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To Catch A Catfish
Submitted by: William Valitus
The lake I live on has the biggest, smartest Catfish
that exist in any body
of water on the face of the earth. There have been sightings
of these
gargantuan monsters erupting from the surface of the water to
snatch aquatic
birds in flight. The local canine population will not venture
within ten
feet of the lake. The Catfish have been seen devouring ducks,
pelicans, and
any other living thing that ventured into their domain. They
even chased
swimmers out of the beach areas, showing a definite preference
for the
female of the species. These Catfish evolved to the point where
they have
acquired the smarts to shun any bait that had a hook in it. Read complete story
Read a poem
about a flathead caught at Harlan County Dam
in Nebraska
Submitted February 18, 2001
From a catfisherman
Thanks for the great site. I am solely a channel cat
fisherman. I have been for the past 3 summers. I had great fishing
on Ninnescah river north of Cheney Res. near Fred's bait shop
in early June with all the rains we had. I have yet to go to
Cheney Res. to do any catfishing yet. I also go to Harvey County
East lake quite often and usually manage 5 or 6 stocker size
channels. Lake Afton is also an excellent catfishing lake. In
May of 2000 I caught 3 blue cats there. 5-7lbs. each. I haven't
gone there for at least a month now though. I finally gained
access to a private pond near Kingman and it is incredible. Largest
channel was 12lbs. with average catch 3-4 lbs. I solely use Sonny's
Super Sticky blood formula dip bait. Zeiner's sells it. I do
switch to nightcrawlers if conditions call for that.
Submitted February 18, 2001
A Weekend at Cedar Bluff
C. A. "Ms Bellyboater" Riley
As with most of their fishin'/campin' outings, Larry, Cheryl
and John looked forward to their first trip to Cedar Bluff reservoir
with much anticipation. Word around here was that that was the
place to go for great black bass fishing. The "3-F Club"--
Float (tube) Fishin' Fanatics--had enjoyed a few years of floating
around together chasing big black bass and they just had
to get up there and check it out. About that same time, business
demands suddenly forced John to relocate to Kentucky. The 3-F'ers
decided the only thing to do was to spend their last outing together
at fabled Cedar Bluff lake. Read
Complete Story
Submitted Febrary 19, 2001
Trip to Wilson helps a bit
Made a trip to Lake Wilson yesterday in hopes of curing
my spring fever. The lake had iced back up from the last time
I was there, with more ice than open water. The lucas park area
appeared to be open so I ventured to that side of the lake soon
finding a large snow drift blocking my path, it didn't look so
large until I became stuck in it. With several attempts I managed
to get free and proceeded with more caution than before. I did
find a place off lucus point to fish. With the sun in my face
and the slight wind at my back I fished for several hours only
to get two small bites. Fishless days are certainly not my favorite
but while I was fishing I enjoyed the company of a flock of mallards,
several gulls looking for an easy meal, the quail whistling there
tune all around me, and a family of coyotes singing there song
in the distance! Other than the wildlife I had the whole lake
to myself, I enjoyed the solitude, the warm spring day, and just
being alive! Who says fishing is just about catching fish? Jack
Hoskinson Madd Jack Striper Guide
Follow Madd Jack's Fishing Reports in Reports
from Kansas Anglers
Submitted by Ned Kehde - June 21, 2000
The Bivin's Touch
Even the first ghost light of the morning was exceedingly bright.
In the midst of this unearthly radiance, the volume of the songbirds'
choruses sounded crisper and more intense than ever before
By the time the sun lifted off the eastern horizon,
the beauty of its hot
apricot glow was beyond most mortals' descriptive abilities.
Then at 10
a.m. it turned brighter and shinier than a new dime. And from
horizon to
horizon, the sky cast a spellbinding ultramarine hue. Read
Complete Story
Read More of Ned Kehde's
Tuesday, July 6, 1999 -
Submitted By Jim Zeiner- It's no big one by any means, but
I had a lot of fun catching it. My wife Deb and I spent the holiday
weekend fishing and relaxing. I had been catching small bass
and crappie on a chartreuse Swim Tail as we worked the grass
along the banks. When this cat took the lure, I got exc ited
thinking maybe my luck had changed. Even though it wasn't a whopper,
I had Deb take a photo of it since we hadn't been catching anything
any larger. She and a friend of hers from Ohio had been casting
into the grass with plastic worms and working them back to the
boat. I stuck with the Swim Tail because I figured it's better
to catch fish, even small ones, than it is to not catch any.
The evening before I caught a number of crappie
with a smoke glitter Swim Tail. That color always produces for
me when the sun goes down and after dark. It will work while
a brighter color fails to in the low light conditions.
Catching fish on unconventional baits
By Sue Tigard
Last year on Mother's Day I received a gift I had
wanted for three years. It was a new rod and reel with 15-pound
test line. I could not wait to try it out. Read
The Story (Published in Spring 1996 Kansas Angler)
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