Fishing Photo Gallery
Send in your photographs to be included in The Kansas Angler
Photo Gallery. You may email them or
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The Kansas Angler / 328 Broadway / Cottonwood Falls, KS 66845
If you are in Wichita, you may drop them off at
Zeiner's Angler Supply at 737 S. Washington #6.
New photographs are added at the top.
Hints for taking better photos
of your catch
August 14, 2013 - Cale Cheney of Wichita, KS , member of Sandhills Jr. Bassmasters with his bass caught on 8-13-13.
November 8, 2011 - 2011 Bass - 
August 11, 2011 - Mined Land Area SEK (Missed these when they were submitted earlier - Caught April 17, Mined Lined Area, Southeast Kansas.
December 6, 2010 - Fort Scott Pond - Garret Murphy with his four pound Largemouth Bass caught from a Fort Scott, KS pond December 4, 2010 using a Black and yellow Beetle Spin lure.
October 24, 2010 - Farm Pond - This is Clayce Roland Dow of Shawnee Ks and his "keeper" large mouth caught on a farm pond on 10/22/2010. Submitted by John V. Dow of Leawood, Ks(grandfather)
  October 15, 2010 - Private Pond - I caught this largemouth bass in July 2010. We weren't sure if this would be a state record or not, but he was HUGE. I almost broke my pole trying to reel him in. I caught him using fake bait, at the pond at my friend's house. We named him Fishosaurusrex because of how big he is. We estimate he was at least 12lbs.
Caitie Hilton -- Lawrence, KS
11, 2009 - Wilson County farm pond - Wilson County farm pond July 30, 09 jig & pig.
8, 2009 - Lake near Burden - Here is a picture of a 22" 6lb large mouth that I caught on a lake near Burden Ks. The fish was caught by Dave Bean while fishing with his uncle Eldon Schniepp and son Julian Bean. This fish was caught in the morning on a 4" tube bait. They always look like the weigh more than they do. We released the fish to be caught another day. We also caught another 20" bass that was skinny and only weighed 4 lbs.
8, 2009 - Wilson County Pond - June
1 My buddy and I put on a Wilson County pond about 2 hours
before sunset. The wind was about 15-20 mph. My buddy was running
the trolling motor and it kept him pretty busy since I forgot
the rudder to stabilize the back of the boat. In spite of that
he put me on this real nice bass that hit a Tiki Wave worm right
on the edge of a drop about 8 foot from the bank. What a brute!
very strong fish! As always the fish was released to fight another
12, 2009 - Farm Pond near Dephos - This
was a 9 pound 1 ounce large mouth 24 inches long caught out of
a small farm pond caught it on a inline spinner this year on
march 8th near delphos kansas
20, 2008 - Lake north of Denver - Caught
this bass a little lake just north of Denver , a town called
Thornton . The weather was 29 at night and 72 mid day. The past
week or so I have been catching one or two big fish on spinner
baits or rattle traps. Normally the lakes are frozen over this
late in the year. Have been taking advantage of this as well
have the bass. Thanks for letting me share my story with you
Matt L
27, 2008 - Farm Pond Fishing - I
know farm pond reports don't help others catch fish at the same
body of water, but I will talk more about the day then anything.
It was right when we got the cool front in and the weather was
pristine. The clouds all around. I had the day off and decided
to hit up my farm pond that isn't too far away. I pond was completely
calm so I knew I had to keep a calm approach while wading. I
played around with some spinnerbaits and stick baits and was
catching some small bass and then I moved to the main like and
went to a black jitterbug. It's definately a big bass bait and
small bass tend to smack it as well. Here are the two fish I
caught that are worth showing off. Topping over five pounds and
one hitting 5.5lbs. The biggest wasn't too far from shore and
the other was more to the middle of the lake. Finally caught
some nice fish.
23, 2008 - Farm Pond west of Hutchinson
- This 5# Largemouth Bass was caught by my son, Connor
Ogburn. Connor caught this Bass at a farm pond west of Hutchinson
, Ks, on 07192008, which happened to be the day of his 7th birthday
party. Connor caught this fish using a 3'' mister twister. We
both caught numerous Bass in the 2-3 pound range, but the one
pictured was the biggest of the day.
23, 2008 - Private Pond in Shawnee, Kansas
9 lbs. 24inches. Largemouth Bass caught in our
private pond in Shawnee, KS
6inch plastic slugo just a few feet from shore
Date: Saturday June 21st around 11:00AM
Angler: Duane Bayless
21, 2008 - Southeast Kansas Private Lake
- She caught this giant largemouth on Saturday 4/19.
It was caught on a small private lake in southeast Kansas. She
was using spinning tackle and a red and white Chatterbait. We
didn't have scales with us so we're not exactly sure on the weight.
I would guess somewhere between 8-10 pounds. She measured 24"
long and 18" around. Just wanted to show everyone you don't
have to go to Texas to catch a lunker!
Jason Rawlings
 March 16, 2008
- Lake Fork - Submitted by Lake Fork Guide Trips - (Photos
- Jeff with 8-8 bass caught March 15 and tom with 8-12 caught
on March 3)
May 20,
2007 - Lake Belton - I caught
that fish out of Lake Belton in Texas, it weighed in at 8lbs
9oz 24 1/2 inches. We were fishing out of my dad's bass boat
and I caught him on a pumpkin seed worm.
4, 2007 - Creek Bass - Caught
out of a creek. 61/2 pounds. Caught 16, five over five pounds,
two over six.
 May 15, 2006 - Kansas
Bass Pix - Dan Nelson, 11lb,7oz and 9lb,10oz. bass
caught on March 13th 2006
2, 2006 - Big Hill - A
19" small mouth bass from the banks of Big Hill Lake, last
Thursday (4-25-06) near dusk. Caught by Stacy Reeves using a
Storm 4" chartreuse "Wildeye" minnow. Except for
a few crappie, this fellow was all that was caught for an after
work run to the lake that evening. Of course there was also one
that got away.... and he was "this big!"
May 7, 2006 - Anthony
area private pond - On April 20th this year my oldest
boy (Tanner, 8 years old) and I were doing some after work fishing
on a private pond here in Anthony, KS and were just about done
for the evening. We were on our way back towards the vehicle
and casting in as we were leaving. He was using a 4" long
plastic lizard for a lure and cast in one last time. I saw his
pole bend and a big ball of moss, so I just assumed he was stuck
on it. I had told him to get it unhooked, until I saw all the
splashing. I knew he'd caught something other than debris. I
cranked in my poll, ran to him, but let him reel it in all by
himself. Here's the picture of the proud angler with his catch
weighing in at 6 pounds. I was very proud of him, and we've frozen
the fish and plan on having it mounted for him.
February 28, 2006 - Kingman County - Beautiful weather
again. Pablo and I went to Kingman Lake for some early season
Water still a little cool but it will warm up quickly if this
weather holds. Caught a total of 3 bass on a 5/16 ounce blue
and black jig&pig. We had to work for them but sure was fun.
Tried spinnerbaits, plastic lizards, worms, crawdad cranks but
they wouldn't hit them. Jig & pig is hard to beat in these
cool water conditions. Looking forward to getting out again.
 December 23, 2005 - Lake
Fork - Submitted
by Lake Fork Guide Trips - Best wishes to all in the
coming New Year and may the blessings of good health, prosperity,
and big bass be visited upon you in 2006. Photo is of Ann holding
a 7 lb red Rat-L-Trap bass. I'm attaching a pic of Kevin with
a 6 lb'er from Fork. I figure 1/2 of your Kansas visitors will
like and 1/2 may not. ;)
26, 2005 - Sedgwick County Park
- Oct 26, 2005 Caught very nice Wipers 7 to 8 pounds
at Sedgewick County Park and approximately 50 largemouth bass.
Very good fishing day
Jay Southern
22, 2005 - Uncle Courtney Gammon and
I went fishing at Lakepoint at Big Daddy Pond one day and
I, Christopher Castrisos, was fishing with a plastic minnow lure
and I caught a huge bass. In the water, there are chemicals,
so clean fish properly.
22, 2005 - Lake Fork - Submitted by Lake Fork Guide Trips - (Picture
of Michelle Redfearn with a 7 pounder)
 August 6-7, 2005 Falcon
- Submitted
by Larry Bridgeman - Tournament Report - McAllen Bass
Anglers: Twenty of McAllen's finest fishermen brought their
rigs and reels to Falcon State Park last weekend to contest their
August Tournament. The big bass of 7 lbs 6 Oz was caught by Abel
Garcia (left photo) who had 2nd heavy stringer of 17 lbs 12 oz
for the two-day event. The heavy stringer was caught by Eddie
Kucia (right photo with a 5-10) weighing 18.01 Oz. The conservation-
minded club had reduced this to a three-fish daily limit tournament
in consideration of the hot weather. Altogether, 20 fishermen
caught 88 bass weighing 219 lbs 13 Oz. There were 6 fish caught
over 5 lbs and eight patch fish (over 4 lbs) weighed-in by Anglers.
July 20, 2005 - Lake
Fork - Submitted
by Lake Fork Guide Trips - Picture of Brian Troutman
with me on 7/14, with one over 7 and another nice one. Maybe
he should change his name to Bassman??)
 July 19, 2005 - Vic's
Lake Wichita - Here's a couple more photo's of recent
'catches' by Gary Neal from Vic's Lake, Sedgwick County Park,
he asked me to send for posting in the Bragging Corner.
8, 2005 - Southeast Kansas farm
ponds and watershed - June 3-5 - We had three different
storm fronts and all the rain to deal with which made the ponds
dingy but still caught some nice bass. Not much good top water
action. Plastic worms and lizards texas-rigged accounted for
most of the bass, in particular the 4" pumpkin and chartruese
Yum-dinger which caught this bass. A larger bass was hooked on
a black / red tandem willowleaf spinnerbait but came off the
hook as I was trying to lip him at the bank. So my son will never
let me forget this! He will have to get his own Yum-dingers from
now on.
Denny G.
 June 5, 2005 - Vic's
Lake Wichita - Photos of recent bass catches at the
Sedgwick County Park. Vic's Lake, specifically.
 April 4, 2005 - Lake
Fork - Submitted
by Lake Fork Guide Trips - Photos are of Karl and Mike
Cotton, a father and son combo that both caught a 9.5 lb bass
on the same day, 4/1. It was April Fools day on the bass instead
of the anglers for a change!
 March 22, 2005 - Lake
Fork - Submitted
by Lake Fork Guide Trips - Photos are of 13 year old Andrew
Giles with a 6 and 7 lb bass.
22, 2005 - Falcon - Submitted by Larry Bridgeman - Photo is a
10.23 lb bass caught by Tom Pursell prefishing for Texas Classic
Bass Club tournament.
22, 2005 - Falcon - Submitted by Larry Bridgeman - Photo of 9.84
lb fish caught by Alex Gonzalez prefishing for Bass Champs
13, 2005 - Lake Fork - Submitted by Lake Fork Guide Trips - Photo
is of Rodney from Tyler, Tx with a big bass he caught with guide
Tom Redington
March 8, 2005 - Lake
Fork - Submitted
by Lake Fork Guide Trips - Photo is of Tom Redington with
a 9 pounder caught Friday, March 4.
21, 2005 - Falcon - Submitted by Larry Bridgeman - Photo is Jerry
Lewis 13.39 lb bass 2/19/05 on Bush Hog
21, 2005 - Falcon Lake, Texas - Submitted
by Larry Bridgeman - Photo is Steve Wright 11.90lbs 2-19-05
12-13, 2005 - Falcon Tournament Results
- Submitted
by Larry Bridgeman - Photo is of Josh Hiler, winner of big
bass for weekend of fifty fishermen and women 6.06 lbs.

February 8, 2005 - Falcon
- Submitted
by Larry Bridgeman - Photo is of P. Gomez with a 9lb, 15oz
- Rio below Falcon
30, 2005 - Falcon - Submitted by Larry Bridgeman - Photo is of
Gary Hengst and his 9.72 lb bass that won big bass in tournament
held at Falcon Lake.
21, 2005 - Falcon - Submitted by Larry Bridgeman - A local
fisherman, Bob Prichard caught a 10.14 lb bass and brought her
by Falcon Lake Tackle for a photo op. This fish came out of 4
1/2 ft of water.
21, 2004 - Lake Falcon
Texas - Submitted
by Larry Bridgeman - Just when you thought it was safe
to take your Brush Hogs back on the water, Charlie Ormand and
his Camo Brush Hogs were viciously attack by a 11lb 2 oz bass
today in the Marker 8 area of the lake on the U.S. side. It wasn't
pretty but when the fight was over, Charlie had the best of the
deal and, proving he was a great sportsman, released the fish
in the Veleno to fight another day. Barbara snapped this pictures
showing again the benefit of the great training I have provided.
4 & 5, 2004 - Falcon - Submitted by Larry Bridgeman - (Photo is
Jerry Ramos 14.28 lb bass 12/04/04 by Falcon Lake Tackle)
Saturday started just like most winter days in Zapata, but this
was not going to be remembered as a normal winter day. Not for
San Antonio's SWRI Bass Busters that had their 2004 7.74 lb club
record bass caught here week before last, or for Jerry Campos
who shattered that record with a 14.28 lb fish from Falcon. The
heavy stringer also claimed by Jerry was 29.02 lbs. Nineteen
fishermen and ladies weighed 15 limits including second and on
weights of 20.76 lbs, 19.76 lbs and 19.58 lbs.
26, 2004 - this is my son colton
he caught these babies in a private
pond near wichita
August 26, 2004
- 15", 3lb largemouth bass. Caught it on a spinnerbait
just a cople feet off of the bank. this thing struck
and put a pretty good fight
Click on photo for larger view.
6, 2004 - Wichita - Garry Neal
shows off some nice bass caught inside the city limits of Wichita.
Click on photo for larger view.
3, 2004 - Wichita - My name
is Josh Ogden from Andover Kansas and here is a nice 4 lb bass
caught in the mined land wildlife area last summer on a chart/white
bait. Click on photo for larger view
 December 30, 2003 - Wichita
- Garry Neal shows off some nice bass caught inside
the city limits of Wichita.
Click on photo for larger view.

September 28, 2002 - Stockton
- Seven year old Joe Balazs caught this nice one on
Stockton Lake Mo, on 09/22/02, great day!!! Click on photo for
larger view.
 April 8, 2002 - Truman
- Submitted by Sterett
Creek Marina - Doug Hooper with a 7 1/2 pound bass.
April 8, 2002 - Truman
- Submitted by Sterett
Creek Marina - Billy Poly with two three-pound bass caught
at Truman.
June 18, 2001 - Meade State
Fishing Lake - The wife and I fish Meade State Fishing
Lake on the weekend of June 16 and 17. Each day we caught about
40 large mouth bass, most of these were around 14 to 15 inchs.
Also caught channel cats on crank baits, they averaged around
4 to 5 pounds. We caught several bass that weighted over 4 pounds.
Enclosed is a photo of the wife and her biggest one. Happy Fishing
- Ron and Jeanie Phillips

Hi--We took this picture today of one of our friends
with a big mama--11+lb!--that he took from our "secret pond"!!
(Not really, ha ha, he's a distant relative on a mutual friend's
small lake in eastern Texas-- but what a fish!)
Thought you'd enjoy---cheryl & Larry

Mar. 23, 2001 hi jim--
Here are photos of our best from last season. Both were taken
from our favorite little lake. Larry's fish ate a jig and twintail
combo, while mine ate a small black/blue spinnerbait with a little
neon green piece of worm as a trailer. Larry's fish was a little
over 4 lbs and mine weighed in at a hair over 5 lbs.
want to do this again soon.
C. Riley & Larry Ranich
Jan. 7, 2001 I'm not sure how much
this one weighed, I'd guess around 5 pounds. I caught it in a
pond near my house north of Lawrence. It was loaded with many
fish this size, but this one was the only one I kept. Mike
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