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This started off by being an applied science project in school
linked to fishing for predatory species. I am happy for anyone
to try it out. It takes some preparation but is worth the experiment.
You can use it for river, lake or sea fishing from a bank, beach,
pier or boat. Use the strongest line you have for dragging. Have
a camera to get evidence of your catch.
get your meat stock cubes - the red varieties are the best imitation
of the fluids that leak from wounded prey. They are much cheaper
if bought in the large boxes and cost even less if you can get
them put on someone else's shopping list.
You also need a pair of tights or stockings so
ask nicely - particularly if someone is wearing them at the time!
Cut the tights/stockings up into 10cm (4in) squares
and put them onto a flat surface.
Take the foil wrapping off of each stock cube being
careful not to crumble it and place one centrally onto each square
of the tights/stockings.
Tie the four corners of the material together into
a firm knot - a test of your dexterity - you may need to use
bigger squares at first and trim them up afterwards.
Then tie a length of line inside the knot of each
lure bag leaving plenty of spare to attach to the eye on your
lure. Store your bags in a waterproof and crushproof container.
When you are ready to fish attach a bag to the
eye of your lure making sure that you tie the knot so that a
used bag can be easily removed from the eye but cannot slip off
during movement underwater. A pair of fine scissors will useful
to do the cutting during bag changing. Dispose of used bags and
line responsibly please - not into the water or onto the site.
Keep safe - wear a lifejacket if you are fishing
on or by deep water. Keep yourself warm and waterproof. Do not
fish on your own - it is safer with others. Let someone know
where you are going and have a means of contacting him or her.