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Kansas Fishing Report - Oct. - Dec. 2009
Submitted by Anglers Like You
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KS and OK Corps of Engineers Lake Levels
| Wichita
Lake Info
Way Rig Instructions
Fishing opportunities
in Sedgwick County thru KW&P Urban Fishing Program
Source: Kansas Anglers like you and from KWP angler blog
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Wichita Area Fishing Reports - KDWP
Video and instructions
to help prevent the spread of Zebra Mussels
Here is a list of Kansas Counties
11, 2009 - Cheney Ice Conditions - For you Ice Fishers out there. I drove down to Cheney this morning( Fri. the 11th) to check out the ice. The whole upper end was frozen, but ice was only around 2 1/2" thick. Not quite thick enough for me, or I guess, anybody else as there was not a soul in sight. The lakes further north( Wilson, Kanopolis) might be OK, but I wouldn't recommend going to Cheney just yet.---Bob
5, 2009 - Cheney Fish Photo Answer - from left to right Wiper, whitebass striper and whiteperch . by the way, the board they are laying on is 18" wide. The white bass that day were all HUGE total of white bass was 9 and they were the biggest i have ever caught in cheney. the wipers were all in the 22" range and ended up catching 13 of those, and 3 Stripers all about 22". all were in 4' water, on a 4" sassy shad. It was a great afternoon.
3, 2009 - Cheney Fish Photo Answer - The first one is a Wiper,second is a White Bass,third is a Striper and last is the White Perch. Is this correct Mike E.?
2, 2009 - Cheney Fish Photo Answer - Mike, looks as if 1st two are white bass, 3rd one is either a wiper or striper which by length versus girth looks as a striper and 4th is the best eating one,the perch which is for supper tonight. Correct?
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