - Info on Fall River or Toronto? - Does anyone have a report on Fall River or Toronto? It seems like it has been colder there than at Cheney. Should be some excellent Crappie fishing there. I have never heard of anyone ice fishing at either one of these lakes.
6 wipers went 42 pounds, and one whitey.
January 5, 2010 - North Central Kansas - Here's some up to date info.from Jeff Ensz Smoky Hills Guide Service
News from N.Central Ks. Kanopolis: The marina cove has 8"+ and the fishing on the attractors is poor. Yankee Run 10"+ is sporadic for whites, this area has numerous gas holes in the ice, be careful. The main lake is 4-5" and should be fishable. Crappie fishing has been fair with fish avg 10". The mainlake whites are good with some fish up to 3# and a 1.5#avg. Wilson: I've fished from Minooka west to the bend. No real patterns on stripers or wallys, pretty hit or miss. The bend has 12"+ with white perch dominating the catch, some large whites, and some stripers up to 10#. Hell Creek is similar only fewer fish, so far. The stripers should be lined up from Elm Creek to Lou's point via the river channel,however nobody has been out there fishing. The ice is 9"+.
Glen Elder: West of the causeway, crappie and whites are good with some crappie up to 3# and a few whites 4#+ you can't miss the large groups of guys. The main lake should be tight enough now to fish the attractors, this lakes a gold mine for large crappies
January 3, 2010 - Cheney - Jan. 2, Fishing in river channel near mouth of the river in the p.m.. Large wipers were caught on spoons, blue & silver, gold, white, rainbow spoons, it really didn't seem liked it mattered when they came through. One was under 21" and had to be put back in the lake. one white was taken in our group. Probably 15 guys out there fishing. Ice 6"-7". GET OUT THERE NOW!!!!!!
January 3, 2010 - Request for Ice Fishing Reports - anglers post ice fishing reports here ,looks like we will get good ice this year...fishin pal jer
January 1, 2010 - Kanopolis - Jan. 1 we were fishing by the tower around the brush piles, and the point. Ice is 6-8" very safe. Nobody was out their in the p.m.. No catches wind switched out of the north. For the report of the lake of "FULL" of white bass, which is reported Kansas fish and game, they sure are hard to find, and the lake is down probably 10ft. Loader pt. open water. Sure need more fisherman out their to help find these whities.
January 1, 2010 - Cheney Ice Conditions - 01/01/10 Need info on ice at Cheney.
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