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Editor's Note: Sorry, somehow all the reports
through the end of the year were lost because an old page was
uploaded instead of an updated one.
November 25, 2007 - General
Report from Guide Mike Cook
- Despite the lack of fishing reports and short stories it has
been a great year of fishing on the local reservoirs. That is
if you throw out the high waters that we had during summer. For
now though the channel cat is over for me unless I can get an
ice out pattern going. The flathead is over until we get some
warmer water in April. But there are always those big blues at
Kaw which is what I'll be doing and the jig fishing for let's
just call them scaled fish. Since you never know if it's going
to be a crappie, wiper, white bass or walleye that you are going
to reel up at this time of year while fishing a jig or spoon.
I'll try and get more postings next year. It was
a difficult year for me off the water for many reasons. Hopefully
those issues are left in 2007. 2008 is promising a brand new
year with a lot more time on my hands which means more time to
spend on the water and at this keyboard. So I'll see some of
you on the water in December and January and see you at the shows
in February. By the way , if you fished with me and liked my
boat, it's for sale. I'll be buying a Weld Pro.
See ya'll soon,
Mike Cook
November 21, 2007 - Perry
- fought the cold off and scored huge on white bass.
wind at our backs and throwing rooster tais into the shore on
rocky points and retrieving back to about 6-10 foot of water.
white bass were hitting as hard as i've experienced in a lot
of years of fishing perry lake. 6 going better than 18 inches,
most were around 15 inch but plenty strong. we released 19 in
2 hours of trolling. total lake time was 3 hrs. 1-4 p.m.
it was also the coldest day i have ever had on perry lake!
November 10, 2007 - Fishing
2007 - As the season ends for me thought i would add
a few comments. I took a few trips to Marion Lake early summer
and really didn't do well on Wipers or Walleye. Due to the massive
flooding in the Fall River area i was not able to get out once
to fish that lake this year. I was really disappointed in that.
It's one of the best kept secerts on catching huge White Bass.
Made two trips this summer to Beaver Lake, Arkansas,
(a place I'm shooting for to move to some day) and as always
did well with the guides.
Now for the BIG picture, (Cheney Lake). This season
was "the best I've ever had on Big Walleye" and many
of them. Many in the 6 lb. range. This season was "the best
I've ever had on Huge Wipers". Almost all over 21"
and in the 6 to 8 lb. range. The 21", (2) each creel limit
"has" really paid off. I hope they keep it at this
length and creel limit for years to come.
Thought I'd add this. It's been many years since
I've been to Wilson Lake. It's 2 hrs. from my home. Five years
ago or so i could make the dive and only spend $30-40 on gas
total. Now it's more than $130. Yes? that's the prime reason
I've not been to that beautiful lake. Thank goodness I'm only
40 mins. to a hour to several "good" fishing lakes.
November 7, 2007 - Tuttle
Creek & Milford Report 2007: Since the catfish
season is coming to a close in the next few weeks I will share
my views on 2007. I spent more time on Tuttle CK this year than
previous years due to all the water coming down the river from
the north. Compared to last year it was a better year even though
the fish were a bit smaller than last year. Most channels caught
were 3 to 11 lbs, largest this year was a new record for me at
26.4 lbs. Broke my old record of 24.lbs. caught in river pond
below dam in 2003. There were many mornings I caught 20 to 40
fish in 4 hours. This was a worm year more so than shad, fresh
water coming in makes worms the best bait. When the water comes
in from the north you can't find any better fishing anywhere.
I mentioned last year about our bluecat population and how it
should get better and better. I had a great year with a total
to date at 321 bluecat from 3 to 12 lbs with the largest at 20
lbs. It is not Milford but in a few years you will catch many
blues over 20 lbs. I know Tuttle is nothing but a mud hole and
the silt is heading south more each year which makes the mouth
of the river tougher to fish but it still is full of channels
and blues and offers some excellent fishing at times. For those
who want to brave the cold you will catch a few blues if you
fish the river channel during the winter.
I spent about 50 days on Milford this year and found the catfishing
somewhat slow compared to the past 3 years. I caught mostly blues
and very few channels and not as many big blues as in years past.
I fish from Madison north in the river channel and never found
the large blues coming by in large schools. I did break my own
personal record with a 64 lb fish caught in June but didn't catch
any in the 50's like last year. I also found that the wipers
were not there like they have been in past years. Usually in
Apr and May I catch some extra large wipers (11 to 17lbs) fishing
on the bottom with shad. They were not around this year. I know
that some say that were short on large fish now, that to many
have been kept but I think its to early to make that assumption.
I found it to be a very different year and you had to work harder
this year to find the fish. In a year or so we will know the
story. I think that Milford still offers some great bluecat fishing
and there getting bigger each year. I don't know what were going
to do when they get 80 lbs, I had a hell of a time with the 64
being by myself and guaranteed not to fit in any live. Hopefully
next year we will see more large fish caught. RKH
November 2, 2007 - Walunt
river Winfield dam - 24 OCT - 1 NOV - Water level
is now about normal and the temp was at 55. Now we can start
catching White bass, Wipers, Walleyes and Crappies! Caught several
large White bass through out the week and on 1 NOV I lost one
large Wiper at my feet (you need to be patient when you are using
4lb test and ultra light rods), but all was not lost when I caught
a 6lb Walleye. I think I would have done better if there would
have been some cloudy days during the week, Walleyes stay deep
when its sunny.
October 26, 2007 - Shawnee
SFL - Went to the shawnee state fishing lake today
10-25-2007 with a dual agenda. took advantage of the hunter education
shooting range that was open to the public for a nominal fee.
so i sighted in my 270 for the up coming deer season. since i
was right there at the lake i decided to take the ole poles with
me to fish too. managed to catch a perch that i used for bait
and then the other 2 poles i used night crawlers and slugs. 4
hours and not one bite. maybe the cold spell? wrong time of day?
not sure but my sholder is a little sore after 20 rounds out
of the high power rifle. that my friends is what i am sure of.
good luck all.
Jason Porter
topeka kansas
19, 2007 - Perry - 10-19-07
lots of channell today in flooded shollows. lake is about 4 feet
up. the channel were hitting pretty much any thing we threw at
them. hot dogs, worms and cut shad. caught a good number of crappie
around 20+feet of water fishing 6-10 feet down. minnows were
definitly more effective than jigs. trolled the shore 8-10ft
of water off banks for about an hour with rooster tails and rattle
traps. caught 7 white bass. 5 of those going better than 2 lbs.
got dark and then cold and called it a day. cleaned 9 chanell,
5 white bass and 12-15 crappie. I'd say not a bad day at all!
Almost forgot mama's flathead. she got em with
a minnow on her crappie rod.4lb line.
October 16, 2007 - Fall Fishing - Mike Cook - Four Lake
Guides - Summer fishing was trying at best for me. I
just couldn't pattern anything with all the high water. The last
few weeks has been back to the wonderful fishing that one expects
from south central Kansas.
The channel cat has been fantastic. The crappie
fair and improving. The wipers good. But the walleye have still
been pretty tough for me. Things should continue to improve with
the cooling weather. I'm still seeing a lot of fishermen out
More than in the past years, so word is getting
out on fall fishing. It's the best.
Talk to ya''l soon.
Mike Cook
October 15, 2007 - Cheney
- I finally had a chance to try out Cheney, left on
thursday the 11th and fished 3 days. The weather made it a tuff
go to say the least. We did finally find the fish in very shallow
water 2-4' with the birds chasing shad. Mostly small wipers.
The bite wouldnt last long primarily early in the morning and
in late afternoon. Cold front and rain probably had alot to due
with it.
Last day around 1pm noticed some surface action out deep 22'
and finally found the big fish. Didnt last long but catching
a couple of those big wipers sure put a smile on my fathers face...
He is 74 yrs old.
I thank the Kansas Fish and Game for stocking such a quality
fish and giving us the oppurtunity to catch them. My 2 yr boy
stayed at cabin with his Mom because the wind but I look forward
to having both him and my Dad in the boat next time....
 October 15,
2007 - Greenwood County Pond - October
14 - It was a cloudy windy day as we left some rain showers back
home at Wichita. We were finally doing what we'd set out to do
months earlier but just couldn't find the time. Glad we went.
My buddy Pablo and I caught and released about 50 largemouths
including the 2 pictured (the date on the camera is wrong). Black
& blue jig and pig and Tiki wave worms accounted for 90%
of the fish. They were definitely on a fall feeding binge! Moral
of the story if you can get away on a half way decent day GO!
You don't have much time left.
Denny G.
October 4, 2007 - Cheney
- October 03, 2007 Wednesday evening. A little slow
this trip. One 6 lb.Walleye, one 8 lb Wiper. Could not locate
any schooling. Heard M & M point was the place last night.
Several schoolings located and anglers did well. Just need to
be in the right place. Lots of fall anglers out last night. That's
nice to see. I read were in the U.S. that they are loosing hunters
by 10% each year. Number of folks not going out anymore to hunt.
Anyone hear if fishing is the same? I know it can be expensive.
3, 2007 - Cheney - Boy, did
Mark hit into a big school of wipers. I was near the same area
and saw the explosion by his boat - a really cool sight to see!
Congrats Mark - you are the wiperman as far as I am concerned.
Caught this one 9/8/07......my personal best (so far)
September 27, 2007 - Cheney
- September 27, 2007 Thursday. Had a excellent evening
fishing. Very slow at first. Thought we were going to come home
with just a few. Caught a few here and there. Could not find
any schooling of shad and fish. Then at 6:30 pm. all hell broke
loose. We were just trolling in one area. Not really catching
too much. Then off the boat say, 30 yards. Hundreds of Wipers
broke the surface and scared the heck out of us. It was one sight
to see them coming out of the water chasing the shad. We made
a turn for them and went thru them and wham fish on. This lasted
15 mins. and they were gone. Total was 15 Wipers with one 6 lb.
Walleye. Most of the Wipers were 22-23". We were in the
right place at the right time or we would have only come up with
just a few. That's the ticket for me in the fall. Right place
at the right time. Did clean our limit for two people. Mark.
September 25, 2007 - Cheney
- Went out to Cheney (9/22) and drifted for catfish
again. Once we caught our bait had no problem finding the fish,
didn't start fishing until after 4pm. They were staged around
14-16 ft deep on the flats. Had good wind for about 2 hours and
caught 8. Four of them went over 5lbs. Took the 5yr old nephew
out and let him reel in the smaller ones. He did have the Snoopy
pole go down and the line broke when he set the hook. It was
fun; hopefully we can get out once or twice more before hunting
season rolls in.
Chad Maness
September 25, 2007 - Butler
SFL - Took the boat out Sunday to Butler. The sun
was high and clouds only started to move in closer to noon time.
The bass were holding very tight to cover. I was side casting
a lake fork tube under the brush and letting it fall. I baoted
three bass with the heaviest being around three pounds. Put the
boat up and tried the back creek really quick and had one bass
on a square billed crank, but lost it before I got it on shore.
Went to a farm pond later that day and bought some
shiners. Caught plenty of bass on the live minnows with the biggest
being five pounds.
Cooler weather should help bring the bass out of hiding. I was
surprised that Butler got very little vegetation growing this
year in the back areas.
September 24, 2007 - Marion - (9/21) Ran
up for a little evening fishing. It had been 4 weeks since we
had been able to get out. Started fishing at 5:00 and quit at
7:15 with 25 in the icebox. The summer pattern is still holding
with the strong south winds and warm weather we have been having.
We ended up with a couple of nice size wipers and the whites
were good size also (around 1-1 <#). We caught a couple sets
of doubles and several times had multiple rods down at the same
Royce H.
22, 2007 - Cheney - Here a pic
of a 37# flathead caught at Cheney Lake on Sept. 1 2007. It was
caught on a shad rap while trolling with a bass rod with 12#
test line.
Jim Lair
September 21, 2007 - Thanks
for answer to question for Mike or Mark on three-way rig - Many
thanks to Mark and Mr. Wiper your suggestions will be put to
the test soon. Mr. Wiper I to would like to find time to get
to Cheney, It's seems a crime to let Mark have all those hogs
to himself. Good luck and please let us know how you do. One
more question, how far into fall have you guys found this presentation
to be effective? Thanks again Jason
September 20, 2007 - Answer
to question for Mike or Mark on three-way rig - I've
ran the 3-way swivel rig for many years now and found it best
to keep the deep diving lure length of line apprx 18-24
inches with the trailer being about 36 inches.
The deep diving lure has to be shorter than the trailer length.
A lighter weight for the jig head helps also but for striper
and wipers you still need a sturdy hook. With a 3-5" squirum
worm you can use a hook only with no lead head, the lure pulls
it down.
Ive also found that 3-5" squirum grubs work better then
sassy shads for line twisting and will catch as many fish.. If
you have to use sassy shads use the ones with jig head built
into the body.You also should place a swivel on each the deep
diving lure and the trailer this will eliminate any line twist.
I hope this helps, like ive said ive ran this rig for many years
at Texoma and many local lakes. You can also run a silver spoon
on the trailer which is excellent choice but a swivel on spoon
is needed.
Guys Ive heard all I can take about Chenney good wiper fishing
I will be heading that way this weekend....lol
c ya there,
Mr Wiper
September 16, 2007 - Answer
to question for Mike or Mark on three-way rig - Not
sure if Mike E. is going to answer. I talked to him, via e-mail
a while ago and he is still alive and out fishing, (and doing
well fishing). I have same problem with my sassy shad. Your description
of the length of line to bait is identical to my length. I don't
seem to have that problem as quick as you. I can go about one
fishing trip and my line starts to "twist" with the
sassy shad. What I do is change my line below my three way swivel,
(30lbs. Big Game) after each trip. I do at times continue to
fish with it twisting and sill catch fish. The bait is there
and they grab it anyway. I also change my sassy shad each trip
due to it being shredded up with catching so many Wipers. Hope
this helps. Mark.
September 16, 2007 - Question
for Mike or Mark on three-way rig - I started using
the three way rig with some success on Clinton Lake the wipers
are not huge yet but seem to love this rig. The problem I'm having
is line twist. I seem to recall the crankbait line being about
six feet and the shad line about three. After two or three fish
the shad seems to want to twist around the crank line. Am I using
the wrong swivels or should lines be different diameters or what?
I love fishing this way but any help with this annoying problem
would be appreciated. Thanks guys Jason
September 13, 2007 - Cheney
- September 13, 2007 Thursday afternoon. Fish are
in there fall mode. Fish caught were in 2-5' of water close to
shore and submerged humps. Observed at list 4 schools of shad
being chased by hundreds of fish. I would troll through them
and the action was furious. At times 4 fish on two poles. Summer
time hot spot not holding fish for me now. Caught a 5, 6, 7 lb.
Walleye and 10 Wipers all but one under 21". Lots of action.
Had to move around LOTS to find the shad being chased. Look for
seagulls. Mark
 September 8,
2007 - Cheney - September 08,
2007 Saturday afternoon. The fish just keep biting. And there
huge. Had a wonderful time with my son and a friend and his son.
It was hot. 92 degrees in the boat with very little wind. Started
at 4:15pm. Right off the bat fish on. Funny, seen very little
fish on the electronics but the bait fish was there and the fish
were feeding on them. Like they were on the outside perimeter
of the bait fish just waiting to attack. And they did. My boy
would set up front with his favorite pole along with our two
downriggers. And he just killed them up front with his fire tiger
deep diver and just loved it. All poles seen action. At times
doubles on two poles. Both boys out fished the "dad's".
Two of the big ones were a 10.8 lb. Wiper and a 11.7 lb. Striper.
Total was 16 to 18 Wipers. That included one 10 lb. Flathead,
the one Striper. Surface temp. 81. At 8pm. dropped back to 78
degrees. With the forecast ahead, that will change. Mark.
4, 2007 - Cheney - September
04, 2007 Tuesday evening. Did real good. Got to the lake at 5:30pm.
fished till 8pm. At first very windy. Storms in area. Then they
passed and wind came down some. No one on the lake. Had all by
ourselfs. That's a first. All fish, Wipers, very large. This
young man his biggest Wiper ever of 10.1 lbs. His dad had to
help him hold it up. The Wiper darn near took the pole out of
his hands. He barely could get it out of the downrigger rod holder.
It was a blast watching him do it all himself. Then he pulled
in another one of 9.5 lbs. right after that one. Total was 8
with 4 getting off. It just does not get any better. We all had
a blast. Mark.
September 4, 2007 - Cheney
- Sept 3, 2007 - Went out to Cheney and decided to
do some summer time drifting for catfish. Went up to the north
end of the lake and drifted in 12-14ft. Finished with 23 and
took home our 20. Another good day at Cheney.
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