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Kansas Waterfowl Report
Region 2 Northeast Kansas
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Kansas Reports from Hunters
Region 2 Waterfowl Report Summary
State Report last checked
February 19, 2009 at 4:25 p.m.
This is a collection of all the Region 2 Waterfowl
Updated: 2/18/2009
Waterfowl numbers |
Duck numbers starting to drop. Only small groups
of Mallards using our wetlands. (Mallard Migration Ranking =
1) |
Water level |
I have stopped pumping the wetlands. |
Hunting conditions |
Good vegetation in wetlands. |
Expected hunting success |
Waterfowl season has ended for Benedictine. |
Comments |
October 1 through March 31 the area can
only be accessed with a special permit obtained through a drawing.
The application and drawing take place in June through July 15. |
CLINTON - Last Updated: 2/16/2009
Waterfowl numbers |
Approximately 4,000 Canada geese and 5,000 ducks in the local
area this week. Majority of the ducks are mallards. The remainder
is a wide mix of both divers and puddle ducks. Several large
flocks of snow geese were observed feeding on local private fields
over this past weekend. Flocks are migrating north and will likely
not remain in the area for very long.
Mallard Index (0 - 10) = 7
Lake level |
875.6 (just above conservation pool) |
Hunting conditions |
Fair. Upper end of lake and marshes currently
have 100% open water. |
Expected hunting success |
Poor. Only open season is snow geese. |
Comments |
Duck, Canada geese, and white fronted geese seasons are closed
for the season. Light goose conservation season remains open
until April 30, 2009.
Remember- a free permit/ survey card is required to hunt in
the marsh areas on Clinton Wildlife Area. These are available
at all of the marsh parking areas. The information collected
and comments received are very useful in establishing future
management goals for the area.
The Refuge area is open for hunting and all activities
until October 1st. Identify what you shoot before you shoot it!
Please report all wildlife violations no matter how minor they
might seem. If you have any questions call Chris Lecuyer- Area
Manager at 785-887-6882.
HILLSDALE - Last Updated: 2/19/2009
Waterfowl numbers |
Waterfowl numbers estimated to be around 2000,
mostly mallards, pintail, golden eye, and Canada geese. |
Water level |
Lake level is 915, Pool level is 917. |
Hunting conditions |
Antioch marsh is about 3/4 full, Brown's marsh
is 3/4 full. The Wade Branch ponds are about 1/2 full. The Little
Bull Creek marsh, (in the State Park below the dam) is about
1/2 full. |
Expected hunting success |
Limited opportunity for geese. Remember season
dates-Late zone Duck Season Closed, Dark and Light goose
closes Feb 15. Light Goose Conservation Order Feb 16-April 30. |
Comments |
Notice: Note that waterfowl numbers may vary
from one day to the next due to natural movement in and out of
the area. See Hillsdale Wildlife Area web page for the Hillsdale brochure and detailed aerial maps
of wetland areas (Hillsdale Map). (Corp daily Reservoir information) |
Waterfowl numbers |
Waterfowl observed on Jeffrey: Approximately 2,000
ducks, 1000 Canadas and 100 Snows are using the refuge. Approximately
35,000 snows, 1200 Canadas, and 500 Ducks are using the Middle
of AUX lake.
Waterfowl observed between Manhattan and Topeka along the
Kansas River and near by crop fields: 10000 Snow Geese, 1000
Canada Geese, 500 Ducks mostly Mallard, Pintail.
Water level |
Auxillary lake is 2' low |
Hunting conditions |
Jeffrey Energy Center has closed AUX lake to
all fishing and boating activities. AUX Lake is OPEN to waterfowl
HUNTING. Makeup lake currently open to fishing and boating.
No hunting activity allowed on Makeup lake. |
Expected hunting success |
Guard house reported no hunters over the weekend
Fair; AUX Lake has approximately 99% open water. Prospects
of Hunting the Kansas River and Private land along the river
look Good for Snow Geese.
Ducks and geese are using private fields South of Jeffrey
for feeding. IMPORTANT: Landowner permission is required
to hunt on any pirvately owned land in Kansas!
Comments |
Access to AUX Lake is through the main gate at Jeffrey Energy
Center which is located just off on Highway 63 about 4 miles
North of St. Marys, Kansas. Please call the Guard House (785)
456-6149 if you have any questions about access.
Remember all waterfowl hunters 16 and older must have a federal
Migratory Bird Hunting and Conservation Stamp, and all hunters
who are required to obtain a license must also have a Kansas
State Waterfowl Habitat Stamp and a Kansas Harvest Information
Program (HIP) stamp before attempting to take ducks, geese, or
Late Zone Ducks - Closed until Fall 2009
Canada Geese - Closed until Fall 2009.
White-fronted - Closed until Fall 2009
Light geese - Open - April 30, 2009 by special conservation
order. During this period, there will be no bag or possesion
limit on light geese. In addition, participants will be allowed
to use unplugged shotguns and electronic calls and take light
geese from one-half hour before sunrise to one-half hour after
sunset during the period of the conservation order.
MILFORD - Last Updated: 2/18/2009
Waterfowl numbers |
Approximately 1000 canada geese. 10,000 snow
geese that may be here today and gone tomorrow. |
Water level |
The lake is currently holding approximately
2 foot below conservation pool with the current outflow at 25
cfs. |
Hunting conditions |
Duck season is closed.
White-fronted geese are closed but will re-open February 7th-15th.
Canada goose season is open until February 15th.
Expected hunting success |
Pre-hunt scouting is encouraged.
Vehicles are cutting rutts into the dikes and scaring birds
off of wetlands. Obeying posted signs will benefit everyone's
hunting experience.
Comments |
Daily Use Permits are free and required for
hunting waterfowl in public lands wetlands. Iron rangers are
stocked with daily use permits and are located at main entrances
to all wetlands. |
PERRY - Last Updated: 2/18/2009
Waterfowl numbers |
Spring migration is on!!! Estimated 30,000
ducks using marshes. Mostly mallards and pintails.5,000 Canada
and White-Fronted geese. |
Lake level |
1.5 feet low |
Habitat conditions |
Good |
Expected hunting success |
Seasons closed. |
Comments |
Best marshes to observed large concentrations
of waterfowl include West River, Mitigation, Northwest, Lassiter,
and Headquarters. |
TUTTLE CREEK - Last Updated: 2/10/2009
Waterfowl numbers |
2000 ducks mostly mallards. 1500 Canada Geese
Mallard Migration Rank = 7 (0=no mallards, 10=peak numbers)
Water level |
Lake is 2.3 ft. above conservation pool level |
Hunting conditions |
fair |
Expected hunting success |
The lake has 40% ice cover. Most of the marshes
are opening up. Best hunting are on open patches of the river
or on big crop fields. |
Comments |
A permit/survey is required to hunt the marshes
at Tuttle Creek and can be found at the marshes. Please complete
this survey.The data collected from this permit/survey supplies
the Manager with valuable comments and harvest info to better
manage the area. NOTE: The refuge is now open to hunting. |
Region 1 NW KS
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4 SCen KS | Region 5 SE KS
Kansas Reports from Hunters
