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Submitted by Ned Kehde - Dec. 19, 2000
Kansan creates new lure for crappie, Bailey's
For more than a half of a century Elden Bailey has
prowled the waterways around Lawrence. Read
Complete Story
Submitted by Ned Kehde - Dec. 7, 2000
Delmar Flack of Kansas City was active in hunting
and fishing, small mouth talent was known by many
Delmar Flack died in Kansas City on the morning of
Dec. 4th, and it was a shock to those of us who gambol about
the outdoors in these parts. Read
Complete Story
Submitted by Ned Kehde - Nov. 22, 2000
Catfishing at Lake of the Ozarks gains attention
of In-Fisherman staff, Kansas lakes to receive visit in 2001
Two days before Halloween, Steve Hoffman and Rich
Eckholm drove from Brainerd, Minn., to the Lake of the Ozarks.
Their mission was to spend five days and nights in pursuit of
big blue catfish in hopes of recording a segment for the In-Fisherman
television program and garnering some photographs and stories
for In-Fisherman and Catfish In-Sider magazines. Read
Complete Story
Submitted by Ned Kehde - Nov. 9, 2000
White bass continue comeback in NE Kansas Lakes
For several years, Larry Blevins of Kansas City and
many of his fellow white bass aficiandoes have been saying that
"the white bass in these parts are in a world of hurt."
Read Complete Story
Submitted by Ned Kehde - Nov. 9, 2000
River angler shows lake angler the ropes
Across northeastern Kansas, there are catfish anglers
who ply rivers and those who probe lakes, and seldom does the
twain meet.
But such a meeting occurred on Oct. 19, when Mike Smith of
Lawrence and Renee Shumway of Topeka spent an afternoon afloat
on the Kansas River near Eudora. And Shumway showed Smith some
of the ropes. Read Complete Story
Submitted by Ned Kehde - Nov. 9, 2000
White bass resurgence at Perry attracts Missouri
The other day my nephew Roger Kehde of Sedalia, Mo.,
made his annual piscatorial journey to these parts. His quest
was to tangle with the white bass that normally congregate in
Perry Lake's Rock Creek arm every autumn. Read
Complete Story
Submitted by Ned Kehde - Nov. 9, 2000
October brings mixed results for anglers
in Northeast Kansas lakes this year
In crappie and walleye circles hereabouts, October can be the
most trying of times. David Schmitdlein, a superb crappie angler
from Topeka, says he can't make up his mind whether October or
March is the worst month to be a crappie fisherman. Read
Complete Story
Submitted by Ned Kehde - Nov. 9, 2000
Richard Gebhardt uses time tested methods in
his tournament fishing, but sometimes has to be philosophical
Richard Gebhardt lives a stone's throw from the banks of the
Missouri River, and he has plied its currents and tributaries
for catfish for almost a half of a century. Read
Complete Story
Submitted by Ned Kehde - September 15 2000
Biologists call it eutrophication. And this inexorable
condition is happening at Perry Lake at a rather rapid rate.
Read Complete Story
Submitted by Ned Kehde - September 12, 2000
In angling circles hereabouts, the summer of
2000 will be remembered for years to come as summer of the spoon.
Read Complete Story
My wife, Pat, began our annual stay at
Lake Ossawinnamakee in the north woods of Minnesota just as she
ended last year's visit. Read
Complete Story
Submitted by Ned Kehde - August 30, 2000
Some say Minnesota has the finest
smallmouth bass fishing in the country
Little Falls, Minn. -- A small cadre of knowledgeable
anglers hereabouts contends that some sections of the Mississippi
River that course through Crow Wing, Morrison, Benton, Stearns,
Sherburne and Wright counties in central Minnesota contain the
finest smallmouth bass fishing in the world. Read
Complete Story
Submitted by Ned Kehde - August 29, 2000
Transplanted Missourian says KWP could do some
things better in management of Kansas fishing
According to Jeff Gabel's best recollections, his piscatorial
baptism occurred at the James River arm of Table Rock Lake, Missouri,
in 1968. That was the year his family moved from California into
the heart of the Ozarks. And ever since that first trip to the
water's edge, Gabel has been afflicted with a passion for angling.
In fact, it burns so intensely that Gabel maintains that he could
fish at least 300 days a year, and there are times when he thinks
he could even fish more than that. Read
Complete Story
Submitted by Ned Kehde - August 3, 2000
Until several weeks ago, many white bass anglers in these parts
had been plagued for months with a sour taste in their mouths
and dolor dispositions.
Part of this problem stemmed from columnaris, a bacterial
infection, that
killed thousands of white bass in June of 1999. Read
Complete Story
Submitted by Ned Kehde - July 25, 2000
For decades, the Schmidtleins have been a fixture on the Clinton,
Perry and Pomona lakes.
In total there are 66 Schmidtleins in Topeka, led by the patriarch,
Ben, and the matriarch, Louise. Both of the elder Schmidtleins
are ardent anglers, which is why fishing is often a family affair.
Read Complete Story
Submitted by Ned Kehde - July 18, 2000
Some folks in the angling world contend that the first decade
of the new millennium will be the province of catfish fisherman.
During the last decades of the 20th Century, bass and walleye
anglers were the kings. Before that it was the trout fisherman's
One reason for this burgeoning interest in catfish rest with
the efforts of Richard Gebhardt of Glasgow, Mo. On December 7,1999,
Gebhardt and several others founded the World Wide Catfish Anglers
Tournament Series. Read Complete
Submitted by Ned Kehde - July 16, 2000
Northeast Kansas
What a windy spring and early summer it was in these parts.
Some folks assumed that it was a byproduct of all the climatic
changes that revolve around La Nina and the advent of global
warming. Then others pooh-poohed all the global-warming theories,
saying the winds are typical meteorological phenomenon that periodically
come and eventually go. Read Complete
Submitted by Ned Kehde - July 15, 2000
These anglers prove hot weather fishing can be
In the minds of a tiny cadre of fishermen in northeastern
Kansas, the best fishing of the summer doesn't arrive until the
heat index surpasses the 100-degree mark. And the best days are
the ones that are so hot and breezeless that the jet skiers,
recreational boaters and other half-hearted souls are kept at
bay. Read Complete Story
Submitted by Ned Kehde - June 30, 2000
Emporia angler overcomes medical problems
and continues to fish on a regular basis
For the last two years, as long as the weather isn't extremely
unruly, Roy Benjamin of Emporia has been catching fish galore.
And that's a miracle.
For there was a fairly long spell during the past 19 years
when the battery of doctors who were continually poking at and
examining a variety of Benjamin's vital organs wouldn't have
given him a ghost of a chance to be alive today. And if he were
alive, his existence would be so encumbered by so many life-support
systems that it would be impossible for him fish. Read
Complete Story
Submitted by Ned Kehde - June 21, 2000
The Bivin's Touch
Even the first ghost light of the morning was exceedingly bright.
In the midst of this unearthly radiance, the volume of the songbirds'
choruses sounded crisper and more intense than ever before
By the time the sun lifted off the eastern horizon, the beauty
of its hot
apricot glow was beyond most mortals' descriptive abilities.
Then at 10
a.m. it turned brighter and shinier than a new dime. And from
horizon to
horizon, the sky cast a spellbinding ultramarine hue. Read
Complete Story
Submitted by Ned Kehde - June 6, 2000
World Wide Catfish Anglers Tournament Series
rolled into town on June 3 and began setting the stage for their
tournament on June 4 at Clinton Lake.
Several participants arrived earlier in the week and commenced
scouting the disposition and whereabouts of the channel cats.
The team of John Thompson of Ottawa and Sid Gonce of Lawrence
started fishing on June 1 and battled a hot, harsh wind that
angled out of the south. And despite the wind, they caught channel
cats aplenty by employing congealed chicken blood in about two
to three feet of water on rocky shorelines that were littered
with logs and brush. Read Complete
Submitted by Ned Kehde - June 1, 2000
For some, what goes around, comes around
Once upon a time the best bass anglers in these parts
primarily fished farm ponds. Occasionally they would take a trek
to a community lake, such as Lone Star Lake or Wynadotte County
Lake, or the strip pits in Linn County. But day in and day out
they preferred to sashay along the shoreline of a small pond
situated in the middle of a pasture or in the midst of a wooded
ravine. Read Complete Story
Submitted by Ned Kehde - May 30, 2000
The most splendid fishing of the spring erupted
at the big lakes in these parts a few days before
the Memorial Day Weekend. Until then, it had been a sporadic
affair: one good day intermixed with four difficult ones. During
those erratic spells, many anglers despaired that the spring
fishing would never fully bloom, and for some of them, it never
did. Read Complete Story
Submitted by Ned Kehde - May 30, 2000
Holiday Bass Fishing
Kevin Davis possesses an uncanny knack for alluring Clinton Lake's
largemouth bass. There are, for instance, many four-hours outing
in a course of a year when he catches and releases l5 bass, and
regularly one of those bronze creatures exceeds five pounds in
weight. That is quite a feat, because Clinton's bass population
is meager indeed. Read Complete
Submitted - May 20, 2000
To call Steve Hoffman an ardent and talented
catfish angler might be an understatement. In fact,
he has been described as intelligent, meticulous, inventive,
adaptable, tenacious, industrious, astute, enthusiastic, inquisitive,
respectful, skillful and patient. And that is quite a string
of superlatives to attach to a cat fisherman who is only 32 years
old. Read Complete Story
Submitted - May 8, 2000
The Bass Corridor - Ned Kehde warns
about development in the northeast Kansas area. Read
Complete Story
Submitted - May 8, 2000
Upon the arrival of May's new moon, thousands
of crappie magically appeared upon the warm rocky
banks at Perry Lake and stump-laden shores of Clinton and Hillsdale
lakes, being driven by their urge to procreate. Read
Complete Story
Submitted - May 4, 2000
It wasn't the best of spring days
for Gary Van Pielt of Frontanec and Renee Shumway of Topeka to
launch their new Riverbottoms Guide Service on the Kansas River,
but this river will test the resolve of its anglers during the
finest of times. Read Complete
Submitted - April 26, 2000
This is a tale of two bass fishermen
who have battled this spring's continuous onslaught of windy
weather and caught some fish. Read
Complete Story
Submitted - April 17, 2000
Fickleness is the nature of weather
during the early weeks of spring. Such unstable weather always
fouls the fishing and puts anglers in a petulant state. Read
Complete Story
Submitted - April 17, 2000
April Fool's Day didn't dawn according
to Mike Cook's best-scripted plans. Read
Complete Story
Submitted - April 15, 2000
Since March 7, a woe-is-I complex
has afflicted the white bass anglers all across northeastern
Kansas. Read Complete Story
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