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Video and instructions
to help prevent the spread of Zebra Mussels
November 20, 2008 - Note
from Jimmy to Mark on Cheney - Thanks. It's nice to
be catching a couple here and there as I didn't really catch
that much this summer. I did make it out Monday afternoon and
man what I nice day it was. I picked one up early again and that
was it for the rest of the day. I don't know if they have moved
out to deeper water or what but I did see some busting the surface.
November 19, 2008 - Note
to Jimmy on Cheney - Congrates to your success on
the Wipers at Cheney your posting. Me and my Buddy's were split
on witch lake to go to last Sunday. Wilson or Cheney. I kept
seeing your success and wanted to head that way, but we all chose
Wilson Lake. Gas is now over 1/2 price compaired to this summer
and is was a cheep trip to Wilson with three of us. I must have
counted 30 boat out Sunday at Wilson. It was awesome day last
Sunday to be there. We must have seen over 100 wind farms East
of Wilson on I-70 that i did not know excised. It was an awesome
site. Much of them are not more than 100 yards off I-70. The
drive alone was exciting.
18, 2008 - Cheney - Picked this
one up early Sunday then didn't catch another one the rest of
the day.
17, 2008 - Wilson - November
16, 2008 Sunday. First time I've been back to Wilson Lake in
5 years. Three of us went. Used the two downriggers and two more
poles off to the side. Caught a total of 8 Stripers. All real
small as shown. Used the same set up as i do at Cheney Lake.
They only took the Rapals Husky jerks on the downriggers and
didn't touch the Sassy Shads or the other two poles off to the
sides. Very enjoyable trip. Not everyday you visit such a wonderful
Cristal blue water lake. Deer all over the place driving up and
back from the lake both dead and alive.
10, 2008 - Cheney - Here is
a nice wiper my father-in-law picked up Sunday it was over 10LBS.
Total for the day were 4 wipers and 2 white bass all on crank
baits and rattle traps.
November 7, 2008 - Answer
from Jimmy - We were fishing crank baits and rattle
traps in 4 to 5 foot of water around stumps. Also picked one
up in about 2 foot of water around walleye island.
October 30, 2008 - Question
for Jimmy
Jimmy - NICE wipers!!! Were you using live bait
or lures? Seems like
in years past, this time of year they really like live bait.
wanting to verify.
October 21, 2008 - Question
on Geary County State Lake - Hi there.
I am writing to you on behalf of my son who will
be fishing in the Junior Bassmaster World Championships scheduled
for Geary County State Lake November 8. Would you be willing
to talk with him by phone regarding this lake?
If so, please send me your name and phone number
and I will have him call you (or you could email any information
you wanted to share.)
20, 2008 - Cheney - Some more
wipers caught at Cheney.
18, 2008 - Cheney - Found some
nice wipers during the middle of the day and surprisingly one
white bass.
October 15, 2008 - Harvey
County East - The weather was miserable but the bite
was on, caught a 4lb & 3lb Saugeye 4 White bass and 2 Cannel
cat all on a pearl white "Gulp Alive" twisters.
October 12, 2008 - Pratt
County Lake - went to pratt co lake and caught 15
walleye on rattletraps most were released except for the 2 that
were over 20 in. also caught some 18in. wiper and bass caught
all off jetties...jer
October 9, 2008 - Lake
Shawnee Trout Season - Perhaps other anglers are as
confused as I was about Lake Shawnee trout season. In the past
Lake Shawnee ran their own trout program. They are not listed
on the KDWP trout stocking schedule, however according to the
Shawnee County Parks & Rec. who I called, the State is supplying
the trout. Lake Shawnee trout season does not coincide with the
State season, but starts Saturday, November 1st at 6:00am. You
will need a State license and trout stamp rather than a Lake
Shawnee trout permit. Here is the Lake Shawnee website for more
September 29, 2008 - Cheney
- Fished dusk both days (9/27-28).......found schooling
wipers during the last hour
of light both days. Saturday, wound up with a 4, 5 and 8 lb wiper.
Sunday, only managed to catch one, and missed 3. It was kinda
odd because Saturday they hit a silver spoon immediately upon
its entry into the water. Sunday, saw the fish busting the surface
4-5 times in one area, but tried spoons (silver and green) with
no luck, a swim bait with no luck, and finally put on a zara
spook which grabbed their attention but I was too anxious and
missed 3 out of 4 tries. BTW - the topwater was fun, usually
got 4-5 good twitches, but had to continuously reel in quickly
to keep the lure barely submerged to keep the birds from diving
at the lure.
Must have been a good karma day....the chiefs even
won a game.
September 29, 2008 - Milford
Walleye Fishing - Looking to get some info on fall
walleye fishing at Milford. Any locations better than others
in the fall?????
September 27, 2008 - Cheney
- Congratulations BB on your (3) 10+ lb. Walleyes.
My personal best is only 7.8 lbs. and that was back in Aug. of
2001 at Cheney. That one is on the wall as i speak. I have not
come close to anything close to 10 lbs. on Walleyes. I tried
only one other lake this early summer and that was Fall River.
The rest of the year that lake was flooded AGAIN. This year does
top as my personal best to date for my biggest Wipers. Lots of
them at Cheney. Must add my trip when the Wichita Eagle came
out with me for the Outdoor section Wiper article in July. I
have NEVER fished in fog like we did that day. Could only see
maybe 100'. No wind. The fog was so heavy you could see mist
coming down into the boat. But, we caught a lot of Wipers that
day for the article. Lots of positive things I'm seeing at Cheney
this season. White pearch on the downside. White bass starting
to show up. Smaller Stripers being caught. This fall i was not
able to get into any schooling of shad and Wipers. I just was
not in the right place. One other short note. I've never seen
Cheney so clear, (Cheney standards) all summer long into spring.
Must be the Zebra Mussels. Mark.
September 21, 2008 - Cheney
- Sunday am, 9/21/08: fished dawn until 11am.....only
caught one fish, the third walleye this year over 10lbs. This
one was just over 30 inches long and fat as can be. My goal for
this year was to land a 15+ lb wiper, which has not happened
yet. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would catch 3 personal
best walleyes this year, each over 10 lbs.
Overall, a tough year for me in terms of putting
numbers of fish into the boat at any time of the year. The average
catch for me was less than 2 fish per outing, many times completely
skunked. The fish caught were very nice fish, but not the wiper
size I was hoping for. Fishing success has picked up a little
in the past month or so, since the water temp started going down
and the birds started feeding on shad. Hope it lasts a while
longer, still have a goal to achieve.
Thanks to the many anglers on this website who
continue to post good, accurate information on the where's and
how's of fishing for the big ones at Cheney. With Mike's huge
wipers and Marks continued success on large fish, my 3 walleyes
at 10+, and countless other anglers with better success than
I have had, I would think that Cheney has set itself up for breaking
a state record or two in the near future. Really cool to have
true trophy potential so close to home.
I would like to pose a question at this point regarding
creel sizes/limits: does it make sense to keep 2 wipers over
24 inches (big fish) or does it make more sense to have a slot
length of a little smaller wipers (16-20 inches) and let the
big ones survive? Similar to Canadian rules where preservation
of the trophy sized fish are maximized. Same for walleyes....slot
limit vs 2 over 21 inches.
Personally, I love to eat walleyes, but have not
kept any walleye over 24 inches due to belief that the truly
big ones either go back or go on the wall (cant afford $ to put
one on the wall, therefore utilize CPR....Catch, Photo, Release
as much as possible). I think creel quantities for wipers and
walleyes are ok as they are, just perhaps a slot to better preserve
the potential trophy fish population. The lake seems to be able
to support the larger fish with food....have not caught a "skinny"
fish for several years now. Look forward to reading about different
perspectives regarding this subject.
18, 2008 - Cheney - September
17, 2008 Wednesday afternoon. Had a good afternoon fishing. Found
fish in Mr. "D" cove in a "rocky" area in
shallow water. It was a Way point i had filed years ago and tried
it out, and it was holding fish. These fish were not busting
the water after shad. We looked for them busting but just was
not in the right place at the right time. Caught 4 Walleye in
the 5-6 lb. range. 8 to 10 Wipers in the 5-6 lb. range. And for
the first time this season caught 6-8 White Pearch. Tried M &
M point till dark but no fish busting the water. The Zebra Mussels
are showing up big time on my hooks hitting those submerged rocks
in Mr. "D" cove. All fish caught were caught not using
downriggers, but holding poles off the boat trolling. Keep at
it. The fish are busting the surface somewere on the lake in
the evenings.
 September 17,
2008 - Cheney - 65 pound flathead
trolling 3 way.
10, 2008 - Cheney - Sept. 10,
2008 Wednesday. Fished 1:30pm. to 4:30pm. Would have liked to
start at 5pm. till dark but could not do it. Windy. Caught 2
Flatheads 19.5 and 12 lbs. One, I think Blue cat. It was blue,
10 lbs. One 23" Wiper. Too windy to see if any Wipers were
busting the water.
September 4, 2008 - Milford
blues Question - What depth of water and what bait
did you use to catch these blues on?
September 3, 2008 - Tuttle
Creek and Rocky Ford info wanted - Can anyone provide
a report on the Crappie and Saugeye at Tuttle Creek and Rocky
Ford. I am deployed to Iraq and check the reports daily since
I can't go fishing.
COB Speicher, Iraq.
3, 2008 - Milford - Last Tuesday
Dad (Martin Merrill of Waterville) took me out to Milford to
fish. It had been 2 yrs since I'd gone out with him; before I
got busy painting houses he took me out every week. The biggest
I had caught up until then was an 8 lb channel cat at Tuttle
Creek. The weather changed continuously throughout the day but
we hung in there. It was well worth the wait!! The first Blue
Cat weighed 24.5 lbs and the other 36 lbs. We got photos and
released them. I lost another that had to have been big.
This is nothing compared to what Dad and his friend caught last
Friday, though. They caught 10 BIG ONES!!! They ranged from 32
lb to more than 50 since that's all Dad's scale goes to. They
were trying to get them recorded and weighed on certifiable scales
but didn't know who to contact. His friend took one to the Blue
Rapids Co-op that weighed right at 50 lbs.
Dad said I'd earned my bragging rites so I'm making the most
of it.
Kim Anderson
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