Kansas Fishing Report
Submitted by Anglers Like You
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from Kansas Anglers
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Mike Cook's Report
June 28, 2005 - Question
on Coffee County Lake - I'm going to Coffee County
Lake (Wolf Creek) on Saturday. The only thing I know about the
lake is you can't get on it if it's windy. Does anyone have any
advice about the lake? Sah.
June 28, 2005 - Cheney
- Mike, what time of the day would you say it is best
to fish for wipers at Cheney? I noticed you said that it was
your first morning trip this year (your last one on June 25)
and that's when I always go, am I missing something by always
going in the morning? Scott S sshea@cox.net
June 28, 2005 - Big
Hill - 6/24 & 6/26, Big Hill: Fished a few
hours on Friday evening and then Sunday morning and early afternoon.
Friday evening the fish were active and caught 3 largemouth over
18" in just a couple of hours pitching a black emerald 8"
Zoom worm. Sunday morning I thought I'd really get'em.
Much tougher though...downsizing didn't work so I went the other
way and started working a 10 1/2" Ole Monster Zoom worm
breaking off a monster bass and catching a 20.5" fish.
One hint for all the guys fishing the bank and catching dinks
(especially those fishing the 2-day ABA in July), get off the
bank and figure out which type of tree they're on for that day.
June 28, 2005 - Cheney - It
was Sunday the 26th, I've been following Mike E's reports for
three years now on 3 way rigging Cheney and the amount of success
he's had for large wipers. So I read his last week about
the 2 12's and 8's and decided to hit Wichita point. I usually
fish further north, refuge and the humps, which as far as I can
tell are not nearly as distinct this year as last year. It was
beautiful, 6 am, winds 5-10 from the south. Put in at the flooded
boat ramp in the cove near there. I Caught a small white bass
on the way out. I ran my 3 way rig all day, fire tiger on bottom,
sassy shad on top. We got out passed the peninsula of Wichita
point where it goes from 20 feet deep up to 6 feet and then back
down to 20 again. Going South to North was all the
luck. Hooked into a monster, reeled him half way in and
he got off the line. Next pass, hooked an even bigger wiper,
got him up to the boat, both my lures were on top of the water,
I realized the fish on my buddies line I head been reeling in
was just wrapped around my line and I was reeling in his line.
What was I to do, he got up to the boat and jumped off as well.
I was pissed !! Two big ones, none in the boat. Caught a17"
walleye, and 2 more wipers small. The wind kicked up so much
that it was not fun to fish after that. Went home, will try again,
3 way works. Scott S
 June 28, 2005
- La Cygne - Saturday
June 25th. La Cygne Lake. Got on the Lake around 8:00am and immediately
began trolling for wiper/white Bass. Went South towards the dam
to work the creek channel's. Ended up with 8 white bass 10 -
14 inches long and no wipers. Called it quits around 3:00pm and
headed home.
27, 2005 - Tuttle Creek - Channel
cat and blue cat fishing were excellent June 10 and 11at Fancy
Creek State Park near Randolph. Fish were biting on fresh
shad and green worms. Several fish were lost but we managed
to take 7 that went from 5-9 lbs. The river was rising
from recent rains and fish were found near the current which
was marked by flowing debri. My youngest son (LooseKnot)
is seen here with some of the catch.
Big Hook
June 27, 2005 - Marion
County - caught nice 21"in. saugeye &
18in. on jigs and several small ones. at night fish with
chicken liver and caught limit of catfish all nice
eatin size fun fishin .
June 27, 2005 - Cheney - Okay
I see that Mike E had a great day out on Cheney Lake Sat. after
they found the fish, but how many anglers had excellent fishing
out there this weekend? My brother and I where on the lake at
7AM Sat. We caught a total of 2 white perch and 1 small walleye.
Our lures where too big to catch many white perch trolling. I
really don't see how they are reporting the fishing as excellent.
Anybody else want to comment about this? BW Wichita
June 25, 2005 - Cheney
- Decided to start very very early on Sat Morning,
left the house at 6am. It was indeed a beautiful morning. No
wind, Calm water! We thought this would be the most awesome morning
of fishing so far this year! ( ok, it was my FIRST morning of
fishing this year!) I usually start at 10 or 11 am. Anyhow, we
trolled here and there and up there and over there, and finally
caught a small Wiper. Out by Wichita point in 17' of water, I
noticed lots of fish showing up on the graph. I stopped the boat
and we both dropped spoons. I immediately found out what all
the fish were that we were seeing! White Perch. Perch after Perch..
We caught perch for a couple of hours and litteraly got sick
of catching the little critters. It was about 11 am, I decided
to troll some more went over my favorite hump out in the middle,
and lots of fish were showing up on the graph. As soon as the
lures hit, WHAM!! line screamed off my reel. I hit reverse, and
turned the boat to go to the fish. I had snagged a 11 lb Wiper
right in the side. I could hardly budge that fish. I thought
I had a whale... anyhow, released it and turned around for another
pass. This time Both our lines began rippin off our reels. I
had 2 Large Wipers, Chris had 1 very nice Wiper... this continued
for 2 hours, then Chris said..Mike, We have to go now! I said
ahh comeon, just one more pass... he said then you tell my wife
its your fault I missed our lunch date! NOPE... we left the lake.
We had caught over 30 Very nice Wipers in an hour and a half...
I hated to leave...
June 23, 2005 - Small
local lake - Just wanted to post a quick report on
6/22/05. Fished a local lake the state has leased for fishing
access. Caught 8 channel cat up to 3 pounds on chicken liver
and garlic salt. Missed that many as well. Still have my boat
for sale. 18ft Cajun Bass Boat 150 HP Mercury. New carpet, new
floor with marine grade plywood and new transom with marine grade
plywood. 24 volt foot control trolling motor, Hummingbird fishfinder.
Stainless steel prop. It's an older boat but it runs GREAT. If
you're looking for a solid boat for fishing this is it. $2975
OBO. 316-640-2645 or tswift@farmersagent.com.
June 23, 2005 - Answer
on catfish quesion from June 19 - Congratulations
Austin on the great catch. To answer your questions, based
on the size, the extended lower jaw and the square tail
(not forked), I would guess it to be a flathead catfish.
If I'm wrong, I hope someone will correct me. A catfish
family identification poster is available for download here:
Dean B. of Wichita, KS
June 21, 2005 - Coffey
County Lake - My fishing partner and I took off work
Friday afternoon 6-17 and fished Coffey County for about 4 hours.
Fishing was tougher than past outings but we still managed to
catch about 12 nice walleye. There is a slot limit of 18"-26"
that are protected. We caught about 8 in the 16 to 17 1/2"
range. They allow you to keep only two fish each. We caught 4
between 20 and 22 inches. Fished the west island with crawlers
on a three way rig or a jig and crawler combination. Also trolled
a shadrap around the island and caught 3 that way. These fish
are extremely health and loaded with fat inside. They feed mainly
on shad and they get plenty, but the bite is still very good.
The lake must be loaded with nice walleye. Lake temperature was
78 at the island and 85 near the hot water discharge.
Steve Ernest Westphalia Kansas
June 21, 2005 - Catfish
Pond - caught 30 to 40 catfish saturday usin chicken
livers biggest was 4lb. threw all back to catch again another
day, had fun time cathin alot of fish . anyone know any good
catfish recipes..... fishin pal jer
June 21,
2005 - Woodson County SFL - I
caught this 27 pound 3 oz channel cat at Woodson County State
Fishing Lake on 6-13-05 at 1:30 in the morning. It was pouring
rain and lightning was getting closer. We were getting ready
to call it a night when it hit. It took about 20 minutes to land.
Jeremy Rogers
June 20, 2005 - Cheney
- June 20, 2005 Monday. Very slow. Caught 11.8 lb.
and a 8 lb. striper. One 16" walleye. Water still high.
Been fishing Cheney since 1997 and never seen water this high.
Have not had an excellent day fishing yet. This June is nothing
like last June or the two years prior. Still had fun on the big
stripers. When the water gets back to normal fishing should really
pick up for me. Heading to Beaver Lake this weekend. Reports
are excellent down there right now. Mark.
20, 2005 - Cheney - Saturday
was warm and windy out of the SE, with a lot of whitecaps.Sunday
was the same so the fish were in the same spots. My partner caught
a nice 24" walleye and hooked into a catfish must have been
20 lbs, fish was under the boat wind pushing us all around after
about 10 minutes we finally got straightened out whithin 6"
of the net then the hook popped out! Sunday caught several short
walleyes another cat and a nice wiper and a couple big whites
all trolling shad raps. A fun weekend but we were wore out!
Denny G.
June 19, 2005 - La
Cygne - Got on the Lake around 7:30am under a bluebird
sky. The Lake was up approximately 2 - 3 feet high from the deluge
of rain this area has received in the past week or two. I was
specifically targeting wiper/white bass on this outing despite
the great success many were having on catfish. I spoke to one
angler who nailed a 52 lb flathead on a trotline using green
sunfish for bait. Another Angler bankfishing caught 8 channel
with the largest around 7 lbs. I spent about 6 hours on the water
trolling deep diving and shallow running gizzard shad imitation
crankbaits and had all bites on the South end (dam end) of the
Lake. Ended up with 7 white bass around 15 inches long and no
wipers. The fish seemed to be suspended about 12-13 feet deep
next to creek channels. All in all, a good day to be on the Lake.
June 19,
2005 - Lakewood Pond Salina - Hi
my name is Austin Taylor and would like to share my story on
your site if at all possible... This little guy was caught at
a near by city pond called Lakewood which is about 3-4 acres
(if I had to guess) located in Salina KS. I thought it would
be fun to take a younger guy out fishing today and really didn't
think that anything like this would be in the pond especially
hearing before hand that the pond nearly dried up a few years
ago. So anyways around 8:00 this morning i received a big tug
and after 15 min. this is what i had on the other end of my line.
Using only a worm (bubbler rig) and 10 lb test line i was ecstatic
when I got this guy on the bank.
I didn't want to keep him out of the water too
long since it took a while to get my camera from my uncle at
home and let someone else have the joy of catching him one day,
I unfortunately didn't get to weigh the Lil guy. I was wondering
if you could tell me what you think maybe how much it would weigh
out to be i was thinking 30+ by the way he felt when i picked
him up.... And also I wasn't completely sure what type of catfish
it is exactly, could you help shed some lite on that as well.
Happy as can be,
Austin Taylor Salina Kansas
June 19, 2005 - River
near Bunker Hill - Hey guys,
I was back out in the river channel north of Bunker Hill, Ks.
on Thursday and Friday of this week. We did real good on Thursday
with 8 channel cat wieghing a total of 30lbs. The biggest one
was 9.5lbs. On Firday night we had a little excitement. We had
caught 5 channel around 2lbs. each. My wife and I were enjoying
the night air and the fish had all but quit biting. I went to
the pickup for a minute and my wife yelled that something was
messing with the fish. I hurried and got back down to see what
was going on, only to find the basket of fish missing. I started
looking around and something started moving through the bushes.
I turned around just in time to something moving off with the
basket. I never got a look at what it was but figured it was
probably a bobcat. I don't know what else could have carried
the basket and pulled the stake it was tied to. At least no one
was hurt and all we lost was a few fish.
June 17, 2005 - Republican
River between Wakefield, KS & Clay Center, KS - Conditions
@ Salina Municipal Airport as of 12:53 pm CDT
Fair and Breezy / 80°F / (27°C) Humidity: 41 % / Wind
Speed: NW 21 G 26 MPH
Barometer: 30.00" (1014.7 mb) / Dewpoint: 54°F (12°C)
Heat Index: 80°F (27°C) \ Visibility: 10.00 mi.
Republican River Conditions @ Clay Center, KS as
of 1200 hrs:
Discharge, cubic feet per second 554
Gage height, feet 7.79
River murky (muddy) colored. Only tried one spot
today, ended up w/ 4 channel catfish from 1.75 lbs to 3.5 lbs.
Caught all on nightcrawlers on 5/0 circle hooks. Tried cut bait,
they would pick up & drop; tried dip bait same story. Even
lost two cranking in circle hook without setting the hook as
if they were J-hooks:-(
Is not the first time that this has happened w/
these circle hooks. Concur that circle hook is normally easier
to get out w/ pliers, but do not understand why lost fish.....OH
well, there is always another day :-) Besides weather beautiful,
nature singing and fish biting......what more could you wish
for :-)
"Per Mare, Per Terras"
38-54-14.601N / 097-14-09.074W
June 16, 2005 - Cheney
- June 15, 2005 Wednesday. Showed up at 4pm. Parking
lot halfway under water. 3' high but clear water. We trolled
and trolled and trolled many different spots. Looked over at
my 12 year old son and lab. Both asleep. Boy, I thought. This
is terrible. 3 hrs. and nothing. Then at 7:10pm. Wham, fish on.
4 lb. walleye. Then again another walleye. It was huge. Got it
up to the boat. Looked around 10 lbs. No kidding. Then my boy
tried to net it and he hooked the husky jerk with the net and
it was gone. My boy was pissed. Started crying. I told him it
was ok. Then hooked into a 15 lb. then an 8 lb. striper and one
8 lb. wiper. Action lasted about 45 mins. Then here comes the
thunderstorms. Cleaned our catch and raced home with thunderstorms
in the rear view mirror. Good evening of fishing. Mark.
June 14, 2005 - El
Dorado - It was Sunday June 12, when my buddy I went
to El Dorado. Yes, it had poured buckets every night that week
and then again from 5am until 730 am while we patiently waited
at the storm shelter there. We said to ourselves, this is crazy,
even if it clears up we are never going to catch anything. We
finally put the boat on the water at 7 am. Anchored at our favorite
spot, we started getting nibbles. I looked at him and said, yup,
probably just tiny white bass nibbling at our worm, we aren't
going catch anything. But then, fish after fish after fish started
taking our jigs tipped with worm and 55 fish later, we were tired
of catching fish!! Almost! About 40 of them were walleye between
9 to17 inches long. Not one over 18". But we had fun anyway.
We caught channel cat, flat head, drums, walleye, and one carp,
if you want to count that. So fishing right after a storm for
bottom feeding fish is definitely a good thing to do. I wonder
why the big ones wouldn't bite? Scott S.
June 14, 2005 - Geary
County State Fishing Lake & Milford Dam Outlet - Information
concerning Milford Spillway fm Corps of Engineers:
(disagree w/ their "reported" wind speed as had gusts
this afternoon that
were rocking my '83 Ford Country Squire Station Wagon sitting
Difference in reporting as to discharge per USGS:
If I had to chose a web site for best reporting
of conditions, tip the hat
toward USGS vice the Corps web site.
Windy was understatement for today's conditions.
Decided to check out Geary
County State for bank fishing areas. Needless to say, from US
77 along the
north shore, you do not have a whole lot of options. Maybe if
the wind had
not been blowing so strong from the S/SW might be somewhat fishable.
shore is inaccessable for bank fishing. Bottom line, unless you
have a
boat, I would skip Geary County State Fishing Lake.
When up to the Outlet at Milford. Got one strike
on a Gulp smelt which
resulted in a legal size walleye. Saw several nice channel catfish
by others, but nothing to get excited about. Saw several "bait-stealing"
channel catfish as well (less than 8 inches caught also.)
"Per Mare, Per Terras"
38-54-14.601N / 097-14-09.074W
June 13, 2005 - Wichita
Lincoln St Bridge - June 11, 2005- Started at 1:00
at Lincoln st. had lots of friends around, planned on a little
BBQ, and ate some good food on the bridge, many people stayed
late through the night, but at about 5:00 a.m. sun morning the
rain cleared the bridge and everyone else around it. Saw Jeff
hit a 25-30 pounder and saw David Keith hit a 20-25 pounder,
a couple of nice lookin flat head, I ended up goin home at about
6:00 a.m. all day I saw 3-4 flathead pulled out along with 2
nice 7-10 lb. channel, Flats on perch and channel on shad. Had
a great time and will be doin it all over again soon.....................Good
luck, Jordan Beard.
  June 11, 2005
- Cheney - Started fishing
Saturday about 2pm, and what a difference a week makes! While
last Saturday totally sucked, Today was Awesome! I finally found
some large Wipers. I trolled for an hour or so, Jeremy caught
a 10 lb Channel cat, I caught a 12 lb Wiper. after another hour
of nothing, I headed out on M&M and dropped my anchor. I
placed my boat alongside a ledge and we began casting Kastmasters.
Immediately line was ripping from both our reels! Cast after
cast, fish after fish was landed. All extremely NICE Wipers,
White Bass and some big perch! We kept 4 Wipers, 1 Channel, and
10 White bass and Perch. We caught 46 Wipers!! Largest 2 were
both 12 lbs each. The other 2 we kept were both right at 9lbs
each. Most of the others were 4 to 8 lb fish. We had a ball!!
June 11, 2005 - Mined
Land Wildlife Area - muskie in mined land wildlife
area is slow. If your wanting to catch a muskie go to area 23.
when thier cast out to the middle of the pit. use a spinnerbait
1/4 or a rooster tail.
June 10, 2005 - Wichita
Lincoln St Bridge - June 10, 2005- Lincoln St. bridge-
Been out since 10:00 a.m. saw some big boys bein pulled out by
the veterans, good bunch of guys, they were in their heavy twenty's
or so. Hit my Flat around 8:00 p.m. on a full fresh 9-10 inch
shad he was about 7-8 lbs. I'd like to thank Pete for my lead..........................good
luck, Jordan Beard
June 10, 2005 - Cheney
- Hey everyone. Can't fish with all the rain and wind
so, I would say fishing has been terrible for me. By now, normally,
I, and I think Mike E. is tearing them up. Not the case so far.
This terrible weather pattern we are in has the fish not biting
for me anyway. I'm looking for a south, southwest wind with a
high pressure system in place for several days. That has
not happened. I remember a month ago the fish biologist at Wilson
asking anyone that knows a rain dance to do it for that area.
Anybody know a no rain dance. If so do it. Any day now.
I can feel it. It's going to bust loose. Mark.
June 10,
2005 - Cheney - Jerry "Roamer"
Vic's Lake, Sedgwick County Park,
June 6, 2005
10 lb. Flathead -and- 6 lb. Channel
 June 8, 2005
- Cheney - Arrived at
the lake around 6pm, NO wind, water was beautiful. Headed out
on M&M, Randy caught a 25" Wiper and a Nice White bass
at the same time on the 3 way, We thought cool! this could be
an awesome evening!! Well, It was an awesome evening weather
wise, but fished till about 9pm before we caught anything else!
Right before dark, I headed out on the tip of Wichita, and we
trolled over the end of the outer hump, and wham! We both had
fish. 2 very nice Wipers. Mine was 6 lbs, his was 5. It just
so happened when we arrived, there was a very light south wind.
about 7pm, it changed to a Very light North Wind. just enough
to ripple the waters. THen right before sundown the lake was
calm. Here are a couple of pics I took this evening of Randy
and the Sunset.
8, 2005 - Cheney - Cheney
Sat 6-4-05 - Fished Cheney Sat and I have 2 words how to describe
the day. IT SUCKED!! Ended up fishing for a few hours in the
wind and VERY HIGH WAVES, Water flooded my boat several times...
FIsh were very scarse and ended up catching 2 Nice Wipers and
a white bass. Here is a pic of Randy and the 2 wipers.
Sunday was pretty much a totally different day weather wise,
HOT, and NO WIND, and yeah it pretty much SUCKED also! I took
Bobby that day and He did catch the biggest Channel Cat I have
ever seen, a whopping 25 lbs! Here he is with his fish. I looked
everywhere and couldnt seem to find the fish either day.
  June 8, 2005
- Farm pond near Maple Hill - Hello,
My name is Nick Swart, I live in Topeka Ks.. Just recently on
May 11th 2005, I caught a Trophy Black Crappie. It weighed 4lbs
8oz's, 19 inches long. My friend Steve Clark and I where fishing
a farm pond just west of Maple Hill, Ks. Steve had put some crappie
in this pond about 13yrs ago. We knew the crappie have been growing
well in the pond. We would catch several good size black and
white's ranging from 1/2lb to 3lbs. We would have never guessed
that there was such a trophy fish there, such as her. I came
just shy of the state record of 4lbs 10oz, which was set back
on Oct 21, 1957, a size that has not been seen in 47 yrs here
in Kansas. The biologist at the Kansas fish and game said If
she would not have layed her eggs, She would have wieghed 3 to
4 more oz's, that would have put her over the record.. WOW..
 I caught
her under the most amazing weather. Wind out of the northeast
at 15 to 20 mph right in our face, cloudy and cool, light showers,
big storm with thunder and lighting building to the north of
us most of the day. It was 2:37pm when I caught her. We took
her to an offical weigh station, The Dock, at Shawnee Lake in
Topeka. And just to be safe, we got another offical weight at
the Fishin Hole, also in Topeka. She will be taxidermied by Lou
Wynia of Hawick Minnisota. We asked also for a replica, He will
have to use her to create the replica mold, for there is not
one out there her size. The biggest one that could be found was
a 3lb 8oz, 17 inches. The mounting will be done by Larry Longhofer
of Topeka. Please feel free to E-Mail, butterflydreams@sbcglobal.net
or call me, 785-228-9558 if you need more info.
Pictures have me in the black Tshirt- Do The Dew
and # 24 camo. hat, Steve Clark in brown shirt and brown hat,
and Steve's twin Stan Clark in white Tshirt and short silver
hair. The smaller black crappie shown with the trophy, weighed
2lbs 2oz's both will be mounted together.
Thank you
Nick Swart
June 8,
2005 - Southeast Kansas farm ponds
and watershed - June 3-5 - We had three different
storm fronts and all the rain to deal with which made the ponds
dingy but still caught some nice bass. Not much good top water
action. Plastic worms and lizards texas-rigged accounted for
most of the bass, in particular the 4" pumpkin and chartruese
Yum-dinger which caught this bass. A larger bass was hooked on
a black / red tandem willowleaf spinnerbait but came off the
hook as I was trying to lip him at the bank. So my son will never
let me forget this! He will have to get his own Yum-dingers from
now on.
Denny G.
June 7, 2005 - Republican
River between Wakefield, KS & Clay Center, KS - River
conditions @ Clay Center, KS as of 1200 hrs CDT:
Discharge: 177 cfs / Gage height, feet: 6.85
Weather Conditions @ Salina, KS as of 1530 hrs
CDT: \ Temp: 90 F
Heat Index: 91 F / Humidity: 43 % / Dewpoint: 65 F / Barometric
Pressure: 29.81
Wind Direction / Speed: South / 16 MPH gusting to 20 + MPH
Checked one area, but after the rains this weekend,
children abusing pick-ups tore up the road into the area so have
to wait for it to dry out completely unless you walk in. Does
no good to complain to Land Management of Kansas Wildlife and
Parks about the situation because I have previously. Just have
to live with the situation.
Now as to the fishing, all male channel catfish
caught today. Only 3 reached my size limit so all I kept was
those three (about 1.5 to 2.0 lbs each.) Caught them all using
dip bait as once again the bait stealers were stripping the nightcrawlers
off the circle hook (they just hit & drop, not running with
'crawler.) Really was nice with the south wind blowing (kept
flies & skeeters away <G> but not the ticks :-(
"Per Mare, Per Terras"
38-54-14.601N / 097-14-09.074W
June 6, 2005 - Reply
to Cheney "missed another one"on June 5 - Missed
another one!....If you read the entire post I think it does say
why the post was on the 23rd. and the cause for the delay. I
personaly like it when the area biologist takes time to update
a report and post on a website that is not a requirement for
him to do. How many of us (myslef included) go above and beyond
like that at work???? You also did not talk to me on Memorial
day as I had a good day fishing on Cheney at the Island and off
Thorn point with with shad raps in 6-8 feet of water over the
June 6, 2005 - Response
to Bass and Pike Question - Well an easy answer is
to use larger lures. For pike, unfortunately there isn't much
pike in Kansas. I have caught some at Kingman and that would
be your best bet. I caught one of mine on a minnow swimbait and
then my other off a stick bait like a senko. Bass and pike are
larger fish so you need to use larger lures. Pike use four inch
or larger plugs. Bass you have an array of lures to choose from.
Depends on the type of water, cover, and depth. My favorite lures
though would be the plastic worm with a slip sinker on it. Then
the square billed crankbait. Then the spinnerbait. All three
can get bass with some training on how to use them. The worm
is very effective with the let sink and then pull up. Basically
called a yo yo method. The square billed crank I like since it
gives a good wobble as well as deflects off of timber and vegetation
pretty well. Rattle traps are a favorite as well. Great at making
noise and you can control their depth. Then the spinnerbait I
love for the lily pads. They just don't really get snagged easily
and their noise can stir up some strikes.
Hope that helps. Not super detailed, but that can take many pages.
June 6, 2005 - Response
to Woodson Question - I have fished woodson twice.
One thing to note is it did get drained some years back and started
fresh. But the one time I did well was more in the middle of
summer. I was there more in the evening. I went on one of the
camp ground sites that stuck in the lake. Like a fishing pier
almost. One side had a fish feeder and was rather deep. Then
it had the rock pier and on the other side it had weeds. The
weeds worked wonders in the evening. I was using buzzbaits and
spinnerbaits. And I caught a bluegill, catfish, and bass off
a kastmaster gold colored spoon all in one spot.
The second trip it was still early in the year and a bit chilly.
No luck, but didn't fish too long. My dad caught a little walleye
while we were just trolling around.
Hope that helps,
June 6, 2005 - Cheney
- June 04, 2005, another trip with a North wind. One
16" crappie, one 20" walleye. Slow. Weather needs to
straighten out for a while to get the wipers to start biting.
The last 6 trips to the lakes the wind has been from the North
or East. Kind of look like the weather pattern is going to be
like last summer. Let's hope not. Mark.
 June 5, 2005
- Vic's Lake Wichita - Photos
of recent bass catches at the Sedgwick County Park. Vic's Lake,
June 5, 2005 - Woodson
Question - I am going bass fishing at Woodson Lake
and I have never been there before, do you have any suggestions?
June 5, 2005 - Bass
& Pike Question - OK I Know a very good fishing
tip and it allows me to catch about any fish that is hungry.
Ok I usually wait until the fish start jumping out of the water
because this lure is a complete killer when this happens Then
you would take a small poper about the size of a bug then you
take a bober and put it up the line about 2 to 3 feet away from
the poper and then you cast it out and give it 3 tiny quike jerks
and wait 5 to 10 secounds then jerk it 3 quik jerks again and
repeat until you get a hit so now I told you my best tip. I need
help catching pike and bass because the popper attracts other
fish quiker not giving it enough time for the bass until night
time that is can you tell me what to use . PLEASE E-MAIL BACK
June 4,
2005 - Kansas River - I
caught this 21pound flathead may 28 at the Kansas River.I had
two catfish poles with 20 lb. big game line out with bullheads
on them and my med action bass pole with a piece of cut bluegill
on it.Well I caught the flathead on my bass pole that had 10lb.
line on it.I fought it for about 20 min.
June 3, 2005 - Ottawa
State fishing lake - per
Temperature 74 Degrees - Lake Level - Normal - water somewhat
Weather conditions @ Salina, KS @ 1200 hrs CDT:
TEMP: 64 F - HUMIDITY: 100% - DEWPOINT: 64 F
29 MPH
Got to the lake @ 1300 hrs as took my time driving
out of Salina to allow T-storm to move on out @ 35 MPH (weather
channel in scanner is very
important.) After the nice thunderstorm blew thru, fished the
southern most pier @ the boat ramp area near the non-working
feeder (if set to go off
@ 1900 hrs it did not -- matter of fact, it did not go off the
entire time I was there) in the southwest corner of the lake.
Decided to try for channel catfish, bluegill &
largemouth bass. Results were: 0 catfish :-(; 1/2 dozen bluegill
(largest was 6 inches & did catch one female full of roe
so they are getting ready to bed - males putting on pretty colors
also :-); and 2 -10 inch largemouth bass (one on nightcrawler
& the other on chartruese spinner bait.)
Did see 2 channel catfish caught by gentleman fishing
beside me. They were both less than 15 inches (about 1 lb to
1.25 lbs)
Oh well, company was nice, weather was not so bad
(after the T-storm) and my worse day fishing will always be better
than anyone's best day at work.
"Per Mare, Per Terras"
38-54-14.601N / 097-14-09.074W
June 2, 2005 - Cheney
- Sorry Gordon, I didn't see your report on here for
that day you were taking about, oh, yeah, you didn't write one.
Must have been so good you forgot to report it. There were a
lot of boats on the water Memorial Day weekend and I talked with
a lot of them and they weren't catching much either so stop letting
someone else's opinion of the fishing be taken as a personal
attack on yourself. Missed another one!
June 2, 2005 - Walleye
Stockings at Cheney
Walleye stockings at Cheney Reservoir (round numbers):
2004 30 million fry
22,000 fingerlings
2003 30 million fry
65,000 fingerlings
2002 5 million fry
50,000 fingerlings
2001 9 million fry
2000 5 million fry
1999 5 million fry
1998 9 million fry
1997 10 million fry
1996 5 million fry
No decision has been made to never stock walleye at Cheney again.
Gordon Schneider, KDWP fisheries biologist.
June 2,
2005 - Cheney - A friend
has had good luck at the feeder at Wenzel Cove on Cheney Reservoir
lately. Today he caught seven channels. Fishing is
best from dawn to 9 AM using Sonny's blood bait on stink worms.
Carp fishing is also excellent on corn or marshmallows.
The feeder at the Red Bluffs is very similar. Gordon
Schneider, KDWP fisheries biologist.
June 2, 2005 - About
Cheney reports from the state - I noticed a report
dated May 31 that included, "PS, the fishing report for
Cheney online does not seem to be so accurate! Not that Excellent
as far as numbers biting. I would say the fishing is good."
My son and I fished May 21 and in two hours caught 25 white bass,
10 wipers, and four walleye. If that's not excellent, I
want to go fishing with you. I posted the report the first
thing Monday morning, May 23. The Pratt staff has to be
in to allow me to update the reports, so that was my first opportunity.
Posting reports on the new web page is slow and tedious, and
I haven't updated it since, but guess what? It's still
the same. Gordon Schneider, KDWP fisheries biologist.
June 1, 2005 - Republican
River between Wakefield, KS & Clay Center, KS - Conditions
@ Salina, KS @ 1408 hrs CDT:
Cloudy - Temp 74 F - Dewpoint: 62 F - Humidity 66% - Barometric
Pressure 29.88 - Wind direction/speed: SE 6
Republican River Conditions @ Clay Center, KS
Discharge, cubic feet per second: 99 06-01-2005 12:00
Gage height, feet: 6.56 06-01-2005 12:00
Arrived at the river about 1530 hrs. 1st spot I
tried, nothing. Moved to second spot about an hour after getting
to 1st spot. At the second spot was getting short strikes (bait
stealers) on nightcrawlers on a 6/0 circle hook.
Moved to third spot after about an another hour. Finally got
onto some fish. Had five strikes on either 1/4 oz yellow or chartruese
maribou roadrunner jig. Nothing on the nightcrawlers or on the
dip bait for catfish. Managed to land 2 wipers (18 & 16 inches)
and 1 white bass (12 inches.) Well for one of the worse days
according to the solunar calendar, a South/East wind & a
falling barometric pressure I really can not complain :-)
"Per Mare, Per Terras"
38-54-14.601N / 097-14-09.074W
June 1, 2005 - Looking
for fish -Went to Milford, no camp spots, went to
Geary state fishing lake, no spots, went to Marion, found one
spot but of course "theres too many bugs" the ol' lady
said. I imagined the cats swimming beneath the surface as I looked
at the water through the rear view mirror. We drove for 8 hours
that day, ended up on Lincoln St. Didn't do any good, unless
turtles are good. Memorial day weekend, cant wait til next year,
Im leavin the ol lady at home where she belongs. Too many bugs
can u believe that crap.
May 31, 2005 - Cheney
- Started Fishing at 6 am. We caught an 18"
walleye of the bat trolling just south of Fisherman's cove. Wind
was from the south, choppy water, slow after that. I thought
we were going to have another extremely slow day. Lot of fish
were holding just north of Refuge point but none were biting.
Tried the fire tiger, shad, and others , nothing bit. About 9-10
o'clock went back to point just south of Fisherman's cove, and
started catching a few. It started getting hot and the wind was
barely blowing. Landed a 18 wiper and then a 26" Walleye.
That made the entire day. We caught a few real small whites or
wipers after that, slow but great day. PS, the fishing
report for Cheney online does not seem to be so accurate! Not
that Excellent as far as numbers biting. I would say the fishing
is good. Missed Another One!
May 29, 2005 - Cheney
- My son & I wanted to go early saturday but,
when we arived at the ramp, NO ELECTRICAL power what so ever.
Came back into town and had the batteries tested (all 3 of them)
and they were drained but still good. (i got a short somewhere
and I'll have crestview look at it this week) but, I decided
to go on Sunday and fished for about 4 hours 7am to 11am. We
trolled the island and had no luck. We went over to Graber's
cove started trolling and not 3 minutes go by and BAM I pull
in a 6 lb. channel cat. trolled a little bit more and when we
went through the same spot another BAM another 6 lb cat. continued
our troll and shortly after that BAM my son pulls in a 25"
walleye. i happened to drop a bouy on that bite and after landing
we went back to make another pass for more walleye by the time
we got turned around and headed back towards our bouy another
fisherman had taken a position in our trolling line near the
bouy. last time i put one of those out with other's around. Had
to call it a day as I lost electrical on GPS and Fishfinder and
my moter isn't turning proper rpm's
Despite the boat problems it was really fun catching those cats
and eye.
happy fishing
   May 29, 2005
- Milford - Caught on
Friday, May 27, 2005 on Milford Lake using cut bait on a 6"
steel leader just of piney point. Caught our limit in less than
30 minuets. best day of fishing ever!!
"People sleep peaceably in their beds at night
only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf"
- George Orwell
May 29, 2005 - Marion
- (5/28/5) I got
up to Marion about 7am, thinking that after watching the weather
report last night and just before I left that it would be a perfect
day for walleye drifting. They were calling for South wind 15
to 25. Of course when I got to the lake it was almost dead calm
and what little wind was blowing it was from the North. I started
trolling by the dam and got 3 or 4 small whites. About 8:30 I
moved up toward the Cottonwood point area and did try to drift.
There was next to no wind. I moved over to the East side across
from Cottonwood as there was about 8 boats trolling an area.
The first time tru trolling a Hot an Tot I hooked up with a 3
pound wiper. I got out Mike's 3-way rigs and started to work
that area. When I packed it in to go home about 1:30 I had caught
5 or 6 whites, about 20 nice wipers in the 3 and 4 pounds range
and 4 walleye, from 18 and a half inches to 23 inches. The wipers
all hit like a run away train and are fun to catch I only kept
the walleye. On my three way rig I was using a Hot an Tot and
a white swim tail called Gulp, made by Berkley. This is my first
year using this Gulp and you cant hardely keep the fish off of
it. Get to Wall Mart and try this on your 3 way rigs or just
drifting. No I dont work for Berkley or Wall Mart, just getting
the word out on a good product. Randy. (Editor's note
- you can find the Gulp at Zeiner's Angler Supply also)
May 28, 2005 - Cheney
- Regards to thunderstorms and cool fronts on fishing.
When I went out Fri. May 27. I went with what the weatherman
forecasted. Light southwest winds. Well, when I arrived it was
northwest with what looked like thunderstorms breaking out anytime.
Yes, I think it has an effect on fishing. Did catch fish. But,
wound have done better if the forecast would have been accurate.
I would have stand home if they would have forecasted that northwest
wind. I don't fish when they forecast that type of wind direction.
I went to Wilson lake two weekends in a roll. Both weekends the
wind was not in the right direction. My catches were poor. Yes,
I was pissed. But that's the way it goes. Hopefully this June,
July, August is not like last year. Rainy, rainy. Not good for
fishing. Mark.
May 28, 2005 - Marion
County Lake - Hi Jim,
Its been a few years since I been fishin. Jer took me to his
Favorite spot at Marion County Lake. Wow what fun. I got the
fever again. The pics posted (in May 26 posting) where caught
on Jigs with worms from a dock there. Most bite 20 ft. from shore
or 10 to 15 ft. off the dock. These where caught May 24, 2005.
14 pounds of fileted Walleye / saugeye in 5 hours . Biggest was
21. We let a lot go that where under 18 inches, ( which is law
in Marion county lake). Jer knows FISHIN. Thanks Jer, and you
Jim for this cool website............
Rick MIchael of
Mcpherson County
ps also caught lots large bulegill .......GREAT eating
May 28, 2005 - Cheney
- May 27, 2005 Friday. Got to the lake at 8:30am.
A Northwest wind. Caught around 10 wipers. Only 2 were keepers.
4 walleye all short. Caught all fish Northern part of lake. I
think if the wind was from the south fishing would have been
much better. Fish were not aggressive Fri. Took my 10 year old
daughter and lab pup. Had a great time. Got off lake at 1pm.
cleaned the wipers. Mark.
May 27,
2005 - Marion County Lake - caught
16 big bluegill friday and only 2 small saugeye kept bluegill
for dinner good eatin all caight on worms, the saugeye were not
biting as well as last week fishin pal jer
May 27, 2005 - Cheney
- It keeps thunder storming every time I want to go
to Cheney and fish for wipers stripers and walleye. Don't these
specific fish stop biting when it is raining out It's been my
experience that after a thunderstorm goes through goes they slow
way down. Obviously you don't want to be on the water while it
is lightning out, before any smart you know what says something
about that. Thanks Missed another one?
May 27, 2005 - Cedar
Bluff - Channel cat were hitting over Tuesday and
Wednesday evenings. A friend (Little Hook) and I were setting
trotlines. We took 12 on Tuesday morning and 13 on Wednesday.
Most fish were 5-12 pounds. One nice 6 lb walleye was taken and
small fish also. We took the fish in 3 - 8 ft of water primarily
on nightcrawlers.
Big Hook
May 27, 2005 - Response
to walleye stocking at Cheney - Personally I think
it is a good move to not stock Cheney with fingerlings this year
with all the white perch that are in the lake. If they stock
fingerlings all they are going to be doing is feeding the white
perch. I agree with KDWP's move, I just hope this means they
will be stocking more of the 6-8" wipers or maybe some blue
cats to take out the white perch.
May 26,
2005 - Marion County Lake - two
of us caught limit of saugeye tuesday biggest was 21" all
caught on jig /nightcrawlers. also caught 18in wiper
& big bluegill at marion co lake hope it doesn't
get too hot so the fishin will stay good.......
might have to change tactics to catch the fish during the summer
fishin pal jer
May 25, 2005 - Response
- Sorry to say that you heard right on the radio,
catfish dies en route to Kansas City, Kan.";
May 25, 2005 - Response to walleye
stocking at Cheney - I did go to the website and checked
to see the total walleye stocked at Cheney, and let me apologize,
these were the stockings for 2004. They have yet to publish
the 2005 stocking and I don't believe they will until the end
of the year. The total amount was 29,770,702 walleye fry
last year, which was far and above any other body of water in
the state. I hope the lake comes back to what it used to
be, and I'm sure it will. In my opinion, the decline in
the walleye population was mainly due to over-harvest.
We had our last KWA tourney there I think in 2001 and there was
something like 86 8-fish limits brought in out of 110 boats.
Most of the fish in the lake at the time were right at 18 inches
and longer. There was good and bad news I will never forget
on that day. The good news was that there were only like
15-20 fish which didn't survive the weigh-in, which was phenomenal
considering the heat and long wait to weigh in that day.
The bad news was that there was an even longer line waiting across
the cove to clean walleye then there was weighing in walleye
in the tournament. I would imagine this dealt a major blow
to the overall population in the lake. I have split views
on this subject. I am pretty much a catch and release fisherman,
only keep enough to eat without having to freeze it. So
when I see that many fish being caught and taken out of the lake,
I know it will take years to replenish the population.
But on the flipside, I don't blame those who keep their limit
every time they go out, mainly due to the fact that we as taxpayers
and park-users pay for the walleye to be in there in the first
place. So overall, we need to praise our wildlife and parks
for the wonderful job they are doing to keep our fish populations
throughout Kansas at the levels we are seeing right now.
So Ron, I hope the stocking last year of nearly 30,000,000 fry
in Cheney will get your hopes up for the years to come.
Sorry for the confusion and good luck!
May 25, 2005 - Response
to walleye stocking at Cheney -The story I saw was
in the Eagle and maybe I miss understood it. It wasn't very big
and it was part of another story I think. but the information
I garnered from the story was that because the last 2 years being
poor retention of the stockings they weren't going to stock walley
this year. didn't mean to mislead anyone sorry
happy fishing
May 25, 2005 - Record
Blue Cat Possible - See the story about a new (potential) world record
blue catfish:
Good news is you'll have a chance to see it displayed live at
Cabelas in KC. (Editor's note: I heard on the radio this morning
that it died on the way to Cabelas - I haven't heard confirmation
Dean V. Balocca
May 24, 2005 - Response
to walleye stocking at Cheney - Go to the KDWP website
and click on fish stockings. I think you'll see that Cheney probably
stocked the most walleye of any lake this year. That is the first
I've heard that they were considering not stocking walleye any
more in Cheney. Sure you're not thinking of stripers?
May 24, 2005 - McPherson SFL
- Went fishing today at McPherson State Fishing Lake
with a few friends and we have been going quite frequently to
fish for catfish, but we always practice catch and realese. There
are some big catfish there, but it
gets way over fished and to many people keep the fish that barely
make 15'. There are two feeders and everytime we go they are
both packed with people some just park there boats right next
to it and drop their lines, i mean come on is that really fishing.
I just wanted to post this and encourage catch and realese so
everyone can enjoy fishing. Thanks Catfish Hunter
May 24, 2005 - Cheney
- My son & I went to Cheney on Sat 5/21 for a
couple of hours in the evening. and we caught 3 short walleyes
in 2 hours trolling off of Wichita & m&m points.
I've caught more shorts this year than in previous 2 years. I
hope Fish & Game reconsiders their decision to not stock
Walleye there anymore. I also went Sunday 5/22 to Cheney
and I caught a 20" Walleye trolling in the Bay between refuge
point and red bluffs area. on the flat with no structure around. released
the 20"er. caught a 22"er 'eye to the northwest
of refuge point. Made for delicious eating Sunday night.
Trolling speed about 3 mph. using a jointed #5 shad rap in shad
color for all but 1 fish on the 2 days.
An anwer to the question for hot spots for walleye? Which
lake? From shore or boat? Look for wind blown shallow points
start shallow and work deep. fish the front of point but
check top and back as well. try trees and also weed beds. if
on a boat try drifting flats next to structure. and the
happy fishing
rvkin@aol.com if you have
more questions about where the hot spots are
May 23,
2005 - Marion County Lake - caught
saugeye at marion co. lake smallest is 18in. big one 22in. only
had 2hrs of fishin, they were caught on worms......
good eatin
May 23,
2005 - Cheney - A windy
day at cheney. Was I glad the bilge pump was working! Despite
the windy conditions I caught a 6 1/4 and 5 1/2 lb walleye. My
guide and fishing buddy Denny G. put me on the fish. I caught
some sub-legal walleyes and wipers too, all on a fire tiger shad
Denny G. also caught a 5 1/2 lb walleye later in the day. All
in all a great day fishin!
Pablo S.
May 22, 2005 - Kanopolis
- Fished Kanopolis on Friday 20th. Started at Buzzard
Bay, lots of shad and carp working the area. Wind hadn't made
up it's mind yet as to what direction it would come from, got
word from another fisherman, it was to come out of the east.
So packed up and went to the west side, lots of boats on the
flats. I like to fish a small rocky point, north of the sandbar
on the north end of the flats. Got there about 10am and the bite
was on, caught about 30 to 35 saugeye, many 15 to 17 inchers,
with several cigars, kept throwing them back. Ended up keeping
4 saugeye, 1-17.5", 1- 18", 1- 23.5" and 1- 25.5".
Nice stringer of fish, best time I've had wading in 2 yrs. Some
caught on pearl white sassy shad and bigger fish caught on 5/8
oz. yellow chartreuse lead head with 3" chartreuse glitter
twister tail. Fish were hitting very lite and out about as far
as I could throw the jig, never caught anything up close. Tim
May 22, 2005 - River
Channel North of Bunker hill - My wife and I have
been hitting the river channel north of Bunker Hill for the last
6 weeks and have been pulling in 8 to 12 channel cat each time.
The size has been from 2 to 6 pounds with one 10 pounder landed
saturday the 21st. All were caught on dead minnows. We have caught
several white bass during this time as well.
Nick Korbe, Jr.
May 21, 2005 - Question on walleye
- Question: Does anybody know where the hot spot for
walleyes besides the face of the dam?
May 21, 2005 - Lincoln
Street Bridge Wichita - May 20, 2005- Sat at Lincoln
st. till about 4:00 a.m. Saw 3 nice channel
come out 6-7 lbs. each hit off cut bait. I was runnin a 10-12
inch bullhead
and had 2 nice pulls, but no hook set. Pulled my bait up and
looked like a
flat had almost sucked his skin off. So I cut him up to try my
chance at one
of those channel cats. I had a couple of nice hits, but again
no hook sets.
I am beginning to wonder about these "Circle C" hooks.
Ive been runnin them
for about 3 years now, and Im just contemplating wether or not
to keep using
them. If anyone else uses them please drop me a line. Also I
would just
like to say thanks to Jim Ziener for selling me an abu 7000 SS
Friday at
6:00, I know Zeiners closes at 6:00 and thought it was very nice
of them to
still do business when guys need them the most. Any way goin
to Eldorado
tonight, youll hear from me Sunday, good luck to all. SPAWN IS
May 20, 2005 - Cheney
- went wading at cheney tuesday caught 21" walleye
on rattletrap........ good
eating jer
May 18, 2005 - Republican
River btwn Wakefield, KS & Clay Center, KS - River
conditions as of 05-19-2005 00:00 @ Clay Center, KS:
Discharge, cubic feet per second: 119
Gage height, feet: 6.64
Weather Conditons @ Salina, KS @ 1500 hrs CDT:
Temp: 82 F / Dewpoint: 58 F / Humidity: 43% / Barometric Pressure:
29.72 steady / Winds: Variable @ 07 MPH
Caught 4 male white bass & hooked 2 gar. Bass
were on 1/4 oz roadrunner chartruese maribou jig & 1/4 oz
chartruese jig w/ chartruese w/ sparkle flecks. Had one gar hit
1/4 oz yellow maribou roadrunner jig & the other hit on nightcrawlers.
"Per Mare, Per Terras"
38-54-14.601N / 097-14-09.074W
May 17,
2005 - Marion County - caught
7 saugeye small was 18in biggest was 22in caught on worms and
only fish for 2 hrs also caught big bluegill fishin pal jer
May 16, 2005 - Republican
River btwn Wakefield, KS & Clay Center, KS - Conditions
@ Salina, KS @ 1550 hrs CDT:
Temp: 75 F / Dewpoint: 51 F / Humidity: 42 % / Barometric Pressure:
Wind Speed & Direction: 17 MPH South / River conditions -
Discharge, cubic feet per second @ 20:00: 05-16-2005 134 cfs
Gage height, feet @ 20:00 CDT: 05-16-2005 6.70 ft.
Only had 7 strikes of which 5 were wipers, 1 was
channel catfish & other unknown. Lost one wiper because did
not follow rule of checking knot &
line for wear! Largest was 5 lbs, 23 inches; 2 @ 4 lbs, 21 inches
& # 4 was smaller than 4 lbs. Only kept the pair of 4 lb.
One caught on Glub
smelt; one caught on yellow maribou roadrunner jig; one caught
on 1/4 oz chartruese jighead w/ chartruese & green curly
tail; & one on nightcrawler. Channel catfish 15 inches &
caught on blood dip bait.
"Per Mare, Per Terras"
38-54-14.601N / 097-14-09.074W
May 16, 2005 - El
Dorado Walleye Tournament - Had a wonderful week fishing
at El Dorado, as usual. This lake has a phenominal population
of walleye with several year classes. I have yet to fish
this lake and have trouble catching them. Started pre-fishing
Monday and caught several fish in the 3-6 pound range.
Most of the larger fish were caught trolling rogues in 5-10 ft.
of water. Unfortunately, as usual, everyone was anchored
in our trolling spots, so we had to do the same elsewhere.
And as usual, a front moved in on Saturday and moved the larger
fish, couldn't find them. Did manage 5 keepers and did
ok, and the number of larger fish sure went down. Top team
had 6 fish and 22 lbs. The smaller fish seemed quite malnourished.
Our big fish was 20 inches and only weighed 2.5 lbs. We
had five 18+" fish that only weighed 11 lbs. Maybe
those zebras are starting to take their toll.
May 16, 2005 - Cheney
- Hit Cheney in the morning. I drifted nighcrawlers
in several areas. Hard to do at Cheney with them pesky
white perch. I ended up with 1 keeper walleye(27 inches,
almost 7lbs) off of Wichita Point. Caught a couple under
21" and many perch. Wind was whipping pretty
good by the time I left about noon.
May 16, 2005 - Wilson
- May 13, 14, 2005. Had to deal with a north wind.
Came up with a total of 8, 15-16" walleye and about the
same on throw backs. Using jig and worm drifting. This is my
third year in a roll fishing Wilson for walleye. In those three
years I have not caught any over 16". Still had fun.
Going back this weekend. Can't use my boat. Trailer cracked in
two area's underneath boat. Six year old trailer and cracking.
Anybody ever experience the same on boat trailers. Terrible quality.
Prestige trailer. After two years I had rust extremely bad all
over the trailer. Factory in Illinois wanted the trailer back
so Crestview marine took boat off trailer and shipped trailer
to Illinois to fix and repaint. Now this. Mark.
May 16, 2005 - Wichita
Lincoln St Bridge - May 10-14, 2005 Spent every single
night at Lincoln St. bridge. On Wed. and Thursday I was wading
the channel and was slayin' em with liver. Caught a nice 7 lb.
Blue, and Nice 5-6 lb. channel cat. Thursday night I saw a 3-4
lb. Flat pulled out by the Railroad bridge, he hit off worm Friday
after work I went to my buddies pond and caught a bunch of bullhead,
then went to lincoln and sat until 3:00 a.m. and caught a huge
channel (about 9 lbs.) off bullhead. When sitting on the bridge,
you could feel the damn being lowered, and the water started
rising. Sat. wasnt very productive. just caught a buzz with a
buddy Brady with our lines quiet for most of the night....I would
really like to thank Club Liquor West for sponsoring me in the
Cabelas King Kat Tourney at Milford Lake on June 18, 2005. Its
nice to have someone believe in your skills. Good luck- Jordan
May 10, 2005 - Tuttle
Creek - Big Hook again...Crappie were just beginning
to drop eggs today. Good fishing from 2 to 4 feet in gravel bedding
areas. Took 36 today.
May 10, 2005 - Cheney
- (May 9) Ended
up with 1 walleye, 1 crappie, and 30 perch. Threw back 1 short
walleye and 3 big whites. All of the perch were over 10".
Everything came from about 12' of water over brush, and all were
on cut bait. There was a decent bite in the morning, but once
the wind layed down it was pretty much over. Eric
May 10, 2005 - Lovewell
Crappie - Just got back from a couple days at Lovewell
(Sunday and Monday).
Crappie were showing up in several locations on
the lake, but not necessarily on the brushpiles where they'd
been earlier last week, nor were they "everywhere."
There were some caught in coves near the marina. Yesterday
I anchored on the edge of a 9- to 10-foot flat that dropped into
16 feet of water and caught a few crappie, white bass, and a
couple short (18-inch size limit) walleye dangling minnows over
the side of the boat. . .I'd probably have caught more, but a
dozen minnows only lasted an hour or so. . .plastics & Gulp
just didn't produce after the "miners" ran out.
As long as the weather is stable, things will improve.
. .but I hear we've got another cold front ready to pounce later
this week. . .
Good luck! Steve Yentes (eyewinder@yahoo.com)
May 10, 2005 - Unidentified
Lake - Arrived at lake around 4pm, Tried to drift
fish for them walleyes but the lake was so calm the boat didn't
move. Tied on a minnow lure and a large green and orange
crawfish crank bait and went to trolling. NO bites till 1 hr
before sundown,then I could not keep the small wipers off the
minnow lure, about 20 min before sundown the walleyes started
to bite. Caught 1, 5/12 -------- 1, 4 3/4 and 2,------
3 LB on the crawfish crank bait in 3-7 foot of water.
May 10, 2005 - Cheney - May
09, 2005. Went out in the late afternoon. Anticipation was high.
Good weather. But no fish. Trolled and trolled. Seen tons of
fish on the fish finder. Seen Mike E. leaving when I showed up
at 5:15pm. How did you do? Beautiful drive home.
Left at sunset. Looking into the rolling hills of wheat with
the sunset behind it. Mark.
May 9, 2005 - Republican
River between Clay Center & Wakefield, KS - Conditions
@ Salina, KS @ 1357 hrs CDT
Temp:74 F
Humidity: 36%
Dew Point 48 F
Barometric Pressure: 29.88 Falling
Winds: South @ 10 mph
Caught 2 channel catfish, 0 white bass & 0 wipers. River
muddy &
from rains Sunday. Threw 1/4 oz roadrunner jigs w/ sassy shad
& curly
tails; 1/4 oz chartruese spinner bait & rattlin' Rapala in
attempt to
either wiper or white bass. No luck. Did manage a 4 lb channel
catfish on
dip bait & a 1.5 lb channel catfish on night crawler so it
was not a
loss :-)
"Per Mare, Per Terras"
38-54-14.601N / 097-14-09.074W
May 9, 2005 - Tuttle
Creek Crappie - Hey, well I have
been lucky over the past few days. Taken over 20 nice crappie
(10 -15 inches) in the mornings...fishing pressure is high.
Minnows in 6 ft of water.
Big hook..
May 8, 2005 - Bone
Creek and question on Lovewell - Caught about thirty
crappie 9-12 inches in about 5-7' of water close to the bank
in the main coves on 1-7-05 pm water surface 67. Any reports
or advice on Lovewell crappie?
May 8, 2005 - Cruiser
Lake - May6, 2005- Cruiser Lake........great night
for some good ol catfishin.
Went out with Nate Wiens and his 3 kids aslo my buddy Brady Coy.
We Fished
worms and liver on both bottom and top. Nates kid Kara caught
the first cat
of the night at about 7:30 on worm on a bobber, It was cool to
hear the
excitement in her voice as she set the hook and pulled in her
first fish
ever. Nates other son Eric caught his first fish as well, (Brady
and I
looked at eachother as we knew we were being out angled by a
3 and 4 year
old) Most of the night resulted in 12 to 17 inch channels about
a dozen of
them. Maybe next time Ill leave my Abu 7000 at home and grab
a 3 ft barbie
pole instead.........Until next time..........................Jordan
May 15 2005- Heard from Justin and Jason and they
checked lines without me
this mornig on the Ninnescah. Said they had a couple channel
and a soft
shelled turtle.No angler award yet.....41 inches is not far away.
May 7, 2005 - Lone
Star question - Could you tell me about the fishing
at Lone Star this spring? Where is the best place to fish for
Bass? Thank You, Talyn Shrouf
May 7, 2005 - El
Dorado - Arrived at the lake around 2pm, Observed
a couple of guys cleaning their limits of 18 to 20" Walleye.
They advised us to go home, cause the wind was blowing hard!
about 30 to 40 mph it seemed! Yeah, the waves were rather LARGE!!
But we had come to fish, and fish we did. We put in on the West
side of the dam, and motored just to the North on the West side
out on a shallow ridge. Fish seem to be feeding in the 7' range,
and we anchored and began catching fish. Anyhow, David and Chris
began catching fish. It just wasnt a good day for me... I finally
caught a couple of smalleyes, David landed 2 keepers, and chris
caught a few small ones. We were being tossed around like a bobber,
Thank god for Chris' Deep V lund. finally we had enough and headed
across the dam to the east side. Much calmer waters there, and
soon as David put his jig on the bottom, he caught fish. THey
seemed to be smaller here, and it only lasted about 30 min or
so. the storm clouds started building, so I decided to head for
the ramp. Just in time.! As far as the question I read in another
report, I believe I caught most of my Walleye a week ago on the
eastern side of the rocks on the dam. I was jigging for White
bass, and caught some nice size eyes. almost any 7' ledges will
definately produce fish right now. anchor up and use a 1/4 oz
Red head jig with a large nightcrawler. Drop it to the bottom
and tighten your line. let the waves bounce it up and down. It
shouldnt take long. Use 2 rods if you dare. On a good day , You
will barely be able to keep up with one.
Good luck,
May 7, 2005 - El
Dorado - We fished El Dorado today in 30 mph SE winds,
that switched to a more easterly direction as the day went on.
We started around 2PM, put in on the west side of the dam, and
motored just to the north, and put out the anchor. We caught
a few Walleye there, and finally the battering of the rather
large waves forced us to move across lake to the east end of
the dam, out on a small flat in 8' of water. Anchor dropped,
and Fishing began. caught some Small Walleye there, then the
storm clouds grew and the rain began to fall. We made it to the
dock just in time. Loaded out and went home. A few other fishermen
were loading out when we arrived, they had their limits of 18
to 20" fish. I was told Friday was an exceptional day on
Eldorado. 2 frineds caught over 40 fish and kept 9 nice keepres.
They are biting, so get busy and have a great time!
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May 6, 2005 - El
Dorado - Hey Mike E., you said in a report a while
back you were catching walleye off the rocks, east or west side?
Or did it matter? Will be down there for KWA tourney next
Sunday. Read your report that day and tried it off the
dam at Marion, but no luck. Fishing was horrible there
the entire weekend! (as I'm sure it was throughout most
of the state) About the wind thing, to be exact, we had
12-straight days with a north wind. Unbelievable!!!
Not good for us fisherman, especially in May. But hey,
things will turn around any day now, can't wait! I want
to say I appreciate your input on here as I'm sure everyone else
does. Nice to hear from others who love to fish, and I
will try harder to to return the favor. I mainly walleye
fish, but when my tourney's are over, everything else has a target
on its back. Good luck with the stripers and wipers this
year at Cheney, as I hope the walleye make a comeback there in
the coming years. Used to go there a lot in the late 90's
till about 2002, about the time of the white perch invasion.
I don't know what you think, but I think the main cause of the
walleye decline was overharvest. At our last tournament
there, there was something like 85 8-fish limits weighed in out
of 110 boats. The sick thing was to watch an even bigger
line of people at the fish-cleaning station across the cove loaded
up with walleyes!! Who knows how many days this went on,
and at that rate, it wouldn't take too long to wipe them out.
It seems pretty obvious to me that there are still a few of that
year class remaining (6-10 lbs.) I've heard people tell
me the white perch caused the problem, but it sure hasn't hurt
them at Wilson!! Tons of fish up there, but a bit malnourished.
Once again, good luck!!
Brian from Mac
May 5, 2005 - Cheney
- Fished Tuesday afternoon. What a gorgeous day.
Very light wind, lake was 60deg, first day of a light south wind...
That said it all right there! THE FIRST DAY OF A WIND CHANGE!
NO FISH> well, I guess I caught 1. We took off
up lake to shallow north end, and cast a couple of white twister
tail grubs for awhile, I lost a small white bass or perch, and
then I hung into a rather hefty fish. I was only using
6lb line on ultralite rod and reel, and I tell ya, I thought
I had another Monster Wiper. after a few minutes of winding
and line rippin action, I got a glimpse of a large 15 lb body
with a very lookalike Wiper tail... I lost more line, reeled,
harder, finally the fish was on top. very small mouth with
a huge body! Buffalo! Darn it!!!! Oh well, It was awesome just
the same. What a fight that fish gave me. I had one
jig in the gil, and another in his dorsal. She looked more
like a football!! put her in the live well (yeah
my friend wanted to give it to some neighbors who absolutely
LOVE Buffalo!) and headed to the dam. Started on the west
side and found a small school of large fish hanging on a ledge
in 10' of water, just as soon as my lures hit the school, line
started rippin off my reel! I hung on for a couple of seconds...
pulled and reeled! then... LIMP LINE. I lost it.
And there you have it. My first day on Cheney in 2005.
Oh well, It was still an awesome day, and sure beat...
Usin a minner and a bobbur with stanky bait and hopin somethin
would eat my worm!! (sorry couldnt resist!)
May 5, 2005 - Wilson
- Jack
Hoskinson Madd Jack Striper Guide - This week I
haven't been on the water allot but the days I have been out
we have been catching quantity and quality stripers. They are
still on a shallow bite with live shad working the best. I lost
a huge fish in the brush yesterday after fighting him for several
minutes. Right now the stripers can be caught bottom fishing
off of about any point in the lake. The cool fronts of late have
dropped the water temp. which slowed down there spawning urge
but once the temps get back into the mid 60's LOOK OUT!.
May 5, 2005 - Cheney
- May 04, 2005. "Walleye" arrived at the
lake at 5:30pm. Fished till 7:30pm. Had all my big tackle, big
baits ready to catch big pre-spawn wipers/stripers. All I could
find was walleye. Trolled the red bluffs next to the eastside
swimming beach with no luck. Tried M&M with no luck.
Went to handy cap jetty no luck. So, my last place was the southwest
corner of the dam. Came up with four walleye. Three 20",
and one 21". Got real cold when the clouds came in.
had our heavy coats and stocking hats on. Mark.
May 5, 2005 - Republican
River Btwn Wakefield, KS & Clay Center, KS - May
4 - Fished from 1700 hrs
to 2000 hrs @ various locations along the river (barometer dropping
& south wind gusting to 25 MPH.) Ended up with 5
male white bass & 2 wipers (4.5 & 5 lb). Whites were
on 3/8th or 1/4 oz chartruese spinner bait w/ double blades &
chartruese/white skirt & the wipers stole night crawlers
I had out for channel cats. Lost one white (threw hook as drag
was too little) & saw 3 other whites caught (all male.)
Whites went .75 to 1 lb
"Per Mare, Per Terras"
38-54-14.601N / 097-14-09.074W
May 3, 2005 - Mined
Land - April 28,2005
Had good luck on #38, 32, 31, 12 and trout lake. Some crappie
at# 38 and whopper bluegill and redear sunfish at #32 in the
back arm. Small largemouth bass and channel cats at #31 on rocks.
Trout lake was slow. #42 no luck and cold water. Baby bass in
#12. Good luck " Sunday's" fishing!
May 3, 2005 - Watson
Park - Fisht today from 1200 to 1600 an didnt
get nuthin to eat my worm! so I swished to stank bate an put
it on the bottum o the pond and waited. bout 3 howers pasd an
i desidud to swich my stanky bate to a minner. BAM!!
my minner went under the water and my bobur dispered
from my site. I Haaled back on my rod and pulled rilly
hard. the fish was so strong it pealed line frum
my real. zing zing line spunned off my real!! I
hung on for deer life! finuly snap!! my line brakes
and my rod is limp! I donot no whut that big fish was but it
was a reel hog!
a nuther dud cached a crap and a crappie. he
sayd he fishd for about an hower. I thank he usd miners.
have fun
May 2, 2005 - Walleye
- any anglers catchin walleye or saugeye please post
any info or tips , the nightcrawler bite
is on just need a little south wind.
fishin pal jer
May 2, 2005 - Riggs Park - My
daughters, their cousin and I expected to arrive at Riggs Park Saturday,
April 30 before 10am to register for an OKKids Fishing Derby.
The derby was obviously cancelled or moved. We were already set
to fish so we did anyway. We landed nine bluegills
using trout/panfish-size live worms on very small hooks under
bobbers. We fed the fish most of a 30-count tub of
worms between 10 and noon. - Dean B.
May 1, 2005 - Ninnescah
River - Sunday, May 1, 2005- Went to check lines that
were set on the Ninnescah
River with Jason and Justin. Had 4 nice channel cats ( 4-6 lbs.),
and a
flathead that went at 6 lbs. Did have a nice flat on but we lost
guessing to be at 15 lbs. or so. Had 3 other hooks that had been
straightened out completely, guess its time to go down to Zeiners
and find
some 10 O circle seas to get my angler award..............Good
Luck!!!!!.......................................Jordan Beard
April 28, 2005 - Watson
Park - Watson Park april 27 we fisht watson today
18:00 to 20:00
no fish used chicken gizzards,hearts,nightcrawler, stink bait
and prepared baits on the bottom
some anglers wase geting fish on shrimp
(cat`s and wipers) lol the fish got one of ther fishing rod and
the man jumpt in
the lake after this fishing rod
April 27, 2005 - Ninnescah
River and Watson Park - April 23- Ninnescah River,
Set lines with Justin Stroot and Jason Thomas of Goddard and
Clearwater, KS. Had a 7 lb. Flat and 4 really nice 4-6 lb. Channel
cat on goldfish and perch. Some holes were VERY VERY deep. Had
lots of fun and will be doing it all again very soon.
April 27- Went to Watson Park and hit some
awsome channel cat on liver (both bottom, and bobber action around
sunset) probably because they stocked it Friday. It was on. Also
caught some great sized bullhead for our limb lines.............Expect
an awsome report come next week.........................................Fridays
my girlfriends birthday...................
April 26, 2005 - Republican
River - CONDITIONS @ SALINA @ 1328 hrs CDT:
Partly cloudy - TEMP: 57 F - HUMIDITY 45:% - DEW POINT: 36 F
Fished from approx 1430 hrs to 1900 hrs. Had 5 strikes (one on
dip bait for
channel catfish) others were on either 1/4 oz roadrunner jig
head w/ either
sassy shad or curly tail & on the nightcrawler (1 bite =
2.5 lb wiper.)
Ended up w/ 2 male white bass (about 13 inches long) and the
wiper. Would
say wind was definate factor.
River was muddy & flowing @ approx 235 cfs @ Clay Center
"Per Mare, Per Terras"
38-54-14.601N / 097-14-09.074W
April 25, 2005 - El
Dorado - Went to the lake about 1pm, tried for Walleye,
didnt do anygood anchoring out on the same spots we caught so
many a few days earlier! Light southwest wind was blowing about
10mph, Bright sunshine lit up the world... Finally decided I'd
had enough of NO fish, and started across the lake. I got about
1/2 mile from the dam, and saw some people standing on the rocks
on the east end fishing. I cruised over and watched as the 3
of them consistently yanked fish from the water!! I eased over
and watched them catch White Bass and Wipers cast after cast..
And YUP! Keeping every single one of them!! They had 3 Stringers
FULL of Mostly 1 1/2 lb Wipers and some Nice White Bass... I
went to the Outlet and the wind would drift me slowly across
the face of the dam. It was awesome! cast after cast I caught
fish. Mostly Wipers, but definately many large White Bass. I
also caught 6 19" Walleye very very shallow! All Fish were
like a foot from the rocks. As soon as the 14 oz leadhead baited
with pearl White twister tail would hit the water the fight was
on! What fun it was. I released all of them, cause I just wasnt
in the mood for cleaning! If anyone of you do not know the difference
between White Bass and Wipers, Just ask someone around you. Compare
the 2 species side by side.. THERE IS A DIFFERENCE!!! Wipers
lines are darker, more distinct and Broader.. the tail is darker.
White Bass have duller narrower lines . The tongue patch can
be deceiving, but go by it. White Bass have one patch in the
middle of the tongue. Wipers have 2 patches usually on each side
of the tongue. I guarantee in El Dorado lake you will probably
catch more WIpers right now than White Bass.. pay attention!!
Get caught with a bunch of illegals.. You may decide to hate
April 26, 2005 - Wichita
today we fisht at Buffalo Park and Dillon's Pond
we didn't catch anything
another angler got a bass at dillons pond
we used worms liver under a bobber and on the bottem
looking for that big cat fish probly erly in the year
it was cool to day one man sayde to use stink batte if you do
get your limit on cat`s
counted 30 plus anglers at buffale park in 3-4
April 23, 2005 - Johnsom
Co., SM Lake - caught 2 largemouth bass off, prepared
baits at johnson county shawnee mission lake in kansas region
2. Both bass wheighed in at over 2 lbs apeice. Thanx tyler
April 23, 2005 - Wichita
South Lake - we fisht at south lace today april 23
2005 from 16:00 - 19:00
no fish but a cupel bit`s
cold and windy to day
April 23, 2005 - Marion
- I don't fish Marion very often. I try
about twice a year. It saddens my heart that there are
fishermen (criminals) who exploit the fishery the way as described
in one of the fishing reports. I am Proud of the writer
releasing the sub-legals not so proud of those that kept over
limit and under sized.
People these rules are in place for a reason and
apply to everyone not everyone but you.
Wipers cannot reproduce. They are a hybrid between strpers &
whites when you harvest one there is no replacement unless it
comes from milford. which costs money, which raises the
cost of a fishing license.
So please enjoy catching those Wipers, keep two
legals and release the rest. or fish for something else.
thanks. Happy fishing ron k.
April 22, 2005 - Milford Outlet
- 17 April 05 - Milford Outlet
per: http://www.nwk.usace.army.mil/cgi-bin/daily.pl?site_name=milford
Water Surface Temperature Outlet Channel 50 F
Conditions @ Salina @ 1805 hrs CDT
Temp: 76 F - Humidity 46% - Dew Point: 54 F - Barometric Pressure
30.00 - Wind: S @ 15 MPH
Arrived Outlet area approx 1845 hrs CDT. Only 6
others fishing in the area.
Fished just below the end of the chute. Had 1 strike
the entire time using nightcrawlers (departed 2200 hrs CDT.)
Did see 3 drum, 1 sub-legal (14 inch) walleye & 1 - 12 inch
channel catfish caught.
April 22, 2005 - Republican
River - 20 April 05 - Republican River Btwn Wakefield
& Clay Center
Conditions @ SALINA @ 1448 hrs CDT:
FAIR - Temp: 79 F - Heat Index : 80 F - Humidity: 58% - Dew Point:
63 F - Barometric Pressure: 29.78 - Winds: SSE @ 13 MPH
According to Solunar table, bad day to fish. Cold
front approaching from the west. River is still chocolate-colored
w/ debris intermittently. USGS report for Clay Center can be
found @:http://waterdata.usgs.gov/ks/nwis/uv/?site_no=06856600&PARAmeter_cd=00065,00060
Used blood dip bait & nightcrawlers in pursuit
of channel catfish. 4 on the dip bait & one on the crawler
w/ circle hook (jury out on using these -- swung fish up the
bank and hook came right out dumping him on the bank, luckly
beside my net.) Catfish were 14 to 16 inches (perfect little
Caught 2 female white bass on orange curly tail. One weighted
2.25 lb & the other weighted 1.5 lbs.
Departed area approx 2030 hrs CDT.
"Per Mare, Per Terras"
38-54-14.601N / 097-14-09.074W
April 21, 2005 - Marion
- fish r bitin nightcrawlers walleye or saugeye can
be caught with1/16oz. jighead and big crawlers they r movin in
shallow ....all other fish will hit on worms also (wiper,catfish,
etc...) try marion co. lake.
fishin pal jer
April 21, 2005 - Marion - April
20, 2005. Fishing was not as good today. Boys wanted to
take the boat. Tried to explain don't need a boat today to catch
the fish. But there persistent changed my mind. Caught 15 wipers/whites
from the boat but that was not good enough for the boys. So,
I let the boys off on the dam and they walked the dam and I continued
with the boat. Released all fish. All were around 11"
long. Mark.
April 21, 2005 - Pottawatomie
State Fishing Lake #2 - All fishermen,
Fished POTT#2 on 16 apr 05 from 14:00 until dark and caught limit
crappie, average weight was 1/2 pound to 2.0 pounds on medium
Good luck and i hope this helps you catch your limit. oh yea
all round
brush piles. 4 to 6 feet deep light line and minimal weight with
April 20, 2005 - Hillsdale
- Crappies are spawning and are of decent size for
the most part. Has anyone been finding any Walleyes shallow yet?
Tom K.
April 19, 2005 - Marion
April 19, 2005 - Cheney - Fished
Cheney on 4-16-05. Was there for most of the afternoon
at Fish Cove. Saw a lot of fish jumping, didn't see very
many bveing caught. Sky was mostly cloudy and there was
a light wind blowing from the south. Fish were hitting
the bait (worms) but I only landed one very small white
perch. Fish were only biting very lightly.
April 18, 2005 - Big Hill - BIG
HILL- APRIL 15TH:I caught a lot of smallmouth and largemouth
in the morning hours using both a white and yellow Mepps inline
spinner #3. Most were caught on the east side coves of the lake
while casting between the trees close to shore. Most were in
the 10 to 12 inch range with none being to big. If you don't
mind getting into the middle of the trees you should have some
April 17, 2005 - El Dorado -
three of us went out in the boat fishing and caught
three 2 pd white bass trolling out about 100 yards from the look
out point and one 15 inch walleye on around the west side but
had quite a few bites though on sat in a 3 hour peiod on storm
lures shad color Curtis P.s. locator showed tonns of fish in
around 8-15 foot of water but bites were sporatic maybe a little
early for white bass
April 17, 2005 - El
Dorado - Went to El Dorado lake yesterday (Saturday)
arrived 10am, found a nice ledge, anchored, dropped worm on 1/8
oz jig head, waited about 5 min, landed first Walleye. We fished
till 5pm went to 2 spots and caught around 30 to 40 Walleye.
Only 6 keepers. It was a beautiful day, used up 6 dozen worms.
All fish were spawned out males, with the exception of one oooozing
male which hadnt made it to the female ledge yet.... OH WELL,
poor guy.
About the zebra muscles in El Dorado lake... They
say to drain your live wells really good?? Yeah, well how about
clean your anchors really good also!! Each time we pulled anchor,
it was clustered with the zebras! each small stone or pebble
lodged in the mud, hosted MANY of the small critters. I swear,
one rock about 2inches around, had about a hundred of them on
it. We drifted for a half hour, and each time i got hung up,
I pulled it loose, and guess what was on the end of my hook???
Zebra Muscles!! CLUSTERS of them!! Now I know why they are definately
unwanted! THey have taken over the bottom of the lake.
We saw several boats fishing the face of the dam, catching White
Bass. Guess the spawn is definately on!
Good luck! MIKE E.
April 15, 2005 - Milford
Spillway Outlet - Arrived approx 1715hrs and there
was only 3 others fishing the outlet (only
releasing 25 cfs & water was gin-clear w/ riffle from wind
+ temp was 48
degrees.) Used nightcrawlers in hopes of either channel catfish,
bass or walleye on 1 rod and various lures on spinning rods.
Had good
strike on pearl 2 inch sassy shad but whatever it was threw the
(fisherman's fault for not setting hook again after the strike,
the dummy.)
Four strikes on nightcrawler resulting in 2 drum & 2 keeper
size walleye.
Saw nice catfish LOST because fisherman could not get it up the
side of the
spillway (make a drop net from bike rim and replacement net w/
enough rope
to cover the distance from top of spillway chute to water level.)
gentleman was catching 13 - 14 inch smallmouth on in-line spinner
bait (like
rooster tail or something along those lines.) Could have stayed
(left 2045 hrs) but had two nice walleye so why push my luck
"Per Mare, Per Terras"
38-54-14.601N / 097-14-09.074W
April 14, 2005 - Question - WHAT
April 11, 2005 - Question
on Marion - Would like to find out about some catfishin
action in Marion Res. if anyone has any good reports lately or
any info at all about some early spring channel, or flathead
fishin please let me know....Ive fished cottonwood point a bit
but nothing to big....would really like to find some consistantcy.......Good
Luck.........Jordan Beard
April 11, 2005 - SW
Sedgwick County Lake - Hello all anglers, Went to
a SW Sedgwick County lake Sat. Caught an 18.25 lb Flathead off
trot-line, hit off dead perch, close to the shore. Caught some
channel cat but until the weather picks it up Ill still be askin
myself "whens it gonna get going". Good luck to all.
Jordan Beard
April 8, 2005 - Marion
- Went fishing below at Marion on Thursday morning
and caught 12 small white bass, then fished the points around
cottonwood point, and caught some nice wipers. I was using a
1/8 oz silver cast master. Then today I went fishing on
the cottonwood by Durham and caught about 15 small whites.
I was using a 1/8 oz orange and green roadrunner. For the
crappie question about Marion. I talked to a another fisherman
today and he said he caught 72 crappie below the dam. Cottonwood
point has always been a good crappie place in the spring or also
try the north side of the dam. Todd Becker Marion
April 7, 2005 - Crappie
at Marion - I'm coming to Kansas for a fishing trip
this spring. Can anyone tell me anything about the crappie
situation at Marion? I fished it as a youth in its heyday,
but now my Kansas contacts tell me it is a mystery. The
biologists report good crappie populations, but fishermen
seemingly find them really hard to find. I'm not interested
in joining the crowds at the broken bridge, interested more in
main lake info. Any/all tips would be appreciated.
Tim Schrag, Normal, Illinois
April 6, 2005 - NE Wichita public
ponds - Hello all. NE Wichita public ponds were the
place to be Tuesday when worm on a bobber seemed to be the key
to success for cat anglers. I saw many fish taken between noon
and 10:30 the biggest at a whopping 8 lbs, but very consistant.
I did notice that all females were pregnant and were quickly
released. Cant wait till the weather heats up so we can do it
all over again. Also if any one fishes the Arkansas river around
wichita please contact JordanBeard420@hotmail.com to help with
ideas to clean up the river.
Thanks for your time good luck. Jordan Beard
April 5, 2005 - Pratt
County Lake - caught nice 18in saugeye at pratt co
lake in river also 2 15in. sauger & a 10in smallmouth bass.
they were caught usin jighead/minnow and worms fishin pal
April 4, 2005 - Fall River - I
fished up the River at Fall River and only caught 3 white bass
and 1 crappie. All of the white bass were females and I am a
little surprised that we didn't catch more fish. Not too many
people were catching many up the river. Did hear of one report
that a boat caught 14 south of Ladd bridge. The Game Warden came
by and checked me and also told me that not to many where catching
fish. The run has to be very close of over there. Good Luck.
BW from Wichita.
April 4, 2005 - SE
Kansas private ponds - Fished both Saturday and Sunday,
caught 7 large mouth and 4 crappie. Large mouth on plastic worm
with a very slow retrieve. Did not feel the bite, but you could
watch your line move. Had to wait briefly to make sure they had
it. Crappie are very aggresive, hit very hard. Bass are slow,
but catchable. Crappie caught on a grasshopper lure, Bass on
plastic purple worm with a bright pink tail. Good luck to all.
April 4, 2005 - SE
Kansas River - Hi all, Went fishing in an awesome
river in SE kansas today. Weather was Awesome! Wind was blowing
nicely keeping it nice and cool. Fishing a river with steep banks,
in a boat is the way to fish on a windy day! We kept 31 Very
Nice White Bass all Females in the 21/2 lb range, with the exception
of 2 small males which we threw back.
Water was pretty clear, temp was 56 degrees. I
hadnt fished all winter, and I really got wore out! Time to get
into shape for Stripers and Wipers In a few weeks on Cheney!
Just hope the wind goes away.
The White Bass are definately in the rivers above
area lakes! GO! Have a great time. They seemed to be holding
in 10' pools just below riffels. Used a white 3" twister
tail Grub on a 1/4 oz unpainted Jig head which I poured myself.
Positioned boat on one side of the river, and Threw all the way
across to the opposite bank. Let is sink to the bottom, and jerk
it up and let it fall back down. they always hit it on the fall.
Man those fish can fight! GOOD LUCK!
April 2, 2005 - Cottonwood
River by Durham and answer on Marion wipers - Went
fishing on Thursday, and caught one five pound wiper and 3 really
nice whitebass. I was fishing on the cottonwood river, by Durham.
I was using a 1/116oz jig head with a 3 inch green sassy shad,
and a white road runner. With this being warm the white bass
should be in the river. As for wipers they should be going good
on the north end of Marion Resivour and also by the swim beach
by the dam. As for the question about wipers at Marion. April
20th would be a great time to fish for wipers by the dam. Last
we caught alot of wiper. ranging from 2-6 pound using shad raps
and silver spoons. Todd Marion,ks
2, 2005 - Wilson - Jack Hoskinson Madd Jack Striper Guide - While the stripers
were short hitting allot today we still managed to pull this
14#striper and a couple of 6# fish all of which we released.
The water temp. is again finally on the rise. The stripers are
scattered and shallow from Minooka to the river. It should just
keep getting better, Jack
April 1, 2005 - Marion
Source: Kansas Anglers like you.
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