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Kansas Walleye Association
Entry Fee - $80.00 KWA Members
Entry Fee - $100.00 Non-Members
Membership: $35.00, $20 each additional family
Walleye Association Web Site
May 17th, 2009
Cheney Walleye Tournament
May 31st, 2009
El Dorado Walleye Tournament
June 7th, 2009
Marion Walleye Tournament
June 14th, 2009
Milford Walleye Tournament
June 28th, 2009
Wilson Walleye Tournament
July 11th & 12th, 2009
Melvern Walleye Tournament
The Kansas Walleye Association (KWA) was
founded in 1986 by Dan Norris and his wife Marlene. The original
membership was small a group of friends who enjoyed fishing.
However, from the very first season, the Association grew in
membership. Today the KWA boasts approximately 225 members.
Each spring and summer, the KWA hosts a series
of six tournaments in lakes across Kansas. The average number
of participants is 160 for each tournament. A pre-meeting is
held the evening before each tournament to acquaint all teams
with the rules and regulations for the tournament and to provide
a social atmosphere to visit with friends and acquaintances.
The last tournament pre-meeting of the season includes a family
KWA Members earn points for each tournament fished.
The championship team for the season and the top twenty teams
are recognized at an annual awards banquet held in February of
the following year.
In addition to the fun of competitive tournament
fishing, the KWA offers a chance to meet other walleye anglers
from across Kansas as well as competitors from surrounding states.
Since its inception, the group has promoted walleye conservation
and has introduced next generations of Kansas anglers to the
challenges of walleye fishing. As an example, the Association
has for 11 years assisted the Kansas Department of Wildlife and
Parks with the raising of walleye fry for release in area lakes
and reservoirs. Association members provide a free labor resource
for this state agency in order to make its conservation effort
The members of the KWA are bound together by their
common interest in improving their angling skills and competing
with other Kansas anglers through a series of six (6) fishing
tournaments held in the spring and early summer of each year
in Kansas. The tournaments allow for much fellowship and many
lasting friendships have been forged through the years from these
events. Among the various combinations of teams are father-son
teams, husbands-wife teams, and grandparent-grandchild teams.
The Kansas Walleye Association, founded by an avid
husband and wife fishing team, has remained true to its original
objective to provide a fun, friendly and family atmosphere
for competitive fishing.
We want to invite you to become a part of the KWA
family in 2008.
Walleye Association Web Site
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