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Fishing Reports from Kansas
Anglers | Send
in your comments, questions or answers
October 9, 2008 - Lake
Shawnee Trout Season - Perhaps other anglers are as
confused as I was about Lake Shawnee trout season. In the past
Lake Shawnee ran their own trout program. They are not listed
on the KDWP trout stocking schedule, however according to the
Shawnee County Parks & Rec. who I called, the State is supplying
the trout. Lake Shawnee trout season does not coincide with the
State season, but starts Saturday, November 1st at 6:00am. You
will need a State license and trout stamp rather than a Lake
Shawnee trout permit. Here is the Lake Shawnee website for more
August 14, 2008 - Question
about sound - Boat Question -- I'm not sure how stupid
of a question this might be but I am wondering others opinions.
When I am able to make it to the lake I take my dads boat, which
was currently in the shop. When they ran the boat to make sure
that everything was working good they told my dad that they noticed
the motor was the loudest motor that they had ever heard. But
it has always been that way, you almost have to yell to talk
to each other on the boat. Here is my question, do any of you
think that this will make a difference on catching fish? Do you
think that the noise from the motor will scare fish off or atleast
startle them and keep them from feeding?
April 17, 2008 - Largemouth
Bass Should Be Stocked in Clinton and Perry Lakes
- On Oct. 1 and 2, 2005, Topeka received nearly 4 inches of rain
and as much as 12 inches fell on areas north of the city in Jackson
and Jefferson counties. Mother Nature's deluge washed an untold
number largemouth bass into Perry Lake. Consequently, in the
spring of 2006, bass angler began catching scores of 1 12 - to
six-pound bass, and that great bass fishing lasted until May
of 2007. Even during the winter of 2006-07, when the surface
temperature at Perry registered 38 degrees, some bass anglers
caught as many as 34 good-sized largemouth during a four-hour
From this experience and similar ones in decades
past, it is obvious that a stocking program similar to the volume
that Mother Nature rendered in October of 2005 could be replicated
by the Kansas Department of Wildlife and Park. Read
complete story
April 13, 2008 - Boaters
needed for youth event
We are looking for boaters for our 3rd Annual C.A.S.T.
event. Please forward on to others you think might be interested
in helping. This year we are opening up to McConnell children
who have a parent or both serving abroad. We are needing 50 boats
and need your help to make the event a great success again this
year. All major media will be invited again this year. As it
has always been, the boaters/fisherman make this event a success.
I sincerely hope you can help a child "Catch a Special Thrill"!!
Tom Spencer
C.A.S.T. Event Director
April 13, 2008 - Club
forming - A small group of Kansas anglers,who are
members of North American Fishing Club,are trying to find enough
interest to start a local state chapter. If you could help us
by putting something on your site we would appreciate it. By
joining NAFC members get a monthly magazine but more importantly
you get access to the website and online forums. You can hook
up with anglers from accross the nation. New members can join
for a risk free trial at fishingclub.com Once registered they should
log on to the kansas forum and let us know they are there.
Kevin Rush
April 11, 2008 - Question
on lake in Leavenworth - Many, Many thanks to Dean
B. regarding the re-naming of the lake in Leavenworth Heims
Lake - now Stella Maris
Randall in Topeka
April 10, 2008 - Answer
to Question on lake in Leavenworth - This is to answer
Randall of Topeka's March 23
question about Heims Lake in Leavenworth.
I found a reference to a Heims Lake in Leavenworth.
It was in a UFO report of all things. Said the lake was now called
Lake Stella Maris. I found a Lake Stellamaris (one word) near
the intersection of Shawnee Rd & 193rd Street in Leavenworth,
KS. Best of luck.
Dean B.
April 2, 2008 - Cheney
Poacher - Heard a "great" story today about
a guy who caught a stringer full of walleye the other day at
Cheney and kept all of them. Amazing people have the balls to
break the law like that and brag about it. Might as well go shoot
10 big bucks and tell everybody at the bar. On the brighter side,
great crappie
March 23, 2008 - Question
on lake in Leavenworth -As a youth I fished a few
times with my father and his best friend at a private lake in
Leavenworth Kansas. I recall it being called Heims, Heinz or
Heimes Lake but can't remember for sure. I've tried to find info
on the net by searching the names or 'private lakes' in Leavenworth
and Kansas but can't find any info. Anyone know of such a Lake
or remember the name? Maybe it's been purchased and re-named?
It has been 40 years ago. Any info would be appreciated
thought I might try to find it and go fish it. Thanks!
Best regards,
Randall in Topeka
March 4, 2008 - Answer
to question about anchors - In answer to the anchor
question, I use the DIGGER ANCHOR. It is by far the best most
reliable anchor I have ever used. Cabelas sells them, as well
as most sporting goods stores. they range from $49 to $89, and
work in most bottom scenerios.
Mike E.
March 2, 2008 - Question
about anchors - Just bought a 14 foot aluminum, flat
bottomed jon boat with 2.5 Mercury motor along with Minn Kota
transom and bow mounted trolling motors. Question -- what should
we consider for anchors and positioning of the anchors We will
fish Lake Shawnee in Topeka (400 plus acres) primarily. Have
some experience with mushroom style weights and have not been
impressed. Feedback would be appreciated. Thank you!
All the BEST!
Randall and Carolyn
Topeka, KS
February 28, 2007 - Wichita
Show - Submitted
by Mark Kirkpatrick - What
a great time at the Kansas Sports, Boat and Travel Show, I loved
talking with each individual on the great craftsman ship of a
personal rod. We answered a lot of questions on how Neal crafts
the right rod for you, and the benefits of a custom rod. Of course
price is always the subject, but if you buy a great quality rod
off the rack, it will cost you the same amount, and won't have
the life time guarantee or the feel that you might expect. See
with a crafted rod you pick the type of handle, blank manufacture,
and what type of guides you put on it. Neal has a set of Zirconium
guides that I swear are indestructible, we demonstrate this with
a file, run the file over inside of the eye, and there isn't
a nick on it.
I would like to thank all those that stopped by
Classic Destiny Custom Rod Booth, Zeiners Booth, and asked questions
on Snack Daddy lures, Vicious Fishing line.
August 25, 2007 - Info
request on watersheds - I'm always looking for new
places to try that are not too far away. One site that was a
mapping site started showing tons of watershed dams. Many would
be Flint hills watershed dam number this and that. I have seen
reports of people fishing on them, but I can't find any info.
Are these dams just spots on private property? I would love to
have a few small places to fish that are not too much over an
hour to get to. Any information would be great.
June 10, 2007 - Marion
Comment - Mon. and tue. April 30 and may 1. Fished
at Marion res. Monday the wipers were really biting along the
dam in the morning. Caught about 15 or 20 on brown jigs. Size
was not great, about 2-3 pounds, but very fun to catch. Also
caught 13 white bass. They were all males of about 1 lb. each.
These were a lot closer to the bank than the wipers. Tuesday
was much slower. Caught a few whites,9, and had to work much
harder for them. I did catch 5 crappie, about 9 to 10 inches
long. On a more disappointing note, I saw on fellow leaving
with a stringer full of wipers on Monday, and 3 short walleyes
that had been cleaned and dumped in the water at the cottonwood
point boat ramp. Unfortunately I think both of these senerios
are pretty common at this lake. Just my opinion.
May 19, 2007 - Where have
the green worms gone? - Used to have 1/2 dozen places
along the Republican River to dig green worms.
Now it seems that they have "disappeared" from their
"normal" haunts as have been hard pressed to find even
a 1/2 dozen of them after digging in multiple places along the
river. Any suggestions as where they have "moved" or
has the drought had an adverse effect upon them?
May 10, 2007 - It's getting
expensive - Thought I would add this to the site.
There's been a decrease in some permits to all state parks in
Kansas this season. All the hype that's going to bring out more
folks, fisherman to the parks/lakes. You won't find anyone more
than me that hopes this will work. If you you put this issue
to a calculator. Always keep in mind gas now at $3.10 a gal.
Compare gas prices even three years ago. What it takes to pull
the trailers, (boats, campers, jet skies). The distance to travel
to and from. It's just does not add up to any, any savings. I
live 28 miles from Cheney Lake . Each daily trip cost me $35
with the boat. I used to go to beautiful Wilson Lake three times
a year. Just loved to travel there and fish for a day with the
boat. I don't anymore due to the cost of fuel. Even my kids have
begged me to take them to Wilson Lake . Fuel cost has taken a
huge hit on this issue. I've cut down on trips to the lake around
30% from years past. Mainly cause of cost. There's a point due
to cost I've had to cut down. That means spending less time away
from the state parks.
April 14, 2007 - More
on Milford - The walleye on the dam is just getting
over. Most are done spawning by now. The cold front set
the water temp back 10 degrees from a few weeks ago. It did change
the fishing! The spawn will be effected by the drop.
It all depends on the weather over the next few weeks on the
spawn time, probably won't have any spawning going on for the
next few weeks except for shad. Whitebass will be next and that
all depends on the weather. The cold rains over the past
few days will keep the temp down. Starting tonight (Sat)
there will be some rain water coming in Milford from upstream
probably at 40 degrees. It going to take some warm days and nights
to get it going again.
April 13, 2007 - Cheney
Walleye? - Anyone having any luck at Cheney after
this cold weather?????
April 13, 2007 - More on Milford Question
- At Milford: Are the Walley hitting on the dam right
now? Or has that come and gone? If they are, or are getting ready
to, does that happen at night like the White Bass or is that
an all day kind of thing? And finally...what is the lure/bait
of choice when they are hitting on the dam?
I'm sure things were moving along smothly as far as good fishing
goes...untill this ugly weather came in!! Thoughts on this? Does
it shut whatever spawning action that was happening down? Thanks...pstein
April 13, 2007 - Answer
to Milford Question - Every year is different like
all Lakes. Water temp will vary due to rain fall and temperatures.
My records show that over the past few years Milford's water
temp will start Sept between 75 - 80 and end the month 70 - 75.
Daytime temp 80 - 90, nighttime low's 50 - 60. No one knows about
the wind. Calm midnight to noon, wind will blow most afternoon's.
Whitebass, wipers and blue cat are hot in Sept. Lots of bait
fish everywhere, all fish all feeding before winter. Look for
bait fish and birds eating shad. Sept is one of the best months
for fishing Milford. My choice would be Sept 12 - 25. RKH
April 12, 2007 - Milford
Question - I have been trying to find out the average
lake temperature for the month of september. please help. We
are planning a week long fishing trip on Milford this September,
and water temperature will determine what type of fishing we
do as well as the gear we will need to bring along. Does the
wind ALWAYS blow on Milford?
April 6, 2007 - Yates
Center Reservoirs I just wanted to let people know
that at BOTH Yates center reservoirs you can now be checked for
licenses by some city employees. We got checked last Sunday and
I contacted wildlife and parks who then contacte4d the city of
Yates center police. I was told that there are a few people who
have been deputized to check licenses by the city. On another
note caught some nice crappie and one bass. Pretty productive
day. Thanks
March 14, 2007 - Question
on Clark Fish-n-Ranch of Kingman - Can anyone tell
me if Clark Fish-n-Ranch of Kingman is still in operation? They
once offered fee fishing for catfish and bass in "shady
spring-fed lakes and ponds". They were 5 1/2 miles west
of Kingman on US 54. The number I had for them is no longer in
service (620-532-2013). I was hoping to take my daughters there
this spring/summer. Thanks.
Dean B.
Wichita, KS
March 9, 2007 - El Dorado
Thief - Not that I like posing such info, and I should
blame myself more than anything or anyone. Lastnight my other
and I thought we would try fishing off the east end of the dam
at El dorado. We parked on east end atop the dam, hit about 7:15
or so. The fishing action was non existent, never got a hit.
The two guys that left as we walked down said, "Good Luck"
Another couple was fishing, they didn't have any luck either.
I had taken 5 poles. 2 for my brother, and 2 for me, and a spare
in case one messed up, and fishing with my brother means that
has a highly possibility! Hahaha I left one in the bed on my
truck. It was not my most expensive rod and reel, but it was
a good one. The reel was my dad's, and it was one I had hoped
to keep. Well, as luck would turn out, someone helped themselves
to it. Usually people who I been around who fish, have good morals,
ethics, and values. Not always the case. It is mainly my fault
for trusting people, and leaving it in the bed of my truck. I
hope the guy/guys that took it, read this and are proud of themselves!
If you are one of the two that helped yourself to my rod and
reel, I hope someday the favor is returned to you. What a couple
low life's, and a disgrace to honorable fishermen in Kansas.
There was two trucks there when I pulled up. And the couple stayed
when we left. By the way, I have your tag number too! And I am
calling the authorities.
January 11, 2007 - Bowfishing
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