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Fishing Photo Gallery
Send in your photographs to be included in The Kansas Angler
Photo Gallery. You may email them or
send hard copy to
The Kansas Angler / 328 Broadway / Cottonwood Falls, KS 66845
If you are in Wichita, you may drop them off at
Zeiner's Angler Supply at 737 S. Washington #6.
New photographs are added at the top.
Hints for taking better photos
of your catch
 April 8, 2011 - Mined Lane #30 - We caught two nice rainbow trout at the Mined Land #30 in SE Kansas on Saturday, April 2, 2011. We were drifting down the middle of the lake and used a black and white rooster tail. Here are the photos.
Jill and Richard Longstaff
4, 2006 - Segwick County Park -
Ross and Michael Lowry (son) show a couple trout.
Michael is holding the first fish he ever caught.
4, 2005 - Segwick County Park -
November 3 - Caught a nice stringer of rainbow trout,
some in Slough creek and more in Vic's Lake on spinners and salmon
eggs. We had to work for them, but eventually got our limit.
Also question to Jay where did you catch the wipers and largemouth.
See you on the water, tight lines
Jack Bob
13, 2005 - Oklahoma Brown Trout Record
Fish 17-pound, 4.64-ounce caught on Mountain Fork
River. Read
complete story.
19, 2004 - Caught it at Taneycomo by Cliff Miller. Click
on photo for larger view.

October 28, 2002 - Vic's Lake Wichita
- Another nice trout was taken on Sunday!
27, 2002 - Vic's Lake Wichita -Fished
Vic's Lake at the county park Saturday afternoon. We caught several
small Trout and one nice one! Chris
Click photo for larger view

Hi, I appreciate your informative web site, I have
only recently come
accross your site but I am looking forward to browsing through
it as
there are several intersting areas. I am enclosing a jpeg of
a friend
taken on a recent trip in hopes of it making it to photo area
of your
The photo is of Kevin LaForge of Frontenac, Ks.
The fish is a
Rainbow Trout approx. 1.5-2 lbs caught in a strip pit near Pittsburg
The Trout was taken on a live worm fished on the bottom in about
10 to
12' of water. Keep up the good work, I will forward any current
information I have regarding area fishing.
Yours in fishing,
Kip Chambers
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