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Fishing Photo Gallery
Send in your photographs and success stories to be included
in The Kansas Angler Photo Gallery and the Bragging
Corner. You may email them.
New photographs are added at the top.
Hints for taking better photos
of your catch
January 26, 2014 - Iowa River November Walleye
 April 29, 2008
- Lake McConaughy - Thought
I'd send you a few Walleye that were caught recently at Lake
McConaughy. 4-08
5, 2007 - Pictures from Lake McConaughy
- Thought I'd send you a couple of our pictures to add to your
photo album. The walleye were caught in June.
Thank you,
Julie Baker
May 21, 2006 - Wilson
State Fishing Lake - My son, Brody, and I caught three
walleye and several bass on Sunday morning. The walleye
were 20, 19, and 18 inches. The biggest bass weighed about
3lbs. We caught everything on plastic worms.
Shawn Hurt
18, 2005 - Lake McConaughy - My
husband Thad Mellott, caught this walleye Oct. 18, 2005 at Lake
McConaughy, NE using a Mr. Twister. The fish weighed 13.1
pounds after spitting out a 8 inch shad in his livewell.
Not looking forward to the two hour drive to Lake McConaughy,
he woke up at four in the morning not wanting to go and at six
he decided to go. The two hour drive was well worth the
fish he caught. He was glad to see the water level was
up quite a bit compared to last year. P.S. he appreciates
the state of Nebraska for providing a great fishery.
My Husband, Tim
Jones, caught this 6 1/4 lb, 26 inch Walleye at Marion Reservoir
over the Memorial Day weekend. We were camped at Durham Cove
fishing along the shore south of there. We almost always catch
them on our trusty rattle traps. We were catching nothing but
drum and small white bass
until he caught this one. I followed it up the next day with
a 4 1/2 lb, 24 incher. Best of luck to all of you that enjoy
this wonderful sport as much
as we do! Thanks, Janet Jones Wichita, KS
 Submitted October 18, 2000 by Mike Cook - Four Lake Guides - Sam and
Nita Phillips of Winfield Kansas. We were targeting walleye on
this day late in May. The post spawn fish had been fickle the
past couple of weeks after an off and on spawn. I suggested we
try channel cat as the recent rains had them active and it would
be more action. "No, we just want to enjoy the day and maybe
catch our first walleye," Sammy said. My kinda folks. So
with 10 foot fly rods and lite spinning reels
with 6 pound mono, we drifted swimming jigs tipped with crawlers
across a
major point at Marion Reservoir.
July 18, 2000 by Jack Hoskinson Madd Jack Striper Guide -
Hi Jim, Here's a photo of a pretty nice Wilson walleye almost
5 lbs. Caught nite fishing July 15. Thought it might look good
in your walleye gallery. Thanks Jack

Submitted April 22, 2000 by Mike Franano - Walleye
caught at Wolf Creek on a Foxee Jig and nightcrawler.
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