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Fishing Photo Gallery
Send in your photographs and success stories to be included
in The Kansas Angler Photo Gallery and the Bragging
Corner. You may email them or send
hard copy to
The Kansas Angler / PO Box 357 / Cottonwood Falls, KS 66845
You may drop them off at
Zeiner's Angler Supply at 737 S. Washington #6 / Wichita, KS 67211
Cottonwood Mercantile at 328 Broadway / Cottonwood Falls, KS
New photographs are added at the top.
Hints for taking better photos
of your catch
29, 2009 - Kanopolis
Hey Angler,
The saugeye was caught at Kanopolis Lake on 3/13/09. Calvin Gustus
of Geneseo
holds this 8.9lb, 27.75"+ beauty, it was one of 14 that
Jeff Ensz, Tim Banniger and Calvin kept this night with the smallest
being just over 5lbs. Nice average!!!
9, 2006 - Cheney - June 09,2006,
Friday. Did some P.M. fishing. At first it was slow had to move
around. Kept on the Westside do to the wind was high. Found them
North a ways from Sailboat Cove and kept at it. Caught around
12 Wipers. Boys had fun. One other boat out with us just catching
them left and right. Mark
 May 22, 2006 - Cheney
- Submitted by Watkins
Guide Service - Drove up from Oklahoma to meet my Dad(Chris
Nichols) on Cheney. He has been catching lots of good fish
at Cheney thru the years. We caught around 25 wipers only
4 where less than 7 lbs, the rest of them where 8-10.5 lbs.
Here are a few pics of these great fish. If you want to
book a trophy Hybrid trip contact me at 918-693-9015 or visit
my web site!!
Shawn Watkins
Watkins Guide Service
 October 26, 2005 - Sedgwick County Park - Oct 26, 2005
Caught very nice Wipers 7 to 8 pounds at Sedgewick County Park
and approximately 50 largemouth bass. Very good fishing day
Jay Southern

May 23, 2005 - Marion
County Lake - caught saugeye at marion co. lake smallest
is 18in. big one 22in. only had 2hrs of fishin, they were caught
on worms...... good eatin
29, 2002 - Pamona - I fished
Pamona , Reservoir Thursday 9\26\02. I tossed chrome colored
Rattle Trap's into the rocky shore line. The wind was blowing
into the shore. I fished main lake points. I caught a dozen Wiper.
The smallest was about 14 inches long. Most of the wiper were
about 16 to 17 inches.
It's a lot of fun to have a Wiper try to jerk the pole out of
your hand!..........Lew Click on photo for larger view.
22, 2002 - Cheney - My niece
Megan could hardly hold up her little Wiper. Click on photograph
for larger view. MIKE E.

Submitted April 22, 2000 by Mike Franano - Wipers
caught at LaCygne on jerkbaits.
April 10, 2000 - Submitted by Monte - Fished
Lake Fairfield on Monday.
Caught Hybrid Stripers up to 5 pounds. The wind was gail force
but we faught it from sunup till 1PM. Bass bite was off for us
and we couldn't find the redfish either.
On the stranger side of things, look at the picture
of the 5 pound fish
Monte is holding. That's not a flaw in the picture. It's monofiliment
line being passed through the fish. Monte gently tugged on it
and it didnt budge. Rather than injure the fish we simply cut
line and threw him back. In fact we threw all of them back. They
there for someone else to catch now.
Below is Roy (Rock) Hudman with a catch from the
same day as the fish to the right.
Monte is pictured with another to the right of

Submitted April 8, 2000 by Mike Franano - Wiper
caught on spinner at Wolf Creek April 6, 2000.
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