Kansas Fishing Report
Submitted by Anglers Like You
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from Kansas Anglers
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Mike Cook's Report |
Source: Kansas Anglers like you. Send us
a report, answer a question
August 30, 2006 - Milford
Question - Anyone have any reports for Milford? I
will be heading out there this weekend! Any trees on this lake?
Any help would be appreciated....
Chad Dick
August 27, 2006 - Walnut
River Winfield - The fishing has been slow on the
walnut in the hot dry weather. Quite a few large flatheads 10
up 50 lbs have been caught, even heard of one 70. But the last
week white bass have moved in feeding on shad. Friday morning
caught one walleye about 12 inches, 2 hybrids 20 inchers, and
a lot of small white bass. Saturday morning around 6:30 I fished
right up against the damn since it rose about 1 foot overnight
and got one 19 inch walleye, 12 nice whites, 2 wipers, and a
channel. Hooked into 2 fish that I couldnt even turn, one ran
like a wiper, the other felt like a big channel. Anyhow I was
amazed at the fish i was catching for late august. The water
below the damn is 3 feet at the deepest and I usually only catch
walleye in spring down there and white bass usually dont move
in until the water cools a little, but i am not complaining.
This morning I went down to jig again and the river was up alot
more and very muddy to swift to wade. Caught all these fish on
red and white, white, and some black and pink crappie tube jigs.
August 24, 2006 - Tuttle
Creek - I would like to share some information concerning
the Blue Cat on Tuttle creek. Over the past two years I've been
documenting my catches on blue cat and there has been a big change
in a short time. Last Saturday the lake was almost 5 feet below
pool and rose 5 feet in 5 days. I watched the cubic feet come
down the river when Crete Nebraska had almost 14 inches of rain.
I started fishing on Sunday with 5200 c.f. and today Wed the
water stopped around noon. I can tell you that Tuttle creek is
coming on strong with blue cat and there growing fast. The one's
I weighed today averaged between 5.8 and 6.7 pounds and they
were everywhere feeding in the current. They were loading up
on little shade and drum. By the numbers that I caught over the
past few days I think that in a couple years we will have many
blues in the 10 pound range and within 5 years they'll be 20
pounds. With the great shade and drum hatch we had this year
there getting plenty to eat and should grow fast. Most of the
articles that are available on blue cat say they don't like muddy
water but I haven't found that to be true on Tuttle creek. Every
lake is different and they feed accordingly. For the few of us
that still enjoy catching catfish and there's not many of us
any more we have some great fishing in the days ahead.
August 19, 2006 - El Dorado
- Tried fishing El Dorado Friday morning. Did
not get there as early, but it was a nice quiet morning.
First time trying the place and really wanted to check it out.
Not a lake for an amateur boater. I know about 80% of the
trees were left in there and always have to keep an eye out for
the stumps. By the dam the water clarity is great,
but getting back to the other end its pretty muddy and shallow.
I did not see a hint of vegetation there, which really takes
out someones comment about being a potential bass fishery.
Zebra mussels seem to have taken over the lake completely.
I was really just trying to catch anything, but could not find
any fish. No top water action and nothing at the dam.
Tried some trees and still nothing. But I may try again.
I bought a map for the place.. maybe next time I will dig into
it. Only way to get good at fishing a place... is simply
fishing it and learning about it. I might try Cheney next
time since I am sure I can at least catch one yellow perch.
I really enjoy largemouth bass fishing, but trying to get to
some different places then the close by state lakes. It
was nice to get the boat out and go much faster compared to the
no wake at state fishing lakes.
Next report I hope to have something landed.
August 18, 2006 - Cheney
- Aug. 18, 2006. Friday. Cheney. Kids back to school.
Vacations pretty much over. Fishing account running very low
to empty. Showed up at the lake at 6:45am. Northeast wind, (light).
Very slow till the wind shifted to the South around 9am. My favorite
(Striper) spot holding nothing. No shad, no fish. So, hit
second favorite spot and found shad at the bottom. Snagged a
12 lb. Striper in the tail and it took out 300' of line till
it stopped. Man, my heart pumping 10 times my normal beat. Got
kind of slow again but the shad were still there. So, i did a
Mike E. and speeded the boat up to 4.6 to 5.0 m.p.h. (normally
i troll at 3.2 m.p.h.) and wham. They got started again.
Caught around 8 more Wipers in the large 8 lb. range trolling
fast. That seemed to be the ticket in the later part of the day,
fast troll. I gently put all fish back holding them in the
water,(as the pro's do on T.V.) to try my best at giving the
fish a good try at survival rate. No pic's today. Hard to take
them when you're by yourself. Thanks for the comment D.H.
August 16, 2006 - Drifting at Toronto
- Several of us from the Iola area have been hitting
Toronto the past few weeks and picking up some reallynice catfish.
Shad hatch this year was good and willprovide an ample supply
of food going into the falland winter seasons. Fish are in the
2 to 8 lb. rangewith a few larger ones mixed in. Fish are starting
to"fattin up" a little and can be caught anywhere from
7to 20 ft. of water (more fish congregate around the 11to 17
ft level, dropoffs are especially good). Due tothe heat most
of us have been getting there at sunupand stay till 11 or 12ish.
Now that school hasstarted I have been going over of an evening
and stilldoing well (fishing in shallower water after the sungoes
down and hitting the west side of the lake). Something about
watching that depth finder drop andfeeling your bait roll down
the slope andthen..........BOOM!!
August 14, 2006 - Cheney and South Lake
- 1st Tried Cheney Sunday morning and was very slow
trolling for me. Had 1 school starting to bust top but a boat
motor over them and never saw them again. Caught 2 wipers, kept
one for grilling last Wensday evening but Cheney has been slow
for me this year. 2nd a month ago I took a walk around small
public lake at 55th south between Seneca and Meridian. What a
shame. I saw one trash pile that was approx. 60 gal. on west
side, another 8 budlite cans and propane bottle on north shore
and coutless more. I took another walk last night with my wife
and the trash remain except for a grocery sack I picked up and
deposit in my can back home. What is wrong with these slobs.
I felt like that indian in the 70's commercial with tears in
his eyes. Please leave with more than you bring in. We have a
good thing going with the public stockings. MH
August 14, 2006 - Comment
About Summer Striper Fishing Comment - From the point
of view of someone who gets to fish on a regular basis, I see
where it'd be easy to say just close striper fishing in the summer.
But what do you tell the folks whose only chance to striper fish
is the once a year family summer vacation? It's important to
get more families and kids involved in the outdoors and fishing
if we want our sport to grow and improve, or be protected from
those who would like to see it go away. Makes since to have more
opportunities to fish, not fewer. Summer vacations when the kids
are out of school is the only chance for some people. And what
about the economic impact to marina owners, motels, etc-
might cut into their revenue quite a bit where it's already tough
enough to scratch out a living. DH
August 13, 2006 - Fall
River - Aug. 11 and 12, 2006. Took a friend and his
two sons and his boat and truck and my sons. Man, is it nice
to have someone else do it all with their equipment. He has a
nice older 17' tracker with a Mercury 75. Stayed two days at
the cabin. We strictly trolled the two days with Bomber deep
divers that go no more than 7-8' deep. Fri. caught 40 total.
Several small crappie's, two nice Largemouth's,(throw backs)
rest were nice Whites. Man, took forever to clean all the fish,
(35 or so) in the hot sun. Sat. was a little slower. Total catch
was around 10. One was a very nice 16" Largemouth. That
one made for a very nice picture with my friend and his 15 year
old son with beautiful Fall River in the background. (I did not
have my digital camera on trip). My friend just got the boat
this year and was his best fish trip ever.
of fish. I really wish i had my digital camera on hand not only
to share the nice Largemouth but around the cabin this summer
two wild deer, doe and buck around 1 year old have been hanging
around and will allow humans to come up to them and allow you
to pet them and feed them. Did get pictures but not with a digital
camera. Don't know the history around this but it's sure neat
to see them each trip. (Editor's note - Mark sent a photo
later, it's to the right.)
Thought i would share this also. My friends older boat has a
older hummingbird fish finder. (10 years old). My boat has the
Lowrance LX-19 color sonar. There is no way i could use my friends
old fish finder out at Cheney to locate the shad and fish to
catch those huge Stripers/Wipers. No way. It just does not have
any of the new updates ext.... Reason i bring this up is he is
wanting to get into the action on the big fish at Cheney. So
when he ask me how to do it at Cheney i started with him needing
to update his fishfinder. Mark.
  August 11, 2006
- Missouri River - August 3rd,
2006 - I had been bank cat fishing all afternoon on the Missouri
River and could hardly catch enough fish for bait. I had 4 poles
baited with fresh drum. There was an old guy fishing not far
from me in what he called his favorite spot. After 4 1/2 hours
without a bite, we exchanged phone numbers and he went home.
I moved over into his spot. My pole went down! Without a doubt
it was the biggest fish I would ever catch! With 80 lb braided
line, I fought the fish for more than 15 minutes, getting him
to the bank at least 6 times. In a final attempt to bring the
fish in, my friend got half of him in the net and with a sweep
of his tail; he broke the net in two! At that point, I was not
going to lose my fish - I dove head first into the water, right
on top of him. With one hand in the gill and one in the mouth,
I pulled him onto shore. It was a blue cat, 81 lb, 52" long.
I called my friend the next day and told him what I had done
and what I had caught and he said, "You son of a @#$@#,
if I had stayed 15 minutes, that fish would have been mine!".
August 11, 2006 - Question
for Mike E - I have recently tried your 3 way rig
a couple times...I have a questions though...I seem to be hooking
up on small whites on the sassy shad, but have not been able
to detect the hits as the large crankbait I am using is still
doing its thing and my tip on my rod never changes the same vibration....I
never know I have a fish on until I reel in and I am not sure
how long the fish is on? The last two times out I have had this
happen to me atleast 3 times with whites about 10inches long...Do
you have any suggestions? Thanks.
Chad Dick
10, 2006 - Marion Catfish - Nothing
special, just some friends (Wayne McCarty, Seattle Washington,
on the left, and Mike Roberts, Wichita, Kansas) and a few
Marion Reservoir catfish.
August 9, 2006 - Answer
to question for Mark at Cheney and Summer Striper Fishing Comment
- This summer has been very different. June, July
was terrible for me on big fish catches. This month has made
a big turn around. I have to find the school's of shad directly
on the bottom. I have a Lowrance LX-19 color sonar. The unit
is excellent to see the difference between shad and big fish.
I've been having trouble locating them. But as it gets hotter
the shad are schooling up more. I mark a way-point on my g.p.s.
and concentrate on that area. I put my downrigger bait, ( three
way swivel with a sassy shad and a husky jerk) about a foot from
the bottom and go thru the school of shad. Others use live shad
and it works well.
I would state my feelings on some wishing KDWP
to close Striper fishing in the summer and still others wanting
the same with spring Walleye, ( i don't fish during the spawn
anyway) but won't on this site. I prefer this one on one. Mark.
August 9, 2006 - Summer
Striper Fishing Comment - Greetings Fellow Striper
As a life long striped bass fisherman who loves the species I
think there is a need to share my experience with others who
are not as knowledgeable with the species. Once the water temperatures
hit the mid-70's the survival rate of caught and released stripers
decreases drastically. Studies have been done in many southern
states including Lake Texoma which shows that as high as 50%
of striped bass caught and released in summer months will die!
ODWC encourages anglers to move off of schools of larger stripers
20 inches or larger once there 2 fish limit is reached. This
and more info. is available at http://www.wildlifedepartment.com/research/Texomastripedbassmanagementresearch.pdf
Here in the state of Kansas it is my experience that stripers
in the 5 pounds and up class have a much higher than 50% mortality
rate in the heat of the summer. Once those fish hit the 10 pound
and up mark I doubt if 1 out of every 10 fish released ever survives.
I have been out on days when the fishing was great with many
stripers caught and released that day, only to return the next
day to find many of those released floating on top! What a sad
sight to see.
Personally I would like to see Wildlife and Parks close striper
fishing during the hot months so I do not have to witness this
fish kill. As a guide I will not guide during the heat of the
summer unless my clients agree to catch there limit and quit
fishing for stripers. With the tough economic times of late this
has hurt my income but I refuse to kill stripers needlessly.
Sincerely, Jack Hoskinson
Madd Jack Striper Guide
President Kansas Striper Assoc.
August 9, 2006 - Question
for Mark at Cheney - Mark, it looks like you, yours
boys and your daughter are tearing it up out at Cheney. Glad
to hear it and keep the reports comming. I see you have some
downriggers on your boat. Have you been using live bait? Or are
you hunting the shad then trolling thru it? Just looking for
a little information, thanks Randy.
8, 2006 - Cheney - Tuesday.
Had another excellent day. Started early in morning and was off
the lake by 10:30am. All i had to do was find the shad and there
were the fish feeding on them. Twice had two fish on one pole.
Total catch was 4 Stripers, 3 Wipers, 1 Walleye. Kept all we
caught. Had to throw several back do to limit. Lost several big
fish due to my son's netting. Heard from one angler of catching
a 35 lb. Striper at Cheney several days ago when the Temp. was
107 ouside. He released it back into the lake WOW. Mark.
7, 2006 - Cheney - Monday. Had
a excellent day. Started early in the morning and quit at 11:30am.
First spot we caught 2 Walleye in the 6 lb. range. Then we move
to another area and nothing. Was getting ready to move and finally
found a huge school of shad in 15' of water next to a hump. There
we caught 6 Stripers in the 10-12 lb. range. Then the shad moved
out and so did the Stripers. We left for a hour or so and came
back and so did the shad. There we caught 6 BIG WIPERS in the
8-10 lb. range. Then it got hot. Me and my daughter took a dip
to cool off and heading in to clean the Walleye. The Stripers/Wipers
we threw back. Mark.
July 31, 2006 - Cheney
- I went to try my luck at Cheney for catfish on Sunday
and started the morning early hoping to get bait before it got
to hot. It was a struggle. Ended up tying a jig on and casting
for white perch off the sunken island. We caught and few and
went to fishing. Drifted the west side for a few hours and hooked
into two or three but they were long drifts. Since we were quitting
early we tried the east side of the lake before leaving. We hooked
into two real nice ones right of the bat and continued our drift
to have about 8 bites in all. The bites were few and far between
for the most part but when we did get a bite it was pretty aggressive.
Finished the day with 8 keepers; 2 6lbs, 2 - 8+ lbs. Not
bad for leaving early.
Light Tackle
30, 2006 - Cheney & Fall River -
July 29, 2006, Cheney. Hit the lake early in the morning. Real
slow day, Came up with four Wipers in 4 hrs. Biggest was a nice
9.7 lb. Heard lot of people catching tons of Catfish over the
radio in deep water. Fall River.
Hit that lake two day last week. It's been real good on Whites.
Been catching my usual 20 or so per day. Surprisingly both days
at Fall River I caught three Largemouth Bass in the 2 to 3 lb.
range. That was nice. Mark.
July 27, 2006 - Wilson
- Had an interesting, hot and smelly day chumming
for catfish at Wilson last week. 110 degrees by the time we got
off the water!!. Steady (not spectacular) action on 2-4 lb channels.
Took home a nice mess, I think counting those we released
we would have had our three person limit. We were
new to the lake (couldn't launch at Kanopolis, so we just kept
heading west to Wilson), just picked a deep drop-off (from 25
to 45 feet), chummed rotten beans, and were off and running. Fish
were right on edge of drop-off.
24, 2006 - Cheney - Monday.
Had close to a excellent evening, finally. Came up with my first
Kansas Striper of the year, finally. Found a few humps holding
what looked like shad right on the bottom. Once me and my daughter
both reeling in at the same time. All on the Westside of lake.
Total catch was one Striper, two Wipers, one catfish, one keeper
Walleye, two Walleye throw backs. Nice evening with my 11 year
old daughter. Mark.
July 23, 2006 - Question
about fishing - I have just became interested in angling
and would love to get better. My question is this, i want to
get good at pole fishing before i move on to a rod, when fishing
in a lake or river how do i set the weight and atach the float
and hook? (Editor's Note: We answered this question direct,
but thought some of you might like to respond. Responses will
be posted here and
Jake Turbill
aged 13
July 23, 2006 - Kanopolis
- Pulled the boat up to Kanopolis this morning to
try some whites and wipers. Got there and could not even get
the boat in. Ive been there several times this year but not for
about a month. To get to the main body of lake you must go over
a sand bar where it is only about a foot deep. I think it has
dropped over 5 ft. since the last time I was there. Only 2 other
trailers at the ramp and they looked like smaller boats. Smaller
than my 17.5 foot V hull. I also heard of a guy hitting a stump
and tearing up his boat pretty bad. I hate to say it but If you
are looking to do some boating, I would stay away from Kanopolis
for a while.
July 20, 2006 - Cheney
- I'll make this real short. I'm not hitting Cheney
till I hear of the big Wipers / Stripers get on the ball and
start biting. I've never seen it this bad during the summer.
If any fish biologist is reading this I'd like to hear there
input. I've head a week ago even Marion Lake is very
slow on Wipers. So, I'll hit those big White's at other lakes
till things pick up. Might slip out to Cheney if the temp.
drop into the mid ninety's in the evening. Mark.
July 20, 2006 - Request for fishing
partner (non-boater) in BASS Jayhawk - Hi folks,
I'm from CO and looking for a non boater to link/register for
bassmaster weekend series, Jayhawk division, Sep 10. Would also
split lodging, travel, prefish etc...Can to pass this on to your
Billy Armour
or billy.armour@lmco.com
cell (303)349-0774 - hm (303)750-5812
July 19, 2006 - Cheney - To respond to this
earlier post (shown below), I was wanting to ask the same thing.
I was talking to my neighbor this past weekend and he also said
he saw numerous fish floating dead around Cheney lake both times
he's been out that last couple of weekends. Just wondered if
anyone has any more updated info of what it possibly could be,
or anything else? Sad to hear about the large Stripers, and Walleye
they are finding out that way dead floating. Just really curious
if anyone has any updated info on this.
Earlier post: July 08, 2006. No report to
post. But thought i would relay a possible start of a small fish
kill at Cheney i heard of. It might explain the lack of success
of some species. Getting this second hand. A friend of mine was
out on the face of the Dam 10 days ago when the wind was gusting
from the North 25-30 mph. He witnessed many huge dead Walleye/Stripers/Drum
floating at the Dam. Can't see this being so true due to the
water temp. in the upper 70's. I have witnessed several days
ago a few 8-10 lb. Stripers and one huge Walleye dead in Middle
of lake.
 July 18, 2006
- Fall River - July 16 - 18,
2006. (Photo on far right is from Fall River and photo on near
right is from striper trip to beaver a few days earlier.)It's
been real hot. Been hitting it early in morning and stopping
at 10am. Fishing been very good to excellent for White's. There
not really schooling up in big numbers yet. Been vertical fishing
with small twister tails and at times trolling and catching a
few to locate them. Went to Beaver Lake in N.W. Arkansas and
it was awesome. Wife caught the biggest 28 lb. Striper. We are
mounting that one. At one time we had (5) huge Stripers on at
once. I'm still shaking from that trip. Mark.
July 15, 2006 - Pratt
County Lake - I was fishing Pratt County Lake Thursday
morning using chicken liver for catfish. From 3 a.m. to 9 a.m.
I caught 12 channel catfish fishing from the inlet, lengths from
12" to 18". During that time I caught over 50 wiper
10" to 15" that were in a school chasing small baitfish.
Due to the smaller size of the wipers I was using a #6 hook in
order for the wipers to be able to take the liver. The wiper
population here is really taking off although none of the fish
I caught that night were keeper size.
July 14, 2006 - Butler
and Kingman SFLs - July 5th I ventured to Butler. Get the boat out and give
it some good use. Few other anglers on the water and they seemed
to do pretty well. It,s a great place for numbers if you have
the patience. I,m still not great at finding fish on the main
body of water. I guess I have been wanting more to just catch
some numbers and to get them you have to deal with the backwaters
of the area. I stayed there till about one am or so. Beautiful
weather well they clouds vanished when I got there and came back
the next day figures. I ended up catching two nice bass one during
the day right in the slop and the other was at night right off
a point close to shore. I know where to go though Heard some
monsters when you can here the splash one hundred yards away
you know they are big fish they were past the second pier where
the water gets to three feet or less.
You need either a small boat to get through the
slop or a powerful trolling motor. I had a decent trolling motor
finally got the proper prop for it and it made the difference.
It was a long day and I was tired.. was going to sleep on the
boat since I didn,t setup up to camp The night got rather cold
and I found out my main battery was low Always have to have problems
But it was a very nice night even saw a shooting star that night.
I have to say that feeder that goes off at seven shows you some
cats The feed went out and you could see chaos happening. Those
cats know when the feed is going to drop and they wait there
till it does it was a sight to see and I got to see it.
July 8th I went out to Kingman.
I hate venturing out on the weekends since fishing pressure is
heavier. My spot just wasn,t producing. Again the clouds vanished
and the bass were holding tight under cover. I would spook them
versus catching them. Only got three bass that day two in the
lily pads, which I love to fish and the other was past the pier
on the end where it gets very shallow again small boats or heavy
duty trolling motors are a must I think I will get a long pole
so I can just push my way through since boats can float all over
e weeds, lily pads, and slop with ease. I saw very
little fish catching that day. I did see some cats being caught
at the first pier by the first boat ramp. The feeders here I
saw go off and it was another site not much of cats feeding but
that thing shot feed twenty feet in all directions. Sounded like
a little machine gun going off. But was nice to get the boat
out and get some use from it I think I want to start switching
out the seats and in time give it some light colored carpet red
is pretty and all, but sure does catch the heat when it is sunny.
Happy fishing all,
July 14, 2006 - Wichita
KDOT lake - we went to kdot lake on july 3 of 06 and
seen alot of dead muscles everywhere and boy did it stink what
is going on?
July 11, 2006 - Cheney
11, 2006 - Cheney - Submitted by Watkins
Guide Service - Saturday morning was cool and overcast,
little bit of sprinkles with a mean looking sky off to the west.
Catfish didnt wake up till about 8:00 am, but when they did it
was diffenatly breakfast time. Caught 16 in about 2 hours, biggest
about 7lbs. Chris Nichols Watins guide service
July 8, 2006 - Cheney
- July 08, 2006. No report to post. But thought i
would relay a possible start of a small fish kill at Cheney i
heard of. It might explain the lack of success of some species.
Getting this second hand. A friend of mine was out on the face
of the Dam 10 days ago when the wind was gusting from the North
25-30 mph. He witnessed many huge dead Walleye/Stripers/Drum
floating at the Dam. Can't see this being so true due to the
water temp. in the upper 70's. I have witnessed several days
ago a few 8-10 lb. Stripers and one huge Walleye dead in Middle
of lake.
7, 2006 - Cheney / Fall River - July
07, 2006, Friday. Cheney / Fall River Res. The last week I have
been a big "ZERO" at Cheney on Wipers/Stripers/ Walleye.
So far this year I have not netted "ANY" Stripers at
Cheney. Last year this time i had at least 10 or so Stripers
over 10 lbs. None this year. Each trip I'm netting only one Keeper
Wiper and a few very small Wipers. Very disappointing. So, I
decided to head to Fall River Res. for Whites. There it was excellent.
Started at 7am. till 9:30am. After that they shut off. Caught
around 30. Most were 15 to 16" range. Trolled and vertical
jigged. That got my spirits up. Anyone experencing the same?????
Heading to Beaver Lake next week. Can't wait. Mark.
July 6, 2006 - Kanopolis
- 7/4/06 KANOPOLIS White & Wiper fishing was phenominal.
From 7-9 am caught several wipers ranging from 4 to 10 lb. From
10am to 1pm I literally caught a fish on every single cast, mostly
white bass with an occasional wiper. Lure of choice was a blade
bait, such as the zip lure and heddon sonar in 1/4 oz - 3/8 oz
size. Had to quit fishing as I thought my arms would fall off.
Besides I had an old wiper fishing injury flaring up.(ha ha)
Tight Lines,
Ks. Fisher
July 6, 2006 - Shawnee
County State Fishing Lake & Lake Shawnee - I went
fishing at Shawnee County State Fishing
Lake on Friday June 30, 2006. I caught 26 crappie on minnows
in water that was approx. 15 feet deep. The fish were at 10-12
feet. All of the crappie were small with the largest at .5lbs.
I also caught two bass between 1-1.5lbs. The water temperature
was 80F and stained.
July 5th. I fish Lake Shawnee. The
water temperature was 82F and clear to stained with visibility
down to three feet. I caught and release nine wipers between
1-7 lbs. I was fishing with minnows in water 17'-25'. The wipers
are chasing shad schools and many could be seen breaking the
surface of the water near dusk. I also caught three catfish in
the 1-2lb range and two bass also in the 1-2lb range. I was fishing
between 4pm and 8:30pm. The majority of the fish were caught
between 6-7pm. I have attached a photo of the largest of the
wipers caught.
July 5, 2006 - El Dorado
- Hey Jim,
Just a short report for the web, fished Eldorado this past week
and caught several whites on little fishes lures as they were
breaking water around the old bluestem dam, also anchored Sunday
night there and caught several walleyes with 3 keepers, including
a 27 incher.
Will try to keep in touch, as I do like reading the reports.
Thanks for keeping us all informed,
Roy Posey
5, 2006 - Cheney - Submitted by Watkins
Guide Service - Cheney-Gave up on the wipers today to
go chase old Mr. Whiskers, and what a great day! Everyone that
I talked to had a boat load. 10 to 14 pounders were not uncommon
with a lot 3 to 6 lb class fish caught. The pictures show a few
that were kept for the skillet as I practice a lot of catch and
release. These big old Catfish are a blast to catch and I think
the eating. Chris Nichols
July 5, 2006 - Question
on Milford Blue Cat - I would like any info anyone
might have about the blue cat bite at Milford. I am planning
a trip for mid-July. Any info would help-where to go and depth,
fishing style and bait type. Thanks for the help.
July 5, 2006 - Marion
- July 4, On the lake by 7:45am. Wind had changed
direction overnight but decided to try it anyway. Had 20 keepers
(Whites and Wipers) by 9:30. Wind kicked up some from the East,
North East and began to push some chop off of the east side of
the lake. The fish quit biting and caught only 3 whites too small
to keep and 1 drum from 9:30 til noon. Had a good time anyway.
Caught 2 sets if doubles (Two lures on one line, one fish on
each lure) before they shut off.
July 3, 2006 - Marion
- 6/30/06 Started fishing about 8:00am. Trolling the
points on the east side of the lake. Found a couple of schools
of small White Bass South of cottonwood boat dock. Headed north
and started catching some nice size Whites and a few Wipers North
of the camping areas on Cottonwood. The fish seem to be moving
into the summer patterns of feeding where the waves break on
the points. Fished until about 3:15. Kept 48, Whites, Wipers,
Walleye and even a couple of Drum. Had to run the boat in about
4 feet of water to get them.
Royce H.
July 3, 2006 - Cheney
& Marion - Fishing was fair to good over the July
fourth weekend for channel cats. Marion is still slow due to
the lake turning over.
Mike Cook
Four Lake Guides
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