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Fishing Photo Gallery
Send in your photographs and success stories
to be included in The Kansas Angler Photo Gallery and the Bragging Corner. You may email
them or send hard copy to
The Kansas Angler / PO Box 357 / Cottonwood Falls, KS 66845
If you are in Wichita, you may drop them off at Zeiner's
Angler Supply at 737 S. Washington #6.
If you are in Cottonwood Falls, you may drop them off at
Cottonwood Mercantile at 328 Broadway.
Newest photographs are added at the top.
Hints for taking better photos
of your catch
May 18, 2011 - Walnut River near Winfield - My son Caiden age 7 cought this striper on may 3rd in the walnut river in Winfield Ks. This was his first catch for 2011 and his biggest catch ever. He faught the fish for roughly 10+ minutes with a zebco combo using 10lb berkley trilene. So far he is ahead of me this year and says he plans on staying that way but needs a better rod and reel to do it with since he is so big now. I enjoy to see kids getting out and showing their pictures of there catches on kansasangler.com good to see our future is in good angler hands! Sincerely.
Wayne Wilson
December 30, 2006 - San
Franciso Area Video - If you
have a little time on your hands and you like striper fishing
(or any kind for that matter I guess), you might want to check
out a video that someone sent me from San Francisco and asked
me to post on Kansas Angler Online. I watched it to be sure it
wasn't really about something else. It's a little long with most
of it being from the time they lauched the boat until he hooked
the fish. It if your're interested, check it out.
7, 2006 - Cheney - Monday. Had
a excellent day. Started early in the morning and quit at 11:30am.
First spot we caught 2 Walleye in the 6 lb. range. Then we move
to another area and nothing. Was getting ready to move and finally
found a huge school of shad in 15' of water next to a hump. There
we caught 6 Stripers in the 10-12 lb. range. Then the shad moved
out and so did the Stripers. We left for a hour or so and came
back and so did the shad. There we caught 6 BIG WIPERS in the
8-10 lb. range. Then it got hot. Me and my daughter took a dip
to cool off and heading in to clean the Walleye. The Stripers/Wipers
we threw back. Mark.
July 16, 2006 - Beaver
- Went to Beaver Lake in N.W. Arkansas and it was
awesome. Wife caught the biggest 28 lb. Striper. We are mounting
that one. At one time we had (5) huge Stripers on at once. I'm
still shaking from that trip. Mark
11, 2005 - Cheney - July
11, 2005. Been on vacation for two weeks. Went to Beaver Lake
June 26 and limited out with biggest 24 lbs. (Stripers). Had
a blast. Mark.
March 3, 2005 - Wilson
Jack Hoskinson Madd Jack Striper Guide - Dave Ford and Jay
Rapp display stripers they caught on Wilson.

27, 2005 - Wilson - Jack Hoskinson Madd Jack Striper Guide - Anglers are Jay
Rapp and John Kelly, the fish are 6 to 8 lbs. caught at Lake
Wilson, Kansas
October 9, 2004 - Cheney - Here is
a picture I just got back, of the 25lb Striper I had mounted
this year caught at Cheney in July. It really is a beautiful
mount. We caught several close to this size in the 20+ range,
and (1) 28 lb fish, I wish I would have had done.
Mike E.
14, 2002 - Connecticut - I saw
your site ans wanted to share these pics of salt water striped
bass from CT. Click on photo for larger view.

August 20, 2002 - Cheney!
Click photo for larger view.
This is my good friend Scott with his first Kansas Striper. A
13 lb beauty! Mike E

August 20, 2002 - Cheney! This
is Terry. He doesn't fish much, but when he does, he always beats
me on the BIG FISH? Here he is with a 21 lb Striper, and a 17
lb Striper! Mike E

June 5, 2002 - Cheney!
This 20 lb Striper was caught June 5th, off M&M point, Trolling
using #9 Rapala Rist-0-rap, and 4" Sassy Shad. Caught a
10lb Striper as well as Many Many Wipers and 2 smaller Stripers.

August 28, 2001 - Truman
- Marc Weber with his 9 1/2 and 10 1/2 pound stripers
in a photograph submitted by Sterett Creek Marina

August 27, 2001 - Truman
- Jerry Coose shows of 7 1/2, 6 1/2, and 5 1/2 pound
stripers in a photograph submitted by Sterett Creek Marina

August 27, 2001 - Truman
- Eric Wilson shows of an 8 1/4 pound striper in a
photograph submitted by Sterett Creek Marina

August 25, 2001 - Truman
- Kyle shows off his 7 pound striper in a photograph
submitted by Sterett
Creek Marina

August 25, 2001 - Truman
- Mark Friend shows of 8 3/4, 7 1/2 and 7 pound stripers
in a photograph submitted by Sterett Creek Marina
Striper 2000 & Before
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