Kansas Fishing Report - Jan - Mar 2009
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March 31, 2009 - El Dorado
Walleye? - anyone out there know where the walleye
go after the spawn at Eldorado. Are there any flats to drift
after they spawn.
March 29, 2009 - Comment
on Local Wichita lake (3/26) - First, sounds like
fun time was had! More importantly you took a youth fishing.
Thank you! Takes that extra willingness to put our pole down
for the day and to help a young one with theirs for the trip!
29, 2009 - Kanopolis
Hey Angler,
The saugeye was caught at Kanopolis Lake on 3/13/09. Calvin Gustus
of Geneseo
holds this 8.9lb, 27.75"+ beauty, it was one of 14 that
Jeff Ensz, Tim Banniger and Calvin kept this night with the smallest
being just over 5lbs. Nice average!!!
March 29, 2009 - Answer
to looking for shad - I would say most of your problem
is the water has not got warm enough and the shad are still deeper.They
come and go. Depends on the hatch. Still alot of shad in the
riverpond. Find a point on a real windy day at Milford or Tuttle,
with the wind blowing into the point, a few good cast and you
will have some shad. The shallow back coves of the riverpond
hold shad as well, but the water will need to warm up. KW
March 28, 2009 - Answer
to looking for shad - The tube area at Tuttle Ck no
longer has the shad that it had just a few years ago. Neither
does the river pond area. We had plenty of shad last Oct after
the spawn but for whatever reasons they are not surviving, winter
kill or something else. I've been in the river pond 4 times in
the past month and thrown my net 200 times with not one shad.
You can get a few at Rocky Ford once in a while but not consistant.
Milford has plenty of shad but you need a boat and the best time
is right before daylight. Everyone is having a ruff time getting
shad around Manhattan. RKH
March 26, 2009 - Looking
for shad - I was wondering if someone could help me
out on finding a good spot for catching Shad with a throw net
in the Manhattan area. Used to go to the tubes at Tuttle Creek
years ago with my father and I can't remember what time of year
we did that. Any information would be helpful, I would also be
interested in trading some frozen bags of shad for some good
information if I catch some. When and where should I go? I am
decent with a throw net so throwing around or over obstacles
is not really an issue, but I would like to avoid a rocky bottom
if I could
Manhattan KS
26, 2009 - local Wichita lake -
Took the nephew to a local private lake for our first outing
of the season. It didn't take long (3 hours) for him to show
me the proper tecnique. bobbers and 2 inch minnows set 12 inches
deep did the trick. We alternated between catching 6-8 inch crappie
and these monsters. I think they were trying to get the crappie
just like us. the biggest one is 24 inches long.She had a 7 inch
crappie in her belly when i filleted her. If you want to catch
fish and have fun, always take a kid fishing!
 March 26, 2009
- White Bass - (Editor's Note-This
is from a Kansas Angler that slipped out of state for a couple
Hey guys, i got the bug really bad the first week
of march, and got the boat out for a couple of days.. These white
bass were huge! Have you ever heard of yellow bass? here is a
pic with a few very large female white bass and a pic of a white
and a yellow bass. just want to share the pics with you, as i
personally have never heard of yellow bass till now. they are
plentiful in the south, and are fun to catch.
Mike E.
 March 25, 2009
- Wilson County Farm Pond - The
water is still a little cool yet but things are picking up. The
better fish were caught slow-rolling a large spinerbait and jig
and pig combination. Late in the afternoon the best concentration
of fish were on a north windblown bank.
March 21, 2009 - Milford and Tuttle
Creek: I have been fishing both of these lakes for
the past month. Two weeks ago at Milford when the water temp
hit 45 the blues moved in the shallows where today the water
temp is over 50. The fish have been there in great numbers. (
20 to 35 each morning) Most of the fish run between 3 and 8 lbs
with a few over 30lbs. I have been catching crappie and thats
what I 've been using for bait. On blues you can use large bait
and # 3 hooks even when the water is cold. There not like channels
there aggresive with eating year around. They will find the larger
bait quicker when the water is cold. I don't agree with limit
now at 5 but they make the rules. I think they should of left
it at 10 with a slot size of 3 to 8 lbs. I think more large fish
will be taken now with the limit being 5. Tuttle Creek has fewer
blues than Milford but it has some nice size blues. On Saturday
I caught 6 over 20 lbs and they were thick good looking fish.
You have to look hard to find them on Tuttle since the numbers
are less. Now with the water still cold from winter you should
use large bait, baseball size. When the water gets warm the larger
the bait the easier the gar will find so now is the time on both
lakes. With this wind today the water will get warm fast. They
should remain in the shallows up to 57 degrees. I have been catch
crappie at Tuttle and if we get lucky and the lake stays clear
and don't rise 10' we will catch some big crappie during the
spawn. RKH
March 21, 2009 - Wellington
Lake - Went there on 3/19/09 to try out new spinner.
I hit most areas around the lake where I usually catch and only
caught 2 little cats or else I caught the same one twice. Maybe
it will get better in a few days.
Gene L. Littlejohn
March 16, 2009 - Webster
- Well we went to Webster Lake on Sunday. The wind
was blowing around 16 to 18 mph out of the southwest but that
didn't stop us from putting the boat on the water. The warmest
water temperature that we found on the lake was about 39.3 degrees.
only about 3 boats on the water. We drifted along the dam for
several hours using various types of baits but with no success.
We did chart some fish up close to the dam but could not get
any hits what so ever. We were using jigs and also drifting with
walleye rigs and worms. We also tried to fish the brush piles
for crappie, but once again with no success. I think several
more days of warm weather will help get these fish to bite. we
talked to several others on the boats how they did and they told
us also that they had no luck catching anything either.
12, 2009 - Farm Pond near Dephos - This
was a 9 pound 1 ounce large mouth 24 inches long caught out of
a small farm pond caught it on a inline spinner this year on
march 8th near delphos kansas
March 11, 2009 - Answer
to questions - Best answer is to get out there and
try yourself. Learn how to finish any weather and you won't have
to rely on reports. Almost feels like once someone say oh this
type of fish is awesome right now then everyone gets out and
fishes. Fishing for me is about getting out, and tackling a challenge.
I will be going sunday to a farm pond as a test since water there
warms faster then next week I am going to plan two or three trips
to different lakes and I will report where I go. I know water
temps will maybe be 40 degrees and that will not stop me. I fish
mainly for bass and that is a rough temp for bass fishing...
or is it? Plenty of large bass are caught in very cold water.
Just have to be up for the challenge.
Kingman and Pratt - My recent
report... I did hit up kingman a few weeks back and my usual
cold spots didn't produce. I just had my waders so I didn't stay
too long... did go to pratt since there is a bigger variety of
fish to try for and I forgot to renew my license online so I
went ahead and did that there. I had no takers there either.
I just wasn't patient enough and really just wanted to try a
cutsom painted crank I just got in not too long ago and see how
it looked. And it looks great!
Expect a few reports coming up.
March 11, 2009 - Wilson/Webster
Looking for a report - Any updated fishing reports
from last weekend for Wilson and/or Webster lake would be appreciated.
especially for crappie/ walleye. but also any other species.
March 10, 2009 - Melvern
Question - Has anyone been out to Melvern lately,
was going to go next weekend and want to know where the hot spots
March 5, 2009 - Milford
Walleye - Looking for some info on Milford walleye
or wiper at this time of year??? Going down next week and going
to give it a try.
February 28, 2009 - Webster
Walleye - anybody been catching any walleye yet at
webster lake, a report would be very nice.
February 19, 2009 - Cheney
Walleye - well with the warm weather spells lately
a few big males have been caught in the corner of the dam at
night with some wind some males have been around 25 in. this
is the earliest in the year i have caught walleye on the dam
there are only a few making it up there to the dam at night but
that should only increase in the next month ..good fishin ......bill
February 8, 2009 - Willow
Creek - 7th Feb - Willow Creek next to Tuttle trout
fishing was excellent. Landed 7 trout using Cast Masters and
Orange Roster Tails. Power Eggs and dough worked great. Tube
Jigs were slow but did have some luck mid afternoon. Willow is
no longer iced over and have plenty of room to get to a good
area around the lake. I hope this helps
February 3, 2009 - Question
on Santa Fe Lake - I would like some information on
Santa Fe Lake, near Augusta KS. I found the lake's website, but
how is the fishing? Looking at mostly bass, crappie, white bass,
and catfish, but what else does the lake offer? How is the crowd
of anglers vs boaters? Any info is appreciated. Thanks.
January 17, 2009 - Question
on Milford Walleye Spawn -Looking for info on the
Walleye spawn at Milford and when they start to bite there.
January 14, 2009 - Answer
to question on Cheney Walleye Spawn - If I remember
right it happens around March or whenever the water temp gets
up around 40 degrees.
January 9, 2009 - Question
on Cheney Walleye Spawn - In that Cheney lake has
had ice on it for quite a while, I am wondering if that will
effect the Walleye spawn time. I was unable last year to fish
the spawn and really hope that I don't miss this one. When do
you expect the Spawn to take place this year?
Richard Masters, an old fisherman.
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