Send in your photographs and success stories to be included
in The Kansas Angler Photo Gallery and the Bragging
Corner. You may email them or send
hard copy to
The Kansas Angler / 737 S. Washington #6 / Wichita, KS 67211
If you are in Wichita, you may drop them off at
Zeiner's Angler Supply at 737 S. Washington #6.
Newest photographs are added at the top.
Double click images for larger view | Hints
for taking better photos of your catch
July 17, 2013 - Wabunsee County Private Lake - Caught this potential record crappie at a private lake near Harveyville, Kansas on 7/17/2013.
Didn't weigh or measure, but by size of lure, estimate to be 15-17.5" depending on final measurement of the lure body length. Won't be verifiable as record crappie, but maybe???
Caught by Ryan Woodman of Topeka, Kansas.
  May 15, 2011 - Crappie Pictures -
  2011 kansas crappie pics. Strange year, seemed to be a few days early or a few days late but still caught a few good ones.
September 9, 2009 - Kansas Crappie - Here's a pic of some crappie I caught last April in Kansas. Had high expectations for the spawn but they were shot down due to the high water levels in late April thru June. Put out several brush
piles in the winter and didn't even get to fish them. Oh well they'll be bigger next year. Biggest crappie in the picture is 3lb 8 oz.Here's a pic of some crappie I caught last April in Kansas. Had high expectations for the spawn but they were shot down due to the high water levels in late April thru June. Put out several brush piles in the winter and didn't even get to fish them. Oh well they'll
be bigger next year. Biggest crappie in the picture is 3lb 8 oz.
27, 2009 - Kansas Crappie - I caught this monster crappie at Fall River thanks to a friend that we all know on here by the name of "Smiley". Unfortunately it's not as big as his crappie but by far the biggest for me. We had a crappie tournament between friends this past April and although I caught the big fish of the tournament my partner Earl and I took 2nd. First places stringer was loaded with fish almost as big as mine so we stood no chance but fun was had by all. Just wait until next year Smiley...1st place is ours!
23, 2009 - Lake Champlain - lake
champlain 8lb 31 in
   May 7, 2008
- Pictures of Crappie - Here's
some pics of some crappie I caught, the biggest one is 3lb 10oz,
a couple others are over 3lbs. I kept the small one (just under
a lb) for size comparison. I had one on the stringer that would
have pushed the state record, had and stringer being the keywords.
I learned the hard way about why we call em paper mouths and
why you should use a basket instead of a gill stringer. The image
of her slowly swimming off has replayed in my head over and over
again, and I'm sure it will for the rest of my life. Now it's
just another big one that got away story.
 November 5,
2007 - Pictures from Lake McConaughy
- Thought I'd send you a couple of our pictures to add to your
photo album. The white bass caught in August and the walleye
were caught in June.
Thank you,
19, 2006 - Eufaula - Submitted by Outdoor
Adventure Guide Service - Photo
- Angella McLaughlin of Oklahoma city landed a 72 pound spoonbill
Easter Sunday and is now Outdoor Adventures fishing person of
the week.
28, 2006 - SE Kansas pit - Caught
Jared Wigger
Chetopa, KS
August 31, 2005 - Lake Champlain - 8Lb
sheaphead caught at Lake Champlain
18, 2004 - Michigan - The picture of the catfish and
pike together were caught on July 25, 2003 at the Black River.
October 29, 2004 - Marion County Lake - caught
these 31 fish at marion co lake 28 big bluegill and 3 crappie
on 10-22 good eating caught on worms and may flies jer
September 16, 2004 - Farm Pond - This
is my Bait Crew , My Girls Lexie , Linzie and Lacie all Love
to help me catch Perch. They have become quite the Anglers, catching
Perch, Bullheads and an occasional Bass from our favorite bait
pond. Owe a lot to them for keeping the bait well full so I can
pursue Monster Catfish this summer.
Doug Huber, Concordia , KS
August 27, 2004 - Tuttle
Creek - I caught and relaeased this 75#paddlefish
August 21 at Rocky Ford fishing area below Tuttle Creek. Caught
with cutbait. James Blake
14, 2004 - Milford Certified Scales? -
Do you know the nearest certified scales to Milford
State park main entrance?
My wife caught an 8lb Smallmouth (we think) out of Milford, We
stopped at Jim's gas station where he weighted it and told us
he wasn't sure it was a Smallmouth. A week later we stopped by
again and he was sure, But we ate it. Here is a couple pictures.
It's a hard luck story we would not like to repeat.
12, 2004 - Miller's Ferry near Camden,
AL - My brother and I caught these fish 04/11/04while
fishing millers ferry near camden al. fishing was off for two
days caught only a few corps of engineers raised and lowered
lake when lake stabilized fished turned on caught some quality
fish using 1/16 oz slater jigs color didn't seem to make much
difference. I am learning computer will attempt to send pictures
if successful would appreciate a response.the big one got away
and is somewhere in the brother hooked one and got her
to the surface which he and I both agree was somewhere between
3.5 and 4 lb.didnt weigh these fish but A couple was in2lb. range.
mitch Click on photo for larger view.
May 12, 2002 - Clinton
- This is my wife Sue with a mess we caught at Clinton
Lake in Kansas.
Also a bunch of white bass we caught on another trip.

May 5, 2002 - this is a picture of my 29
inch 11 pound gator trout and 33 and 3 quarter inch 22 pound
snook i caught a few days ago .. i caught both of them on live
finger mullet , with 15 pound test and 30 pound leader the
indian river lagoon fort pierce fl .i'm not completely sure
but i;ve been told by quite a few people that even though the
record trout is 14 pounds over 8 pounds hasnt been caught
this year ..therefore i might have a new record with 11 pounds
...i guess i'll never know
thanks alot .
kelly seniuk
Grand Lake - April 13, 2002

Truman Lake - April 17, 2002

When not fishing for bass, Deb Zeiner enjoys baiting a hook
with a worm and watching a bobber. Here is her big fish of a
day filled with bluegill. The carp decided to move in for the
tasty worm before some bluegill could grab it.
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