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Hey Mr. Flathead I know you're hiding in those deep dark holes.
But here I come with my mighty Henry pole.
It's dark and spooky along those river banks.
But sooner or later you're going to take my bait.
Yes the fight is on, my reel singing my favorite song.
Pulling and tugging down the river you go.
But I'm going to fight you from head to toe.
Now you're trying to bend my hook, and bust my line.
I'm sorry Mr. Flathead it's not happening this time.
Who really won this fight tonight?
When you look at my picture I'm standing to his right.
Tired, sore beat up and bruised.
Now this Mr. Flathead made front page news.
God Bless
Good fishing
Marty Henry
I caught this beauty on a bullhead 1988
Harlan County Dam. Nebraska