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Kansas Reports from Hunters
November 9, 2013 - Hunting close to Sylvan Grove - went bird hunting around sylvan grove. seen 1 cock and 4 hens, 1 rabbit. not much this year again. I talked to 4 groups of hunters, and they did not see anything. I did hear a total of 8 shots for a half day. maybe Kansas should close the season temporary
November 16, 2011 - Hunting at Cheney - I have only posted in the fishing section before but I wanted to share this. Went bird hunting around Cheney lake on opening day Saturday. I took my 3 young kids with me to make thing interesting. They had never been hunting before so I was really wanting them to see something. I first took them to a spot on the east side where I have seen quail several times before. We found nothing. Headed to a second spot on the east side where I has also seen quail in the past. Nothing there either other than LOTS of other hunters. I began thinking we wouldn't get anything because there were a lot of people around. I took the kids to a place where they could shoot their BB gun at some old cans and they had a blast! I told them I had one more spot to try where I had seen a couple pheasant last year. We walked and walked and then finally... a pheasant got up right under my feet! I missed the first shot but got it on the second one. It was a really long shot and I was shocked to see it falling to the ground. We were all so happy! What a great way to end a morning of hunting! Hopefully people start posting here more! Thanks!
Greg in Derby
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