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Colorado Fishing Reports from 2008
Submitted by Anglers Like You
Please help fellow anglers by emailing
your report.
It will be featured in this section.
We've had a request for reports on
Golden Pond, Pela Crossing & Lageman Reservoir.
Also had requests for reports on Lemon Reservoir, Bayfield, Colorado.
If you fish those waters or any others for that matter, please
email us some
 November 20,
2008 - Lake north of Denver - Caught
this bass a little lake just north of Denver , a town called
Thornton . The weather was 29 at night and 72 mid day. The past
week or so I have been catching one or two big fish on spinner
baits or rattle traps. Normally the lakes are frozen over this
late in the year. Have been taking advantage of this as well
have the bass. Thanks for letting me share my story with you
Matt L
September 14, 2008 - Arvada
Reservoir - Concerning Catfish. We have had some great
fishing in the evening out there for catfish this year. A lot
of them are from 21" to 33" and it keeps a lot of people
coming back. We are on our new hours of 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. We also
ample supply of trout and bass. Come and check us out.
Bev, a ranger
August 9, 2008 - Jefferson
Lake - Fished Jefferson Lake, Colorado, above Jefferson
on highway 285; 15 minutes northwest of Bailey, in the South
Park basin area on Friday, August 8, 2008, from 6am - 12pm. Foggy,
very cool, with light breeze. Casted from very rocky shore just
below picnic area on slight rocky point. Caught two 15"
rainbows on night crawlers within first 45 minutes, likely chasing
stocker fingerlings for their breakfast. After that, four more
rainbows 10-12" over the next five hours. Beautiful quiet
place to fish; postcard picturesque mountains surround this glacial
lake. We were the only ones until about 9am, then it became busier
with bellyboats, pairs, and a few families on near side of lake.
Far side is vacant of people. No motorized boats allowed and
there is a $5 per day entrance fee. For best action, get there
by day-break, self-pay, and take a jacket. This is a good place
for pre-teens to practice and get excited.
- rolfecat
August 6, 2008 - Belaire
Lake - Fished Belaire Lake next to the campground
in Red Feathers, Colorado on Sunday, July 27 from 2pm - 6pm.
Caught 4, 15" rainbow trout. Many strikes. Lots of people
at this lake because of the proximity to the campground, many
small children, families, and many loud talkers. If you're here
to catch fish, have fun with the kids, and admire the beauty,
it's a good spot. If you are here for tranquility, go elsewhere.
- rolfecat
July 8, 2008 - Need tips
for catfish in Denver area - Looking for some tips
on where to find catfish in the denver metro area with any decent
rate of success. Any help would be appreciated.
July 8, 2008 - Pella Crossing
- Fished there Wed. Thurs. & Fri. Did my best
on Wed. in the afternoon til dark. 8 small mouth best one 15"
. Thrur. Afternoon til dark 5-6 small mouth all about 8-10"
and took my kids mid-day Fri. and they had success for Blue gills
and Perch all little ones. Wed. and Thurs. I took the bass on
either a black worm or black grub fished slow and twitched. Had
no success on bass Fri. but the kids kept me busy with the Gills
and Sunnies.
Woody from Berthoud.
Just an FYI there is a CAT FISH night at the fairgrounds
pond in Longmont on Aug. 6th I believe (may need to visit the
Boulder Parks web site for more info) worms and stink bait allowed.
Should be a good night to take the kids out.
June 24, 2008 - Walden
area in North Park Colorado.
We hit Cowdry on June 13th at 5:00pm. I was surprised
at the moss growth already. We fished from shore with bait and
tried some wading throwing lures. Didn't get a bite. There were
a few folks in boats (2) who picked up a few.
The following morning we went up to Big Creek. There were lots
of campers. We wanted to hit the day use area but it was still
closed. There was a 4 ft drift across the road and the gates
were closed. We went to the west shore and tried bait, a few
bites but no fish. I then waded out and started throwing a spoon.
Caught maybe 25 with in a couple hours. They were all in the
10" to 14" range. We decided to walk in at the day
use area and hiked in to the boat ramp. We both waded in at the
boat ramp and threw lures. We caught about a dozen in the 12"
To 14" range, all Rainbows.
June 15th we hit Cowdry again about 7:00am. Fished lures and
bait. Caught 1 18" Rainbow. Again a few of the boaters were
bringing in fish. I was surprised there were no bellyboaters.
Saw lots of fish rising. Left about noon with only the 1 fish
Dave & Dar
June 21, 2008 - Answer
to Crappie Question - an angler recently posted a
question about fishing for crappie in colorado.
I've recently caught my limit every time I went
to Beckwith Reservoir and they've been .75 to 1.5 lb crappie.
Location was right near the main lake regulations sign. lures
used were a black/red pistol pete fished slowly behind a float
and a white/silver roadrunner spinner jig, which also produced
a decent-sized largemouth.
another man caught his limit quickly using a fly
rod. so, flies on either a spinning rod/float or fly rod will
easily produce crappie off the dropoff shelving near the main
Beckwith Reservoir regulations sign. anyone that wishes can email
me at fretking@msn.com for any questions regarding fishing in
southern/mid colorado and I'll try to help.
Dameon Mullins
May 27, 2008 - Vallecito
- I apologize for the delay in my report!! We went
out to Vallecito Reservoir on the 16-19, we only fished two of
the 4 days, but the fishing was pretty good! We caught mainly
Rainbows ranging in the 12-16 inch area, but to our surprise
we brought in some salmon, same range of size. All of them were
taken trolling, we tried several colors of spinners, copper,
silver, green and silver all seemed to work. We caught nothing
bait fishing or just chucking and winding.
I will be going out there again this weekend, 5/30-6/2,
I will send another after that trip as well. Have a great day!!
PS - They are having a fishing tournament
at Vallecito this weekend, if you need more info about it, call
Trent Sanders at 970-769-0309, I believe he is the one running
it! If you do indeed call him, would you be so kind to let him
know that I had you call him?? Thank you, until next time
Craig Buster
April 10, 2008 - Cherry
Creek Reservoir - I have been fishing at Cherry Creek
Res. for the past 3 weekends and have been getting multiple strikes
and releases of good 1lb and 2lb trout by the west boat ramp
directly east of the swim beach have been just fishing the bottom
with an 18" leader and a nightcrawler have been producing
numbers of fish and thrown back tons of stockers. Have had a
limit of 4 trout everyday within 4 hours never more than that.
I am planning on going to Estes Lake this weekend
and will post on my results.
Jason Cooper
April 1, 2008 - Cherry
Creek Reservoir - The rainbows have been biting like
crazy over by the swim beach and directly east of there. In fact
we haven't had one dry day in the last 3 weeks. We have had some
great luck with night crawlers, especially when we use some garlic
attractant and float them off the bottom about 9-12 inches.
We are planning on stopping by Eleven Mile for one last ice fishing
trip before spring (I'll let you know how it goes). The great
folks at the Eleven Mile Store told me they still have 36 inches
as of today.
March 31, 2008 - Clear
Creek - last weekend I fished Clear Creek @ high way
6th and highway 58 right under the bridge... pulled out a few
rainbow stockers on a black and gold fly... figured i would drop
a line considering that its that time a year again for the reports
to be coming back up...
also... fished bear creek resv. night crawlers are getting nailed
at all times of the day along with the normal eggs and green
and rainbow power bait for the trout
March 14, 2008 - Crappie
Question - I am a crappie fanatic and I am from Florida,
I am looking for good places to fish for crappie here in Colorado
and so far I have not had any luck. Can you please suggest some
good places to try
Editor's note: If you have any suggestions,
please email them
to us and we will post them on this page.
March 9, 2008 - Valco
Ponds - I'm in Colorado for a Military TDY and had
an opportunity to fish in the Valco Ponds below the Pueblo Reservoir
Dam. There was an incoming weather front and the fishing was
slow. I did not see anyone else catching any fish, but I was
able to catch a few. I caught two bass on a silver/blue Rat-L-Trap
and managed to snag some sort of carp. I had another, larger
fish on but it got off before I could get a look at it. The fish
I caught were on the bottom in 5-6ft of water. Hopefully next
weekend will be a little nicer.
January 28, 2008 - Cherry
Creek Reservoir - Fishing right now at Cherry Creek
reservoir has been great. The rainbows are biting. Ice in most
places is 12 to 15 inches thick. We found that salmon eggs are
working best right now. I would also recommend fishing over the
hazards in the reservoir, they are easily found by locating the
tops of the buoys.
Good luck and be careful, its been warm here the last 3 days.
January 3, 2008 - Antero
Reservoir Hello just thought I would share some info
regarding Antero Reservoir in South Park Colorado. Fishing for
large trout through the ice has been good, a recent trip yielded
some large fish landed and large fish lost. Bring a varity of
baits and jigs such as salmon eggs, pink colored jigs, meal worms
and corn grubs try cast masters in gold with small pink jigs
below the cast master with about 10 " of line between the
2. Some hits with jigging some with just leaving still. Fish
are big I hooked one in the 8lb range so if you plan on keeping
the fish might want to bring a gaf. Very fun fights on light
Have a great time fishing--
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